Moto sez: no G5 in January



  • Reply 21 of 53
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    And to add to the conjecture here take a look at this from <a href=""; target="_blank">TheRegister</a>.

    G5's are just around the corner if this article is right.

  • Reply 22 of 53
    [quote]And to add to the conjecture here take a look at this from TheRegister.

    G5's are just around the corner if this article is right.

    COOL!! <hr></blockquote>

    ummm... nevermind

  • Reply 23 of 53
    [quote]Originally posted by ac2c:

    <strong>There might be an announcement of the G5 in January and there might even be a demo of a G5 OS X 2.0 in January, but I wouldn't look for a release until mid year. It will take at least that long to proof the G5, to tweak the OS and to ramp up the approved G5s for production. Considering that a great many other changes will be in store such as faster bus speeds and memory changes June seems a more realistic date for shipping. As a matter of fact the G5 may be introduced as a server prior to a top end consumer solution to start with.

    What you can look forward to in January is some form of updated iMac with a top end G3 in the above GHZ range and a dual G4 at a GHZ with a faster bus speed. Just my opionion and it is worth about as much as everyone elses conjectures. :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>


    I don't know how much you know about chips and their release but it sure as heck isn't going to take 6 months to "proof" it. As a chip is designed and fabbed it is released to those who are going to use it, so they can test it for bugs, errata, etc.... When they discover problems they alter the chip to correct it, that is why you see proto revs (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc...). When they Gold Master a chip it is "ready" to be used in products. They still may find bugs, but for the most part they aren't significant (once in a while you'll find one like the Intel deal).

    The article looks like a no confirm, no deny statement. I know from my few Mot sources that the G5 will be ready in Q1, but no date was given. My first guess was late Feb, early March, but now I lean more towards a Jan release.

    If the G4 only tops at 1GHz as said then I would say they switch now. You can't switch the iMac/book line over and have no headroom. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see the Mac lineup look like this after the expo:

    PowerMac G5 (1GHz to 1.4GHz)

    PowerBook G4 (667MHz & 800MHz)

    iMac G4 (500MHz to 700MHz) maybe still a G3 low end model.

    iBook G3 (600MHz & 700MHz)

    This of course all hinges on the G5, but it's my guess (remember the word GUESS).

    [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Slacker ]</p>
  • Reply 24 of 53
    First the guy says that the G4 has lots of headroom left, then he says it should top out at 1 GHz.

    I don't know about you all, but I wouldn't consider 1 GHz lots of headroom with the current G4s at 867 MHz. It sounds to me like Apple better find a new CPU if they want any chance at all in competing with Wintel.
  • Reply 25 of 53
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    For me, the clincher is AtAT's attitude. They have an excellent track record on their predictions over the past year or so. They have been very quick to diss bogus rumors - for example, the flat panel iMac at MWNY. They're almost never the first to start a rumor, but they seem to have a source who will tell them "yea" or "nay" pretty accurately.

    Based on their last couple of episodes, they seem to be taking the G5 rumor quite seriously. They are embracing the 1.2 - 1.6 gig range with 1.0 - 1.4 as a fallback. If it was BS, they'd be saying so. I'm convinced the G5 is for real at MWSF.

    Pardon me while I go wipe up some drool...

    Tom Moyer
  • Reply 26 of 53
    Bozo the Clown wrote:

    The only strange thing is that Mot says

    -Lots of headroom on the G4

    -G4 will max to 1GHz.

    Obviously the answer with the G4 is not clock speed. Remember back to when the G4 was still being developed. From the begining Moto was talking about Multi-Core G4's. Apple is already putting two of the chips in a lot of machines. It makes sence for both Apple and Moto to build a 4x1Ghz G4. Okay so I agree that we'll probobly see dualies first. Could you just imagine Good, better, Best configs? 1Ghz, 2x1Ghz, and 4x1Ghz. That would work very well with the pricing structure. Apple to often falls victim of making the "fastest" mac proportionally to expensive.

    To me it just seems like the most logical solution at the moment. My question is Cisco interested in multi-core cpu's? only to sweeten the deal..

    [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: val1s ]</p>
  • Reply 27 of 53
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    The thing that makes me a little edgy is the fact that all these Register and Mosr rumors are coming from the same source. If they where getting info from 2 different people, then I would be more inclinded to beleive it.

    Well if you see a G5 rumor on Cnet the day before expo its prolly will come.
  • Reply 28 of 53
    neomacneomac Posts: 145member
    You guys are being zealously blind. The man from Motorola clearly says "don't get your hopes up" about the G5 so soon.

    Like my grand-daddy says, "if it sounds too good to be true, then it is not true".

    1Ghz or more G4s for MWSF and that's it folks! Be happy, at least we're not stuck at 500Mhz still.

    [quote] However, Clark wanted to mollify speculation of a G5.



    [quote]Clark warned that Motorola "doesn't want to fan the flames of expectation".


