Ultra portable...NOT a tablet! :-)

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Why is it that soon as some rumor mentions Apple releasing an "ultra portable" everyone writes about a "tablet pc"???

First of all, I don't think it's everyone, perhaps just the same handful of techno geeks(no offense) writing those posts.

And second of all...WHO needs a friggin tablet??? When was the last time you EVER saw a person walking around with a tablet? I bet NEVER.

Seriously. Tablets don't have full keyboards. They are gimmicks at best.

People WANT to be able to TYPE on a keyboard and look at a screen. If Apple gets rid of the optical drive and thins the laptop to a ridiculous degree that should satisfy those that want ultra portability. For those that want even smaller...get an iphone or ipod touch. Really.

Of course NO ONE knows what Apple will release or if they will release ANYTHING close to the rumor. Heck...maybe they will release a tablet some time down the road. The iphone and ipod touch are kinda tablet like. But at least those fit in your pocket. I just don't see the need or desire for a tablet.

Ultra portable laptop yes...tablet no. But thats just me.

I'm in the market for a new apple laptop. I can wait to see what happens in January at Macworld. I like the portability of the macbook alot...but would prefer a dedicated graphics card. If Apple does release an ultra portable, I am sure it will be thinner and lighter...but it may be even LESS powerful than even the macbook. For me, I want portability since I travel alot, but I also want alittle power too. Right now the macbook is it. So I'd probably choose that over the ultra portable since the difference in weight and size shouldn't be too great. I do hope that the macbook does get a dedicated graphics card tho.

An ultra portable will obviously have a much smaller HD if they use a flash drive. I think the technology is super cool. But to have a laptop with a 64 gig HD would kinda suck...even with instant boot times. It'll be the first step toward the future and you KNOW Apple will make it drool worthy...but it just wouldn't be practical for me. Heck...If I'm gonna just use an ultra portable to check email...I'll just carry my iphone or ipod touch in my pocket. You see what I mean?

For those wanting a full mac os on an ultra portable...keep in mind for the smaller size, you'll have no optical drive, no ability to play dvds or cds on the road, plus a way smaller flash drive(maybe only 64 gigs!!) and not alot of power to work on anything much more than emails and light light work.

Maybe it'd be cool and worth it for some. But I think the majority of people won't mind carrying a macbook in their backpacks.

Just my opinion. Can't wait till January. :-)


  • Reply 1 of 77
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I don't know why it is, Regan, but it pisses me off too!
  • Reply 2 of 77
    Why is it that as soon as someone posts a thread on an ultraportable, they have to talk about a tablet too!???

    I for one have typed on a screen with a full keyboard, and did quite well and enjoyed it. By having a slate style tablet, you save a whole ton of space. There is so much you can do without a keyboard, and when you need it, you can use an onscreen keyboard. I would love it if they came out with a tablet that had an on screen keyboard that was a bit transparent. Anyway, I would love that.

    I remember back when I NEVER saw people with laptops.

    It's bound to happen.
  • Reply 3 of 77
    buddhabuddha Posts: 386member
    If they want a tablet that can be optimized fully for professional use there needs to be a physical keyboard.
  • Reply 4 of 77
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Probably because the chance of Apple releasing a tablet are as good they are of Apple releasing an ultra portable. Which is just as good of them releasing one product for both.
  • Reply 5 of 77
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Probably because the chance of Apple releasing a tablet are as good they are of Apple releasing an ultra portable. Which is just as good of them releasing one product for both.

    Actually... I agree.
  • Reply 6 of 77
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Just because Apple may be doing a Mac touch (tablet) doesn't mean they can't do a smaller MacBook, I just wouldn't be surprised if they didn't is all. A 10 or 11" Mac touch tablet with a virtual keyboard would be a bit of a dream for me, as I have a desktop for all the hard work, a Mac touch would be great to have with me outside the house. The thing could have an 11" touch screen, 64GB SSD drive, Mac OS X, be very thin and light, and it could have a flip stand on the back that could be pushed in to flip out and hold the Mac touch at 20º on a flat surface for typing and looking at the screen on a table, desk or bar quite comfortably.

    This would be a "true" ultra-potable if you ask me.
  • Reply 7 of 77
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Just because Apple may be doing a Mac touch (tablet) doesn't mean they can't do a smaller MacBook, I just wouldn't be surprised if they didn't is all. A 10 or 11" Mac touch tablet with a virtual keyboard would be a bit of a dream for me, as I have a desktop for all the hard work, a Mac touch would be great to have with me outside the house. The thing could have an 11" touch screen, 64GB SSD drive, Mac OS X, be very thin and light, and it could have a flip stand on the back that could be pushed in to flip out and hold the Mac touch at 20º on a flat surface for typing and looking at the screen on a table, desk or bar quite comfortably.

