Report: 3G iPhone 22% thinner, better battery life



  • Reply 81 of 113
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Ouch! Take a chill pill.

    ROTFL Coming from one of the more, um, excitable members, that's highly amusing.
  • Reply 82 of 113
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    It's clear that Apple will try to make a better iPhone, by improving on iPhone 1.0

    They need to

    1) Improve reception - by adopting a more radio-transparent case

    2) Add 3G - which comes at the price of increased power consumption

    3) Beef up the battery - which means making the phone fatter

    4) Offset the fatness - by having thin tapered edges.

    This is exactly what we are seeing in the leaked images.

    We have seen 5 or 6 images from different sources showing exactly the same design. Some in Pearl some in Jet.

    Folks, we are going to get a slightly fatter phone, with a non-metal back.

    The fatness is not going to be a problem because the edges will be thinner, mirroring the MacBook Air. It will slide into your pocket and *feel* thinner.


    You're tripping. If its fatter it's going to feel fatter in your pocket. But point by point:

    1) Reception is a function of antenna design, not the case. It doesn't matter of the whole thing is plastic if the antenna is no different, likewise the antenna could be of an improved design and require a smaller aperture.

    2) 3G uses more power only if you turn it on.

    3) Or you can make the insides smaller and use the extra space for a bigger battery

    4) Having tapered edges makes it wider and taller, ie larger. Only squared edges would make it smaller.
  • Reply 83 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post

    ROTFL Coming from one of the more, um, excitable members, that's highly amusing.

    See! To anyone else that would be amusing, but to you it's "highly" amusing. Calm down.
  • Reply 84 of 113
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    See! To anyone else that would be amusing, but to you it's "highly" amusing. Calm down.

    Don't make me take away your nap time...
  • Reply 85 of 113
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    So you pulled it apart and now you're a state of the art touchscreen engineer? Best you leave it to the professionals.

    As far as your idea on the limitation of chip counts, until there is only one chip in the iPhone, I won't be saying they've gone as far as they can. And chip sizes are largely determined by the number of pins (or balls these days) it has, as chips are combined there is need for less of them since the communication is internal, and the size drops.

    I know that a popular maker of Bluetooth chips, CSR, have produced a combination GPS/Bluetooth chip, so GPS need not increase the chip count.

    I don't think 2G talk time will increase mostly because of efficiency, but because it'll have a bigger battery. 3G battery life will always be worse (for the foreseeable future at least) but anyone who cares about talk time doesn't walk around in 3G mode anyway.

    Here's a timely article:
  • Reply 86 of 113
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    4) Having tapered edges makes it wider and taller, ie larger. Only squared edges would make it smaller.

    Huh? What merd!

    How does making the edges thinner make it wider and taller?

    At the thickest point the MacBook Air is 2cm thick. The while the MacBook is fractionally thicker at 2.75cm. But the MBA *feels* dramatically thinner because of a shell that gradually tapers from thin edges to the thickest point. Instead of a nasty kerb, there is a gentle wheelchair-friendly ramp.

    This same profile will inform the design of the new phone. Apple could afford to ship a phone with a larger battery and a greater overall thickness, if that phone came with an MBA-style tapering design. Perception of bulk is far more important than actual volume. That ramp will let it slip into your pocket.

    And that design feature is visible in all of the entirely consistent leaked photos. Looks nice too.

    Furthermore I am pretty convinced by the middle image in the last row. The shell is lacking the guts - which allows us to see the back of the case from the inside. There are a bunch of what appear to be antenna connectors all over this surface.

    I think they are increasing the physical size of the antenna. And have managed to do so while also losing the ugly black-plastic antenna window. This new design has a single continuous surface.


  • Reply 87 of 113
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Au contraire. The insides of the iPhone are essentially square in each dimension (putting aside the fact that you can put some things in tapered spaces, but not very much, and less than if they were square). So for a given volume of innards the most efficient space is a square. The Air may have a thin 'feel', but it comes at the cost of a much larger footprint, ie it is wider and longer than it need have been without the tapers, which are mostly empty.

    I'm not saying it isn't nice in a aesthetic sense, but in one's tight jeans a fatter iPhone is just fatter, no matter how tapered it is. It will also be larger on two extra dimensions. It might look sleeker, but that's just visual trickery. It's form over function, which is why I passed on an Air and bought another MacBook. I wait in hope for Apple to release a laptop that has a smaller footprint, doesn't have the useless CD drive and is full powered.

