AppleTV not yet an iFlop



  • Reply 41 of 49
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    I would love to see that, but I have the feeling Apple is offering that trough Elgato. I not sure if Apple will eventually add the DVR option due that fact the TV networks might not like it because the reasons posted by MacJello.

    I'm not saying what they will or wont do. I'm saying they could have opened Pandora's box to self destruction. Competitors can capitalize on this not only by offering what they don't, but it could seriously effect the future of the business of their most infamous cash cow.
  • Reply 42 of 49
    ranumranum Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by MacJello View Post

    As for a DVD player, I cannot see Apple adding this capability. As hard drives grow and broadband speeds increase there will be less and less need for physical media. For better and worse, Apple sees this future. They get a step ahead of many of us now and then, but the AppleTV is a forward-looking device.

    Mac OS Rumors is reporting that the AppleTV will be upgraded to 2.0 status, including the option to buy a model with an optical drive built in.

    If the rumor pans out, I will be one very happy AppleTV owner, along with many other people.

    Maybe physical media isn't quite dead yet.
  • Reply 43 of 49
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by ranum View Post

    Mac OS Rumors is reporting that the AppleTV will be upgraded to 2.0 status, including the option to buy a model with an optical drive built in.

    If the rumor pans out, I will be one very happy AppleTV owner, along with many other people.

    Maybe physical media isn't quite dead yet.

    macosrumors is one of the worst rumors sites out there. They are a joke. Don't waste time reading that junk.
  • Reply 44 of 49
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    I'd gladly pay $399 for a 160GB Apple TV with a Blu-ray drive.
  • Reply 45 of 49
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    macosrumors is one of the worst rumors sites out there. They are a joke. Don't waste time reading that junk.

    Yes, unfortunately.
  • Reply 46 of 49
    Please see post 153 & 154...

    Especially if you work for Apple and have interest in advancing AppleTV

    Lobby for 3-service bargain packages with the same providers who have a stake in iPhone.

    Basic shorthand:

    Merge the TV remote, Mouse and laser pointer.

    Moving the red-dot to the bottom corner raises the bottom PIP bar.

    User may then select from multiple visual PIP-style live feeds in a strip at the bottom of the television...

    "New-PIP" between channels, multiple webpages, video games, etc. Simeltaneously.

  • Reply 47 of 49
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    DVR is Free

    Incorrect. Unless you are referring solely to OTA local channels you are paying for any other TV content (Cable or satellite plan). In some cases these plans cost up to 90-100$ per month. This is not free!!! AppleTV has the potential (note I am using potential as it is not there at this point) to replace the need for most of this paid content.

    Rather than a DVD I see the main deficiency of AppleTV in the quantity and quality of the video content that is available for it in iTNS. The product itself is more than capable of handling good quality video that would satisfy most potential customers for this product (other than those who only seek 1080P or HD-DVD/BlueRay quality video). iTNS video content (TV and movies) is key as well as a rent option for video.

    I think, though, that Apple is now in a battle with the studios over leverage with respect to the iTNS. This is seen from the recent failed negotiations with NBC. The studios are fearful that with iTNS Apple is gaining an unfair control over their content. They are trying to fight back espcially on the video front where the terms are not yet defined (they would loose revenue by backing out of their music deals in iTNS). Unfortunately this results in a rather slow progress of the AppleTV as it is mainly geared for video content.
  • Reply 48 of 49
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Apple's lack of rental and DVR capacities are really hurting the AppleTV. As much potential as it has, it's not going to take off while it is effectively limited to having to buy from Apple's video selections.
  • Reply 49 of 49
    gzzygzzy Posts: 5member
    The movie and television industries will never let Apple control them like the music industry did. Basically, it boils down to the fact that the music industry is filled with a bunch of idiots. The vast majority of their products (artists) lose a ton of money and are subsidized by the really big acts. They went digital and decided it was a great idea to not protect their content in any way. They completely failed at creating an online distribution method and now Apple controls it almost completely. They sue old grannies and teenagers for millions. They've virtually destroyed every genre of music they've pushed into the mainstream and on and on...

    The movie and tv industries have made some mistakes but nothing to the level of consistiency shown by the music industry. When it looked like Apple was going to take over their online distribution channel they went and created their own. ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox all distribute shows on their own website. They get billions of show downloads via On Demand downloads to cable boxes. They still get people to pay tons of money to see movies in the theaters and then go buy the DVD's for home. They figured out how to get people to love renting their content and paying extra for subscriptions. They even sell you the DVR to copy their content!!! No one controls them and they don't sue 12 year olds and their 80-year old grannies...

    But as far as the "new" AppleTV capabilites it probably isn't going to happen. Microsoft has already beat them to it.

    They already have the High-Def content flowing through their Xbox 360 and IPTV systems. The catalog is absolutely massive and cheap too.

    They have the subscription thing down pat.

    Their Media Center software is on close to 100 million PC's.

    They have the DVR and content distributors working on the same box (if you have MCE just take a look at all the content on there it's amazing).

    They already offer the internet and tv integration with MCE and IPTV. Links to new and interesting information can be shown while you watch TV. You can pick and choose your news via certian services in MCE.

    They have almost 8 million Xbox 360's in homes compared to a couple hundred thousand AppleTV's.

    You can order and download high-def movies and shows right from your TV with the 360. You can even preview video clips, browse the program guide, schedule recordings and more right from your remote/PDA/Laptop:

    Even 4 years ago they were making Compaq/HP iPaq PDA's that could control TV's OOB. They just added the ability for me to schedule TV recordings from the web and do so with Cablecard integration. AT&T uses their software for their cableboxes. T

    hey had media center extenders out years before AppleTV same goes for movie downloads.


    If Apple could have done all this stuff with the movie, tv, and video industries then they probably would have by now. I think the blacklash of the music industry complaining about Apple abusing them (which is complete b.s. BTW) has prevented them from doing any of the stuff above. Not to mention Microsoft has simply beaten them to the punch by years.
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