    This would be a "true" ultra-potable if you ask me.

    I'm curious apart from the drool factor, what would you actually use it for? what productive work could or would you intend to do with it?
  • Reply 8 of 77
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I'm curious apart from the drool factor, what would you actually use it for? what productive work could or would you intend to do with it?

    Presumably the same productive work you do with a laptop. It's not as if removing the keyboard suddenly prevents it from being useful for anything. If you're watching porn in bed, how do you even position a laptop? It's very awkward. But a tablet is no problem at all.

    You kind of have to sit up in bed to type on a laptop whereas with a tablet, it's much more versatile. Also, how do you view portrait images on a widescreen laptop? Not well at all because the screen is so short. But with a tablet, you can just turn it on its side. Great for reading/writing letters too.

    If you've ever used an iphone then you can clearly see how productive it can be to work with a touch screen like that. Even more so if you've seen Jeff Han's videos:


    In a lot of cases, they are more productive than a keyboard and mouse. When I type on a virtual keyboard, I can see what I'm typing - this is not the case on a physical keyboard as I look at the keyboard while typing.
  • Reply 9 of 77
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    So how does one use it when laying down? Watching porn or looking at Photos? Marvin that is totally.. Pfft... Ridicules. But one can use a convertible tablet laying down because it is also a standard laptop.


    In a lot of cases, they are more productive than a keyboard and mouse. When I type on a virtual keyboard, I can see what I'm typing - this is not the case on a physical keyboard as I look at the keyboard while typing

    Really? Why don't you take some pictures, or shoot some video of you doing this just as you describe and we'll all watch. I want to be convinced.

    That you-tube video shows just how inconvenient the keyboard is and how impossible the interface is today. It's all a demo with no real applicable qualities. Microsoft's demo is the exact same way. Not much is usable other than the Photo stretching thing, and it's already in use in the iPhone.

    Apple already used everything they possibly could at this time to implement what usability, and cool factor it has it into the iPhone, but the keyboard on screen really just tells it all. Remember that screen Jeff Han is using is 3'x2' in size, and the keyboard was intrusive at that size. It's more intrusive on the iPhone, and it wouldn't be good for slate application probably ever. The reason Apple is having success with it is because it's usable with a product that the touch screen is only a small portion of what it's used for, and that small portion has minimill needs. It's a phone, it's an iPod. Not much to worry about like Applications, Graphics, and the most important part. The user.
  • Reply 11 of 77
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Presumably the same productive work you do with a laptop. It's not as if removing the keyboard suddenly prevents it from being useful for anything. If you're watching porn in bed, how do you even position a laptop? It's very awkward. But a tablet is no problem at all.

    You kind of have to sit up in bed to type on a laptop whereas with a tablet, it's much more versatile. Also, how do you view portrait images on a widescreen laptop? Not well at all because the screen is so short. But with a tablet, you can just turn it on its side. Great for reading/writing letters too.

    If you've ever used an iphone then you can clearly see how productive it can be to work with a touch screen like that. Even more so if you've seen Jeff Han's videos:


    In a lot of cases, they are more productive than a keyboard and mouse. When I type on a virtual keyboard, I can see what I'm typing - this is not the case on a physical keyboard as I look at the keyboard while typing.

    So your top argument FOR a tablet pc is to watch porn more easily in bed? Um....Okaaaaaaaaaay.

    Lol. WHATever.

    Are we going to be seeing you on an upcoming episode of "To Catch a Sexual Predator?"

    And your second argument for a tablet pc being that you don't have to look DOWN on a keyboard while typing is silly at best. Have you just started using a computer for the first time? Because MOST people can type on a keyboard WITHOUT having to look down at all. Your fingers have a memory and anyone with a reasonable amount of time typing on a computer instinctively KNOWS where the keys are without having to look.

    Once again ANOTHER person who has TOTALLY failed to convince me or anyone else WHY the average person needs a tablet. I would argue that they DON'T at all. A super thin laptop is one thing, but given the choice over a super slim or even a regular size laptop AND a "tablet" pc...I'd be willing to bet good money that 99.9% of the public would choose a laptop form factor.

