Report: iPod shipments tracking for first yearly decline



  • Reply 21 of 41
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Maybe because radio is dead?

    Except for NPR and Rush Limbaugh!
  • Reply 22 of 41
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Maybe because radio is dead?

    Same reason AppleTV won't incorporate DVR.

    Each are aimed at killing off (or rising from the ashes of) moribund technologies.

    Ala carte is the future.

    People have said statements like that for nearly a century. I don't think radio will ever die, as much as I would like it to. TV was supposed to kill radio, remember? Radio was supposed to kill newspapers. It is true that each new technology diminished the demand for the previous, the claimed killing never happened. They generally adapted and their role has changed. As such, knowing the history, I think you're just talking bunk.
  • Reply 23 of 41
    Man I hope radio isn't dead since I listen to it probably oh maybe 10 hours a day lol. Come on what else would I do at work? ........ I would have to work. That would suck. BTW why would anyone be surprised sales are not skyrocketing I mean who doesn't already have an Ipod.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    If you think the stock will drop like that as a result of this non-news, you're nuts.

    I agree. The trick is really quite strange: all of the market analysts have iPods and iPhones. They see these every day, and use them. As macs continue to become more popular in the overall market and especially among higher income consumers (analysts), the stock will stop being such a market anomaly.

    Apple right now is undervalued. There are also growing middle and upper classes in Asia, which mean (especially) iPod market growth for the foreseeable future, but also mac growth in markets that are currently non-existent. In fact, one could argue that the positioning of Apple as a premium brand makes it the best buy in the entire industry, although I don't care to get into the finer points of global economics that explain why this is the case.
  • Reply 25 of 41
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by jmadlena View Post

    Show us some numbers showing that it is the Zune cannibalizing iPod sales. Perhaps it is other competitors as a whole doing damage to iPod growth, but I haven't heard anything that would indicate the Zune is the cause for the possible iPod slow-down. I don't really research the Zune, so if someone has some numbers or links please post them.

    I haven't got sales numbers for Zune, but I did check the best selling mp3 players at There is only one Zune in the top 25, coming in at #16. Apple iPods have 16 of the top 25, including the top 4, 4 of the top 5, 8 of the top 10, and 14 of the top 20. Amazon isn't the only retailer of course, but consider also that a high percentage of iPods are sold directly via Apple (where there are obviously no Zunes sold) and you have a compelling argument that Zune is not, in fact, eating into iPod sales.

    What seems more likely is that all the talk of recession lately has depressed non- discretionary spending, and digital media players aren't on the top of the priority list. Despite this, however, iPods still seem quite popular at
  • Reply 26 of 41
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by iBill View Post

    Apple iPods have 16 of the top 25, including the top 4, 4 of the top 5

    Heh, the top 4, AND 4 of the top 5? That's remarkable! I bet they have 4 of the top 6 too And both of the top 2. And the top seller and all three of the top 3
  • Reply 27 of 41
    A number of things to consider:

    1. iPod sales have been plateauing for a while now. Totally expected given the market penetration and economic situation.

    2. Apple are skating to where the puck will be. The iPhone and the iPod touch are the next new thing that will take off this year and next.

    Conclusion: as standard iPod sales wane, iPhone and iPod Touch sales will take off. Apple knew this would happen. They had to provide another reason for us plebs to plonk down more dosh for their products.

    I, myself, am waiting for iPod Touch 32 gig to be 299.
  • Reply 28 of 41
    It's not surprising that sales growth is slowing. A very large number of people have the music player they want and need to be shown new features before they'll buy again. When the Touch reaches mass acceptance pricing sales will go up dramatically as people with ordinary music only or music plus microscopic screen size video players realize what they've been missing.

    I'm still waiting for a high capacity flash based unit with the traditional iPod interface because I can't make use of the Touch screen while walking, standing on a bus/train, or driving.
  • Reply 29 of 41
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Ummm... Apple Execs: you can't evolve the iPod in to a mainstream WiFi platform if people don't actually want that.
  • Reply 30 of 41
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Maybe, now, it's time to offer what customers want, not what stock option grabbing executives decided. How about an iPod Radio, adding functionality to a lower price? This would be bound to spur sales.

    what the hell is an "iPod radio".. "radio" is such an ambiguous word in laymen consumer usage, even knowing the context of an iPod.