    I agree that black bit was ugly. I think the whole plastic back idea is much better.
  • Reply 88 of 113
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    We might also note that the last redesign of the iMac went from squared off to tapered as a way to imply "thinner" without actually decreasing internal volume that much, so it appears to be a design trend at Apple at the moment.
  • Reply 89 of 113
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    You're tripping. If its fatter it's going to feel fatter in your pocket.

    I have to disagree. Seeing as that your waist and bum are essentially rounded, and therefore your pockets are rounded, a rounded object is going to fit better. If you square it off, it is the sharp edges that are going to bind with the sides of the pocket, not the center. If the edges are tapered, even if the center is a tad wider, it will fit better in the pocket.

    Think about what a well used wallet looks like. When you buy it it is squareish. But the constant pressure presses on the edges so that they end up tapered.
  • Reply 90 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post

    Don't make me take away your nap time...

    But I don't control you.
  • Reply 91 of 113
    I'm a long-time lurker in this forum, but I just had to crawl out of the woodwork momentarily to point out that just because the material in these pictures is black or white and glossy, does not mean it's plastic. I'd be willing to bet (a very small amount of) money that it's ceramic; probably sintered zirconium oxide (zirconia.) I think they have a patent out for that, because of its radio-transparency. If indeed they are covering the entire back with antennas, the iPhone's range could go from below-average to ROCKING with this new revision!
  • Reply 92 of 113
    probablyprobably Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    We might also note that the last redesign of the iMac went from squared off to tapered as a way to imply "thinner" without actually decreasing internal volume that much, so it appears to be a design trend at Apple at the moment.

    But that's also not an exception to the rule that Apple products don't get thicker.
  • Reply 93 of 113
    bavlondon2bavlondon2 Posts: 694member
    Can we expect the 3G iphone to be announced on Monday or one of the other days?
  • Reply 94 of 113
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    Can we expect the 3G iphone to be announced on Monday or one of the other days?

    Monday, almost guaranteed. I'd also say it's almost guaranteed that it won't ship for at least a week afterward.
  • Reply 95 of 113
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    Monday, almost guaranteed. I'd also say it's almost guaranteed that it won't ship for at least a week afterward.

    I think v2.0 software will be released next Monday with the announcement of a 3G iPhone but following last year's release date and comparing AT&T internal memos the release date will be 5pm on Friday June 27th.
  • Reply 96 of 113
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Has this pic been posted before? It clearly shows an FCC ID placement that corresponds to Apple products but it doesn't have a Serial or IMEI # so I wonder why that would need an FCC ID text holder but not the others.

    PS: Check out the hole for the camera, it looks like this is definitely not a metal-backed case.

    PPS: Does the camera info match the camera that is reflected? (I don't know how to look that up)
  • Reply 97 of 113
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Has this pic been posted before? It clearly shows an FCC ID placement that corresponds to Apple products but it doesn't have a Serial or IMEI # so I wonder why that would need an FCC ID text holder but not the others.

    PS: Check out the hole for the camera, it looks like this is definitely not a metal-backed case.

    PPS: Does the camera info match the camera that is reflected? (I don't know how to look that up)

    That would indicate an 8GB iPhone2. Hmmm. I wonder.
  • Reply 98 of 113
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by netdog View Post

    That would indicate an 8GB iPhone2. Hmmm. I wonder.

    If they were going to photoshop more than the FCC ID I'd think they would have doubled teh capacity. I don't think Apple will drop the 8GB iPhone. It's more than enough for most, it's still higher than most other smartphones, and 16GB is still cost prohibitive so having 8GB would allow more people to get on board with a 3G iPhone.

    PS: There is no need to quote that image.
  • Reply 99 of 113
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't think Apple will drop the 8GB iPhone. It's more than enough for most, it's still higher than most other smartphones, and 16GB is still cost prohibitive so having 8GB would allow more people to get on board with a 3G iPhone.

    I wouldn't say that 16G is necessarily cost prohibitive, though it may depend on the speed needed for the product. A single class 6 SDHC 16GB card is $70 on Newegg.
  • Reply 100 of 113
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I wouldn't say that 16G is necessarily cost prohibitive, though it may depend on the speed needed for the product. A single class 6 SDHC 16GB card is $70 on Newegg.

    How much is an 8GB stick? Is the same kind (density and speed) NAND that Apple uses in the iPhone?
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