Apple introduces Penryn-based MacBooks and MacBook Pros



  • Reply 81 of 423
    Originally Posted by DayLight View Post

    I HATE APPLE ...

    what kind of treatment is this !!!!

    whats worse, in the UK, the MacBook Pro 15 inch 2.5GHz costs "1,599.00 GBP" roughly

    $3,155 USD compared to $2,499.00 USD in the states. thats a $656 price difference. \

    Don't blame Apple for the price difference - Blame your Government! They impose the import duty and collect a huge Value Added Tax.
  • Reply 82 of 423
    Wow! There is an anti-glare option!! No more glossy display or has that always been there?
  • Reply 83 of 423
    Im amazed a few stuffs:

    The new keyboard does not make a appearance in MBP, like WTH.

    The touchpad look the same as the previous MBP and not like the MBA.

    MBP did not get a magnetic latch

    Apple Remote is now a buy to own (wth man, other company are offering the remote control for free and Apple is charging for it? What a Rip off!!)

    MB still in plastic and no multi touch.

    Screen is not LED as seen in MBA

    Seriously, from my point of view, this stuffs is just minor and if Apple change it, it should be okay, it wont really to be worth being a big news unless they did a new design.
  • Reply 84 of 423
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    5-7 years on the same laptop? 4 years is pushing it with me for a laptop. 7 years is a long friggin time to wait to update!

    But hey. If you can do what you want to do on it...thats all that matters. Who am I to say.

    I've just found that by 4 years alot of software updates etc, start to make things difficult to run the things I want to run.
  • Reply 85 of 423
    Oh my gosh.

    Did I stuble upon a forum for "The Nanny" TV show?

    What's with all these whiny little 6 year olds stomping their feet and yelling at their parents, "I told you I want an Escallade!"

    I've been waiting for today for months. Minutes ago I just ordered my first MacBookPro to replace my buggy HP laptop. I'm loving the update. I love the multi-touch on my iPod Touch 32 and I can't wait to have it on the laptop too. It says 7 to 10 days for shipping.
  • Reply 86 of 423
    Originally Posted by lucky13 View Post

    Is the 4GB of RAM with purchasing....or over kill..will I see a big difference?

    Well, I can guarantee you that having 2gb RAM over 1gb RAM IS A MAJOR DIFFERENCE!!!

    Considering the current state of computer hardware and software, I'd have to say that 4gb of RAM is not overkill for the average+ user. I'll mention that aftermarket pricing on 4gb (2x2gb) laptop RAM is quite ready for the average consumer's budget. From NewEgg, @ <$100, 4gb laptop RAM is a great buy. I can personally recommend the G.SKILL brand.

    Oh, and you won't regret the purchase in the short term, nor the long term.
  • Reply 87 of 423
    Originally Posted by frawgz View Post

    Um, doesn't the UK price include VAT? The US price is pretax. Add to that the fact that the dollar has been plummeting against the pound and you'd see why it would appear to be worth $3,155 when converted to USD. With the tax included in the price and the exchange rate at around two to one, you're also doubling the included tax.

    i know what you're getting at. true, the price is pretax in the states but not all states pay that tax, my dad just bought the MacBook Air from the states and he didn't have to pay those taxes so the price i see on the apple website is the price i pay.

    second of all, yes, the dollar has been plummeting for a while and its WORTH right now is about half that of the British Pound. so 1 pound = 2 dollars. however, at the end of the day the value of my money = double that of dollar. so if i order from the state i'd be Paying less. now as a consumer, do you think it makes a difference for me whether the price in the UK includes tax and the one is the state doesn't ?

    at the end of the day am paying less for the same device. and thats with me adding shipping + new power adapter. and the issue that i was complaining about to begin with WASN'T the price. i don't mind *alot* paying abit extra. but what annoyed me was the LOWER specs of the UK version. and that too might be a mistake.

    so all good and dandy.
  • Reply 88 of 423
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    What are you guys whining about?! Its about variety. If you go to BMW dealer you expect to find 3 series, 5 series, ...etc. You don't see 300 series BMW with the options of a 500 or 700 series!! It is all about more and more variety so more people will find what they want. If you want an option, pay for it. If you want a multi touch you have to pay for it. the $200 price difference between the 2.1 and 2.4 may not be much for some people, but maybe for a college student who uses flash drive more than the DVD it is considered big saving.

    Apple remote... I have two of them and one I never opened. I never used Apple remote on my MacBook, I use it more on my iMac.

