OS 9 has crashed too many times to count but I also do lots with it, and have lots of control panels and extensions. OS X doesn't crash very often, and I've only gotten two kernel panics, and those were back right after OS X came out. Luckilly I wasn't freaked out after seeing them, since I am familiar with Linux.
I was one of the first to have OS X - I received my copy on March 24, 2001. Since then, I've had little or no problems with OS X that are really worth mentioning. And now I just got my Palm to hotsync using IR in OS X!!!! YAY!!! Now I can use OS X 100% of the time!!
2 kernel panics when filetransfering thats all. What makes my day is that I haven't had any freezes since I switched from OS 9. No freezes in almost a year now (never could have said that in 9)!
I have never experienced a kernel panic at all, and I first used OS X on March 24, 2001. In fact, when I hear people mention them, I don't think of UNIX, I think of popcorn.
Thanks to the 10.1.3 upgrade, my uptime counter is back down to a few paltry days. I did have a few days about 2 months ago where my iMac was acting quite screwy, but it stopped doing that pretty quickly. And, now that I'm frequently running MacJanitor and XOptimize, things are running much more swiftly overall.
On my Quicksilver 867 I had one case last September where the system became unresponsive and the mouse turned into the beach ball. Force quitting didn't help. The cause was that I mounted a shared volume on an NT system and that computer was restarted without dismounting the shared volume.
On the other hand, I have a Powerbook Pismo 500 which has had numerous crashes and freezes in both OS 9 and OS X. However, I know that that machine has hardware issues. The heat sink is not well attached to the CPU. Doing something intensive (encoding a long MP3) can cause it to overheat and crash in unusual ways.
On another machine (not mine) I have seen ms office for X cause kernel panics.
I have been running OS X a long time and have experienced 3 kernel panics, all a long time ago. Since 10.1 I have not had even one. I have had freezes while playing the Oni Demo and playing beta games. I have not crashed it doing anything having to do with normal system operation, web browsing, Office, Classic Layer, IM, etc...
Very cool since OS 9 crashed at least once a week. Sometimes at really important times using the machine. This OS has only gotten better with every new release for me.
Since installing 10.1, the only time my PowerBook G3 (Pismo) has been shut down was when I installed my new 30GB harddrive last month. No crashes, no hanging, no nuthin.' The only App's I've had that are really buggy are share/freeware, oh, and Internet Explorer. Illustrator 10 is a little slow at times, but gorgeous and joyful to use, and it's obvious that some developers are still getting a handle on Aqua, just look at AOL Instant Messenger's interface. I'm getting more and more dependant on OS X as each day, and each big software release, passes.
My PIsmo feels a hundred times faster with the 30GB harddrive and 1GB of RAM I dropped in it, so I've decided that I'm putting off the purchase of a new machine and I'm going to drop a grand on the Adobe Design Collection and Get Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Indesign 2, and Acrobat 5, as soon as they offer the updated bundle. No more pirating the education versions ;-)
The recent 10.1.3 update even lets me play DVD's while running Multiple monitors, though apple publicizes the feature as being for the PowerBook G4 only. So with Photoshop 7, there are increasingly fewer reasons for me to even look at classic or boot into 9.2. I haven't lost so much as an hour's worth of work to a system crash under 10.1, I'd have to compulsively hit command+s every few seconds in OS 9 to maintain such productivity.
Im damn sure OS9 has never crashed on me!. I've sure had crashes in apps. AOL and Canvas crash all the time, but Ive never had a Finder crash. I reloaded OSX last week, and installed Canvas 8. Damn thing crashed during its first run. I absoluterly love Canvas, but its always been buggy as hell.
Shock, Cinema4d crashed on me last night. 6hrs work in the toilet!!!!
i crash mac os X 10,1,1 one time ( i did not remember why) ; it was the first and only times.
I can not say that of classic especially with internet explorer who crash many times. Mac os X is much better for stability. I wish that i can use mac os X at my office, unfortunately i have to change of computer : too many upgrades to do with my G3 333 (drivers for my Scanner for example, for my ISDN working on a ADB port, ...)
My PowerCenter Pro w/G3 266 upgrade never had any kernel panics except when trying to access audio CDs (that did it every time) and occasionally when run running applicaions off of CDs. It was reasonably stable under OS 9. My DP 800 hasn't had any kernel panics, and I don't know how stable OS 9 is because I've only used it long enough to fix a glitch with the startup volume settings.
BTW, how is Deneba Canvas 8? Thinking about getting it for X.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Canvas 8 in OSX totally rocks as an application that can do almost any type of graphic publication you can think of. And it can do alot more than simply buying all the Adobe Apps, because it is totally integrated with itself. Sadly that price of awesome power comes with a con that it is guaranteed to crash everytime it runs. It has an autoSave, which is best to set to a small minute increment! Really, ive seen this app crash after less than 5 minutes,
However, it currently at 8.0.1, and i'd think an update is due soonish. My experience with version 7, was that it didn't become stable until the last update. infact, most of the time i still use V7, but it still does have a tendancy to bomb. If it stays up for more than 15 minutes, you can be pretty sure it will stay up, but again V7 can crash within minutes of launching.
However, i'd not live without it. Think of it as that stunningly beautiful model girlfriend you have that occasionly gets coked up and sleeps with the garbage man.
