Mac web share at 7.6 percent for January; iPhone in "almost every country"

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Apple's presence on the Internet continues to grow as use of Mac OS X climbed to a record 7.6 percent for January, say reports from Net Applications -- studies which also confirm that the iPhone is already in use around most of the world.

The increase in Mac share represents a gain of roughly 3.6 percent from December, when Apple's operating system reached its previous all-time high of 7.3 percent for all web views at the more than 40,000 websites tracked by the Internet firm.

The figure is also a 21.7 percent increase compared to the same period in January 2007, when Macs claimed 6.2 percent of site hits. By contrast, Microsoft shed two of its usage share points over the same period, falling from 93.3 percent at the opening of 2007 to 91.5 percent.

In the past, Net Applications has also cautioned that the existence of Boot Camp and Windows virtual machines for the Mac may also slightly distort the statistics, artificially inflating the number of Windows visits relative to actual systems bought with Windows pre-installed.

Use of Safari was also at its highest in January, just topping 5.8 percent compared to 5.6 percent the month before. It and Firefox continued to draw share away from Internet Explorer, which dropped from 76.1 percent to 75.5 percent of all browser use.

iPhone share grew slowly at 0.13 percent of all hits versus 0.12 a month prior. However, investigative work by Net Applications has shown that many of the missing iPhones unaccounted for by official carrier sales are scattered across the globe -- including in regions where few if any can afford the device.

"We've heard the rumors that many iPhones are being used outside the officially sanctioned countries," Net Applications says. "So, we decided to check it out and surprise, surprise, it's true. The iPhone has a presence in almost every country on Earth."

Surprisingly, a disproportionately large number of visitors come from Africa: as many as 2.2 percent phones come from Equatorial Guinea, while the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and Senegal were also more likely than other, wealthier nations to be points of origin for iPhone web visits. Southern Asian countries as exotic as Brunei Darussalam also registered higher in the list than countries with easier access to the iPhone, such as Canada or Italy.

Countries at the bottom of the list include South Korea, whose networks are often technically incompatible with the iPhone, and longtime US political opponent Iran.


  • Reply 1 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Hello from Ireland!

    Sent from me iPhone
  • Reply 2 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Countries at the bottom of the list include.......... and longtime US political opponent Iran.

    What the f...?
  • Reply 3 of 29
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    TO THE ADMINS: is this worldwide share or US share? Thanks.
  • Reply 4 of 29
    mchumanmchuman Posts: 154member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What the f...?

    I'm sure some Arab sheik, who probably owns $50m of AAPL shares, demanded to get his working.
  • Reply 5 of 29
    Originally Posted by McHuman View Post

    I'm sure some Arab sheik, who probably owns $50m of AAPL shares, demanded to get his working.

    Yes I was in Dubai and people had Macs everywhere. Didn't see the iphone though
  • Reply 6 of 29
    I wonder if Somalian warlords can get AT&T service out there?
  • Reply 7 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by tuneman07 View Post

    I wonder if Somalian warlords can get AT&T service out there?

    Unlocking an iPhone means getting it working on your local network, duh.
  • Reply 8 of 29
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    TO THE ADMINS: is this worldwide share or US share? Thanks.

    worlwide... duh...

    how can a list with countries all over the world be US market share??? think before you post ;-) it helps...
  • Reply 9 of 29
    Originally Posted by riversky View Post

    Yes I was in Dubai and people had Macs everywhere. Didn't see the iphone though

    my guess the iphone is very popular with women in arabic countries. they can browse the web whenever they want... especially in countries like saudi arabia, where women don't have equal opportunities a device like the iphone is very handy...

    and for conutries like the african ones that score high... i think that there ain't many people with a computer @ home... the iphone let's people take the internet home... have you guys seen what a broadband or just a landline costs in those countries, hell, i couldn't afford broadband in those countries...

    512/64kbit in some african countries costs like $200-500 a month... that's how goverments try to keep their citizens in the dark and "happy"... i think the digital divide needs to be addressed... affordable Satellite broadband that can be bought outside the country and run without anyone interfering should do the trick...

    in europe there's a full SAT based down/uplink service via astra with 1Mbit download and 128kbit upload for around ?50... service like that would strike a nerve in those countries!!! i wonder why no company has thought of circumventing the restrictive policies of those governments yet???
  • Reply 10 of 29
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by smokeonit View Post

    i wonder why no company has thought of circumventing the restrictive policies of those governments yet???

