Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.2 Update



  • Reply 161 of 197
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Oh I could go on & on about PS CS3 bugs in leopard... but I won't.

    Spaces still seems a bit buggy when you have multiple instances of an app in different spaces. Sometimes it won't change sometimes it goes to the wrong one. Oh well... at least stacks has been fixed... kinda.
  • Reply 162 of 197
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Oh I could go on & on about PS CS3

    True, true, but at least I have not seen any new ones that weren't already there in 10.5.1

    The one that bugs me the most is in the scale and feather values box, it gets stuck and won't accept new input after about 3 tries.

  • Reply 163 of 197
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member

    The PDF copy and cropping bug is still there in the latest update! Seriously, what the hell! It can't be that hard to fix this obvious bug, that worked fine in Tiger and before. This is really pissing me off, it's not something cosmetic like these translucency problems, it is a real FARKING productivity barrier!
  • Reply 164 of 197
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I'm sorry some people are having problems but I can't say that I did. I have a 2.33 ghz core2duo with 2 GB RAM. I have to admit that I was slightly worried when my computer restarted several times but finally it booted normally.
  • Reply 165 of 197
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post


    The PDF copy and cropping bug is still there in the latest update! Seriously, what the hell! It can't be that hard to fix this obvious bug, that worked fine in Tiger and before. This is really pissing me off, it's not something cosmetic like these translucency problems, it is a real FARKING productivity barrier!

    Did you know that anyone can sign up for a free online developers account (here) and then file bug reports (here) with Apple? If it's that important to you, I suggest that you do that. But make sure you submit your bug report properly. Provide a numbered list of actions to follow that will reproduce the bug, sticking only to the facts (i.e., no "I can't believe this bug exists!!!!" comments). Good luck!
  • Reply 166 of 197
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member
    So I did the 10.5.2 Combo update at work on Monday along with the QT update and the Graphics update. Everything has been fine until today. Discovered today that Quicktime will no longer stream. I tried it from our streamer and from this link:

    The result is no connection and the stream window shows "disconnected" or "paused". Hitting the play button has no effect. The stream won't start. This worked fine before the updates.

    I re-installed Quicktime from the downloaded file - no joy. I may try reinstalling 10.5.2 tonight to see if that helps.

    Any thoughts?

    Dual 1.8 GHz G5, 1 GB DDR SDRAM

    P.S. The other Leopard system here was able to connect without issue both inside and outside the firewall.
  • Reply 167 of 197
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Did you know that anyone can sign up for a free online developers account (here) and then file bug reports (here) with Apple? If it's that important to you, I suggest that you do that. But make sure you submit your bug report properly. Provide a numbered list of actions to follow that will reproduce the bug, sticking only to the facts (i.e., no "I can't believe this bug exists!!!!" comments). Good luck!

    Thanks, but this is already a well documented bug. Most of the blogs that you can find if you google the problem as well as the apple discussion board are full of people who've submitted bug reports on it. I also submitted one months ago when I upgraded to Leopard. Hence, my disappointment at them not having fixed it yet, as in the past I've had better experience with them fixing reported bugs.
  • Reply 168 of 197
    Originally Posted by mikep123 View Post

    I just updated my two Macs (a 2.5Ghz G5 and a 2.4Ghz MBP) to 10.5.2 and wireless file sharing using an Airport Extreme is extremely slow - maybe 50-100kps when initiated from the wireless machine (the MBP). The Internet is quick on both machines and Screen Sharing is also quick on both machines (just like in 10.5.1). [...]

    This is a common task I perform and it worked fine in 10.5.1. I've made no other changes than updating to 10.5.2. Is anyone else having this same problem? Any ideas? I've tried rebooting the router and both machines but nothing I've tried has made a difference. I read where one other person had a similar problem but it fixed itself.

    I noticed the same problem last nite between my newly updated 2.0 MB and 2.33 MBP + Airport Extreme -- I was syncing up some newly purchased mp3s between them, which is normally pretty speedy. Activity Monitor was saying network throughput was ~35 KB/s on either end. Poky!

    Like the poster above mentions, other activities like web browsing and Screen Sharing are fine, it's just the file sharing that's bad.

    Tonite I'm going to try to see what happens when I connect them in a peer-to-peer network.
  • Reply 169 of 197
    Originally Posted by chromos View Post

    I noticed the same problem last nite between my newly updated 2.0 MB and 2.33 MBP + Airport Extreme -- I was syncing up some newly purchased mp3s between them, which is normally pretty speedy. Activity Monitor was saying network throughput was ~35 KB/s on either end. Poky!

    Like the poster above mentions, other activities like web browsing and Screen Sharing are fine, it's just the file sharing that's bad.

