Apple yanks wireless backup from Leopard last minute



  • Reply 121 of 162
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Doesn't cable have to move to all digital by Apr 2009, I thought everyone had to give up the 700mhz signal by the cut off date. I thought this was mandated by the FCC for everyone.

    I believe this was recently changed to 2011.
  • Reply 122 of 162
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I believe this was recently changed to 2011.

    Really? Damn I thought Apr 8th 2009 was pretty set.
  • Reply 123 of 162
    Originally Posted by EagerDragon View Post

    So you are saying it was working when the purchased copy arrived home and after you installed it they patched it off????

    No way, it was turned off prior to selling it. They removed the feature from the site a few days ago. Your card was probably charged today or yesterday, so it was not sold until they charged the card.

    I didn't say I bought it. What I'm saying is that many people did, and Apple was selling the new OS way before they removed the feature. It doesn't really matter when your card was charged, once you place an order it's as if you've already paid for it, it's not as if you can tell them "hey, actually I changed my mind, I don't want it anymore". Furthermore, most of the people won't even know about it until they receive the product.

    Again, repeating what I've said before, it's not the fact that they removed the feature that makes me mad, it's the fact that they pretend that the feature was never there to begin with. This is unfortunately how Apple has been treating its customers as of lately, i.e. like sh*t. If they have come up and said "hey, this feature isn't ready yet, but we'll add it on later as soon as we fix it" then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    I'm betting it won't be ready nearly as quickly as some people are hoping for, just correcting all the bugs in the new OS is going to take them at least a couple of months, only then can they concentrate on adding new features (which come to think of it they rarely do in minor releases).
  • Reply 124 of 162
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    My father-in-law gave me his $100 iPhone rebate and my D-Link Wireless Router started flaking out so I bought an AEBS (GigE) a month or so ago.

    I found 500 GB external FW/USB2 HD's for $119 each at Fry's so I was able to set up my dream back-up solution. I bought two drives and originally make identical full back-ups on both using SuperDuper! I took one to the office for off-site storage and kept one at home. Each Sunday, I'd do an incremental back-up and swap the drives on Monday.

    I like this set-up so much, I don't think I'm going to need Time Machine so much.

    I hope Shirt Pocket can get the Leopard-compatible version of SuperDuper! out soon. I am really liking their product!

    Sounds like a good backup routine!
  • Reply 125 of 162
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Originally Posted by camimac View Post

    it's not the fact that they removed the feature that makes me mad, it's the fact that they pretend that the feature was never there to begin with.

    I think you've hit the nail on the head.
  • Reply 126 of 162
    So i have to say that I was pretty annoyed to read that Apple had pulled Time Machine over AirDisk yesterday. Much to my surprise this morning when I turned on my MacBook Time Machine found the disk I used yesterday to do a complete backup and began another backup, only this time it was plugged into my AEBS not my MacBook. I did not use any of the hacks that have been described just worked

  • Reply 127 of 162
    Originally Posted by camimac View Post

    I didn't say I bought it. What I'm saying is that many people did, and Apple was selling the new OS way before they removed the feature. It doesn't really matter when your card was charged, once you place an order it's as if you've already paid for it, it's not as if you can tell them "hey, actually I changed my mind, I don't want it anymore". Furthermore, most of the people won't even know about it until they receive the product.

    Again, repeating what I've said before, it's not the fact that they removed the feature that makes me mad, it's the fact that they pretend that the feature was never there to begin with. This is unfortunately how Apple has been treating its customers as of lately, i.e. like sh*t. If they have come up and said "hey, this feature isn't ready yet, but we'll add it on later as soon as we fix it" then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    I'm betting it won't be ready nearly as quickly as some people are hoping for, just correcting all the bugs in the new OS is going to take them at least a couple of months, only then can they concentrate on adding new features (which come to think of it they rarely do in minor releases).

    Are the black hellicopters watching you or do you allways see evil and treachery?
  • Reply 128 of 162
    Originally Posted by bahaynie View Post

    So i have to say that I was pretty annoyed to read that Apple had pulled Time Machine over AirDisk yesterday. Much to my surprise this morning when I turned on my MacBook Time Machine found the disk I used yesterday to do a complete backup and began another backup, only this time it was plugged into my AEBS not my MacBook. I did not use any of the hacks that have been described just worked

    Yes, it has been reported that if you connect the drive to the computer, set it as the backup, then perform the initial backup, then move it to Airport, Time Machine will find it and use it over the wireless network. The key is connecting it initially to the computer.
  • Reply 129 of 162
    Anybody going to report on another lost feature in Leopard? Turns out that there's no SMS support in Address Book anymore. I work with college students who use their cell phones to communicate via text almost as much as they actually talk on their phones. I used the SMS feature in Address book EVERY DAY. I simply cannot imagine why Apple would 1) not include this feature in a "new" OS, and 2) why they wouldn't at least report that this feature would be missing in the literature before the customer bought the product and installed it on his machine. This is TERRIBLE and very non-Apple.

