Apple unveils the all new iPhone 3G



  • Reply 221 of 287
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Well there's no mention of it in the specs. I hope it's just an oversight as sending vCards and mp3s via Bluetooth is pretty common practice.

    No mention of sharing the 3G modem connection over Wifi or USB either, which is a pity.

    So it will be impossible to use the iPhone as a modem for your laptop, or are you saying it's just been overlooked in the specs?
  • Reply 222 of 287
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    Somebody cleared this up already in one of the rumor threads.. It has to do with an aluminum back interfering with the 3G chip.

    ? but why having a glossy finish The back looks very cheapo now Not mentioning the glossy kitchen white back

    They only have to change the sweaty bling bling back to an iMac like satin textured black to turn this iPhone into a heavenly hardware experience!
  • Reply 223 of 287
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

    So it will be impossible to use the iPhone as a modem for your laptop, or are you saying it's just been overlooked in the specs?

    We'll know for certain come July 11th but so far there's no mention of it in the specs and it's not there in the 2.0 betas so my guess is it's not going to be there. It wasn't there in 1.0.

    It really is perplexing. Almost every other phone offers a decent spread of Bluetooth profiles and modem sharing yet Apple doesn't.

    Every phone I've had since about 1996 has had a built in modem shared over cable, infrared or bluetooth. OK, you can do much more on the iPhone itself so there's less need to use a laptop attached to it but for some situations and jobs, my work is on the computer and I need to get it filed without having to find an open wifi hotspot.
  • Reply 224 of 287
    joedrcjoedrc Posts: 86member
    O2 just released their new tariffs for the iPhone, they look largely the same as their previous tariffs, apart from the fact if you opt for the more expensive ones you can get either iPhone (8gb or 16gb) free!

    On top of that they've also released a pay as you go option, which means, if I'm correct, no 18 month contract!

    I can't wait for the 11th!
  • Reply 225 of 287
    Originally Posted by CJon View Post

    Anyone know if the new iPhone 3G can handle MMS? I hate that website... will developers be able to create MMS clients that can txt pics as opposed to email them?


    No it cannot. The iPhone still cannot do cut & paste or Mail in landscape mode. Those are 3 of my biggest gripes. I don't give a shit about GPS, I want cut & paste.
  • Reply 226 of 287
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by geminisalsero View Post

    2nd the "price cut" is just an illusion - you are still buying the phone at 399 after all those apps that you will spend on it plus the increase in ATT service plan (for US). Before it was 399 and you can jailbrake the phone and get those app things that matter for free:

    The AT&T price hike brings it to $439. As for the apps, you don't have to buy any if you don't want to. And I'm sure that you will be able to jailbreak this one too and install those poor hack apps too.

    For me, this is actually saving me $80 over the next year, since I'll probably be buying a new phone next year ( $10x12 = $120) , but get $200 off the initial price.
  • Reply 227 of 287
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Ok guys, I have an issue here maybe some of you could verify. I tried using my AT&T iPhone SIM card on my other GSM phone. Guess what? It did not work!! I called AT&T and after an hour of talking they told me that the iPhone SIM card will not work on any other GSM phone!!!!!!!!! They also told me that if I go and get another SIM card for my AT&T phone number I am using with my iPhone then it will not work on the iPhone anymore!!!!!! WTF!!

    Can someone verify if his iPhone SIM card actually work on other phones?


    Edit: As per


    1. I'm concerned about not having a phone while my iPhone is being repaired. What are my options?

    You have three options to minimize the impact of not having a phone while your iPhone is being repaired:

    1. You can make an appointment with a Mac Genius at an Apple Store. If the Mac Genius determines that the iPhone has a hardware issue requiring service, you will receive an immediate replacement.

    2. If you have another GSM cell phone available, you can put the SIM card into your other phone and use the other phone until their iPhone is serviced or replaced.

    3. Apple can provide an AppleCare Service Phone (8GB) while your iPhone is being repaired. The rental charge for the AppleCare Service phone is $29. For more details please review the iPhone Rental Terms And Conditions.

  • Reply 228 of 287
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Ok guys, I have an issue here maybe some of you could verify. I tried using my AT&T iPhone SIM card on my other GSM phone. Guess what? It did not work!! I called AT&T and after an hour of talking they told me that the iPhone SIM card will not work on any other GSM phone!!!!!!!!! They also told me that if I go and get another SIM card for my AT&T phone number I am using with my iPhone then it will not work on the iPhone anymore!!!!!! WTF!!

    Can someone verify if his iPhone SIM card actually work on other phones?


    The only solution that I know of is to put the SIM card from another phone into an unlocked iPhone.
  • Reply 229 of 287
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The only solution that I know of is to put the SIM card from another phone into an unlocked iPhone.

    I am trying to use my iPhone AT&T SIM card on another phone.
  • Reply 230 of 287
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I am trying to use my iPhone AT&T SIM card on another phone.

    Need to find a generic SIM card, I think.
  • Reply 231 of 287
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You're just making up numbers! You don't know any of that.

