Don't get too excited yet. While it's a good start, 4 million phones sold is peanuts in the cell phone biz. And with this success comes greater competition who may simply clone many of the iPhones features.
Plus look at Motorola, they once commanded the market, but fell asleep at the wheel.
Apple IMHO, needs to quickly bring in a lower cost model. Not dirt cheap, but a $299 model could do wonders if they want to hit 10M by years end.
I think it's quite possible that they will do this the next round of iPod updates early Fall.
PS: AI needs to get on the ball with an "optimized for iPhone" portal for the articles and forums, as well as a WebClip icon.
I'd like to add that I like MacRumurs inclusion of browser/platform info when a post is made from a mobile device. Though, parsing the raw data to make it simpler and less in your face would be nice. Perhaps harder, but I'd also like the forums to list how many are viewing via iPhones. Am I asking for to much?
Originally Posted by satchmo
Don't get too excited yet. While it's a good start, 4 million phones sold is peanuts in the cell phone biz. And with this success comes greater competition who may simply clone many of the iPhones features.
Plus look at Motorola, they once commanded the market, but fell asleep at the wheel.
Apple IMHO, needs to quickly bring in a lower cost model. Not dirt cheap, but a $299 model could do wonders if they want to hit 10M by years end.
That is 4M in the smartphone market in 6 months. Many of which never considered a multi-function cell phone before the iPhone's debut. I really think that a 3G version at the same pricepoint will more than double the sales that 2.75G model has accomplished without a low-end model.
PS: AI needs to get on the ball with an "optimized for iPhone" portal for the articles and forums, as well as a WebClip icon.
I second that! AI will need to redesign their website too. What's the point of having 4 "circle" images on top right corner? That is so 2000's. No offense, Kasper. The only thing I liked was your new logo on webclip for iPhone.
Also, try - it loads blazing fast even w/o wifi included! Just a though... I can't even go to this website on my iphone - too bloated. is a good example. Check it out.
I second that! AI will need to redesign their website too. What's the point of having 4 "circle" images on top right corner? That is so 2000's. No offense, Kasper. The only thing I liked was your new logo on webclip for iPhone.
Also, try - it loads blazing fast even w/o wifi included! Just a though... I can't even go to this website on my iphone - too bloated. is a good example. Check it out.
Maybe wilco (with the non-capitalized "w") had a point about posts that begin with an "um"....... (This might sound like inside baseball, but those in the know, know).
It's ironic that the iPhone's ease of use, use of WebKit and large display allowed it view webpages on a phone without being altered, yet the popularity and convenience of using it has made many a site create special iPhone web portals?and now add WebClip icons?to their site for even easier use.
Say what you will about Apple decision about carrier lock in, the OS and UI are unparalleled and revolutionary. Even Android is using Mobile OS X as a template for it's design decisions.
PS: AI needs to get on the ball with an "optimized for iPhone" portal for the articles and forums, as well as a WebClip icon.
Google's rss reader for iPhone/touch is great. And you can read a website at a time or a whole list with their stories intermixed. The best part is that when u click on a story it takes you to the actual page BUT it is reformatted to fit the screen. Its the best.
Google's rss reader for iPhone/touch is great. And you can read a website at a time or a whole list with their stories intermixed. The best part is that when u click on a story it takes you to the actual page BUT it is reformatted to fit the screen. Its the best.
Nice. I haven't used it yet but I did export my RSS feeds from RSS and import them into Google.
That is 4M in the smartphone market in 6 months. Many of which never considered a multi-function cell phone before the iPhone's debut. I really think that a 3G version at the same pricepoint will more than double the sales that 2.75G model has accomplished without a low-end model.
Call me when 3g is as widespread in the US as EDGE is.
Europe and Asia is a totally different story, though; 3G is pretty much ubiquitous, and here is where Apple will generate the most revenue with the iPhone when a 3G version comes out, not in the US.
Sales in Europe may not be very high compared to the US, but the interest definitely is. Please don't forget that the current 4 million sales number is from only 4 countries and 4 carriers. Considering that, 4 million in sales is very good.
Europe and Asia will help Apple reach the 10 million mark by the end of the year.