    I mean SERIOUSLY...a "tablet" pc would be a glorified PDA. It's not practical. What kind of serious work could you really DO on a tablet? Hmmm? The touch screen on an ipod touch or iphone make SENSE. Anything bigger than that...I think most people would prefer a laptop.

    I'm not going to question whatever Apple ultimately does....but I will certainly question those on this rumor . :-)
  • Reply 12 of 77
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I'm curious apart from the drool factor...

    You mean apart from the drool-factor, the ultra-portability-while have a decent sized display, the thinness, the lightness, the radical new and buttonless UI, the tilting motion sensor, the screen that's likely going to have a very high resolution, the option to use your Mac touch as a digital picture display with its accompanying dock, having some of your work with you "most-everywhere" you go, its very fast storage and high-speed boot times, the fact that it would be a great companion to all Pro. Mac-using photographers. etc. etc. Well there's iLife for a start.

    A desktop satellite computer targeted at desktop users. Having a 24" 2.8Ghz iMac with a decent amount or RAM, this little beauty would be perfect for me, and many like me. A take-everywhere computer that would help us stay connected while we can do some work on the move.
  • Reply 13 of 77
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    So how does one use it when laying down? Watching porn or looking at Photos? Marvin that is totally.. Pfft... Ridicules. But one can use a convertible tablet laying down because it is also a standard laptop.

    But when you're not laying down, you'd use a stand. No need to have a convertible. A convertible means more manufacturing, more cost to the consumer, more bulk, more packaging, heavier product.

    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Really? Why don't you take some pictures, or shoot some video of you doing this just as you describe and we'll all watch. I want to be convinced.

    I don't have a tablet plus I really doubt you'd want to watch me doing that. But you can try it yourself. Get a book and lay down on your back, knees bent up. Open the book and have one half on your stomach and the other propped up against your leg. Now try typing on the bit on your stomach.

    But close the book and have it propped up on your legs and try typing and it's easy. You'd likely have a mouse at your side. By now you're probably thinking how lazy can a guy be to be typing in that position but there are all sorts of people who might have to - people who are paralyzed or in hospital, or just really fat. I've seen so many situations where a standard laptop setup just does not work.

    Ok so some people won't like it but the point is that a slate can be made to adapt to other configurations but a standard laptop can't be made to do what a slate can. A convertible might seem like a solution and if it wasn't prohibitively more expensive or bulky or less reliable then fine but I think it would be. Why isn't the modbook a convertible? Clearly they thought that design would compromise on something.

    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    That you-tube video shows just how inconvenient the keyboard is and how impossible the interface is today. It's all a demo with no real applicable qualities. Microsoft's demo is the exact same way. Not much is usable other than the Photo stretching thing, and it's already in use in the iPhone.

    Well, it's true that they will need to take time to perfect the interaction so that it works well with different software packages but they've had to do this with the keyboard and mouse and games consoles.

    Originally Posted by Chucker

    People look on their keyboards while typing?!

    Originally Posted by regan

    And your second argument for a tablet pc being that you don't have to look DOWN on a keyboard while typing is silly at best. Have you just started using a computer for the first time?

    I have no feeling in my left hand so I kinda have to.

    Originally Posted by regan

    So your top argument FOR a tablet pc is to watch porn more easily in bed? Um....Okaaaaaaaaaay.

    That's not my top argument unless you mean it's the one at the top of my post. It's an example of where the traditional laptop style is cumbersome and I'm pretty sure a lot of you will relate to it.

    Originally Posted by regan

    Are we going to be seeing you on an upcoming episode of "To Catch a Sexual Predator?"

    Nah, they showed me last week. I'm in hospital right now after taking a beating and could sure use a tablet right about now.

    Originally Posted by regan

    Because MOST people can type on a keyboard WITHOUT having to look down at all.

    Somehow I doubt 'most' people can type without looking at the keyboard. Everybody I know uses the old hunt and peck system and it's actually pretty fast.

    Originally Posted by regan

    Once again ANOTHER person who has TOTALLY failed to convince me or anyone else WHY the average person needs a tablet.

    I wasn't trying to convince you of that - I don't think that the average person *needs* a tablet as standard laptops have proved to be good enough. However, I'd say that there is a good percentage of the population desperate for a decent, usable touch computer. One example would be traditional artists who would want to draw directly on screen and don't want to use a wacom with bad hand-eye co-ordination (they might have to make some sort of special pen though).

    Also, I don't think that a slate would take away from the usability of the machine for general use. The only reason why slate tablets are a bad idea is if they are designed the way they are currently. iphone technology completely changes this.

