Rogers unlimited data plan an inroad for iPhone in Canada?



  • Reply 21 of 45
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    Here's hoping the rumours about Telus migrating to GSM pan out.
  • Reply 22 of 45
    aslamaslam Posts: 12member
    Just spoke to Rogers about adding this to my account. They told me that you can only browse Rogers-branded sites like their music store. Non-rogers sites and/or e-mail still only get 5MB of download included in the pack and then 5 cents per KB or $51.20 per megabyte (.05 * 1024). Totally useless for me and I suspect almost everyone else!

    I've been using an unlocked iPhone on Rogers since September now and I was hoping to finally be able to turn on Edge (I've had it turned off at all times thus far) but alas no luck yet. I guess I'll till have to hunt for free wireless networks which are becoming more and more difficult to find nowadays.
  • Reply 23 of 45
    aslamaslam Posts: 12member
    Originally Posted by ajmas View Post

    Here's hoping the rumours about Telus migrating to GSM pan out.

    That won't happen till 4G so it will be a few years before we see that.
  • Reply 24 of 45
    Originally Posted by jhayman View Post

    Odd, I've been a Mac user longer than I've had Rogers Hi-speed internet. I could have sworn they support Macs.

    1) When I first bought hi-speed (back in 2000), they came to my apartment, hooked up the modem and made sure it worked on my Mac.

    2) The manuals (again circa 2000) included pages on setting up the software and debugging using a Mac. Notably, what required several pages for Windows, required only a few for a Mac - which I think was running MacOS 8 or 9? And this was in the dark days when Mac marketshare was dying a painful slow death.

    3) When I had troubles with my modem getting a signal, I called customer support. They asked what OS I was running (then OS X). They stepped me through the Network Utilities app to check the connection. I have memories of the rep turning to the Mac service page of his manual, looking at what it offered and saying "wow, this does everything".

    So what makes you say they DON'T support Macs?

    Then you're a fortunate individual. I've been with Rogers for my high speed service since 2001 and have called a number of times for assistance with issues affecting my modem or service. On at least three occasions (the most recent was 6 months ago) the agent I dealt with told me, and I quote, "Oh, Mac. We don't support that."

    I've never spoken with an agent that could walk me through System Prefs or anything else to do with OS X. I'm glad you have had success with them, but I have not.

    I guess we can add "terrible inconsistency of service" to the many things I don't like about Rogers (aside from over-priced service). ;-)
  • Reply 25 of 45
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member
    Originally Posted by aestival View Post

    If the Canadian telecoms spent on development even a fraction of the time they spend worrying about disabling phones and crippling features, then Canada would be far better off. I'm not holding my breath, since I currently pay Rogers $50/month for unlimited wireless, just not on cellphone frequencies -- they clearly don't give a damn about the consumers, and that certainly includes not wanting to deal with Apple (who, oddly enough, actually seem to care about consumer goodwill -- go figure!)

    I wouldn't go so far as to say that Apple is about consumer goodwill. What I would say about them is that they actually have someone with a real passion for technology and a vision shaping the direction of their company. Someone who manages to balance profitability with research and innovation.

    As opposed to having anonymous shareholders who could care less about the actual experience of the product, and whether anything is actually moving forward, as long as there are record profits because there's no real alternative for consumers.

    If only the Canadian market were big enough for service providers from other countries to care about, there'd be a huge shakeup. I'm starting to seriously think about joining FON. It seems to be to only way to fight the wireless service providers at this point.
  • Reply 26 of 45
    This plan is horrible!

    It is terribly restricted. You cannot use it with Blackberries, Windows Mobile devices or iPhones?!? What is the point?!

    Nice try Rogers, back to the drawing board.
  • Reply 27 of 45
    How there has never been any Government investigation into the anti-competitive nature of Canadian data rates, how our politicians and regulatory agencies are not utterly humiliated by the worse-than-third-world communication standards puked over Canadians, and how each and every user doesn't raise bloody murder online, in writing, and in statement to the CRTC (or whomever has regulatory authority) is beyond me.

    (Not even mentioning how much money Rogers would make if they really did offer a $20 (or whatever competitively priced) unlimited internet access package -- have they never heard of volume pricing or economy of scale? 100 desperate corp Crackberry accounts @$200 is far, far less than thousands upon thousands of regular consumers @$20. Is everybody chasing the prosumer market but Rogers??)
  • Reply 28 of 45
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by telusman View Post

    I'm *very* tempted to buy a 16gb iPhone and break it just so I can use it on Fido up here in Canada. I'd switch to Rogers if they had a decent iPhone package... Now to sound like an petulant child, I want, I want, I want.

    I'm in the same boat, I would have broken an iphone for fido use already but I haven't had time to dip down to buffalo since the iphone launched. But I would leave fido for rogers (even though they're the same damn thing), if rogers became competitive.
  • Reply 29 of 45
    Originally Posted by gigi View Post

    Tired to wait, this is another example that we need more competition here in Canada. They complaints about Quebécor (videotron) want a network to offer the best technology in mobile cell phone but they don't want to offer good rate!

    May of this year will be the month of the CRTC who will selling some new antenna for videotron, YESSS come videotron and fight those big sleeping company.

    Videotron dream to offer the iPhone here, but they need to win the auction in May first and after that built there own network hmmmm, not before 2009.

    I think we are looking at longer than's not like Videotron, MTS Allstream or any other "emerging" carrier will have the infrastructure right away. And it's not like the big 3 will "play nice" and give up tower space. Rogers will still have us by the 2G GSM / 3G HSPDA nutsack for a while.

    Originally Posted by ajmas View Post

    Here's hoping the rumours about Telus migrating to GSM pan out.