Apple IMHO, needs to quickly bring in a lower cost model. Not dirt cheap, but a $299 model could do wonders if they want to hit 10M by years end.
At Apple's January conference call, COO Tim Cook said the company would have no trouble selling [a total of] 10M by the end of 2008. 4+M had already been sold since June 29th.
Revisit this traffic, after, the iPhone SDK is released.
P.S. How many ads does a site need to flood open new browser views? I counted 8 since visiting the forum, before I made my post.
I have an interesting idea to solve this, but I'm not one to give technical solutions for free.
To solve your problems maybe you need Safari with pop ups blocked in the preferences pane and "AD Block" downloaded and installed and activated. Easy enough, I would say.
People who are clamoring for a $299 iPhone, I think that is unlikely anytime soon.
Apple clearly knows a third of its sales are off-network. It makes NO sense to sell the phones for little profit (~ $75 per phone at that price point) if they aren't hooked to a network that is generating more income for Apple. $400 is the perfect price point imo unless they figure out a way to truly lock the phone to a single provider (not sure that is likely or possible). I can see offering them for even $200 if you lock into a contract at the same time though.
Aren't you using old price estimate information? It could be much higher now. It could be $150+ by the time September comes around.
I've read that many components of the iPhone are off teh shelf components. If this is true, a 2nd generation iPhone may be able to get more in the confined space possibly allowing for a slightly larger battery in the confined space and perhaps better power management from a more integrated circuit board. This will increase the R&D costs, but the long term benefits should be impressive, assuming this is true.
yet the popularity and convenience of using it has made many a site create special iPhone web portals?and now add WebClip icons?to their site for even easier use
Yikes! If they do that it won't be the "real internet" ... as Steve Jobs likes to say!
Don't get too excited yet. While it's a good start, 4 million phones sold is peanuts in the cell phone biz. And with this success comes greater competition who may simply clone many of the iPhones features.
Plus look at Motorola, they once commanded the market, but fell asleep at the wheel.
Apple IMHO, needs to quickly bring in a lower cost model. Not dirt cheap, but a $299 model could do wonders if they want to hit 10M by years end.
I think it's quite possible that they will do this the next round of iPod updates early Fall.
PS: AI needs to get on the ball with an "optimized for iPhone" portal for the articles and forums, as well as a WebClip icon.
I'd like to add that I like MacRumurs inclusion of browser/platform info when a post is made from a mobile device. Though, parsing the raw data to make it simpler and less in your face would be nice. Perhaps harder, but I'd also like the forums to list how many are viewing via iPhones. Am I asking for to much?
Don't get too excited yet. While it's a good start, 4 million phones sold is peanuts in the cell phone biz. And with this success comes greater competition who may simply clone many of the iPhones features.
Plus look at Motorola, they once commanded the market, but fell asleep at the wheel.
Apple IMHO, needs to quickly bring in a lower cost model. Not dirt cheap, but a $299 model could do wonders if they want to hit 10M by years end.
That is 4M in the smartphone market in 6 months. Many of which never considered a multi-function cell phone before the iPhone's debut. I really think that a 3G version at the same pricepoint will more than double the sales that 2.75G model has accomplished without a low-end model.
I just had an argument with some cavemen last night (that's what i call non iphoners...
That's funny, I say the same thing!
Does that make me an apple elitist?
No, it just makes you a couple of jackass nerds.
No, it just makes you a couple of jackass nerds.
Cool it with the personal attacks.
PS: AI needs to get on the ball with an "optimized for iPhone" portal for the articles and forums, as well as a WebClip icon.
I second that! AI will need to redesign their website too. What's the point of having 4 "circle" images on top right corner? That is so 2000's. No offense, Kasper. The only thing I liked was your new logo on webclip for iPhone.
Also, try - it loads blazing fast even w/o wifi included! Just a though... I can't even go to this website on my iphone - too bloated. is a good example. Check it out.
I second that! AI will need to redesign their website too. What's the point of having 4 "circle" images on top right corner? That is so 2000's. No offense, Kasper. The only thing I liked was your new logo on webclip for iPhone.
Also, try - it loads blazing fast even w/o wifi included! Just a though... I can't even go to this website on my iphone - too bloated. is a good example. Check it out.
you know we're still in the 2000's right?
