My New Aluminum iMac Experience

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I have decided to write this article in regards to the new Apple Aluminum iMac and the constant issues I am experiencing with it as I see many of you are having as well. I purchased the new 20" 2.4GHz iMac one month ago and upon starting the machine up for the first time I noticed dead pixels on my display. Not happy with this as I'm sure you would not be either I returned the iMac to my local Apple Store for an exchange as they did with no questions asked. Very happy with the customer

service I received I returned home to set up my replacement iMac to be greeted by (Insert Drumroll Here)... stuck pixels. After reinstalling everything again from the ground up I told myself I could live with a few bright red glowing pixels until I noticed other issues. There were a few instances where my iMac would go to my RSS feed screen saver and the display would promptly go black with everything else running minus the display and the only thing that would remedy this situation was a hard restart holding down the power button for 5 seconds. At times the computer would freeze when I was on my desktop with only the Finder and Dashboard running. In addition to all of this there was the case of restarting the iMac only to get the white screen of death with no grey Apple logo or start up icon. After this I was on my way to the Apple Store for a third time only to get another replacement iMac. My third new iMac has no dead or stuck pixels and I was very happy to see that I can tell you however I'm not happy that this one has the same video display problems the other two did. With all three computers combined I've had to hard restart around 50 times which I would really like to avoid. I've done everything imaginable to try to resolve these issues such as the infamous PRAM zapping, SMC resetting, several complete reinstalls, installing the iMac Software update 1.1 and not installing it and even praying to god himself with no luck. I'm patiently waiting for another firmware update or OS X 10.4.11 to resolve these issues. I'm not sure if Leopard corrects these problems but I just spent $1500,00 on a new computer and I'm tapped out at the moment and why should I have to pay another $129.00 just to have my iMac running normally. Up until now I've never had a problem with any Apple Computers in all my 20+ years of using them. I just wish they would make a harder effort to resolve these problems.


  • Reply 1 of 47
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    You're frustration is understandable. The new iMacs have been plagued by the freezing issue and it should have been resolved by now. Hang in there hopefully Apple will get this straightened out.

    I want to get and iMac to replace and aging pc but this freezing issue will need to be resolved before I do so.
  • Reply 2 of 47
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    The Rev. A gremlins rear their ugly heads again...
  • Reply 3 of 47
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    My new 24" iMac is arriving the 6th of November *crosses fingers*. This machine has to be reliable for me.
  • Reply 4 of 47
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by iPoster View Post

    The Rev. A gremlins rear their ugly heads again...

    It hasn't just been the Rev.A's lately.
  • Reply 5 of 47
    Jesus, that really sucks. My condolences.
  • Reply 6 of 47
    I don't see why apple can be as pompous as they are with the crap they're dishing out. I really wanted to buy a new iMac, too. But, I guess Apple doesn't plan on fixing all of the horrible screw-ups they've made with it.
  • Reply 7 of 47
    no dead pixels here, but sound pop & clicks are really irritating me
  • Reply 8 of 47
    Thank you for the replies everybody. I can not stress to you enough how irritating this is. I mean all these forced shutdowns can't be good for the machine but like many of you I'm not left with any other choice. I'm starting to feel like a PC user. Nothing like a little video driver hell to get the computer mojo going eh? If Apple does'nt get this fixed soon maybe they should rename the company after another fruit....say Lemon???
  • Reply 9 of 47
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by ArtIsLife View Post

    I don't see why apple can be as pompous as they are with the crap they're dishing out. I really wanted to buy a new iMac, too. But, I guess Apple doesn't plan on fixing all of the horrible screw-ups they've made with it.

    Yes, Apple's pomposity does grate with me too sometimes. They need to be more humble.

    On this iMac issue, they have publicly acknowledged the issue and have stated that they are working on a fix.
  • Reply 10 of 47
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Yes, Apple's pomposity does grate with me too sometimes. They need to be more humble.

    On this iMac issue, they have publicly acknowledged the issue and have stated that they are working on a fix.