    [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: NeoMac ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 53
    [quote]Originally posted by NeoMac:

    <strong>You guys are being zealously blind. The man from Motorola clearly says "don't get your hopes up" about the G5 so soon.

    Like my grand-daddy says, "if it sounds too good to be true, then it is not true".

    1Ghz or more G4s for MWSF and that's it folks! Be happy, at least we're not stuck at 500Mhz still.

    [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: NeoMac ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ...And I think they forgot "we don't want Steve bitch slapping us silly for implying anything to the contrary."
  • Reply 30 of 53
    Problems with the rumors:

    They are EXACTLY what we want to hear. If I had to make a a rumor, this would be it. No one would bother making up a rumor saying the new machines would be 1.0GHz, cause that would be boring, nor would anyone make up a rumor saying we were going to have 2.4GHz processors, since that's not believeable. This falls in at the far end of believable.

    The details provided are vague but designed to inspire confidence (chips per wafer, performance scores, revision numbers, etc) but cannot be independently verified and are easy enough to pull out of thin air.

    Third, where is this info appearing: MacOSRumors and The Register. Two places that print anything. The fact that these two publications are also among the least likely to bother verifying information before publication should speak for itself.

    Fourth, why would anyone with real info taking the risk by leaking stuff to MOSR?
  • Reply 31 of 53
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    The article seems to imply that th eG5 will not be good at symetrical multiprocessing . . . .

    is this true, no Dual G5s in the future? anybody know about this?
  • Reply 32 of 53
    neomacneomac Posts: 145member
    I think the rumors on MOSR & Register are highly doubtful, at best.

    I think there is a Wintel user out there jerking our collective chain around and trying to ensue disappointment in Apple among the Mac faithful. (Conspiracy theorists unite!

    My signature explains pretty much how I see this whole mess.

    [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: NeoMac ]</p>
  • Reply 33 of 53
    Is Motoman back on these boards yet?
  • Reply 34 of 53
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong>Some of you guys are going to be very sad and disappointed come MWSF.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So basically it will be like most Expos?

    All I can say is it's going to be a long, hard month. It'll be tough ignoring the hype, but I'll be trying hard to do just that. If you have low expectations, you'll certainly be happy...
  • Reply 35 of 53
    Shess. Apple's pro hardware is soooo damn stale right now. Seriously, PC 133? 133mhz FSB? Come on...the rest of the industry moved on a long time ago. Apple NEEDS a major motherboard revision and a CPU upgrade very very soon. Time ran out 8 months ago.

    I'm failry sure Moto has begun to start pumping out CPUs for apple. Hell they have already started dumping "g5" stuff into phat routers and whatnot. The technology is ready.

    Moreover, hyper transport is ready as well. AMD is starting to use it. Their's your faster bus speeds right there..

    All of this major next-gen technology is DONE being developed. You can purchase many hardware solutions that are incorporating it right now. Don't be surprised if Apple starts to clear the channel of G4s in a month. Apple simply needs to put the peices of the puzzle togther and stick it in case with a door.
  • Reply 36 of 53
    [quote]Originally posted by neutrino23:

    <strong>Is Motoman back on these boards yet?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good question neutrino. This is something I have been wondering for some time as well.

    Anyone see Motoman?
  • Reply 37 of 53
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Maybe he's hard at work trying to get the G5 out for an Q1 02 release?
  • Reply 38 of 53
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    Originally posted by Bozo the Clown:

    [quote]Problems with the rumors:

    They are EXACTLY what we want to hear. [..] This falls in at the far end of believable.


    This is what bothers me too. It sounds like it could just be true, its not obvious bullshit.

    If you think about how likely it is that Moto (of all companies) is able to pull the stunt of doubling the clocking, you cannot avoid feeling this is a bit far-fetched, however.
  • Reply 39 of 53
    [quote]Originally posted by Smircle:

    <strong>Originally posted by Bozo the Clown:

    If you think about how likely it is that Moto (of all companies) is able to pull the stunt of doubling the clocking, you cannot avoid feeling this is a bit far-fetched, however.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Doubling the clock speed is not a big deal when you think about it. It's an entire new core, so they can avoid design issues that hampered the G4, and it's got a 10 stage pipeline (the original G4 had 4 and the newer G4's have 7). How did Intel go to warp speed on the P4???? The pumped the crap out of the pipeline!!! The good thing with the G5 is that it is supposed to outperform the G4 clock cycle for cycle plus the extended MHz, whereas the P4 is slower cycle for cycle than the P3.

    I guarantee you will see a PowerMac G5 in the Q1-02, my source says no doubt about it. He just doesn't have a date. However my opinion is that if he is so sure Q1 than I would believe earlier Q1 so if something caused the date to slip, you could still get it out later in the quarter.
  • Reply 40 of 53
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yow:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Sorry, guys. Everyone can calm down now.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I am so sick of people that draw conclusions from things like this. It DOESN"T SAY there will be no G5 fact, I agree with those of you who believe it actually strengthens the case FOR a G5 soon.

    They DID NOT deny it.

    [ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
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