3G iPhone to launch mid-year with Infineon chip - report

in iPhone edited January 2014
Current iPhone baseband supplier Infineon will provide Apple with a new chip solution for its next-generation iPhone, which is expected to launch by mid-year, investment bank UBS said Thursday.

In a research note to clients, global equity research analyst Nicolas Gaudois said his checks indicate that the German chipmaker will provide a "new systems solution" for the new iPhone HSDPA platform, which will include a digital baseband controller, power management unit (PMU), and radio frequency (RF) module.

"We believe this is one of the HSDPA solutions design wins management referred to as being due to ramp in [the second quarter of 2008]," he wrote. "Consistent with these checks, our Apple analyst Ben Reitzes believes that 3G iPhones will be released by mid-year."

Gaudois added that in anticipation of the move towards HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) -- the most common 3G service for GSM-based wireless networks -- Infineon is ramping down production of the EDGE baseband solution used in the current generation of the iPhone in order to "clean" inventories ahead of the 3G model.

The analyst's mid-year time frame coincides with earlier claims from CNBC reporter Jim Goldman, as well as the general consensus throughout the industry.

It should be noted, however, that Goldman's report on the MacBook Air from the same day fell well short of its mark.


  • Reply 1 of 98
    crebcreb Posts: 276member
    Certainly good news!
  • Reply 2 of 98
    Crap, I just got an iPhone a few weeks ago.

    Oh well, no 3G coverage where I live anyway. And EDGE has been acceptably fast for me, so it's no big deal.

    But great that they're getting up-to-date for those who do live in 3G areas.
  • Reply 3 of 98
    this should be great for sales - all of the first gen owners will buy the new phone... Hopefully Apple will add the ability to search contacts textually for making phone calls and exchange support (other than imap)... that will make the device a compelling option for business.
  • Reply 4 of 98
    Hopefully they'll have voice recording for taking notes on the go, and voice activated dialing for calling from behind the wheel.

    Almost forgot... recording video.
  • Reply 5 of 98
    That is great news. I have been enjoying my iPhone since last July and contemplated the 16GB upgrade a few weeks ago only to hold off for a 3G version. I plan on being one of the first ones in line. BTW Apple if you need a tester or two, my wife and I would love to help you out and live and work near Cupertino.
  • Reply 6 of 98
    Oh ye! Finally I can replace this UI challenged Noika with something decent. Bought the iPod touch a few month - awesome technology. Can't wait ... :-)
  • Reply 7 of 98
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    I just hope they do something about the sound quality and reception. Mine cuts out on my far too often.
  • Reply 8 of 98
    When I buy the 3G phone, I'm pretty convinced I'll be able to get my money out of my current iPhone - in fact, I've seen 4GB models going for $200 to $400. No matter what happens, it's going to take time for Apple to get world-wide proliferation. Upgrading won't be near the loser it would be for a typical cell phone. That's the ultimate in recycling!
  • Reply 9 of 98
    Man, people will dump EDGE phones on Ebay and Craigslist. That would be great to use as a Touch/WiFi for some - with a camera. I'll finally get an iPhone when they're 3G, but will still hesitate first because it's ATT. \
  • Reply 10 of 98
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I just hope they do something about the sound quality and reception. Mine cuts out on my far too often.

    What?? You're breaking up.
  • Reply 11 of 98
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    Man, people will dump EDGE phones on Ebay and Craigslist. That would be great to use as a Touch/WiFi for some - with a camera. I'll finally get an iPhone when they're 3G, but will still hesitate first because it's ATT. \

    If around 35% are unlocked then I would image that evern more will be sold as such once 3G version is out, assuming Apple doesn't alter the selling method and doesn't make it too hard for the hackers.
  • Reply 12 of 98
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    That's good if it's true. 3G support, even if I don't use it much, is the second to last remaining reason I'm waiting, the last being my carrier contract. Now I have to figure out how to find someone in my area with an iPhone to see if the reception is good.
  • Reply 13 of 98
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "We believe this is one of the HSDPA solutions design wins management referred to as being due to ramp in [the second quarter of 2008]," he wrote. "Consistent with these checks, our Apple analyst Ben Reitzes believes that 3G iPhones will be released by mid-year."