    I think Apple did a good job this time. What I really care about are speed, storage capacity, and battery life. People are under estimating the 256 MB and 512 MB graphic card upgrade. I think they are awesome.
  • Reply 89 of 423
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    This is great. But I see it as a speedbump.

    The macbook is still plastic with no LED(Steve promised a transition by this year)...and the MBPs except for the 17" don't have LEDs either.

    Um. All the MacBook Pros are LED EXCEPT for the standard 17". If you upgrade the 17" to the Hi-res display, that's LED too. The MacBooks, are, unfortunately, not LED. I don't remember Steve promising that they would be metal at any point.

    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    All this to me points to this as a nice speedbump stop gap until the real redesign happens. Intel is coming out with new chips in June...

    Macbooks are usually updated in May.

    This update will keep the sales churning. After all it's a nice little update(faster chip, larger hard drive) same price! Coolio. And the MBPs have the multi touch. Bummer it's not on the macbooks tho. Further indication that the line is in transition.

    I don't think Apple wanted to release their full redesigns so soon after the Macbook Airs debut so they wouldn't steal it's thunder.

    I'd guess by May/June Apple will be ready to unleash the new designs. Otherwise won't be until the fall. :-)

    MacBooks are not "usually updated in May." Apple portables are not "updated twice a year" as someone else suggested. Usually, any Apple line gets updated about once every 8-9 months. I know, because I buy a new machine every time it gets updated. I'm never out of warranty without buying Apple Care, and I always get a good price for my old machine.

    Once in a while, there will be a VERY VERY minor revision that comes in between, like the MacBook Pros getting the 2.6 GHz option last November. But the last real revision was done last June. (8 months ago.) Don't expect the next revision, especially a whole new case design, etc., until at least 7 months from now (Christmas season, or more likely next year's Macworld). Otherwise, you're just going to be disappointed again.
  • Reply 90 of 423
    The wait continues...I am utterly disappointed. The trackpad is multitouch but appears to be the SAME exact size as the current one Im using as I type change to the keyboard or antyhing in the design at all.....and still a 8600 GeForce.....Guess I'll be waiting til late summer early fall for the next big update
  • Reply 91 of 423
    Could someone give me or point me in the direction of (tried google of course) all the Vista Experience benchmarks raitings for the macbooks newer to my own as a comparison.

    Looking to upgrade however I would need these details to justify the purchase.

    Thanks in advance.

    Macbook Mark I

    1.8 GHZ

    2GB RAM

    60GB Hard disk
  • Reply 92 of 423
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by mrjoec123 View Post

    Um. All the MacBook Pros are LED EXCEPT for the standard 17". If you upgrade the 17" to the Hi-res display, that's LED too. The MacBooks, are, unfortunately, not LED. I don't remember Steve promising that they would be metal at any point.

    MacBooks are not "usually updated in May." Apple portables are not "updated twice a year" as someone else suggested. Usually, any Apple line gets updated about once every 8-9 months. I know, because I buy a new machine every time it gets updated. I'm never out of warranty without buying Apple Care, and I always get a good price for my old machine.

    Once in a while, there will be a VERY VERY minor revision that comes in between, like the MacBook Pros getting the 2.6 GHz option last November. But the last real revision was done last June. (8 months ago.) Don't expect the next revision, especially a whole new case design, etc., until at least 7 months from now (Christmas season, or more likely next year's Macworld). Otherwise, you're just going to be disappointed again.

    I beg to differ. I've been buying Apple ibooks and macbooks since 1999, and historically they see the most major updates in May and then Oct/Nov
  • Reply 93 of 423
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Tailpipe View Post

    This is too little too late.

    Not at all in my mind. It is a solid update. The thing is the Intel processors that would be a suitable step forward and justify a major make over simply are not available yet. This is a good update to hold us in place.


    Where are the new MBPs that have been seen at Cupertino? I guess it'll be another six months before they arrive. That means Apple will debut a Montevina MBP onths after everyone else.

    Well Apple is always behind the eight ball with releases but that doesn't imply that this release will be a long standing one. The fact that this is a modest update means that it was inexpensive and can be easily replaced once new hardware is out.


    No wonder the share price is langusihing at $120. It deserves to.

    Well it deserves to go a lot lower and likely will. That has little to do with this update though.


    Talk about disappointed. I could cry.

    Why, look at it closely and you will see that it is a nice update and keeps the platform modern and performing well. Given what is available what more could you ask for?