    Anybody have any word on how to return Leopard?
  • Reply 130 of 162
    Originally Posted by mrjoec123 View Post

    As much as I don't agree with all the whiners, your suggestion is not a good solution for laptop users.

    The whole point of Time Machine is that it happens without your interaction, in the background, automatically. If you have to remember to plug in an external drive to do an occasional "catch up" backup, you're no better off than with any previous backup solution. Not to mention, your backups become so sparse that you'll probably miss files on occasion that get deleted before they are backed up.

    If you're moving your laptop around, like I do with my iBook G4, your updates are gonna be sporadic anyway. If you're not moving the laptop around, why do you have a laptop, and why not plug it in to a drive?
  • Reply 131 of 162
    Originally Posted by lesnewsom View Post

    Anybody have any word on how to return Leopard?

    Once any software has been opened it cannot be returned. Standard procedure for all software
  • Reply 132 of 162
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by MyMac8MyPC View Post

    Once any software has been opened it cannot be returned. Standard procedure for all software

    The funniest thing about that policy is that the terms of EULAs are usually such that they say to return the software if you don't agree with it. But the company that made the EULA won't accept returns from stores, and in turn, the stores won't accept returns either. Often, you can't even get a chance to read the EULA until you've actually opened the box.
  • Reply 133 of 162
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by lesnewsom View Post

    Anybody going to report on another lost feature in Leopard? Turns out that there's no SMS support in Address Book anymore. I work with college students who use their cell phones to communicate via text almost as much as they actually talk on their phones. I used the SMS feature in Address book EVERY DAY. I simply cannot imagine why Apple would 1) not include this feature in a "new" OS, and 2) why they wouldn't at least report that this feature would be missing in the literature before the customer bought the product and installed it on his machine. This is TERRIBLE and very non-Apple.

    Anybody have any word on how to return Leopard?

    iChat works pretty well. You need a AIM or .Mac account.
  • Reply 134 of 162
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by MyMac8MyPC View Post

    Once any software has been opened it cannot be returned. Standard procedure for all software

    That's untrue. You can return it directly to the manufacturer and tell them you don't agree to their EULA because of xx reason... just make something up. Under law they have to accept the software back and return your money... just might take forever.
  • Reply 135 of 162
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by EagerDragon View Post

    Are the black hellicopters watching you or do you allways see evil and treachery?

    Exactly what do black helicopters have to do with this. We're all glad you're happy to know Apple secretly pulls features out. Perhaps you like that in everything you do. But, if you bought a car under the impression (from their own advertising) that it came with iPod compatibilty, and after buying it you find out that it has no way of connecting an iPod, you'd be OK with that too, right?
  • Reply 136 of 162
    Originally Posted by lesnewsom View Post

    Anybody going to report on another lost feature in Leopard? Turns out that there's no SMS support in Address Book anymore. I work with college students who use their cell phones to communicate via text almost as much as they actually talk on their phones. I used the SMS feature in Address book EVERY DAY. I simply cannot imagine why Apple would 1) not include this feature in a "new" OS, and 2) why they wouldn't at least report that this feature would be missing in the literature before the customer bought the product and installed it on his machine. This is TERRIBLE and very non-Apple.

    Anybody have any word on how to return Leopard?

    It's not lost they moved it to iChat. So slow down your war wagons and have a look at the whole OS before rashly proclaiming it is.
  • Reply 137 of 162
    With all of this (legitimate) griping going on, anyone else here think that Jobs might be losing his RDF as he gets older?
  • Reply 138 of 162
    In all seriousness though, and this may have been mentioned already, I think that while it is pretty lousy of Apple to pull an announced feature during the sales period, I am reminded by this of the FileVault fiasco. Well, fiasco may be a little unfair, but there are a lot of people out there, myself included, who have experienced terrible problems, data loss, corruption, and damaged operating system function (at least insofar as certain user settings are concerned), because of a well-conceived but as-yet imperfectly implemented technology. While I understand the issues at hand and sympathize with the people who have made purchases based on the stated availability of this feature, I will say that the most important asset on a computer is what you have created, and losing that can be infinitely more devastating than the loss of a feature or even the hardware itself. As long as Apple still intends to include this feature, like many here, I would forward the opinion that we're infinitely better having them get it right, just like I'd like to see them fix FileVault, too.
  • Reply 139 of 162
    Originally Posted by Notorious View Post

    It's not lost they moved it to iChat. So slow down your war wagons and have a look at the whole OS before rashly proclaiming it is.

    You have GOT to be kidding me. To say that iChat's New SMS feature is anywhere close to the functionality of the Address Book feature is ludicrous. Have you even tried to use both? iChat has no access to the Address Book. Therefore, all the groups I created so that I could have my mass texts sent out in sequence are inaccessible. It is laughable to say that the feature has simply been "moved." It has been terminated and THAT is a breach of trust and of contract.

    I'm returning mine.
  • Reply 140 of 162
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by lesnewsom View Post

    iChat has no access to the Address Book. .

    iChat > Window > Address book
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