Toshiba rumored to quit HD DVD as Wal-Mart pulls support



  • Reply 261 of 312
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    There are quite a few "casual" games available for download on the PS3, made just for the PS3. Most of them are very cheap, much cheaper than you will find of a packaged console game at a retail store.

    Sorry, I should have said as many casual games that are as good as the ones on the Wii. Does PS3 have a Wii sports killer?
  • Reply 262 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    And, by extension, every game machine is a rip-off of the Atari 2600.

    I think the Odyssey was actually the first home game system, back in 1972... five years before the Atari.


    The Wii doesn't appeal to casual gamers either. Those are people like my wife, who plays Java and Flash games on her computer, that are available for free from numerous sites.

    You're joking, right? My girlfriend's uncle had never touched a video game in his life until he bought a Wii for his nephew. Now he's hopelessly addicted to Wii Sports. Even my gf's dad, an old, extremely no-nonsense military veteran, wanted to get in on the act when he saw his brother playing.


    I've read articles that say that the PS3 will eventually be the number one console, though not by a huge amount. I tend to agree.

    That's a very good bet, though they will have to outsell the 360 and the Wii for awhile to catch up in terms of installed base. I'd give it 18-24 months.

  • Reply 263 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I guess it's easily forgotten, but the PS3 controller does have a gyro and accelerometer, which is much of the Wiimote functionality. It's required use for some games. If you have a PS3, download the Super Rub-A-Dub demo.

    I mentioned earlier some of the things that Sony's Sixaxis controller can do, but it was ignored... I guess no one here has ever played Warhawk or Lair on PS3. \


    There are quite a few "casual" games available for download on the PS3, made just for the PS3. Most of them are very cheap, much cheaper than you will find of a packaged console game at a retail store.

    That's a very good point, and I even saw such games being tested when I was at Sony- some were cool.

    But frankly none of them have achieved the kind of mindshare that Nintendo's casual games lineup has.

  • Reply 264 of 312
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    It's not just that though. It also sells on the strength of Nintendo 1st-party exclusive games, which are among the biggest and longest-lasting franchises in the gaming world (Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, etc).

    I honestly don't see Wii sales starting to lag a lot until pretty late in the current console cycle, when 1) its price advantage will be eroded (as you say), and 2) the PS3 and 360 will have so many games that are both great and take full advantage of their greater graphical horsepower.


    A lot of those games are kids games though. I won't deny that the Wii is probably best as a family machine, but that's not the only large market. As people get older, and still play games until their early 30's when it begins to rapidly taper off, they graduate to more sophisticated machines.

    I also think it's ironic that you mention their exclusives, as exclusives are being laughed at here as not being important.
  • Reply 265 of 312
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    I think the Odyssey was actually the first home game system, back in 1972... five years before the Atari.

    Yes, but I think the 2600 was the first programmable machine. The Odyssey, I think had fixed games. Am I mistaken?


    You're joking, right? My girlfriend's uncle had never touched a video game in his life until he bought a Wii for his nephew. Now he's hopelessly addicted to Wii Sports. Even my gf's dad, an old, extremely no-nonsense military veteran, wanted to get in on the act when he saw his brother playing.

    Sports games aren't casual games. Casual games are games like the ones on phones, or PDA's. Or old games such as PacMan, or Galaxian. Games that require no strategy other than that for a few seconds ahead.


    That's a very good bet, though they will have to outsell the 360 and the Wii for awhile to catch up in terms of installed base. I'd give it 18-24 months.


    That's about the timescale.
  • Reply 266 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    A lot of those games are kids games though. I won't deny that the Wii is probably best as a family machine, but that's not the only large market.

    Very true. There's also the hardcore gamer market, where the Wii doesn't do well, and the casual/former non-gamer market, where they do quite well. The Wii, alone of all the next-gen consoles, appears to have expanded the market, while the PS3 and 360 fight over the same ol' hardcore gamers.

    I guess an argument can be made that the PS3 expands the market a little bit in a 'stealth' way, by pulling in a certain group of ppl who are much more interested in the Blu-Ray player at first, and then later on try out a game or two. But it doesn't seem to be on a level anything like what the Wii has done in that regard.


    I also think it's ironic that you mention their exclusives, as exclusives are being laughed at here as not being important.

    Not by me:

    Originally Posted by TBaggins

    The only downside is a possible 'balkanization' of many of the best games, since exclusives are so important now...

    Originally Posted by TBaggins

    Yep, exclusives still matter.

    All I said was that there probably wasn't a totally game-changing exclusive out there, except possibly for WoW. Such exclusives are rare, and tend to come along only once in a blue moon.

  • Reply 267 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Yes, but I think the 2600 was the first programmable machine. The Odyssey, I think had fixed games. Am I mistaken?

    I never owned an Odyssey, but it does appear to use some sort of plug-in removable circuit card, a lot like a game 'cartridge':

    It also had about 30 games out for it, so I kinda doubt they were all included or 'fixed'.