    Tonite I'm going to try to see what happens when I connect them in a peer-to-peer network.

    I found this link and it actually seems to have worked for me - even though the article was referring to XP to Mac transfers. I don't really know much about Samba, SMB, AFP, etc. but I know both of my Macs are set up to use AFP. It makes me wonder exactly what happened in the update and if there's more I'm missing.

    Good luck!
  • Reply 170 of 197
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    One issue for me: I added new events to ical and it created a new "home" calendar. It was the same name and same color as my other published "home" calendar! Then it happened for my "work" calendar as well. The new calendar was listed as being published, but when I deleted it only the new events I added were removed from view. In other words, I started getting two of each of my calendars when I modified them. It seems to be normal now.

    I've also had some mouse pointer freezing/system freezing that requires a restart. Other than that, the overall interface feels snappier to me. But WTF is with iCal and the freezing?
  • Reply 171 of 197
    tinktink Posts: 395member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Oh I could go on & on about PS CS3 bugs in leopard... but I won't.

    Spaces still seems a bit buggy when you have multiple instances of an app in different spaces. Sometimes it won't change sometimes it goes to the wrong one. Oh well... at least stacks has been fixed... kinda.

    Got any links discussing CS3 and 10.5.2. I'm itching to upgrade from Tiger at work but I can't afford downtime. I do have a clone drive thats up to date if I needed to switch back, but I don't have the time to mess around. I'm living in Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Dreamweaver and more and more Indesign.
  • Reply 172 of 197
    Originally Posted by mikep123 View Post

    I found this link and it actually seems to have worked for me - even though the article was referring to XP to Mac transfers. I don't really know much about Samba, SMB, AFP, etc. but I know both of my Macs are set up to use AFP. It makes me wonder exactly what happened in the update and if there's more I'm missing.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the hint! It did work (I got it up to 2MB/s in one direction), but I'm so lazy I'll probably just end up waiting for the official fix in 10.5.3...
  • Reply 173 of 197
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Nice update... I'm actually fond of the Remote Disc feature.
  • Reply 174 of 197
    is anyone else having the connectivity problems from before i was losing connection every hour and a half lasty night yet my vaio(i use this crap heap for work) stayed connected for the whole night i thought they wer going to fix this. im using a macbook 2 gig dual 2 core ( the black one) and airport extreme base station
  • Reply 175 of 197
    i too seem to have connection issues as well - drops out, but reconnects almost instantaniously. Housemate running pc laptop isnt experiencing dropouts so I think its me...

    Noted that people said it was taking vast amounts of time to update - to run the updater, took less than 5mins and it was rebooting to complete install....

    MBP - 2.4ghz, 2gig ram.
  • Reply 176 of 197
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'd re-run the combo update if I were you. Unfortunately this is happening to my friend's Mac Pro since the 10.5.2 combo update as well.
  • Reply 177 of 197
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I'd re-run the combo update if I were you. Unfortunately this is happening to my friend's Mac Pro since the 10.5.2 combo update as well.

    tried that, still updated the system in around 4mins-5mins to install....

    will monitor and see what happens...few ppl have already commented, 10.5.3 might be around the corner!

    (nb. new mac user... only purchased mine in nov07.. and new user to ai...)
  • Reply 178 of 197
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by fruitymac View Post

    will monitor and see what happens...few ppl have already commented, 10.5.3 might be around the corner!

    Around the corner in no less than 2 months. If there is a fix that your machine needs it will be a focused update for your machine type or, possibly, model.
  • Reply 179 of 197
    Installed 10.5.2 update on 4-core MacPro and all appears to be working fine. I was hoping they would have fixed the occasional funkyness of the login window (I have noticed that sometimes you have to enter your username and password twice), but this problem still occurs occasionally. On the other hand, Finder seems more stable, especially when copying large numbers of files from one folder to another.
  • Reply 180 of 197
    I have been using Leopard since my pre-order arrived a day early and I just recently updated OS X Leopard to version 10.5.2 last week. I had had no major issues with Leopard and I thought it looked beautiful. Part of my favorite features were the transparency in the menu bar and the drop down file menus. I thought it was absolutely awesome. I knew a few people were having a cry but as far as I knew it was a small minority so I never expected Apple to change it!!! I was extremely upset when I restarted after 10.5.2 to find my transparency is now almost none existent! I looked for an option in the System Prefs to see if I could set it back to how it was but could only find an option to turn it off completely. Since when does Apple only cater for the loudest customers? Shouldn't they take everyone else's silence as a sign they are content? If there weren't other fixes/tweaks/enhancements in 10.5.2 then I would go back to 10.5.1 just to get my beautiful transparency back!!!
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