    Because it usually starts wars.
  • Reply 11 of 29
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Clearly this shows that Apple is teh doomed.
  • Reply 12 of 29
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ...Southern Asian countries as exotic as Brunei Darussalam also registered higher in the list than countries with easier access to the iPhone, such as Canada or Italy...

    It is surprising that developing countries are flocking to the iPhone in droves. It is the Louis Vitton of smartphones, for some reason.

    And believe me, people in Brunei can well afford it.

    Remember that a lot of Islamic or "Islamist" countries have a lot of wealthy people. Disproportionate, certainly, but in absolute numbers, a lot of wealthy Muslims around the world. Remember that. I can tell you, sometimes, these Muslims are more liberal than the average veil/ headscarf wearing "classical" Muslim woman not allowed to drive, etc.

    Brunei - population 400,000. However:

    This tiny Islamic state is especially known for the legendary wealth of its Sultan, and for being one of the richest countries in Southeast Asia, with a very high standard of living. Education and healthcare are free; houses, cars, and even pilgrimages to Mecca are subsidized. There’s no tax on personal income and the average per capita income among the highest in the world.

    Notice Singapore higher or equal to Australia, Australia higher than Japan, France,

    Germany, Italy... and Brunei around Spain, South Korea.

    Purchasing Power Parity used here because quite relevant as related to retail purchasing.

    17\t Singapore\t33,471\t2006

    18\t Australia\t33,037\t2004

    19\t Greece\t33,004\t2005

    20\t Japan\t32,530\t2005

    21\t France\t31,825\t2006

    22\t Israel\t31,561\t2005

    23\t Germany\t31,390\t2006

    24\t Italy\t31,051\t2005

    25\t Taiwan (Republic of China)\t30,687\t2006

    26\t Cyprus\t29,870\t2006

    27\t Spain\t27,914\t2006

    28\t New Zealand\t25,874\t2006

    29\t Brunei\t25,772\t2006

    30\t Slovenia\t24,571\t2006

    31\t South Korea\t24,084\t2006
  • Reply 13 of 29
    It seems like Canada will be one of the last countries to get the iPhone. It was rumoured that Rogers (barf) was going to be the sole carrier. Unfortunately when it come to cell phone plans we Canadians get hosed and hosed good. Given that the iPhone has such a dependancy on data plans this may be hurting or hindering the arrival of the iPhone. Our data plans are some of the most expensive in the world thanks to Rogers, Telus, and Bell (barf, barf, barf). It's too bad, I think the iPhone would do well in Canada.
  • Reply 14 of 29
    Originally Posted by tsweimer View Post

    It seems like Canada will be one of the last countries to get the iPhone. It was rumoured that Rogers (barf) was going to be the sole carrier. Unfortunately when it come to cell phone plans we Canadians get hosed and hosed good. Given that the iPhone has such a dependancy on data plans this may be hurting or hindering the arrival of the iPhone. Our data plans are some of the most expensive in the world thanks to Rogers, Telus, and Bell (barf, barf, barf). It's too bad, I think the iPhone would do well in Canada.

    I'd imagine it's more in terms of the network's suitability and how well-off the citizens are. Signs are that Rogers get more reasonable plans on February 5th, so Canadians might not have long to wait!
  • Reply 15 of 29
    I wonder if those Sumerian and Babylonian Warriors have an iPhone.
  • Reply 16 of 29
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    This is like saying Rambo is playing everywhere around the world. Yeah...if you count all the pirated DVD screeners floating around.

    iPhone isn't even in Canada one of the world's economic leaders and beside Apple headquarters so who cares if the iPhone is being unlocked and used around the world.

    Most retarded thread.
  • Reply 17 of 29
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    This is like saying Rambo is playing everywhere around the world. Yeah...if you count all the pirated DVD screeners floating around.

    iPhone isn't even in Canada one of the world's economic leaders and beside Apple headquarters so who cares if the iPhone is being unlocked and used around the world.

    Most retarded thread.

    Have a bad night last night?
  • Reply 18 of 29
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Have a bad night last night?

    He probably had nightmares after watching this:

    Ha ha ha America, you so Yankee ignorance peoples.

    Watching this and learning! Then you think you so great

    not so more anymore!
  • Reply 19 of 29
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    ....iPhone isn't even in Canada one of the world's economic leaders and beside Apple headquarters so who cares if the iPhone is being unlocked and used around the world...

    Is English the native language of your country?
  • Reply 20 of 29
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    I just watched Rambo at home It was da bomb. Very surprised!
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