MacBook Air (HDD model): an in-depth review



  • Reply 141 of 153
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by PaulJohnGriffin View Post

    Because I work in film and video and need the bandwidth, I'd rather wait for a MacBook Pro to come along with BluRay technology in the same case.

    I think this and many other threads have established the MBA isn't for 'power' users in much the same way as the 12" PowerBook wasn't. Better options are available in the MBP range.

  • Reply 142 of 153
    First of all it is a great review and very indepth too. I really like AppleInsider for things like this. No matter what people say about this MBA, but I simple love this thing and the Great news is that it is now available in India.

  • Reply 143 of 153
    Originally Posted by frankiilacomposer View Post

    First off, let me start by saying I love apple mac products, and own them too.

    That said, MBA is a rip off. Why? No, not the target audience, but I can't stand the FAN BOY mentality let alone the ignorance that most users have (is 160GB how much ram? Not knowing how to edit kext files (BBEdit)), of course, I am also pointing to the latest switchers.

    Now, with that in mind, latest switchers, PLEASE, some FAN BOY, please defend why the crappy GPU? Battery life you say? Okay, then why the crappy GPU in Mac Book? How about Mac Mini?

    Would it be to much to ask for a decent GPU in the low end models without having to spend $2000 grand for a laptop if you want decent graphics?

    Okay, now what is the excuse? Wait, I know, they (Apple), are afraid that the Pro's (myself included), would use the cheap'o machines to run MOTION right! By golly, that must be it right?

    I mean, why else would they cripple even the first/second gen MACBOOKS that had a score of 186% with XBENCH down to a lowly 87%.

    But wait, hold on, just a second here - - is it me or do we and the PRO market no longer make up the Apple user base (see puppy dogs, baby strollers in Apple Store with One to One's for iPhoto (would love to see a SHAKE/LOGIC/MOTION class (a-huh...), no, the user base are those that ask ...."is 120Gigs the RAM......." NOT THE PRO market.

    So why does APPLE keep dissin us? Why?

    Would it kill them to make a decent GPU laptop that didn't cost $2000 never mind the under powered, bad review STATIC $1000 Solid State HD under powered, crappy (AGAIN) on board graphics.

    Please, even as a fan, I can't justify this product nor any that can't run a decent game nor motion. So what if good gaming = motion users. Again, so what. The small 2~3 % of the market (PROS) wouldn't make or break APPLE ANYMORE these days than does the OSX86 groups cracking the OS. Spare me.

    Come to think of it, from a marketing point of view (I was a National Marketing Director), Apple would sell boat loads of Mac Books to every college student if they could run windows, play FPS (first person shooters) and gave it up on worrying about the PRO user base.

    Its getting old.

    Just my .03 cents.


    Wow, first off, way to come across as an arrogant anti-fanboy whilst simultaneously decrying perceived fanboyism. Seriously, nice going calling new users fanboys and ignorant. Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has the time to learn about, never mind use, all the hardcore things you do? Humility is a good thing sir. I'm sure there's plenty those switchers know far more about than you.

    As for the GPU argument, I take your point but I think you're over-reacting. The onboard graphics are capable of doing what the computers were designed for, which may well not be high end but why is that a problem? Not everyone is hardcore, not everyone needs high end power. Yes, there are people different from you and they are just as valid as you.

    Incidentally Mr. Marketing Director, the MacBook Air can run Windows and play some of the more popular FPS games as they tend to be the slightly older ones. I'm not talking Doom here, but the kids still play the likes of Halo and Unreal Tournament 2004.

    Hey, um, you threw me at the end there a little bit. Point-Oh-Three of a Cent? Isn't...Isn't it normally 2 Cents? Meh, whatever. Live and Let Live

    Anywho, I still want to buy the bottom rung MacBook Air. The price is kind of an issue (Especially here in the UK. Even excluding tax it's $2008 for the 80GB 1.6GHz model). I like the thing and it's everything I wanted it to be, it compromises only on stuff I don't mind.

    It's not for everyone though. Some people do need the optical drive or more USB ports or whatever. But for me, it's a thin and light notebook with OS X. It's what I was wanting.

    Also, I don't think you'll ever see that 12" MacBook Pro. Apple's pretty into the whole widescreen thing now. I doubt they'd make another computer without a widescreen display. And the 13" size is what Apple has chosen as their Widescreen 12" replacement. Hence, MacBook - successor to the iBook* has it and MacBook Air - the successor to the 12" PowerBook - has it.

    *Yes, I know there was a 15" iBook, but I would say it was absorbed into the Pro line after the MacBook name replaced iBook.
  • Reply 144 of 153
    techwiz007techwiz007 Posts: 24member
    there's a lighter notebook than the iMac Air. The thing is it's just not thinner, however it could easily be. So I don't see the reason why people are so excited about it
  • Reply 145 of 153
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by techwiz007 View Post

    there's a lighter notebook than the iMac Air. The thing is it's just not thinner, however it could easily be. So I don't see the reason why people are so excited about it


    Does it run Mac OS? Didn't think so. That's why we love the Air. Oh, and it's sexy.
  • Reply 146 of 153
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post


    Does it run Mac OS? Didn't think so. That's why we love the Air. Oh, and it's sexy.

    Don't forget he also said:


    The thing is it's just not thinner, however it could easily be.

    I love the "however it could easily be" part -- as if it's so simple. Trivial. As if they didn't want it to be so thin.
  • Reply 147 of 153
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by techwiz007 View Post

    there's a lighter notebook than the iMac Air. The thing is it's just not thinner, however it could easily be. So I don't see the reason why people are so excited about it

    There is no iMac Air.

    Apple claims theirs is the thinnest notebook, not the lightest. I really don't see the lies here. There are several notebooks that are lighter, I really don't think that's a contested fact.
  • Reply 148 of 153
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    For those interested in the MBA or have a MBA, macally has a new hub designed for the Air that includes 3 USB ports and an ethernet port. It's not even on their site yet; I saw it on page 17 of the latest issue of Mac|Life (June 08). Took a quick and dirty snapshot with my MBP camera:

  • Reply 149 of 153
    I'm still waiting for a larger hard drive. 80 GB is just not enough. My iPod has a larger drive for crying out loud! As far as the rest of the machine goes, for my needs it's fine. Only thing I'd miss is FW 800, and that's not the show-stopper that the 80 GB drive is.

  • Reply 150 of 153
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Has anyone actually used the SSD compare it to the regular disk model? I'm interested in speed of use with normal things-- Office, iWork and the iLife suites, and Adobe Pro and internet via Safari and Firefox?
  • Reply 151 of 153
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    NO FIREWIRE, NO PURCHASE. Because Firewire is essential to repair and troubleshoot at our University. Move to Windows. A shame!
  • Reply 152 of 153
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    NO FIREWIRE, NO PURCHASE. Because Firewire is essential to repair and troubleshoot at our University. Move to Windows. A shame!

    Fine, move to Windows.

    It's a free country.

    What is the big deal, they are just computers, no body died!
  • Reply 153 of 153
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    NO FIREWIRE, NO PURCHASE. Because Firewire is essential to repair and troubleshoot at our University. Move to Windows. A shame!

    If repairing/troubleshooting was such a significant reason you buy Macs then maybe you should have moved to Windows some time ago. I suspect there is another reason you have Macs.

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