Up next for Apple: the return of the Newton



  • Reply 141 of 313
    Originally Posted by GregoriusM View Post

    Don't think Personal Digital Assistant, think Personal Digital Life Manager

    Yay, I always wanted a PDLM.
  • Reply 142 of 313
    Originally Posted by Dazabrit View Post

    Leopard is slapping us round the face with the clues!!!

    Why does the 3D Dock exist? (Because it wants to be touched?)

    Coverflow in Finder

    Core Animation

    Quicklook Documents with a Single Touch

    While I'm not convinced this proves a new PDA, I do believe Apple is ready to reveal Apple laptops and iMacs with touch screens.

    edit: Not to be marketed as a revolution or anything... just that when you want to touch your photos etc, you can....

    Apple can then change, adapt, improve as they see what we do...
  • Reply 143 of 313
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    (That's what people started posting at me in my 200th Newton/Tablet thread; just trying to keep AI consistent).

    Well, I had given up hope, to be honest! I will also believe it when I see it. If it does show up...

    ITunes will conquer the printing industry as well. Newspapers, magazines, user's manuals, books (both audio and print!), text books, comic books....

    The iPhone bluetooth ear dingus will work with this as well.

    There is an Apple patent floating around that describes making a video screen that is also "simultaneously" a camera, so a true video iphone could be in the offing.

    The battery will be bigger than the iPhone's battery, so 3G downloads should be doable.

    GPS, of course.

    It must have a stylus.

    I will finally change my signature.


    Aries 1B
  • Reply 144 of 313
    Originally Posted by Wonderkid View Post

    No company (not even Sony) has yet produced a useable 'eBook' that matches the form factor and intuitive convenience of a typical paperback.

    Actually, Sony released their Portable Reader called "The Reader" (lame name), which allows you to carry your e-books on the go. Personally, I think it sucks ...but it does exist.
  • Reply 145 of 313
    is it possible to port openeinstein


    to the ipod touch or iphone? (or is it in the works already?)

    that might rock and solve my cold feet with the ipod touch

    1st post, but not trolling
  • Reply 146 of 313
    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    Using Softbank you can get the White Plan for about 8 bucks a month, plus 4 bucks for the Super Useful Pack, 8 bucks to 40 bucks for 'unlimited' data (once you hit 40 bucks that's all you have to pay). For another 4 bucks you can get the Double White Plan & 50% off voice calls to non-Softbank carriers. Pretty decent, really.

    [I]Note, however, that he said nothing about easy-to-use.........

    Thanks. But, with all due respect, I asked this question of haakondahl.
  • Reply 147 of 313
    I doubt that they'd use the name Newton again. It would just be confusing.

    iGalileo anyone?

  • Reply 148 of 313
    Originally Posted by haakondahl View Post

    I scoffed at those who paid $600 for a phone. I didn't care when it came down to the low, low price of $400. I have a phone, which surfs the web, e-mails, c-mail, plays games, handles appointments, and even has some GPS wizardry to navigate me through Tokyo and the environs. No kidding, I walk, and it shows me moving on the map. It even knows which direction it is pointing--the map rotates as I do.

    It cost me $100 in Japan.

    But a new Newton? My stack of MP120s, an original 100, and my beloved 24-hr battery-life eMate 300 all tell me to run out and buy this thing.

    I scoffed at those who paid $600 for a phone. But for ten years, you couldn't get a new Newton at any price--now, any price is what I will pay.

    Hope this pans out.

    I have to see a picture of this... or post a video on YouTube.
  • Reply 149 of 313
  • Reply 150 of 313
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    A.I. has it all wrong, this is going to be Apple's ultra-portable. Newton 2.0 is the iPhone as is. Who gives a crap about hand recognition, the stylus is old news anyway. I suspect this will have 9" or 10" screen, come in one screen size (could even be 8", but not any smaller), and will run either Leopard, or something very close to it.

    Screen resolution tips aside, the screen res. could end up being 1280 x 800, or even higher. This is going to be a Mac people, not a P.D.A.

    You seem very confident in your opinion Ireland? Yes I do. The iPhone is as-P.D.A. as Apple is going to get, possibly ever. I repeat, this will be Apple's ultra-portable.

    This is my point. It's NOT going to be a Newton revisited.

    I don't agree though that it will be a Mac either. I don't believe it will run the entire Mac OS as a UMPC would.