    But despite the fact I don't think a touch slate is a bad idea, I also doubt that Apple will introduce one. I reckon it will be an ultra-portable too. I just don't think it would be as bad as people make out. I also believe that it is the best alternative we've had to the keyboard and mouse we've ever had so if anything would replace those things, it will be touch interaction and Apple would be wise to be ahead of the game on this front.
  • Reply 14 of 77
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Also, I don't think that a slate would take away from the usability of the machine for general use. The only reason why slate tablets are a bad idea is if they are designed the way they are currently. iphone technology completely changes this.

    Both slates and convertibles have been only so-so designed IMHO. I own a few tablets and both slates and convertibles have issues.

    An ultraportable convertible would be an improvement on what we have today.

    A docking slate that doesn't suck would be as well. Thus far most docking solutions have either been non-mobile or sucks or both.

    Yes, I believe that Apple can do a better job than motion computing, viewsonic, toshiba, IBM, etc. Will they? Who knows at the moment. They could use either an ultraportable or a tablet in their line up.
  • Reply 15 of 77
    In all seriousness, I believe tablets haven't been successful because they haven't been made well enough. I agree that a huge, heavy tablet that's basically a laptop with an outward facing screen and no keyboard sounds like a crappy idea, which it has been so far, but if anyone can do it correctly, it's Apple. They're working on a multitouch UI, which will probably be so ridiculously great that a tablet would be a natural extension of its use. And Apple has not put out new displays in forever because they want the next ones to be multitouch... that much is clear to me. I don't think you can assume that we'll never see a tablet from Apple. If one comes out, I'm likely to buy it, especially if it's cost-effective (unlikely, but I can dream!).
  • Reply 16 of 77
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    So your top argument FOR a tablet pc is to watch porn more easily in bed? Um....Okaaaaaaaaaay.

    Well at least he is being honest! It may also cover the need many have to crawl over the internet in the leisure of their home. On of the worst things about trying to surf the net from a laptop, away from a desk, is just how difficult they are to use.

    Much of this due directly to the hinged keyboard/body and screen arraignment. Even the term laptop si a bit misleading as they aren't even that useful sitting out you lap in a chair. At best a modern laptop is no more that a portable computer that has a more compact form.


    Lol. WHATever.

    Are we going to be seeing you on an upcoming episode of "To Catch a Sexual Predator?"

    Not very nice at all!


    And your second argument for a tablet pc being that you don't have to look DOWN on a keyboard while typing is silly at best. Have you just started using a computer for the first time? Because MOST people can type on a keyboard WITHOUT having to look down at all. Your fingers have a memory and anyone with a reasonable amount of time typing on a computer instinctively KNOWS where the keys are without having to look.

    Many does not equate with all when it comes to typing. Further; GI of the current generation require looking at the screen and interacting with objects on it. This is a bit of a pain if you try to use the laptop as a true portable.


    Once again ANOTHER person who has TOTALLY failed to convince me or anyone else WHY the average person needs a tablet.

    You can't be convinced if you don't listen. Unfortunately you think about a laptop in the sense of a desktop replacement. That is the laptops is always sitting someplace where one can approach the keyboard and screen in the usual fashion. This is not at all true portable usage.


    I would argue that they DON'T at all. A super thin laptop is one thing, but given the choice over a super slim or even a regular size laptop AND a "tablet" pc...I'd be willing to bet good money that 99.9% of the public would choose a laptop form factor.

    I truly doubt that. If that was the case the market for very small laptops would be very hot right now. It isn't and that is mostly due to usability factors. A full size laptop can substitute fairly well for a desktop as the mechanical interfaces are pretty much the same. Once you start shrinking a laptop the mechanical interface becomes less and less usable. In fact, when used in full portable mode the interface ends up being a one handed deal on a undersized keyboard.


    I mean SERIOUSLY...a "tablet" pc would be a glorified PDA. It's not practical. What kind of serious work could you really DO on a tablet? Hmmm?

    Here we go again with another person fretting about "SERIOUS" work. Just what is that and why do you think it is not possible to get serious work done on such a machine? The fact is that many people do serious work on their cell phones/PDA's. A tablet just gives you a bigger screen to work with.

    In any event the problem with your position is that it dismisses the notion that user interfaces and interaction with a computer can be improved. Or that there are alternative approaches to the Mouse/pointer interface common on today PC's. Apple's MultiTouch is an example of one approach to over coming pointer based interfaces. It is just one however, there could be multiple approaches employed to make such interfaces an advance over todays common interface.


