The only real problem I had with OS X involved the update to 10.1.1 (but it was easily fixed). Then I got Civilization III. Kernel panic city on my dual 800. What IS it with these dualies? I like the game enough to put up with it, but it's very annoying. It's pretty clear to me that the problem is software related since it only occurs in the one program. Oh well, maybe 10.2 will fix it.
<strong>What about all the cleanup and buzzing about X does after the install?
Well it does the prebinding before you restart and I really don't think iTunes needs anything that's very important that it needs to be restarted (correct me if I'm wrong). OS updates I always restart.
The only reason iTunes requires a restart is because it usually installs a new driver (like for the iPod in the last update). If you don't use an iPod, it's perfectly safe to "kill" the installer so you don't have to reboot.
from what I've read, OSX prefers Cubes. Mine has never crashed at all, even beta apps. Chimera doesn't crash on my cube. the only thing that has EVER given my trouble is IE, not a single kernel panic or restart since June 2001, I feel sorry for some of you
[ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: I like Macs ]</p>
I'm on a Cube and had a kernel panic on the second day after installing the OS.
All my kernel panics have been with Classic running, so I'm guessing it to be the culprit more often than not. Nowhere near the downtime of OS9 though, so it's nothing I'm even remotely annoyed by. I can live with one force-restart a month without starting to chew on the furniture.
a question: it has happened lately that I get the ball just spinning and spinning. If i press a window then i can move it, but i cannot open a document in the dock, nor can i go to the apple-menu and choose force quit. What should I do then?
There's nothing that needs to be in the 'Startup' to make it all kosher?
I was wondering if the system needed the reboot as almost everything is 'running' and can simply be re-started.. ?
<strong>What about all the cleanup and buzzing about X does after the install?
Well it does the prebinding before you restart and I really don't think iTunes needs anything that's very important that it needs to be restarted (correct me if I'm wrong). OS updates I always restart.
[ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: I like Macs ]</p>
All my kernel panics have been with Classic running, so I'm guessing it to be the culprit more often than not. Nowhere near the downtime of OS9 though, so it's nothing I'm even remotely annoyed by. I can live with one force-restart a month without starting to chew on the furniture.