Apple: iPod touch is now a "mainstream Wi-Fi mobile platform"



  • Reply 21 of 54
    this week i was finally in a financial position to acquire a few aapl shares, for the first time since all my co-workers did so @ $6 b4 split (I chose to blow my earnings, (20 grand at 20) on traveling in India and Europe, my only regret: I hadn't heard of paragliding yet.) I hope some of my peers did the same tonight, and hopefully I can get the girlfriend to follow suit tomorrow b4 the market opens. anyway,

    Originally Posted by sc_markt View Post

    Ok, here is a stupid question on the iPod touch. Can you connect it to a TV and watch a video on the TV from the iPod touch (like I can with my 30GB video iPod)?

    UM, Abso-frickin-lutely. 640x360 .m4v is ok, both streaming over shit dsl and the HD rentals from Apl-tv look good too (I caught a glimse of an rental at work, I haven't tried it myself on my 1080p, or through dvi or hdmi.)

    I'm happy AplTv has secured a competitive solution for web-accessed long form content... Hopefully quality will reach parity with x-blox and some of the other bandwagon-jumpers, (i still don't understand why I can stream a 1080p trailer at 13Mbps from the quicktime site but only get 720p at about 5mbps from AplTv- trust me, given the choice, consumers would gladly wait for the download.)

    as far as streaming major studio content goes, uh, there's decent content out there, man ? but don't worry. Soon enough it'll be better (quality,) easier (media management & ui,) and free (or ad-supported, sorry.)

    -preparing for ishit dev kit.
  • Reply 22 of 54
    This is all fine and good, but is the calendar function still crippled after the recent update?

    I searched the other day, and did not find any information one way or another about its current status.
  • Reply 23 of 54
    If only it had Bluetooth so you could link it to a mobile phone, sync contacts via iSync.....


    So close.
  • Reply 24 of 54
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    As soon as people start talking about a device as a "platform," it is a sign their eyes are getting bigger than their stomachs, they have forgotten the devices core function, and they're about to spend a lot of money do something their customers won't care about.
  • Reply 25 of 54
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Everyone knew this before the call. This so-called news changes nothing.

    I agree with most of the sentiments here

    - the news is that Apple is stating that publicly

    I didn't get an iPhone, for all the usual reasons, but got the Touch, hoping that it would get the mail client - which it now has

    - it's so useful for quickly checking mail at home or anywhere where's there's a free wifi spot

    - without the need to carry a laptop, or wait for it too boot

    I think it's great to give people the choice of the all-in-one iPhone

    - or have 2 devices - a phone + media/internet device.

    - so I think Apple have really successfully carved out a new category for themselves

    - which Nokia has been trying to do with the N* series, without too much success

    A larger screen version would be great for extended browsing/viewing etc.
  • Reply 26 of 54
    I find that I use my iPhone on wifi to surf the net more than I use my 12 powerbook while at home. More comfortable than my 12 inch PB. If it had a slightly larger screen and more developed email app and web browser it could replace my laptop for those funtions.
  • Reply 27 of 54
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by libmanj View Post

    This is all fine and good, but is the calendar function still crippled after the recent update?

    I searched the other day, and did not find any information one way or another about its current status.

    I didn't notice any "crippling" of the calendar when I tested it at the store a couple of days ago. It's one of the things I liked best about it.
  • Reply 28 of 54
    mukeimukei Posts: 14member

    Yeah they sell a lot in JAPAN...

    Where the iPhone is NOT available...

    What will it be when the iPhone will be avalaible I don't know... Who will get it ? Docomo ? Softbank or AU...

    Anyway... no 3G, no Japan ^_^
  • Reply 29 of 54
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    As soon as people start talking about a device as a "platform," it is a sign their eyes are getting bigger than their stomachs, they have forgotten the devices core function, and they're about to spend a lot of money do something their customers won't care about.

  • Reply 30 of 54
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Mukei View Post


    Yeah they sell a lot in JAPAN...