    Did they say anything about fixing that horrible gradient problem?
  • Reply 11 of 47
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by ArtIsLife View Post

    Did they say anything about fixing that horrible gradient problem?

    What "horrible gradient problem"?
  • Reply 12 of 47
    It's pretty much the hugest problem with the new iMac. How could you not know of it?

    I have yet to hear a report of a 20" alu iMac that doesn't have this problem.
  • Reply 13 of 47
    Originally Posted by ArtIsLife View Post

    It's pretty much the hugest problem with the new iMac. How could you not know of it?

    I have yet to hear a report of a 20" alu iMac that doesn't have this problem.

    I just moved into a new house and did not have an internet connection at the time to research the machine. Oh yeah and I trusted Apple.
  • Reply 14 of 47
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by ArtIsLife View Post

    It's pretty much the hugest problem with the new iMac. How could you not know of it?

    I have yet to hear a report of a 20" alu iMac that doesn't have this problem.

    What else do you expect from a cheap TN panel? Don't expect that problem to go away. (Maybe it'll get better with L.E.D. backlighting). People in that thread were saying that calibrating the display made things better, but didn't solve it completely.

    I've not seen a calibrated 20" in the flesh, but my guess is that most "average joes" wouldn't really notice this problem. (yes, I really mean that, you wouldn't believe the number of times I've watched tv with other people on their sets and their colour, brightness, and contrast settings are all jacked up and the picture looks terrible, but they haven't really noticed).

    Of course, your options if you don't like the 20" screen are limited. This would be solved by Apple offering an xMac were you could choose your own screen.
  • Reply 15 of 47
    Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post

    I'm not sure if Leopard corrects these problems but I just spent $1500,00 on a new computer and I'm tapped out at the moment and why should I have to pay another $129.00 just to have my iMac running normally.

    Leopard does NOT fix the problem, so definitely hold out on that until there's a software or firmware fix. My random freezes have now gone to not booting at all; I'm going to do a clean install from the original restore disc and not install the 1.1 update OR Leopard and see if that improves things. I know some people have said they've had the lockups without the 1.1 update but I had no troubles before that; it will be a good test, anyway.
  • Reply 16 of 47
    One prediction i have is that since the 10.4.11 update was supposed to be released this wednesday and wasn't, I'm thinking maybe, MAYBE they trying to incorporate the fix with other fixes so in a way not making the issue a big one. If the 10.4.11 doesn't fix this, then we should all take our macs back.
  • Reply 17 of 47
    Just another data point - we've had a 24@ Alu iMac since the end of September, it's frozen three times (three times too many, but not 50....). No other problems at all.

    Hope you guys get it worked out,


  • Reply 18 of 47
    I don't find it particularly fair that Mac Pro user got thier video driver firmware update but the iMac's with the real problems are left to wait. I can't be the only one upset about this am I. I love Apple but my god I am to the point of checking software update three times a day and when there's no fix there for me I start to curse.

    My new worst enemy
  • Reply 19 of 47
    And as for 50 forced shutdowns that has been over a span of 3 iMacs I've chewed through so far.
  • Reply 20 of 47
    Hello again everybody. I just wanted to update you on the thread I started here. After the new updates issued by Apply yesterday my iMac is running top notch. However I did have some concerns about all the power shutdowns I had to do with my iMacs so I called my local Apple Store about it and the manager apologized for all that I had to deal with and told me to come down and he would swap out macs for me at no charge so I agreed. When I packed up the iMac I headed off to the Apple Store to be greeted by the manager himself as he cheerfully exchanged the machines out for me and offered to check the new machine on the spot. In addition he had the Apple Genuis add more RAM for me at no charge, gave me OS X Leopard free of charge, Gave me a couple Leopard T-Shirts and some Apple stationary paper pads as well. On top of all that he gave my four year old son who was with me a copy of Lego Star Wars. I am completely amazed by Apple's customer service and I actually feel bad for complaining about them on this forum over the Aluminum iMac issues. I have fully regained faith in Apple Inc.
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