Apple may re-brand .Mac internet service



  • Reply 61 of 85
    parisparis Posts: 1member
    When Apple launched iTools, they didn't offer addresses, but ones.

    I therefore don't believe they'll discontinue those addresses (that would be very foolish IMHO).

    However, I doubt very much that they'll offer

    Instead, it would make more sense to keep offering as they have always done and bring a new address that will work alongside it like, say, I don't know how long they've owned (they used to only have, but reroutes to Apple, so it's definitely a possibility and much better than! :-)

    Also, it could entice people to get both and addresses, making Apple earn an extra $10 per user.
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  • Reply 62 of 85
    pmoeserpmoeser Posts: 80member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    Hope this rumor is true.

    Renamed or not, .Mac has long been Apple's least compelling/worst value equation offering.

    I used it for a year to host my iWeb site but never found anything else relevant to me -- though the Leo Laporte MacBreak Weekly gang seems to find it a linch pin of their existence.

    But for free I can collaborate on docs on Google, coordinate GCal and iCal, and store 5GB of data on various services (including M$'s SkyDrive!!). And host a website for less than a Ben Frank a year.

    And someone can correct me, but in a mixed PC/Mac setup like I have, I don't think I can do the real-time sharing that can be done with multiple Macs.

    My opinion is that .Mac COULD be a very compelling service, but it needs a real refresh, the latest computing in the cloud tricks, more features, more storage and a lower price (or more clearly added value for the AVERAGE computer user, not just Mac uber-geeks).

    PS: At least I got to keep for my subscription and use it to back up my key docs to a flash drive I keep off site, while using SuperDuper to clone my entire system on an external drive I keep in another part of the house (soon to be kept in a fire resistant safe).

    I'd love to know how to use those other services!

    I don't and neither do the thousands of new switchers to the mac platform.

    I think we all should see .mac for what it is and that is to sell an add-on service for users of Mac.

    When it works (and98% of the time it does) it is fantastic for home use, sharing pics with family and teaching kids how the future of the net could work
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  • Reply 63 of 85
    macarmacar Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Man this really sucks. The more I read about this the more depressed I get.

    I have been on .Mac for over eight years.

    The "" email address was supposed to be for life!

    And come on ... "mobileMe"???? WTF?

    That's almost as stupid a name as "Yahoo!"

    Steve Jobs if you are reading this I do *not* want to change my great email address to "" I don't think anyone in their right mind would.

    Out of the millions of possible names, "mobileMe" is not even a good one. In an email address without the intercapitals it reads "mobilame" ??? It also has no connection to Apple, Macs or iPhones.

    This has to be either a joke, a misunderstanding. This is the first time in years I feel like saying "F*ck you" to Apple over one of their decisions.

    Steve must be having a blast with this level of speculation...
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  • Reply 64 of 85
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    As part of working with an Apple Premium Reseller I got a free one-year .Mac account. Honestly, I am frickin hooked on it and I wouldn't be able to use a Mac without it. It kinda becomes something you take for granted and just works (except for certain downtime outages), like the OS itself. will probably last. There's too much DNS infrastructure/ protection in place for it to be changed, I think is pretty ridiculous, it may happen, but, unlikely I think.

    .Mac revamp if with push IMAP email for iPhone and iPod Touch would be awesome. Buy .Mac, get IMAP Push Email with your

    As with all Apple products, more client/ customer education will be the main driver of Apple product popularity, methinks.
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  • Reply 65 of 85
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    Registering your own domain name and mapping it to something else isn't very expensive, then you'll REALLY never have to change your e-mail address. I've had the same address since the late 90's despite working for multiple companies, living in multiple states, and having had all of DSL, cable, and FiOS during that time.

    Not expensive, but not trivially easy either.

    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    People of the planet .mac,

    You need to calm down with these threats. So funny to read them I need a break sometimes. Apple will make it work, do not worry.

    I think that's part of the problem. Usually when I hear about .Mac, I hear about the sub-services that go down often or are just plain broken. If there's an Apple product or service that's not up to Apple's usual level of quality, it's .Mac.

    Originally Posted by webfrasse View Post

    Yeah, I never understood why people use these email addresses that comes with the ISP. Things change, you move, you change internet provider. If you don't want to go with your own domain at least go with a provider separate from you internet provider. Like gmail, yahoo, hotmail (god forbid;-)) etc. Then your email address is a lot less likely to change while everything else might....

    Isn't changing to That's the problem, I know someone with a but they switched to an email.

    Originally Posted by Paris View Post

    When Apple launched iTools, they didn't offer addresses, but ones.

    I therefore don't believe they'll discontinue those addresses (that would be very foolish IMHO).

    It's nice that there is some precedence. The cost of keeping the domain is so low that I think Apple would be very stupid to drop it.
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  • Reply 66 of 85
    nortonnorton Posts: 9member
    Before they rebrand everything they better fix existing issues with service. I have not been able to synchronize my address book for about 2 months now, and I have escalated the issue to the executive offices. The lovely response I get is that 'We are aggressively working to resolve your issue, but we do not know how long its going to take' I find that to be atrocious.
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  • Reply 67 of 85
    wirwzdwirwzd Posts: 5member
    Nevermind... missed link in article
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  • Reply 68 of 85
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,444member
    Originally Posted by jowie74 View Post

    But Plaxo does this better, and across Mac and PC.

    I was on .Mac for about five years and all I ended up using was the IMAP mail (which was nicely integrated into Apple Mail). Everything else I ended up using other services (free services too) which work better than .Mac.