    I do agree that it will be ultra-portable, but the interface will be much less Mac OS-like than what a typical UMPC would be, as has been shown by the Windows-based UMPC's that have come up so far.

    Think of a UMPC with a different way of interracting with it......... multi-touch...... It just won't work like a Finder, Windows, Folders based device would.

    That's my prediction.
  • Reply 151 of 313
    1) serious voice reco + TTS (leopard is an improvement but still not good enough)

    ... the killer app will be cbt/courseware - especially language-learning!

    2) the stylus needs to be true 'digital ink' -- which means being able to capture writing on regular paper from an ink-based pen (just like the the BT based systems from annato - which apple should just buy outright!).

    3) however, based on apple's abysmal track record in almost every area of technology since steve jobs returned (he cut r&D in half), i have been saying for along while that we we wont see any really innovative solutions (like *useful* tablets, as exampled above) ....

    however, give the advantages for product extension that a unified architecture affords, i am now begining to think that maybe apple will actually return to the good old days where they actually created new paradigms rather than just perfected existing ones!

    4) the sign would be a joint bid with google for legacy (700mhz) spectrum (but the tv band is being vacated avail in amareica?):

    at first the only use i could imagine was a voip by-pass for the iphone (using a mesh wifi system) - but i doubted this approach because it would piss off its telecoms partner (att);

    however, if apple had OTHER products that could benefit from an owned & operated wifi mesh network, then the joint bid with google would make sense - to wit: besides side-loading music onto the 6G ipod and the iphone, it is the PDA and even the maligned AppleTV that could "just change everything" if they had some serious bandwidth.

    HD downloads (10M-20bps) are problematic at best for DSL and microsoft's flaky iptv/cable (even with h264) ... certainly DSL doesnt have the range at almost any bitrate.

    HD is feasible basically only on fibre (which is the smart bet -- but then how many telco's are smart?!) ....

    and they are also feasible on a wifi or wimax mesh.

    if itunes could suddenly deliver an almost an order of magnitude better performance over what it does today by using a private wireless mesh, then apple's new mobiles and access products would have serious, structural competitive advantage ---

    instead of living from one fleeting, incremental, advantage to the next as is currently the case.

    so maybe there is actually some coherence in Jobs master plan after all ....

    but i am not going to hold my breath.
  • Reply 152 of 313
    Originally Posted by Hobbes View Post

    Well, admittedly, it's not that big - according to the mock-up it's around the size of a small paperback book (and much much thinner).

    It's just not comfortably pocket-size.

    And the biggest folly of the Foleo is that it required a Treo to use, which just made no sense. I assume this product, if it ever actually appears, will nicely sync up with your computer but operate as a standalone device. (Although do you have to hunt around for Wi-Fi hot spots to be able to go online, like the touch...?)

    But it still seems to get real fuzzy when you think about what purpose it would serve. It's too big to be used as a music player or phone (though it'd be an fantastic video player or e-reader), and too limited to be used wholly as a laptop replacement. Unless Apple is counting on a large group of people who just want to watch videos and check e-mail on trips but (a) don't want to bring laptops (b) for some reason don't want an iPhone which does almost exactly what this device does plus is a phone, and (c) and are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for yet another device, I don't quite get it.

    Interesting comment. I was thinking the iTouch was the perfect size, if it had iCal and Mail. I am unsure how I would carry something the size of a paperback book, without having a ManPurse. As it was, the iTouch was *almost* too big, but probably just right for everyday use.

    As for the previous comment about everybody using smart phones by now, I disagree. For me, my little tiny antenna-less LG phone is my phone, and I'd prefer not have anything bigger strapped to me. If I had a PDA that was about the size of my wallet (but thin like the iTouch) I could feasibly carry it all day long.
  • Reply 153 of 313
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    There's already an online program that does this. I saw the demo several weeks ago, but I didn't bookmark it. You can enter natural language which is interpreted into calendar instructions for meetings, appointments, etc. The demo is cool, but frankly it saves only seconds.

    Was it stikkit.com ?

    That has some very cool features like that. If only Apple's stickies widget/program worked like that it might be actually useful.

    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    Basically: Why should I carry Newton II (+iPhone, even) when I could carry a MacBook and an iPhone?

    I'll take that one step further for you. Why should I carry a Newton II or a MacBook AT ALL when an iPhone should do all that matters for a mobile computer? That was exactly what people were asking about the Foleo (and the LifeDrive for that matter or whatever Palm called it) and exactly what they'll be asking about a Newton II.

