What fixes/additions would you most like to see in OS 10.2?



  • Reply 41 of 110
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    Did someone mention labels yet?

    How about fixing all the GUI bugs. That would make me happy.
  • Reply 42 of 110
    Some may say this isn't very "Mac-like" but I'd like to see a way to make windows zoom to full screen. Perhaps an Alt-click of the zoom button. It would replace the menu bar with the title bar of the zoomed window (conveniently the same shape) and it would auto-hide the dock. Clicking the zoom button again would return the window to it's previous state. I'd like to see a web browser do this.

    [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Bothan ]</p>
  • Reply 43 of 110
    Â?Â*Give the user the OPTION of having a classic-style Apple menu.

    Â?Â*Give the user the OPTION to turn the dock off.

    Â? Give the user the OPTION of putting the trash on the desktop.

    Â? Speed up the Finder even more, make it more responsive, and have it refresh contents quicker.

    Â? Bring back encryption

    Â? Speed up classic startup

    Â? Allow the user to change system font sizes/font.
  • Reply 44 of 110
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    I doubt there will be a way to turn the dock off, And the Classic menu will probably be up to 3rd part developers.
  • Reply 45 of 110
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    Multiple Desktops!!! With a Dock per desktop implementation.

    Tear-Off menus would be good. This was a great feature of NEXTSTEP.

    Spring-loaded folders

    Bring soft-updates to HFS+, and take advantage of its extensible attributes as well as its database like structure. Labels were one implementation, bring them back, but much more powerful than ever before.

    Major overhaul to Sherlock. File searches should be instant, as in BeOS. Indexing on the fly. Sherlock in OSX is IMHO an insult to the idea behind it in Copland

    Make the Finder more responsive. Thread it more, whatever, but fix the spinning cursor.

    Allow log outs that don't quit your apps, ala WinXP

    Allow seperate restarts of system components, such as networking, Quartz etc.
  • Reply 46 of 110
    [quote]Originally posted by Bothan:

    <strong>Some may say this isn't very "Mac-like" but I'd like to see a way to make windows zoom to full screen.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually, that's been available in Mac OS 8.x-9.x, maybe even earlier than that. If an app was written correctly, option-clicking the maximize button filled the screen. It even worked in the old Finder. Sadly, a lot of OS X apps no longer have this behavior. In OmniWeb, you can shift-click the max button to fill the screen.
  • Reply 47 of 110
    enderender Posts: 353member
    I would like to see something (Apple or 3rd Party) that allows a user to duplicate the dock and put another copy somewhere else. Most of you are thinking "WTF?", but it would be incredibly useful for those of us with 2 or more large monitors.

    I keep my dock on the right side of my right monitor, and it's a long way to go from the left monitor (where my web browser and FTP stuff resides) to the dock. I would like another dock on the left side of my left monitor that mirrored the other.

    Maybe I'm way out there, but it seems useful.

  • Reply 48 of 110
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    Faster overall (10.1 is great but we all know it can be faster)

    Faster and Smarter finder

    When toolbar icons, other than Home, are pressed only show that folder in column view.

    When you press the clock icon (if you use that) have the clock.app appear in place of the menu.
  • Reply 49 of 110
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    I would like

    OPTION to turn off Transparency

    OTTION to turn off Shadows

    OPTION to turn off the dock, which invokes windowshade.

    OPTION to have a hotkey to kill/show dock and dock the dock into the right hand of the menubar

    OPTION to add Applications to the Applemenu

    OPTION to Have an updated Classic theme

    OPTION to have trash on the desktop

    Spring loaded folder, tabbed windows, etc.

    Basically give me OS9 in the Unix framework.
  • Reply 50 of 110
    4fx4fx Posts: 258member
    Believe it or not, but the find within a find is the most compelling feature of XP for me. They should definately impliment this is Sherlock.

    Also, as far as loging into different users

    - Users should be able to have EVERYTHING different, this includes icon sizes, and ALL preferences including application prefs, XP does this X should too!!!

    - XPs ablitity to login to multiple users at the same time is actually a useful feature, Apple should follow suit

    - Faster login to account

    Dont know if this got fixed in 10.1, but Sherlock and System Prefs should quit when their windows are closed. Sherlock did in 9 but not it X.(I wrote Apple about this)

    And of course faster is always nicer
  • Reply 51 of 110
    rraburrabu Posts: 264member
    - The multi-user log in that were previously mentionned (ala XP)

    - Ability to log out saving the state. Next time you log in (even after a shutdown) all apps would be back to how they were.

    - Windowshade when double-clicking is sooo needed.

    - Commanb-tab should not cycle in order from left to right in the dock!!! It really should go from topmost to bottom-most window (after all, they are all stacked so the OS does know the order they are in for drawing). I'm thinking something like liteswitch for classic MacOS but at the window level rather than simply the "application level". (Of course, this could be set via a preference...)

    - Window views, screen-resolution, sound, icon-positions, etc. should all be stored per-user.

    - Defaults for non-admin users needs tweaking. Such things as software update for example, should be set to never update by default. Annoying for other users to have to dismiss software update telling them there is new software (since they don't have the admin password anyway to install it). Also annoying to have to go set this each time you set up an account on the machine.

    - The "dock appears on more than one side" idea is a great one. Expecially for multiple monitors.

    - Windows should be draggable from any side.