    I would still come back to .Mac if they cut the price and some of the really tedious home-user cr4p like iWeb. If it's just a case of changing the name, especially to something like MobileMe, I won't be enticed.

    I can't believe they even registered MobileMe. I didnt think it was physically possible, but this name both sucks and blows.

    Plaxo's sync is not better than .Mac if you need more items synced. I'm going to need more than just a Calendar and Address Book. I need bookmarks, widgets and whatever third party companies (like Ominigroup) can whip up.

    I'm not going to choose free solutions for my personal data because they're not free..they are datamining my info and making a lot of money.
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  • Reply 69 of 85
    My dot mac account expires tomorrow! Do i renew or do i wait?? If it expires, will all of my info be purged?
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  • Reply 70 of 85
    ezduzitezduzit Posts: 158member
    i have subscribed to .mac for a couple of years but rarely use it. i still think that eudora is the best email progtam even though it is no longer supported. qualcomm dumped it. maybe apple can incorporate it and pick it up for pocket change. there is still a vital eudora support group that doesn't want to quit.
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  • Reply 71 of 85
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by elby View Post

    I went to godaddy to see if was registered and it was available. So I grabbed it. I'm sure that Apple will pay me big for this! I'm gonna be living life large!

    Maybe I'll just trade it for a brand new mac pro with 16gb of ram and two 30 inch displays ... and a Macbook ... and a trip to Cupertino ... and dinner with Steve ... and ...

    Ya, you're probably right ... I just wasted $7.05!

    You should've used 1&1 instead. Cheaper.
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  • Reply 72 of 85
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    You should've used 1&1 instead. Cheaper.

    I use Bluehost. They're better, I think.
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  • Reply 73 of 85
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    I hope this means iLife 09 is one the way too since iLife is so tightly tied to dot Mac. I would love to see an Apple multi-user database system that ran on the web within web sites. Given FMPro is Apple really why not? Plus iWeb has huge potential if they'd just let it do a few more things and be able to upload multiple sites to any host with out the need for 3rd party help as it does now. iLife Pro maybe
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  • Reply 74 of 85
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    Originally Posted by bandgeekmdo View Post

    My dot mac account expires tomorrow! Do i renew or do i wait?? If it expires, will all of my info be purged?

    Your .Mac account will have expired by the time you read this...

    You should receive an email explaining everything, but your data will be kept live for a couple of weeks or thereabouts, in which time they will email you a few times to try and lure you back to them before it's too late. I believe the email account will stay active for maybe a couple of weeks more, which also gives you a bit of time to sort out auto-replies with your new email address (which you can set up on .Mac Mail).

    The good thing is you will keep your Apple ID, even when all of this has expired. So if you ever want to go back to .Mac, your email address will stay safe.

    That is of course unless they decide to do some radical restructuring of .Mac - but for now it's safe.
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  • Reply 75 of 85
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Plaxo's sync is not better than .Mac if you need more items synced. I'm going to need more than just a Calendar and Address Book. I need bookmarks, widgets and whatever third party companies (like Ominigroup) can whip up.

    Bookmarks = Foxmarks. I know it's Firefox not Safari, but it actually works. Ever since I had .Mac the bookmark syncing never really worked properly. Foxmarks actually tells you when it's syncing and you see it update to the correct version. I always found .Mac a bit of a random update experience.

    Widgets... If you mean Dashboard, I find Dashboard pretty but totally pointless considering it takes so long for the screen to load up all the widgets. I guess it's the reason they brought back the Calculator (and Spotlight Calculator) to the main part of the OS... I must not have been the only one frustrated at the amount of time it took to get to something as important as a calculator.


    I'm not going to choose free solutions for my personal data because they're not free..they are datamining my info and making a lot of money.

    Hmmm, that old chestnut. They don't cost you anything? Then they are free. Whether or not you like WHY they are free is a different matter. Personally I don't care, I'm not doing anything online I shouldn't be doing so let them use my data. You think Apple don't use your data for their own marketing stats?

    If .Mac was a bit more reasonably priced I would carry on - in the UK it's £68.99 - that's a US equivalent of $136.52. If it were under £50 I'd seriously consider renewing. £30-£40 would probably ensure I stayed with them for life. For £70 per year I expect more... Lifetime OS upgrades, for example.
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  • Reply 76 of 85
    Would be cool if they bough Netvibes to bring a personalized homepage + community to .Mac.

    Anyway, even though I am member I completely gave up and went to Dropbox which is ten times better, quicker and even easier than the iDisk.

    Until they really fix all these points that you guys mentionned, my web combinaison will remain:

    A personal domain/email address + Google Apps + Dropbox + gSync
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  • Reply 77 of 85
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post


    I just got business stationery printed with my .mac address listed.

    You do care about your business right?
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  • Reply 78 of 85
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    I could say that about a lot of things.

    Yes but .Mac is a particular rip-off.
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  • Reply 79 of 85
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    I let my .mac subscription expire. It sucks.

    It sucks at that price, but would be great free service.
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  • Reply 80 of 85
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by GuillaumeB View Post

    Would be cool if they bough Netvibes to bring a personalized homepage + community to .Mac.

    Integration with iGoogle would be useful to more people as it has many more users. And then Google apps integration too. But I would prefer a free service with no additional features myself. Paying €99 yearly for this service makes me feel like an idiot. I just want the same thing (or more) at a damn cheaper price!!

    There's no excuse here, Steve is playing the lot of us for a bunch of fools. F-u Jobs!
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