Quake 2: Froze everything. Couldnt force quit. Hard Restart.
Installed Dave 3.1: Had shared folder mounted on desktop (connected to Win2K machine). Within the first two hours, with only a few other apps open, had TWO colonel panics. (thursby.kext appeared somewhere in the text, so I assume its to blame).
SMS Online app: Had somekind of memory leak. I left it open once and went for dinner. Two hours later I came back and almost everything was still at a grinding halt (a mouse movement would register after every 3 seconds or so). Couldnt do anything. Hard Restart cause no menus could be selected.
As soon as I bought my iBook 600, first time I booted up, after a few minutes everything came to an absolute standstill. Hard Restart and subsequent low level formatting and reinstallation.
I have to say my OS X experience in th past month or so (this all happened since last month) has been luke warm at best.
Im thinking of getting rid of everything and reinstalling JUST OS X 10.1.2 (comes with iBook) and not reinstall from the 5 "Restore CDs".
Standard Input Output UNIX
It basically provides a Mac window for apps that utilize standard input and standard output a la UNIX console apps.
Analog for OS 9 uses SIOUX. BYTEMark used SIOUX. Not sure what else did...
I was one of the first to have OS X - I received my copy on March 24, 2001. Since then, I've had little or no problems with OS X that are really worth mentioning. And now I just got my Palm to hotsync using IR in OS X!!!! YAY!!! Now I can use OS X 100% of the time!!
Thanks to the 10.1.3 upgrade, my uptime counter is back down to a few paltry days. I did have a few days about 2 months ago where my iMac was acting quite screwy, but it stopped doing that pretty quickly. And, now that I'm frequently running MacJanitor and XOptimize, things are running much more swiftly overall.
OS 9 crashed on me about once every two days.
On the other hand, I have a Powerbook Pismo 500 which has had numerous crashes and freezes in both OS 9 and OS X. However, I know that that machine has hardware issues. The heat sink is not well attached to the CPU. Doing something intensive (encoding a long MP3) can cause it to overheat and crash in unusual ways.
On another machine (not mine) I have seen ms office for X cause kernel panics.
Very cool since OS 9 crashed at least once a week. Sometimes at really important times using the machine. This OS has only gotten better with every new release for me.
But other than that, it's almost like you're not using a real Mac at all it's so stable.
iMac DV 400 - lotsa random problems.
<img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
My PIsmo feels a hundred times faster with the 30GB harddrive and 1GB of RAM I dropped in it, so I've decided that I'm putting off the purchase of a new machine and I'm going to drop a grand on the Adobe Design Collection and Get Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Indesign 2, and Acrobat 5, as soon as they offer the updated bundle. No more pirating the education versions ;-)
The recent 10.1.3 update even lets me play DVD's while running Multiple monitors, though apple publicizes the feature as being for the PowerBook G4 only. So with Photoshop 7, there are increasingly fewer reasons for me to even look at classic or boot into 9.2. I haven't lost so much as an hour's worth of work to a system crash under 10.1, I'd have to compulsively hit command+s every few seconds in OS 9 to maintain such productivity.
Shock, Cinema4d crashed on me last night. 6hrs work in the toilet!!!!
No problems with OS X so far.
BTW, how is Deneba Canvas 8? Thinking about getting it for X.
I can not say that of classic especially with internet explorer who crash many times. Mac os X is much better for stability. I wish that i can use mac os X at my office, unfortunately i have to change of computer : too many upgrades to do with my G3 333 (drivers for my Scanner for example, for my ISDN working on a ADB port, ...)
[ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: powerdoc ]</p>
BTW, how is Deneba Canvas 8? Thinking about getting it for X.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Canvas 8 in OSX totally rocks as an application that can do almost any type of graphic publication you can think of. And it can do alot more than simply buying all the Adobe Apps, because it is totally integrated with itself. Sadly that price of awesome power comes with a con that it is guaranteed to crash everytime it runs. It has an autoSave, which is best to set to a small minute increment! Really, ive seen this app crash after less than 5 minutes,
However, it currently at 8.0.1, and i'd think an update is due soonish. My experience with version 7, was that it didn't become stable until the last update. infact, most of the time i still use V7, but it still does have a tendancy to bomb. If it stays up for more than 15 minutes, you can be pretty sure it will stay up, but again V7 can crash within minutes of launching.
However, i'd not live without it. Think of it as that stunningly beautiful model girlfriend you have that occasionly gets coked up and sleeps with the garbage man.
Installed Dave 3.1: Had shared folder mounted on desktop (connected to Win2K machine). Within the first two hours, with only a few other apps open, had TWO colonel panics. (thursby.kext appeared somewhere in the text, so I assume its to blame).
SMS Online app: Had somekind of memory leak. I left it open once and went for dinner. Two hours later I came back and almost everything was still at a grinding halt (a mouse movement would register after every 3 seconds or so). Couldnt do anything. Hard Restart cause no menus could be selected.
As soon as I bought my iBook 600, first time I booted up, after a few minutes everything came to an absolute standstill. Hard Restart and subsequent low level formatting and reinstallation.
I have to say my OS X experience in th past month or so (this all happened since last month) has been luke warm at best.
Im thinking of getting rid of everything and reinstalling JUST OS X 10.1.2 (comes with iBook) and not reinstall from the 5 "Restore CDs".