    Edit- Upon further research, the 'cartridges' mainly just let you 'select' which game you were playing... with the first Odyssey, anyway, the games are included (sort of... its confusing from the descriptions), but you can't play too different ones without the 'cartridges'.


    Sports games aren't casual games. Casual games are games like the ones on phones, or PDA's. Or old games such as PacMan, or Galaxian. Games that require no strategy other than that for a few seconds ahead.

    Sports games can be either casual or hardcore, depending on the implementation.

    Something like Madden is definitely a very complex, hardcore game, whereas a game like Wii Bowling is very different and very simple. Game design is usually more important than game genre towards making the distinction, though I will grant that there are some genres (like real-time strategy) that would be awfully hard to make into a 'casual' game.


    That's about the timescale.

    Yep. I agreed with you, I just fleshed it out a bit.

  • Reply 268 of 312
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Very true. There's also the hardcore gamer market, where the Wii doesn't do well, and the casual/former non-gamer market, where they do quite well. The Wii, alone of all the next-gen consoles, appears to have expanded the market, while the PS3 and 360 fight over the same ol' hardcore gamers.

    I guess an argument can be made that the PS3 expands the market a little bit in a 'stealth' way, by pulling in a certain group of ppl who are much more interested in the Blu-Ray player at first, and then later on try out a game or two. But it doesn't seem to be on a level anything like what the Wii has done in that regard.

    It should be interesting to see what happens as programmers are beginning to use the room on the BR disk for scenery, more detailed characters, and movies.

    How will this work out for the 360? There is talk that MS will offer a Br add-on by May. Of course, that just brings the price up again.

    But, the Wii doesn't compete there, as we both agree.


    Not by me:

    I know, I didn't say you.
  • Reply 269 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It should be interesting to see what happens as programmers are beginning to use the room on the BR disk for scenery, more detailed characters, and movies.

    Disk capacity matters, but more for very large, very long games, like RPGs. For a lot of game genres, it may not matter all that much.


    How will this work out for the 360? There is talk that MS will offer a Br add-on by May. Of course, that just brings the price up again.

    A Blu-Ray add-on won't matter much for the 360 in terms of GAMES, because the penetration rate of any console add-on other than controllers and mem cards is almost never above 10%. So, a developer making an Xbox 360 game would be taking a huge chance by making their game dependent on the greater capacity of Blu-Ray. The vast majority won't.

    Where a BR add-on will matter is in the ability of Microsoft to say, "See? Look! Me too!", in terms of movie playback. But as you say, the Blu-Ray add-on will jack the price, likely to the point where a 360 + BR add-on is more expensive than an equivalent PS3.

    The hilarious thing? Microsoft doesn't seem to have gotten the memo that HD-DVD is dead. Just two weeks ago, they chopped the price of their HD-DVD add-on to $129 and re-iterated their support for the format. It was either a last-ditch attempt to help 'save' HD-DVD, or a fire sale, depending on who you believe.


    I know, I didn't say you.

    All I can say is, anyone who thinks that exclusives don't matter in the current console gaming environment is kidding themselves. It is a vicious, vicious three-way tug-of-war, and it could still go down any number of ways, though I think it likely the PS3 will win in the end, by a not-so-big margin.

  • Reply 270 of 312
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    I mentioned earlier some of the things that Sony's Sixaxis controller can do, but it was ignored... I guess no one here has ever played Warhawk or Lair on PS3. \


    Yah, but the shape is all wrong for many games. Wanna try bowling with a sixaxis?

    It's also used in Heavenly Sword to pretty decent effect. Using it to guide arrows and cannon balls in was fun.
  • Reply 271 of 312
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Speaking of exclusives...(and this one REALLY matters)

    EPIC has just announced Gears Of War2 coming in November for the XBox 360.

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about this one. For some reason Unreal Tournament doesn't get me as much as Gears. Maybe you PS3 owners may get lucky and they release a PS3 version later. So it would be a timed exclusive. But it looks like Microsoft paid a lot of money so I wouldn't hold my breath.
  • Reply 272 of 312
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It should be interesting to see what happens as programmers are beginning to use the room on the BR disk for scenery, more detailed characters, and movies.

    Developers have been quoted as saying they prefer the XBox 360 hard drive for faster read access during a game. So they may use the PS3 drive for some storage but not too much or the game will run too slow. MS has also told developers they can start using the hard drive (used to be a no-no when the XBox360 first came out) as long as they provide a sticker on the game. I don't see that as a problem since nobody has the basic no drive console anymore but those memory sticks can still be used for all the consoles anyway.
  • Reply 273 of 312
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    As for exclusives, are there any killer exclusives for 360 on the horizon? They had some decent ones in the first couple years, but I haven't heard much going forward.