    The touch screen on an ipod touch or iphone make SENSE. Anything bigger than that...I think most people would prefer a laptop.

    Clearly that is not the case or this discussion would not be taking place. Further I can make a good argument that the Touch and iPhone are actually to small to fully exploit the Touch interface.


    I'm not going to question whatever Apple ultimately does....but I will certainly question those on this rumor . :-)

    So once Apple delivers something you roll over and give up your position?

    I don't wish to be cruel or insensitive but Apple has a lot of potential here with respect to MultiTouch. Will it be successful - I don't really know. There is often more to a products success than the utility of its function. Apple marketing mojo has been strong of late so hopefully if the right tech is there they can carve out a position in the market.

  • Reply 17 of 77
    shivashiva Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    One example would be traditional artists who would want to draw directly on screen and don't want to use a wacom with bad hand-eye co-ordination (they might have to make some sort of special pen though).

    AMEN!! Though the market may be small (perhaps just me), I'm all about something like this. I wouldn't need to use everything my desktop does, if I could run Painter, Photoshop, iphoto (for reference photos), and maybe Sketchup, indesign/illustrator, itunes and safari, along with some kind of word processor or note taking application (scrivener?) with an on screen keyboard, I'm in it to win it. I don't really get the whole "getting serious work done" argument. For the most part, new pc technology is created and evolves, then inspired, intelligent and hardworking people find ways to make it productive. There is no doubt in my mind that, if something like this were to appear, folks would find ways to "get serious work done" on it.
  • Reply 18 of 77
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You mean apart from the drool-factor, the ultra-portability-while have a decent sized display, the thinness, the lightness, the radical new and buttonless UI, the tilting motion sensor, the screen that's likely going to have a very high resolution, the option to use your Mac touch as a digital picture display with its accompanying dock, having some of your work with you "most-everywhere" you go, its very fast storage and high-speed boot times, the fact that it would be a great companion to all Pro. Mac-using photographers. etc. etc. Well there's iLife for a start.

    A desktop satellite computer targeted at desktop users. Having a 24" 2.8Ghz iMac with a decent amount or RAM, this little beauty would be perfect for me, and many like me. A take-everywhere computer that would help us stay connected while we can do some work on the move.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear before, but what ACTUAL work would you do on it?

    iPods can playback user movies and photo collections as well as (I believe) keynote slideshows, so thats covered, while there may be a further level of interactivity with such a device, I feel it might be preferable to have an actual laptop where the SCREEN gets covered from damage when closed, where as a tablet will be open to all sorts of scratching issues.

    you reel off a some what predictably long list of features, but don;'t actually answer the questions I'm interested in having answered.

    I'm in total agreement it COULD be VERY COOL, but would it ACTUALLY BE FUNCTIONALLY USEFUL? or just, as you described it at one point, a very expensive Apple branded photo viewer?

    I dont see the benefit in showing someone your photo related work on an EVEN smaller screen than the already small 13" macbook.

    if it is say 11" or indeed smaller, i don't see the point in using such a small screen to type into Pages, it CAN be done, I'm sure, but would it be comfortable to use? once an onscreen keyboard is incorporated how much of the document will you actually be able to see? IMO not much.

    these things are very un-aesthetic to my mind and very un-Apple. not that that has stopped apple in the past, but I just don't see the benefit over a 13" macbook except to save a few inches.

    but if it is in a smaller form factor, will the CPU not be crippled? of the battery life shortened? and it will most certianly be no good for gaming on, due to the high likelihood of it being an integrated GPU.

    so photo manipulation likely won't be what it should.

    so again, apart from the "WOW APPLE HAVE A TABLET!!!!11!!" what purpose does it serve?
  • Reply 19 of 77
    so Artists have bad hand to eye co-ordination
  • Reply 20 of 77
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Sorry if I wasn't clear before, but what ACTUAL work would you do on it?

    Don't know exactly, as I've yet to see the tech specs. I'll be glad to let know when I see them however. Credit Card waiting though. You hear that Steve?

    I'd bet it'll be a great reader. Great for watchin' movies. Great for light productivity. Great as a walk around and hold computer. Great for Web browsing, email and communication. Great, cause unlike iPhone it wont require a contract. A very versatile and light Mac. If I want to encode a HD movie or to so serious photo editing, I'll use my desktop. That's why I personally want this device, and why I think many others will too. Also because it will have SSD etc. I expect very good battery life too.

    Update: Great for writing class notes and doing equations
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