Um, you are in 2000. I'm not
I think he is referring to the apostrophe "s" at the end which could easily imply 2000?2999.
Um, you are in 2000. I'm not
Maybe wilco (with the non-capitalized "w") had a point about posts that begin with an "um"....... (This might sound like inside baseball, but those in the know, know).
It's ironic that the iPhone's ease of use, use of WebKit and large display allowed it view webpages on a phone without being altered, yet the popularity and convenience of using it has made many a site create special iPhone web portals?and now add WebClip icons?to their site for even easier use.
Say what you will about Apple decision about carrier lock in, the OS and UI are unparalleled and revolutionary. Even Android is using Mobile OS X as a template for it's design decisions.
PS: AI needs to get on the ball with an "optimized for iPhone" portal for the articles and forums, as well as a WebClip icon.
Google's rss reader for iPhone/touch is great. And you can read a website at a time or a whole list with their stories intermixed. The best part is that when u click on a story it takes you to the actual page BUT it is reformatted to fit the screen. Its the best.
Google's rss reader for iPhone/touch is great. And you can read a website at a time or a whole list with their stories intermixed. The best part is that when u click on a story it takes you to the actual page BUT it is reformatted to fit the screen. Its the best.
Nice. I haven't used it yet but I did export my RSS feeds from RSS and import them into Google.
That is 4M in the smartphone market in 6 months. Many of which never considered a multi-function cell phone before the iPhone's debut. I really think that a 3G version at the same pricepoint will more than double the sales that 2.75G model has accomplished without a low-end model.
Call me when 3g is as widespread in the US as EDGE is.
Europe and Asia is a totally different story, though; 3G is pretty much ubiquitous, and here is where Apple will generate the most revenue with the iPhone when a 3G version comes out, not in the US.
Sales in Europe may not be very high compared to the US, but the interest definitely is. Please don't forget that the current 4 million sales number is from only 4 countries and 4 carriers. Considering that, 4 million in sales is very good.
Europe and Asia will help Apple reach the 10 million mark by the end of the year.
Apple IMHO, needs to quickly bring in a lower cost model. Not dirt cheap, but a $299 model could do wonders if they want to hit 10M by years end.
At Apple's January conference call, COO Tim Cook said the company would have no trouble selling [a total of] 10M by the end of 2008. 4+M had already been sold since June 29th.
Revisit this traffic, after, the iPhone SDK is released.
P.S. How many ads does a site need to flood open new browser views? I counted 8 since visiting the forum, before I made my post.
I have an interesting idea to solve this, but I'm not one to give technical solutions for free.
To solve your problems maybe you need Safari with pop ups blocked in the preferences pane and "AD Block" downloaded and installed and activated. Easy enough, I would say.
That's funny, I say the same thing!
I really like to make fun of the blackberry's trackwheel/ball.
Does that make me an apple elitist?
No that doesn't make you an Apple elitist but it will make others think of you as one.
It will also make a very small number of people make rude remarks. Go figure
Apple clearly knows a third of its sales are off-network. It makes NO sense to sell the phones for little profit (~ $75 per phone at that price point) if they aren't hooked to a network that is generating more income for Apple. $400 is the perfect price point imo unless they figure out a way to truly lock the phone to a single provider (not sure that is likely or possible). I can see offering them for even $200 if you lock into a contract at the same time though.
People who are clamoring for a $299 iPhone, I think that is unlikely anytime soon.
Apple clearly knows a third of its sales are off-network. It makes NO sense to sell the phones for little profit (~ $75 per phone at that price point)
Aren't you using old price estimate information? It could be much higher now. It could be $150+ by the time September comes around.
Aren't you using old price estimate information? It could be much higher now. It could be $150+ by the time September comes around.
I've read that many components of the iPhone are off teh shelf components. If this is true, a 2nd generation iPhone may be able to get more in the confined space possibly allowing for a slightly larger battery in the confined space and perhaps better power management from a more integrated circuit board. This will increase the R&D costs, but the long term benefits should be impressive, assuming this is true.
yet the popularity and convenience of using it has made many a site create special iPhone web portals?and now add WebClip icons?to their site for even easier use
Yikes! If they do that it won't be the "real internet" ... as Steve Jobs likes to say!