    Yes I do, it's based on published reports. Have you been living under a rock?
  • Reply 232 of 287
    thttht Posts: 5,599member
    Originally Posted by geminisalsero View Post

    1st I believe that this is NOT the 2nd generation Iphone - just Iphone 3G (think of it as ipod 5.5) The full new generation should be coming early next year: Iphone Pro 32Gb, MMS, dual camera, cut and paste for $399 (and one feature that we all want, but will not get because wishing for something makes us buy the darn thing).

    You are wishfully thinking.

    More storage is a simple prediction. 32 MB flash storage is pretty much guaranteed yes. But considering this late date, the lack of MMS, copy-n-paste and even video conferencing camera in the iPhone implies Apple has strategic interests for not implementing them. For example, next year, if even phone supports push-email with HTML emial and attachments, MMS stops being needed. Video conferencing on cell phone may not be a usage humans are comfortable with.


    2nd the "price cut" is just an illusion - you are still buying the phone at 399 after all those apps that you will spend on it plus the increase in ATT service plan (for US). Before it was 399 and you can jailbrake the phone and get those app things that matter for free

    Umm, jailbreak apps also cost money, and there will be free apps from the App Store. The reduced price is an illusion, but not for the reason you state. The phones cost $199, half the price, but the cheapest data plan is $10 more. So one will be spending something like $200 for the phone and $70/month for 2 years on the service. The TCO is higher by $50 to $100 over 2 years for the iPhone with 3G.


    3rd Ipod Touch 8Gb is still priced at 299 - well that is okay, but we will see on July 11th. I guess the back to school promotion is making people think - why can't i get an Iphone 3G for $199? Again as September approaches (end of the school year promo) apple may unveil the 64Gb touch and the newer Mac family and hints at Iphone Pro. Right now, it is inventory clearing time, but in the end they have to keep the Gb ratio b/w iphone and ipod touch.

    Yes. iPods will be updated in July-Sept time frame for the Q4.
  • Reply 233 of 287
    resnycresnyc Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by bdenton42 View Post

    The 3G conneciton on my Moto Razr V3xx costs $20/mo unlimited. Not sure how they justify the extra $10.

    "Justify"?! Try this: everyone who has ever had a Razr _hates_ it. You can charge more for people to use an appliance that they love, even if the less-loved appliances do the same things, on paper.
  • Reply 234 of 287
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by resnyc View Post

    "Justify"?! Try this: everyone who has ever had a Razr _hates_ it. You can charge more for people to use an appliance that they love, even if the less-loved appliances do the same things, on paper.

    Or that $10 gets you a useable internet connection. How the hell do you compare the iPhone's browser and internet apps to a RAZR?
  • Reply 235 of 287
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Or that $10 gets you a useable internet connection. How the hell do you compare the iPhone's browser and internet apps to a RAZR?

    Phone tools & a USB cable and I am using Internet Explorer from my desktop... perfectly usable for me. I'd be all over a iPhone3G if I could do the same with it.
  • Reply 236 of 287
    Originally Posted by resnyc View Post

    "Justify"?! Try this: everyone who has ever had a Razr _hates_ it. You can charge more for people to use an appliance that they love, even if the less-loved appliances do the same things, on paper.

    OK so if the cost is justified based on the appliance why all the hate for people who say the iPhone3G costs $439... because that's what it really is, no?
  • Reply 237 of 287
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bdenton42 View Post

    Phone tools & a USB cable and I am using Internet Explorer from my desktop... perfectly usable for me. I'd be all over a iPhone3G if I could do the same with it.

    That is an excellent reason to keep the RAZR plan. Not every phone or plan fits everyone. You're plan fits well for you, but it you wanted rich internet on the go without a laptop connection with a built in iPod then the iPhone may become the best choice.

    Maybe a jailbreak will come out that will allow you to have your cake and eat it too, albeit at $10 more a month., though that seems like a decent trade off to me. I'd cancel my $60/month AT&T data USB card data plan if I could do that.
  • Reply 238 of 287
    Hi everyone, I am a scum-sucking spammer who deserves the worst physical and mental torture imaginable. I love to have my bots visit every forum I can find and spew my garbage.
  • Reply 239 of 287
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    For the old phone: $400 plus say about $200 in kick backs. Bill of materials from teardowns put it at about $250. These aren't exact figures but that how I got to about 60%.

    AT&T have stated they are losing money on the new iPhone. That points to their cost being in the $700/$800 range. $200 customer pays, $240 extra charges and about $300 they have to find, which is the normal subsidy on high end phones in the industry.

    Of course gross margins are not profits. That's why there called gross margins. But we're never going to know what the profit on their iPhone business is unless they start providing details.

    And anyway, it is a good reason. They will charge as much as they can unless they have a good reason not to, such as marketing or building market share. Are you saying they don't maximise profits, maximise benefits to shareholders, as required by law? I think that's a pretty good reason.

    Where do you get you figures from? The old phone which people stood in line for hours for was $600!! Stop re-writing history. It was way overpriced from the start.
  • Reply 240 of 287
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Where do you get you figures from? The old phone which people stood in line for hours for was $600!! Stop re-writing history. It was way overpriced from the start.

    God, happened like 9 months ago and the whiners still keep coming.
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