  • Reply 94 of 423
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    The macbook pros are WAY overdue for a major case redesign...and the macbooks need to be transitioned to an aluminum case design to keep with Steve Job's promise to move to a more environmentally friendly makeup.

    Apple just didn't want to steal the Airbook's thunder....couple that with the fact that intel's new chips won't be available till June....and this update makes sense.

    Large enough to keep people buying....but minor enough to keep the Airbook looking like the radical redesign champ.

    By June I believe Apple will FINALLY unveil the new case designs for the Macbook Pros and Macbooks.

    They'll all have multi touch too. :-)
  • Reply 95 of 423
    Originally Posted by zanshin View Post

    Nobody has yet whined about:

    • not being 4.0+ GHz or better

    • not having 1 Tb 15K rpm 1.8" drive

    • no Blu-Ray burners

    • doesn't fold up to fit in your shirt pocket

    • doesn't unfold to a 30" screen

    • still needs a battery and/or AC power supply

    • costs more than USD $10

    • doesn't include lifetime free update versions of all Apple, M$ and Adobe software

    • no $10 million lifetime data loss insurance guarantee, with "no proof of purchase/no questions asked" payout

    now it is time to start complaining.
  • Reply 96 of 423
    Originally Posted by lucky13 View Post

    I am looking to buy my first Macbook (Pro) but I am having a hard time deciding between the op of the line Black MB and the entry level MBP. A little bit about my computer needs....I dont play any games....mostly surfing the net, might purchase Aperture 2 so I can edit some family photos, watch dvds burn cds, music.

    I am usually the person that likes to buy the "best" or "top of the line" products so I am stuck between the 2 Apple products. I figured it would be $500 more for the MBP.

    Opinions...thoughts or suggestions?

    I really think that the key to your requirements comes down to your personality, i.e.,?(you like) to buy the "best" or "top of the line" products?"

    As such, you will probably be continually second guessing yourself if you decide to go for the MB over the Pro. Not that the MB will likely satisfy most of your needs, it is just the idea of not having the best.

    If you are really serious, list the two side by side and relate their functionality relevant to your current needs. Then consider what just may happen if, and this happens more often than not, your use and needs expand. Will the lower model suffice? Only you can make that decision.

    Overall, it will come down to affordability or value perceived.

    In either case, the MB would appear to satisfy your needs for some time to come; thus saving you $500 that would be better spent on your better half, e.g., as a gift certificate, taking her for a grand weekend together or as a down payment for her own Mac Mini. As such, it is a win-win any way you look at it.

    Aren't in a relationship? Get the Pro and enjoy it to its fullest.
  • Reply 97 of 423
    Originally Posted by markoh View Post

    Since the stock fell to $120 and they needed to find out more ways to squeeze every penny out of their customers. Did you really expect a $2800 laptop to include a remote?

    $116 now

    Originally Posted by bluesky1787 View Post

    Why do we have to pay for a remote that was included before?

    Bad move Apple

    One that seems to be all to common now. The once expansive software bundles are gone as well.

    This is hopefully just a small speed bump with totally redesigned notebooks coming this fall.
  • Reply 98 of 423
    Originally Posted by brownreese View Post

    I would definitely recommend that you go with the "entry level" MacBook Pro. When I replaced my Ti-Book I was financially strapped and had to settle for a MacBook. Every time I use the MB I regret my decision. The MacBook is far from graceful--it is a plastic hunk. Yea, I can drop it on carpeting and it bounces, but the tactile experience of plastic vs. aluminum is startling. Also the MB does not have the MBP's luminated keyboard--a feature I regret every night I used my MB in my darkened bedroom. The MB's graphics come at the expense of your memory and CPU as it is integrated in the CPU rather than "outsourcing" the graphic processing to a dedicated graphic card. The MBP will retain more of its value should you decide to sell it down the road to upgrade to a new MBP.

    Get the MBP. You will not regret it.

    I failed to mention that the gesture trackpad is a wonderful feature. After using the basic gestures that are part of iPhone's interface, I can testify that this is the interface of the future. When I test drove a MB Air, I was even more impressed with the expanded gesture capabilities.

    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    Well, you seem to forget that before the update this was more than $800. No, I am not trying to play Apple's advocate, just to point out that if it is now a ripoff, then it was before a ripoff plus rape. Fortunately, no one and nothing forces you to buy RAM at these silly prices. There are however many people that will be caught in Apple's web because of ignorance about actual memory pricing.