    1) Existing Ipod model with integrated FM radio tuner? if so, what model?

    2) "Radio" aka speaker box with integrated iPod dock ?

    3) iPhone/iPod Touch with streaming online "radio"?

    4) iPod radio telescope
  • Reply 31 of 41
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Well, some people will have an iPhone, and have thus not bought an iPod in their annual/bi-annual/tri-annual iPod replacement spending spree. iPod sales might be down, but there's cannibalisation from a different Apple product.

    Also there's a huge worry about a potential recession, and that makes people spend less money on non-essentials. I'm surprised the drop isn't harsher, and I think suspect that a large portion of Apple's demographic are in no place to get worried by this (the well off and students living off loans), and that other people will make their iPod last another year if possible, or get a cheaper iPod, or get a cheaper player, or make do with their phone.

    A cheaper Shuffle is a good idea in this light - better to sell a cheap player than no player. The effects might mean that unit sales don't finally drop YoY.
  • Reply 32 of 41
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Ummm... Apple Execs: you can't evolve the iPod in to a mainstream WiFi platform if people don't actually want that.

    The Touch is the reason that iPod per-unit revenues are rising for Apple, it is selling very well.
  • Reply 33 of 41
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Why don't you go and run Apple since you're the one with the university education.

    What makes you think that he has any education. I thought we were going to ignore his posts since virtually every one of them is just trashing Apple.
  • Reply 34 of 41
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by mbene12 View Post

    Ugg this is killing me. Negative news in this market will kill the already craptastic stock price for the next 3 months. I can honestly see another 6-10 dollar drop on this news.

    Actually I can see the price getting down to $75. The only thing tht would hold the rpcie up is continued good introduction of new Macs!


    None of it justified, but Apple never says anything and so the speculation will drop the stock in the toilet.

    Actually I think it is very justified and is a rebuke of Apples marketing approach to the iPods in general and the Touch devices specifically. The problems / perceptions that the market has of Apple are as follows:


    Apple has failed to track the price of Flash on their already over priced hardware. This has put them in a bad competitive light and has angered the more knowledgeable users of their products.


    Apple still seems resistant to addressing consumer issues with DRM.


    Apple has failed to introduce new hardware with more storage capacity, at reasonable price points, with respect to Touch.


    Apple has failed to recognize that the Touch and iPhone in many peoples mind is a small computer and thus a source of frustration for many users. The primary issue being the ability to run software not blessed by Apple. This will haunt them for a long time and only requires the right company to come along with the right product to blow them out of the water.


    Apple has been amazingly slow about fixing the OS on the Touch based devices. Mobile OS in many minds is simply an unfinished OS. More so to really leverage the SDK, developers will need better access to the machines. This means such things a fully fleshed out networking and Bluetooth stacks. Apples failure here means they don't recognize the potential of their own hardware, nor have a clue as to how the users would like to leverage that hardware. Basically a gross sign of Apple being out of touch with the market.


    Apple has been slow with product upgrades and family fill outs. It boggles the mind that the iPhone doesn't have a low cost brother in the line up. Apple recognized that people would switch over to music playing phones but they failed to realize that the majority of the music playing phone users don't need a fancy smart phone. They need a cell phone that plays music.


    iPhone is way to expensive especially considering how neglected the OS is on the device. People have finally started to realize that they are paying Apple a lot more for the iPhone than the sticker price indicates. Considering the devices limitations and the poor performance of Apple with respect to software updates that is a big negative.


    Apple has been very vocal about a future filled with video/movies and such on the iPods yet they really don't have an platform in the ipod line up that is optimal for the delivery of such video content. The Touch comes close but it is not in any respect a good platform for video, rather it is just passable. The smaller devices are so small as to make one wonder why people would even bother.