    - More than one resize box. I actually like how I can resize a window from any edge in Windows.
  • Reply 52 of 110
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    Rage Pro support


    Ability to put Trash on the desktop

    Spring loaded folders

    Adding the "cut" ability to that of being able to "copy" files via keyboard commands in the finder

    Adjustable icon sizes in the finder toolbar

    Cursor change on window edges that allows you to resize a window from any edge (a la Windows)

    No more dumb Application menus (I doubt this would happen, but I just don't like them).

    More games (dinky stuff, like Solitaire, maybe Pac Man or something--Apple's got connections, they could license something fun. and when are Carbon versions of Nanosaur and that bug game coming? those were kinda cool!)
  • Reply 53 of 110
    1- Put an option in the System Preferences to give the user more configurations options. New options would be like my #2, 3 and 4. This would be a great feature to get Linux users coming on Macintosh and allow advanced user not to get stuck on restrictions.

    2- There should be an option in the Login screen to restart on os 9 WITHOUT having to log on a user. A admin name and password would need to be entered.

    3- Have the possibility of having 2 rows of file browsing on the same windows on the Finder's browser when in Columns mode. This would make file copying, moving or drag'n'drop (ie with Stuffit expander) much easyer.

    4- To be able of using Root commands when logged with a admin account while providing the super-user's password like in command line using the command "su". This would allow System Administrators to do stuff like deleting file with wrong Privileges set by mistake.

    5- Give the option to logged user of locking their station (like in WinBlows NT) even if their screen saver is set not to ask a password. Would be great for educational and comercial market. It can find it's usefulness for personnal use too.

    6- Be able to log as root easyer (I never found how to)
  • Reply 54 of 110
    [quote]Originally posted by MacWorld:

    <strong>6- Be able to log as root easyer (I never found how to)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Now that must be the dumbest request I've seen. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> There is no reason you need to run as root!!! Apple has good reason for having root disabled by default. If you always have root privs, the added security of OSX is worthless.

    Here is how you enable root. It's really very simple:

    1. open NetInfo Manager.

    2. go to menu Domian-&gt;Security-&gt;Authenticate...

    3. go to menu Domain-&gt;Security-&gt;Enable Root User


    [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
  • Reply 55 of 110
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    MacWorld: What is the point of #3? Why do you want multiple windows, in one window? Why can't you just open another window, it would be almost exactly the same besides it being in a different window, and being less confusing.

    starfleetX: I've found a few reasons for logging in as root. For example, my mom uses another one of the Macs in the house, and I added a separate user on the machine for myself, so there are two users--her and I, both admins. Once I logged in as myself and moved a file in the root directory of the startup volume (/), and then logged out, and even though she is an admin and it was a pretty much public space which the file was moved into, she couldn't move it. I was too lazy to guess at the password, and I didn't want to tell her anyway, so I told her to log out, and log in as root with her same password (I had enabled root log in via NetInfo Manager long before), and then delete it, which she did. Strange situation, but it was helpful. This seems to be the case, even if you're an admin, that you can't mess with any other users' home directory, even if they are deleted, you have to log in as root, via actually logging in, or su root, to do so.
  • Reply 56 of 110
    Agreed on the softupdates, but is it possible to do in HFS+? At the very least, OS X's implementation of UFS needs softupdates and partitioning that doesn't require wiping the whole bloody drive.

    Hmm....the Finder needs to have its preview function in a drawer, available to every view. Column view would be much more usable if one didn't have to click on a file, wait for it to slide to the left, and the double click on the file to open it.

    Apple needs to give Thursby two middle fingers and implement SMB share browsing in the bloody Finder.

    Ditching pax for dpkg, APT, and apt-get would be nice. Imagine, package management that won't blow up your computer.

    Encryption features in Mail and in iTools.

    Beef Carbon. None of the major players, including Apple themselves, are going to port their apps to Cocoa anytime soon, so give Carbon access to Services. Then Services might actually be a worthwhile feature.

    A new theme called Obsidian. Ditch the candy and the stripes and gimmie sexy glossy hard bloody black.

    Fix the damnable dial-up bug of doom.

    Give Preview some basic image editing features, such as cropping, text entry, optimization, and so on.

    Sloppy focus, for god's sake.
  • Reply 57 of 110
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    support for:
    • -Arabic



    and other languages... both as default fonts as well as OS.

    Hopefully for 10.2 or next retail release
  • Reply 58 of 110
    1. Spring loaded folders

    2. Popup windows

    3. Command-N should create a new folder, option-command-N can create a new finder window.

    4. USB printer sharing - quickly.

    5. Scheduled wakeup and sleep as in OS 9 or better.

    6. Option to require password after waking from sleep

    7. Column view should behave like Action Files in OS 9.

    8. New Dock option - Dock slides down vertically from top right side of screen, names are attached to all icons.

    9. Add ability to read VCD disks.

    10. Fix the use of Type and Creator codes. Abandon those devil-spawned file extensions.

    11. Optionally put the trash on the desktop.

    I know some of these are available with shareware programs but they should be available on any Mac I walk up to without my having to install third party software.
  • Reply 59 of 110
    [quote]Originally posted by neutrino23:


    3. Command-N should create a new folder, option-command-N can create a new finder window.


    How many times a day do you create a folder versus spawn a new Finder window? I say use the easiest shortcut for the most commonly used actions, i e the latter.

    [ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: Pegges ]</p>
  • Reply 60 of 110
    [quote]Originally posted by Pegges:


    How many times a day do you create a folder versus spawn a new Finder window? I say use the easiest shortcut for the most commonly used actions, i e the latter.


    I have never spawned a new Finder window. Ever. However, I agree that "New Window" needs to remain cmd-N, if for no other reason then every other app uses cmd-N to create a new window. Consistency.
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