    Look one post above.
  • Reply 274 of 312
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    Yes, but only if Sony could provide as many casual games as the Wii has. And I don't see that happening, mostly because of the chicken/egg thing.

    Not to mention that many casual gamers don't care about hardcore games and just want a great casual gaming device at a low price).

    They can sell them online like XBox Live does. You can get a bunch of classic and new casual games through XBox Live. No reason why Sony wouldn't be able to do that as well. The thing is that parents have to be more cautious with watching their kids with an online service. You have the whole chat from strangers thing going on. I would probably get a Wii if I had a child.


    OOPS just saw Jeff said the same thing. Sorry for being redundant,

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    There are quite a few "casual" games available for download on the PS3, made just for the PS3. Most of them are very cheap, much cheaper than you will find of a packaged console game at a retail store.

  • Reply 275 of 312
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    They can sell them online like XBox Live does. You can get a bunch of classic and new casual games through XBox Live. No reason why Sony wouldn't be able to do that as well. The thing is that parents have to be more cautious with watching their kids with an online service. You have the whole chat from strangers thing going on. I would probably get a Wii if I had a child.

    Sure, you can get them. But are their offerings competitive with the Wii casual games? Are there solid PS3 bowling/tennis/golf/etc games?
  • Reply 276 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Developers have been quoted as saying they prefer the XBox 360 hard drive for faster read access during a game. So they may use the PS3 drive for some storage but not too much or the game will run too slow. MS has also told developers they can start using the hard drive (used to be a no-no when the XBox360 first came out) as long as they provide a sticker on the game.

    I don't see that as a problem since nobody has the basic no drive console anymore but those memory sticks can still be used for all the consoles anyway.

    Huh? Nobody? They're still selling the 360 Core (no hard drive) system. It may not be selling as well as the HDD 360s, but there's definitely some out there.

    And, of course, all PS3s have a hard drive. I'm sure the better developers balance usage of the PS3's hard drive (speed) with the Blu-ray drive (storage) for a good experience.

  • Reply 277 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    They can sell them online like XBox Live does. You can get a bunch of classic and new casual games through XBox Live. No reason why Sony wouldn't be able to do that as well. The thing is that parents have to be more cautious with watching their kids with an online service. You have the whole chat from strangers thing going on. I would probably get a Wii if I had a child.


    OOPS just saw Jeff said the same thing. Sorry for being redundant,

    Yep. Sony already has downloadable casual games, and has offered them for some time now.

  • Reply 278 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Yah, but the shape is all wrong for many games. Wanna try bowling with a sixaxis?

    No doubt, which is why I still like the Wii for a lot of stuff. But my original point was that Sony had already copied some of the Nintendo motion-controller goodness, and so they have.

    Originally Posted by 4metta

    Speaking of exclusives...(and this one REALLY matters)

    EPIC has just announced Gears Of War2 coming in November for the XBox 360.

    It'll be nice, but it's not a game-changer. A sequel to GoW was very much expected, considering the first one sold well... this is a very sequel-driven industry.

    If you bought the first one, you'll probably buy the second one, but if the first one didn't convince you to buy a 360 (I'm sure it did in some cases), then the second one probably won't either. I think it does help with a few fence-sitters, though.

    So, how long do you think until BioShock 2?

  • Reply 279 of 312
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    No doubt, which is why I still like the Wii for a lot of stuff. But my original point was that Sony had already copied some of the Nintendo motion-controller goodness, and so they have.

    It'll be nice, but it's not a game-changer. A sequel to GoW was very much expected, considering the first one sold well... this is a very sequel-driven industry.

    If you bought the first one, you'll probably buy the second one, but if the first one didn't convince you to buy a 360 (I'm sure it did in some cases), then the second one probably won't either. I think it does help with a few fence-sitters, though.

    So, how long do you think until BioShock 2?


    Gears was a sleeper. Nobody knew anything about it then BAM!!. Once you saw it/played it you had to have it. It is especially hilarious online with friends. I just go around chainsawing everybody. They see me and run. Trust me, the sequel will be big from the release date.

    I'm ashamed to admit I haven't purchased Bioshock yet! Too many games came out close to each other last year that I wanted. I am definitely buying it though. Loved the demo.

    I'm just so enamoured with COD4 and so are my online friends. With the little time I have to game and being a social gamer , that's what I've been playing.
  • Reply 280 of 312
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Gears was a sleeper. Nobody knew anything about it then BAM!!.

    Actually, I saw a ton of TV commercials for GoW. Loved the song they used too... 'Mad World' by Gary Jules.


    I'm ashamed to admit I haven't purchased Bioshock yet! Too many games came out close to each other last year that I wanted. I am definitely buying it though. Loved the demo.

    My friends who've played it are pretty rabid about it. It should turn into a nice franchise.


    I'm just so enamoured with COD4 and so are my online friends. With the little time I have to game and being a social gamer , that's what I've been playing.

    I heard CoD4 actually outsold Halo 3. That's impressive.

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