    It looks like they may start with some kind of hybrid CDMA / UMTS network...this allows them to keep their current customer base and be ready to move to the eventual LTE type network.

    BTW, did you know Telus unlimited browsing is only to their preferred websites?

    I'm interested in what stipulations the Bell unlimited plan has.
  • Reply 30 of 45
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by rener View Post

    I don't know who I'm more angry with:

    AppleInsider for the moronic reporting that got my hopes up.

    Rogers for the continued, non-competitive business practices that dashed my hopes.

    Or me, for still having hopes.

    Thanks, data-rate-tards!

    be mad at the CRTC! that's where i'm channelling my hate right now... lol
  • Reply 31 of 45
    Sounds like a 419 scam to me...
  • Reply 32 of 45
    Don't Trust Rogers
  • Reply 33 of 45
    Excuse me for my ignorance but there is something I don't understand here. Why having to browse internet using their network? I mean, iphone doesn't have wifi connectivity like ipod touch has? That is what I love from my touch, being able to connect to my wireless router at home and browse internet.
  • Reply 34 of 45
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member
    Originally Posted by finalcut View Post

    Excuse me for my ignorance but there is something I don't understand here. Why having to browse internet using their network?.

    Because sometimes people actually leave their home (and need to look up information while they're not at home).
  • Reply 35 of 45
    tdottdot Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by rener View Post

    How there has never been any Government investigation into the anti-competitive nature of Canadian data rates, how our politicians and regulatory agencies are not utterly humiliated by the worse-than-third-world communication standards puked over Canadians, and how each and every user doesn't raise bloody murder online, in writing, and in statement to the CRTC (or whomever has regulatory authority) is beyond me.

    (Not even mentioning how much money Rogers would make if they really did offer a $20 (or whatever competitively priced) unlimited internet access package -- have they never heard of volume pricing or economy of scale? 100 desperate corp Crackberry accounts @$200 is far, far less than thousands upon thousands of regular consumers @$20. Is everybody chasing the prosumer market but Rogers??)

    Amen to that, brother! (or sister) I couldn't have said it better myself. I have a secret desire that some genius hacker (who is also a champion for competition) will hack the Rogers network and bring it to a screeching halt until they offer an unlimited data plan that can be used by iPhones. Rogers is desperately clinging to the fat profit margins of business users who need wireless data access. It?s pathetic and I hope they burn for it.
  • Reply 36 of 45
    $20 for unlimited WAP BROWSING? That's ****** TEXT ONLY 1993 SHIT!


    What the hell is going on with our neighbors to the north??? Canada even has a government agency that is responsible for competition in telecommunications, right??

    You guys need to REVOLT against Rogers and Cancel ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS!
  • Reply 37 of 45
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    $20 for unlimited WAP BROWSING? That's ****** TEXT ONLY 1993 SHIT!


    What the hell is going on with our neighbors to the north??? Canada even has a government agency that is responsible for competition in telecommunications, right??

    You guys need to REVOLT against Rogers and Cancel ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS!

    I canceled my Rogers account three months ago. They were bleeding me dry... crap customer service... sick and tired of the BS, I decided to pay the cancellation fee and get the hell out. I don't have a cell phone anymore and I'm doing just fine. I refuse to go back until I see fairer pricing. Right now it's a bald-faced rip-off... and what's with these stupid contracts forcing us to use their - and only their - overpriced, over-hyped crummy product for 2-3 years? What a scam.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    Originally Posted by jhayman View Post

    Odd, I've been a Mac user longer than I've had Rogers Hi-speed internet. I could have sworn they support Macs.

    1) When I first bought hi-speed (back in 2000), they came to my apartment, hooked up the modem and made sure it worked on my Mac.

    2) The manuals (again circa 2000) included pages on setting up the software and debugging using a Mac. Notably, what required several pages for Windows, required only a few for a Mac - which I think was running MacOS 8 or 9? And this was in the dark days when Mac marketshare was dying a painful slow death.

    3) When I had troubles with my modem getting a signal, I called customer support. They asked what OS I was running (then OS X). They stepped me through the Network Utilities app to check the connection. I have memories of the rep turning to the Mac service page of his manual, looking at what it offered and saying "wow, this does everything".

    So what makes you say they DON'T support Macs?

    I've been with Rogers since they started (rogers@home) and had a mac since day 1 (1984). Rogers will provide limited tech support when you call. The guy opens his book and follows the instructions under the mac tab. They provide no product support for macs - no free norton anti-virus; you can't use their music service, or any other software they supply. No big deal because most of it is junk anyway.

    As for the iPhone - I talked to a rep at the rogers store yesterday and he told me one problem is that Apple wants royalties on every account. They want a cut of every monthly bill. I don't know if there is any truth to this but we have two cheapskate companied battling over money - go figure - oh and who cares about the customers.

    I guess Rogers supports Apple as much as Apple supports Canada. They've had movies on iTunes for ages - we recently got crappy reruns of shows nobody watched in the first place. Or hockey games that nobody cares about (carolina vs tampa - if they wanted to sell videos put on old coach's corner clips). Where are the movies and new rentals. Why would anyone in Canada buy an appleTV. The only content would be pirated movies or copied rentals. And to top it off we still pay more for computers even though our money is now equal!

    That's why I own stock in both apple and rogers (as well as a bank and oil companies). If you are willing to screw your customers for a buck and you're the only game in town, you'll always make money!
  • Reply 39 of 45
    latest rumour i've heard is that the iphone could be coming to rogers on march 18th as they are apparently set to release some new data plans on that day. it is a tuesday for what it's worth.

    i won't hold my breath.
  • Reply 40 of 45
    John, where did you hear this rumour? I was headed to Buffalo to pick up the 16gb but now I should wait
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