    Originally Posted by rokeylounge View Post

    Well, I can guarantee you that having 2gb RAM over 1gb RAM IS A MAJOR DIFFERENCE!!!

    Considering the current state of computer hardware and software, I'd have to say that 4gb of RAM is not overkill for the average+ user. I'll mention that aftermarket pricing on 4gb (2x2gb) laptop RAM is quite ready for the average consumer's budget. From NewEgg, @ <$100, 4gb laptop RAM is a great buy. I can personally recommend the G.SKILL brand.

    Oh, and you won't regret the purchase in the short term, nor the long term.

    If you install after market RAM does this effect your AppleCare/Warranty?
  • Reply 99 of 423
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Because they have to give you a reason to purchase a more expensive machine. Just like you don't get all the bells and whistles on a low-end car. It keeps the cost down and differentiates the product line.

    You want multi-touch? Pay for it!

    No one expects the specs of a high0end car to trickle down to the low-end for many years, but for some reason people expect Apple to put their latest tech in their low-end right away. I don't get it.

    Originally Posted by gregmacoy View Post

    Seems pretty disappointing - I was hoping for a case/keyboard refresh

    The logical answer is that there will be no case redesign until later this year. The processor upgrade just doesn't warrant it.

    Originally Posted by Tailpipe View Post

    This is too little too late.

    Where are the new MBPs that have been seen at Cupertino? I guess it'll be another six months before they arrive. That means Apple will debut a Montevina MBP onths after everyone else.

    No wonder the share price is langusihing at $120. It deserves to.

    Talk about disappointed. I could cry.

    So Apple should be able to release a machine containing processors that aren't even in production yet? Mobile Penryn has only arrived to other OEMs a couple weeks ago. Sure, they announced it and allowed pre-orders, but they weren't shipping until min-February. Apple is now ON:LY selling Penyrn in their notebooks, which no other OEM can say, so it might take Apple a little longer to get enough supply for its high- and low-end notebooks.

    Originally Posted by markoh View Post

    Since the stock fell to $120 and they needed to find out more ways to squeeze every penny out of their customers. Did you really expect a $2800 laptop to include a remote?

    Originally Posted by bluesky1787 View Post

    Why do we have to pay for a remote that was included before?

    Bad move Apple

    That is the weakest argument I've read on on any forum. I buy a new Mac about every 6 months. I have more remotes than I know what to do with. Except for the AppleTV they go completely unused. It's about time Apple stopped giving away with pointless accessory.

    Originally Posted by lucky13 View Post

    Is the 4GB of RAM with purchasing....or over kill..will I see a big difference?

    It depends on what you are running.

    My solution: Go with the 2GB standard, and install iStat Menus to see how much RAM you are using. If it's over 80% on average then purchase 4GB from Newegg or OWC.

    Originally Posted by rokeylounge View Post

    Well, I like the (slightly) increased speeds of the new MacBook processors, but why did they lower the L2 Cache? I'm also disappointed about them not giving the MB Multi-Touch trackpads,

    1) Multi-touch trackpads are new tech, you shouldn't expect it on the low-end machine before it had a run on the high-end?

    2) The lower L2 is what Intel decided. I'm curious to see how the performance tests will turn out across difference applications.

    Originally Posted by Koolio View Post

    I agree - I think we'll see the updated design in the Sept - Nov timeframe...along with Montevina and what not.


    Originally Posted by gastroboy View Post

    How does NOT getting what they gave you previously, without a price reduction, SAVE you anything.

    You're in luck. If you just have to have that remote and can't stand paying $19 for it then you can you buy a refurbished Santa Rosa MB or MBP. You'll also get a price cut with this purchase.

    Originally Posted by rokeylounge View Post

    Don't get me wrong, I am sincerely disgusted with Apple's RAM upgrade prices. Though, buying it elsewhere DOES NOT MEAN that it will be in the computer the moment you get the computer, and it does not mean that it'll be installed by an Apple tech/machine, and it does not mean that it'll be warranted under Apple's one-stop-shop. If your aftermarket RAM craps on yo, u have to send it to your supplier, and if it hurts your computer, you have to deal with them, and for a lot of people, it's hard to know what is what, how it works, where to put it, and what to do if it won't turn on (plug-in the cord, dummy).

    If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you think there is an issue with after market RAM (though rare) just swap in the original 2GB and see if it's okay. If not, send that machine to Apple, if it is, then send the 3rd-party RAM to whomever.
  • Reply 100 of 423
    BTW, the older mbp model is $1762 on Amazon. Comes with a free remote too!
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