    In any event I can't help but to thing Apple pretty much deserves its current crunch in the stock market. Maybe they will wise up and fix a few of the issue above. Frankly I see them as a whale in the ocean slow to turn. They might get around to it but if they are not quick somebody else will grab the goodies.

  • Reply 35 of 41
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Maybe, now, it's time to offer what customers want, not what stock option grabbing executives decided. How about an iPod Radio, adding functionality to a lower price? This would be bound to spur sales.

    It couldn't have been said any better by anyone! Apple needs to respond to consumer wants and needs. Ultimately it is the only thing they can do to keep sales going.

  • Reply 36 of 41
    Originally Posted by Gm7Cadd9 View Post

    first yearly decline...

    as in the growth has declined, not the numbers. Year over year the numbers are still growing, how insane is that?

    Did you read the article? It clearly says the sales number could decline compared to last year. Growth has been declining for a while now. (Sustaining the growth from 2005 would have meant a billion iPods a year.)

    I don't think, however, that Apple is in trouble. We're seeing some a lot of scared consumers holding back right now, which hurts every company out there. Apple should continue to be among the most profitable ones, especially with their rising average sale price.

    With all the fear and rumors around AAPL is a cheap buy, as long as you have the time (and nerves) to stick through all this. The stock could go a lot lower still. Never underestimate investor panic...
  • Reply 37 of 41
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    2. Apple still seems resistant to addressing consumer issues with DRM.

    They started, Apple was the first, but I think the remaining studios are holding out on Apple here. The music doesn't belong to Apple, so they need the cooperation of the labels.


    3. Apple has failed to introduce new hardware with more storage capacity, at reasonable price points, with respect to Touch.

    Is there another media player with 32GB of solid state storage and as big or bigger screen?


    4. Apple has failed to recognize that the Touch and iPhone in many peoples mind is a small computer and thus a source of frustration for many users. The primary issue being the ability to run software not blessed by Apple. This will haunt them for a long time and only requires the right company to come along with the right product to blow them out of the water.

    This is just an assumption on your part. As the terms of the SDK aren't known yet.


    5.Apple has been amazingly slow about fixing the OS on the Touch based devices. Mobile OS in many minds is simply an unfinished OS. More so to really leverage the SDK, developers will need better access to the machines. This means such things a fully fleshed out networking and Bluetooth stacks. Apples failure here means they don't recognize the potential of their own hardware, nor have a clue as to how the users would like to leverage that hardware. Basically a gross sign of Apple being out of touch with the market.

    "leverage"? You let the market-speak in. It's just an effette way to say "use".


    6. Apple has been slow with product upgrades and family fill outs. It boggles the mind that the iPhone doesn't have a low cost brother in the line up. Apple recognized that people would switch over to music playing phones but they failed to realize that the majority of the music playing phone users don't need a fancy smart phone. They need a cell phone that plays music.

    That wouldn't be anything special.


    8. Apple has been very vocal about a future filled with video/movies and such on the iPods yet they really don't have an platform in the ipod line up that is optimal for the delivery of such video content. The Touch comes close but it is not in any respect a good platform for video, rather it is just passable. The smaller devices are so small as to make one wonder why people would even bother.

    What do you have in mind?
  • Reply 38 of 41
    Originally Posted by GrandmasterGar3th View Post

    iGene is fawning again.

    Face it fanboy it's the Zune cannibalizing iPod sales.

    appl was planning to hold off 32gb iTouch, Shuffle till Sept but were compelled to do this quarter to boost lagging sales.

    I had a good laugh on that one. And the replies. Thanks!
  • Reply 39 of 41
    Originally Posted by dmz View Post

    I'll go with some inevitable market saturation on the iPod -- but with Leopard adoption, more streams for the iPhone, AppleTV, the Mac 30ish% percent yearly creep in market share, and things like movie rentals, I think it will all come out in the wash.

    This downturn in the stock may have more to do with this:

    ...than anything else.

    I'd agree there is probably a huge cadre of traders making bank shorting AAPL right now... the rotters!
  • Reply 40 of 41
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Except for NPR and Rush Limbaugh!

    Nope, sorry. Rush Limbaugh is dead too.
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