    Where the iPhone is NOT available...

    What will it be when the iPhone will be avalaible I don't know... Who will get it ? Docomo ? Softbank or AU...

    Anyway... no 3G, no Japan ^_^

    Japan will get their 3G iPhone... eventually.
  • Reply 31 of 54
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    I pay $40 a month in my current TMobile plan. In order for me to get a comparable plan here in Miami with AT&T I would have to pay $80 and it still doesn't match it totally. What a fricken rip off and a laugh.

    I wonder if their rates are always this lousy or is it iPhone owner gouging?

    Is it a true comparison, or aren't you leaving something out here?

    I pay $39/mo for my Sprint service, but I'm not paying for any internet service either. Does your TMobile plan include unlimited internet? The iPhone plan does.
  • Reply 32 of 54
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by libmanj View Post

    This is all fine and good, but is the calendar function still crippled after the recent update?

    I searched the other day, and did not find any information one way or another about its current status.

    What do you mean by 'crippled'?

    If you mean by adding or editing events then it is not crippled. We have been able to do this since the fall update.
  • Reply 33 of 54
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Originally Posted by cygnusrk727 View Post

    The new Newton and more. I could forsee them outselling iPhones at some point. (simply because some people do not want the 2 year contract or have a phone through work already.)

    I love the iTouch and want one. Hope to get one by summertime. As the new software suggests, the product has legs.

    Within 4 years (at the end of the ATT contract) VOIP for apple ipod touch.

    .mac and that nifty MCI datacenter that Apple bought all come together.
  • Reply 34 of 54
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by aresee View Post

    What do you mean by 'crippled'?

    If you mean by adding or editing events then it is not crippled. We have been able to do this since the fall update.

    I think what was meant was that the mail, maps, weather, notes & stocks could have been included in the first place rather than piecemealed out in a paid update.
  • Reply 35 of 54
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think what was meant was that the mail, maps, weather, notes & stocks could have been included in the first place rather than piecemealed out in a paid update.

    No, he definitely said calendar function,
  • Reply 36 of 54
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    ATT is not very good here in NYC either. Everybody I know with an iPhone constantly gets static and dropped calls.

    You gotta be making this stuff up as you go along.
  • Reply 37 of 54
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You gotta be making this stuff up as you go along.

    Why? And I am not the only one saying this. You act like you've never heard this? I wish I was 'cause the AT&T factor is holding a lot of people back.
  • Reply 38 of 54
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Why? And I am not the only one saying this. You act like you've never heard this? I wish I was 'cause the AT&T factor is holding a lot of people back.

    Myself included. Damn AT&T.
  • Reply 39 of 54
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Why? And I am not the only one saying this. You act like you've never heard this? I wish I was 'cause the AT&T factor is holding a lot of people back.

    I live in New York with an iPhone. There are thousands of iPhone owners in New York.

    AT&T may not be the best but the story often gets exaggerated beyond what it really is.

    My call reception in New York with my iPhone has been fine. I haven't heard of any serious problems from others with iPhones.
  • Reply 40 of 54
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I live in New York with an iPhone. There are thousands of iPhone owners in New York.

    AT&T may not be the best but the story often gets exaggerated beyond what it really is.

    My call reception in New York with my iPhone has been fine. I haven't heard of any serious problems from others with iPhones.

    Depends where you are, even within a particular metro area. Out here in the Silicon Valley, ATT doesn't so much drop a ton of calls as it does garble a lot of 'em. Some of my family members have dropped ATT for that exact reason, even though they were interested in getting an iPhone.

    For them, the iPhone was enticing, but the service was a deal-breaker (and one of them also wanted 3G). \

    Nationally, ATT seems to consistently finish mid-pack (or a bit worse) in the big call quality surveys. Behind Verizon and T-Mobile, but ahead of Sprint, who's undergoing some pretty heavy problems right now.

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