    Awesome if true! If Apple can get a 3G iPhone out by June (which has been my educated guess for some time), it should help Apple's calendar Q2 results and stock price significantly. About 7 months overdue (would've been really good to have had one for the Euro launch), but still awesome. Who sees a 3G launch on the First Anniversary of the iPhone?

    *does a happy dance*

    Let's hope they fix the 'no voice dialing' thing too... out here in California, by law you won't be able to drive with a cellphone pressed to your head anymore, as of July.

  • Reply 14 of 98
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Awesome if true! If Apple can get a 3G iPhone out by June (which has been my educated guess for some time), it should help Apple's calendar Q2 results and stock price significantly. A bit overdue, but still awesome.

    *does a happy dance*

    It doesn't seem far fetched. Though i would like to see know the power usage results as compared tot eh EDGE version. If it uses more power than the current chip will Apple thicken up the iPhone slightly to accommodate for a larger battery for a comparable data usage time or keep it the same size and make it the 1st gen. 3G iPhones suffer from lowered usage times until the technology catches up?
  • Reply 15 of 98
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member

    Let's hope they fix the 'no voice dialing' thing too... out here in California, by law you won't be able to drive with a cellphone pressed to your head anymore, as of July. BT headsets work, but its nice to have options.

    In New Jersey it's March 1st.
  • Reply 16 of 98
    Somehow, this story implies that when adding 3G to the iPhone, it won't have EDGE. That is NOT TRUE, correct? Just wondering if adding 3G circuitry would mean removing EDGE circuitry, for the sake of the space needed. Thanks
  • Reply 17 of 98
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    Somehow, this story implies that when adding 3G to the iPhone, it won't have EDGE. That is NOT TRUE, correct? Just wondering if adding 3G circuitry would mean removing EDGE circuitry, for the sake of the space needed. Thanks

    A HSPDA chip will be backward compatible with EDGE. They don't imply that but I think AI should clarify that in their articles to avoid this potential confusion.
  • Reply 18 of 98
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    Somehow, this story implies that when adding 3G to the iPhone, it won't have EDGE. That is NOT TRUE, correct? Just wondering if adding 3G circuitry would mean removing EDGE circuitry, for the sake of the space needed. Thanks

    good question. anyone have an educated guess?
  • Reply 19 of 98
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It doesn't seem far fetched. Though i would like to see know the power usage results as compared to the EDGE version. If it uses more power than the current chip will Apple thicken up the iPhone slightly to accommodate for a larger battery for a comparable data usage time or keep it the same size and make it the 1st gen. 3G iPhones suffer from lowered usage times until the technology catches up?

    The newer 3G chipsets have gotten more power-efficient, though. Look at the Samsung Blackjack series (it's a 3G smartphone)... talk time increased from 3 hours on the Blackjack I to 7 hours on the Blackjack II. Some of that was due to a 40% higher capacity battery, but still, with talk time more than doubling, power management/consumption got quite a bit better as well.

    I'd expect a 3G iPhone's talk time to take a hit, but not a big one... I don't think Steve-o would allow it. And I wouldn't cry at all if the iPhone got a millimeter or two thicker to accomodate a higher-cap battery. If someone cries that a phone being .50" thick instead of .46" thick ruins their user experience, I will point and laugh at them, because that is just dumber than a sack of hammers.

    My main concern is, do they also address the other major missing features, such as MMS and voice-dialing? That would be very cool.

  • Reply 20 of 98
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    Somehow, this story implies that when adding 3G to the iPhone, it won't have EDGE. That is NOT TRUE, correct? Just wondering if adding 3G circuitry would mean removing EDGE circuitry, for the sake of the space needed. Thanks

    The 3G/HSDPA chipsets are also compatible with EDGE. If there's a 3G network where you are, it'll use it, but if EDGE is the fastest network where you are, it'll go with that. Yay!

    A very GOOD thing too, 'cuz ATT's 3G coverage is STILL not all that great. But it's getting better.

    Oh, and the story isn't really implying a lack of compatibility with EDGE, but rather a ramping down of production of the EDGE-only chipsets. Guess that means that there'll be no more EDGE-only iPhones ('cept used/eBay) once the 3G iPhone starts shipping, or at best very limited production of a 'bottom feeder' EDGE-only iPhone that probably 90% of ppl will bypass.

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