Good experiences with Aluminum iMacs?



  • Reply 21 of 23
    Originally Posted by rickj View Post

    Good luck...My 24" Alum Imac was finally declared doa by support after 3 full days of reloading install disks, etc. I am frustrated with Apple support. I'm trying to be objective and not vent, but that is hard to do after $2500 and no satisfaction.

    So sorry to hear that - I'm happy to say mine has been working flawlessly so far, but that doesn't ease your pain I'm sure. Do you have an Apple store nearby? Maybe demonstrating the problem in person might expedite their replacing your unit (since it is clearly not a universal problem). That approach would be impossible for me, seeing as I live in Jamaica where we have no Apple stores!

    Best of luck
  • Reply 22 of 23
    So far so good. Have been using the 24" 2.8 ghz machine (4 gig of RAM) to create little trailers in After Effects CS3. Good speed. No hangs. Runs well with Photoshop CS3 open, Keynote, Pages. Beautiful engineering ? lovely screen, great screenspace. The 2.8 CPU runs hot but the whole unit is ultra-quiet. The keyboard grows on the user to the point of genuine preference. I also love the HD without-a-hiccup playback. Essential.

    Would that all computers were this beautiful. It's a candy machine.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    Originally Posted by Sybaritic View Post

    So far so good. Have been using the 24" 2.8 ghz machine (4 gig of RAM) to create little trailers in After Effects CS3. Good speed. No hangs. Runs well with Photoshop CS3 open, Keynote, Pages. Beautiful engineering ? lovely screen, great screenspace. The 2.8 CPU runs hot but the whole unit is ultra-quiet. The keyboard grows on the user to the point of genuine preference. I also love the HD without-a-hiccup playback. Essential.

    Would that all computers were this beautiful. It's a candy machine.

    That is exactly how I feel about mine now - been working on a 10-minute Final Cut Pro montage (lots of multitrack graphics) and a piece if the sequence that took 5 minutes to render on my previous iMac (G5, 1.8GHz, 2GB RAM) now takes under a minute - with Photoshop CS3, Safari, Mail, Illustrator CS3 running! I, like you, am very pleased with the screen and the quiet. It really is everything I need in a workstation. Haven't been this satisfied with a production machine since my first B/W G3 (which incidentally I am now typing this on!)

    Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences (everyone)
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