    If Apple does a Newton II then I and many others will be asking why we can't have the exact same apps running on the iPhone or iPod Touch? Same OS, same interface.

    I still think this is going nowhere just as the original Newton project was for a bigger tablet before being reduced to a more manageable size. Apple this time however just released the iPhone without all the apps needed for a full, useful PDA.

    I used to want an OQO with OSX on it. Since the iPhone, I've wanted an iPhone with more applications on it.
  • Reply 154 of 313
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    EXCEPT SPEECH RECOGNITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will SOMEone work on that, please? It's hindering our technological advancement.


    Speaking of you and the rest of your cyborg family?
  • Reply 155 of 313
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    This has to be a apple version of a UMPC, a pda doesn't seem to make sense. If it is more of a umpc that's awesome and I'd probably never really have use for a laptop again, imac or mac pro at home, this when mobile. Perfect.
  • Reply 156 of 313
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    This has to be a apple version of a UMPC, a pda doesn't seem to make sense. If it is more of a umpc that's awesome and I'd probably never really have use for a laptop again, imac or mac pro at home, this when mobile. Perfect.

    Do UMPCs make more sense than PDAs ?

    I've always though of UMPCs as just solving the problem of crap software and low res screens on PDAs - the iPhone solves the screen res problem and hopefully they're working on the software.
  • Reply 157 of 313
    What I would ideally like to see (aka, probably not even close to what we will see)

    6" Tablet (Size of a Book)

    1.5 Ghz to 2Ghz Silverthorne

    32Gb Flash



    Cintiq Murdering Graphics Tablet Functionality

    8Gb or 16Gb Storage would probably work if they were to create a great (easy and Intuitive) way of Remotely Interacting with your 'Main' computer. You could use the MacPad to wake the iMac in your home, then transfer content between the two machines. When finished the MacPad has its new content and the iMac goes back to Sleep.

    With all of the technologies in Leopard such as Spotlight it would be easy enough for your grandparents to use. You would simply search/browse the content as if it's on the MacPad. They wouldn't really need to know that the device is accessing the home computer etc...

    Here is the Mockup from Jesus on Gizmodo (If you haven't seen it)

  • Reply 158 of 313
    I always liked the Newton, and this may be the time to bring it back. However, this is what I remember about the Newton.

    Taking notes: Sucked

    Getting on the web: Sucked

    As a GPS: Sucked

    As a PDA: Good

    Printing: Sucked

    Data transfer: Sucked

    Memory: Sucked

    Games: Sucked

    OCR: Good

    Size: Sucked

    They have a lot to overcome. But much of that was because the technology was not ready.

    Now they could have easy internet...WiFi, cellular and quickconnect.

    They can have easy data transfer and syncing...blue tooth and WiFi.

    They can make it small.

    They can include GPS and cellular communication, wouldn't that be cool? You could actually do what they show the iPhone doing in the commercials...WITH DIRECTIONS.

    Memory is much smaller and faster now, there is no need for a spinning hard drive!

    This could be a really nice PDA if they choose to do it right.

    BTW, I think they got it 75% right with the iPhone. It is cool, but I still won't buy one until they make it better.

    Oh yeah, the original Newton...Price: SUCKED!
  • Reply 159 of 313
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Newton 2.0= Knowledge Navigator

  • Reply 160 of 313
    Originally Posted by MacinHub View Post

    How about they just add a working calendar and email program to the touch.

    I would buy that today if it were available, and a lot of others would too.

    There are a lot of people who want to have email and a calendar in their pocket who aren't going to buy an iPhone because of service issues or contracts.

    There is no technical reason not to do this, apple is leaving $ on the table.

    Quite agree. To Dos, Notes, Calendar entry, PDF viewer and Office file editing, would have meant that people who can't justify £270 on a media device could have sold it to themselves on the productivity side. I, and I suspect most, have access to my POP email account through my ISP's web-mail anyhow so email isn't a massive omission.

    The real kick in the teeth is that for about a week after announcement Apple's web site clearly stated that you could enter calendar events. That statement was removed about the time they started shipping.

    Originally Posted by eckofish View Post

    Great, not sure about the Camera, too many business/organisations forbid.

    Reckon they can squeeze a MiniDVI port on there for Keynote? or can a 30pin-dock connector be adapted to output VGA/DVI whilst still taking a power input?
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