Spat with Rogers leaves Canadian Apple stores without iPhones



  • Reply 141 of 177
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Thank you. Your explanation seems to support what the Rogers' rep said.

    It is amazing that nobody has reported what their current iPhone data usage has been. Obviously, there aren't many, if any, here that have an iPhone in the first place, yet will continually dis it. Wonder how many have a cell phone period.

    You have asked this repeatedly in the various iPhone in Canada threads. There are nowhere near as many iPhone users in Canada as in the US, and you might expect a higher than normal proportion of the readers of these threads to be Canadian. It isn't a stretch to expect there would not be many/any Canadian readers here with an iPhone and those that might exist have probably never gone over their data cap (or even close) because the were careful not to. If they did, they would probably be too busy to post as they were busy working the 3rd job to pay off the 2nd mortgage.
  • Reply 142 of 177
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Thank you. Your explanation seems to support what the Rogers' rep said.

    It is amazing that nobody has reported what their current iPhone data usage has been. Obviously, there aren't many, if any, here that have an iPhone in the first place, yet will continually dis it. Wonder how many have a cell phone period.

    To add you what Tulkas just stated you seem to want to ignore the fact that the new iPhone will be using 3G. You simply cannot use old usage totals on 2G as a benchmark. Plus the whole iPhone experience is improving with the launch with services such as MobileMe etc... which will lead to further data usage increases. Then you have the Apps...

    Even the threads you posted yesterday about 2G usage (if you actually read them) had people stating they expected their usage to jump significantly with the new iPhone 3G.
  • Reply 143 of 177
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by nderksen View Post

    Are you considering browser caching? Page sizes go way down if you consider how much information gets cached after visiting the first page of a given site.

    Assuming you get any control over caching. I too have heard there isn't much by the way of caching in iPhone so far.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    It is amazing that nobody has reported what their current iPhone data usage has been. Obviously, there aren't many, if any, here that have an iPhone in the first place, yet will continually dis it. Wonder how many have a cell phone period.

    Does the iPhone offer a way to extract monthly data use data?
  • Reply 144 of 177
    Originally Posted by ianmac47 View Post

    If Apple really cared, they simply would have sold all the iPhones as unlocked devices everywhere, at the same time. The decision to create exclusivity contracts with particular carriers got them into the mess, and now they have to deal with it.

    Definitely agree. Even here in the US, there's no real reason to lock people into ATT. WHY not have some competition?
  • Reply 145 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    You have asked this repeatedly in the various iPhone in Canada threads. There are nowhere near as many iPhone users in Canada as in the US, and you might expect a higher than normal proportion of the readers of these threads to be Canadian. It isn't a stretch to expect there would not be many/any Canadian readers here with an iPhone and those that might exist have probably never gone over their data cap (or even close) because the were careful not to. If they did, they would probably be too busy to post as they were busy working the 3rd job to pay off the 2nd mortgage.

    I guess you don't read.

    I have asked this question to anybody that has an iPhone. Not only here, but on other sites as well.

    So has the posters of some of the links I listed. In every case where there was response, the amount of data usage supported AT&T's findings, i.e., less than 100MB per month

    So far nobody has answered. Are you telling me that nobody reading AI has an iPhone? Particularly Canadians? Or that everybody reading posts in Canadian thread are only Canadian?
  • Reply 146 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Does the iPhone offer a way to extract monthly data use data?

    Yes! Very easy. And I believe Steve pointed this feature out in the iPhone keynote.

    Here are the step-by-step instructions to Monitoring Usage, which is built right in the iPhone.
  • Reply 147 of 177
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I guess you don't read.

    I have asked this question to anybody that has an iPhone. Not only here, but on other sites as well.

    It guess is might be possible, likely even, that I haven't read your posts on other sites. Let me check my ESP hat to see if I can find them.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    So has the posters of some of the links I listed. In every case where there was response, the amount of data usage supported AT&T's findings, i.e., less than 100MB per month

    So far nobody has answered. Are you telling me that nobody reading AI has an iPhone? Particularly Canadians? Or that everybody reading posts in Canadian thread are only Canadian?

    I would suggest that there is a higher interest in these iPhone in Canada thread by Canadians than Americans, yes.

    What you have constantly failed to realize is that every single person that has mentioned any iPhone data usage is not using an iPhone 3G AND THE USAGE IS EXPECTED TO BE HIGHER WITH 3G!!! You seem incapable of seeing this. You bring up quotes and stats from Rogers and other cell carriers and 'industry insiders" to back up Rogers claims. That is honestly as stupid as going to the tobacco companies for stats on cancer rates and causes. But, you keep using them and trying to defend them. Brilliant.

    If you think the rates and packages are fair and reasonable, by all means, get in line a buy one on Friday. I would love to see your data usage numbers after a month, as well as your bills. I think that would be foolish, but then I might have higher standards of what I expect from companies that provide services to me. Perhaps your 3G data usage won't be high. Sign up for the base package then. Enjoy having to keep track of your usage throughout the day, every day. Enjoy the limited minutes. Enjoy the brief free nights. Enjoy counting your messages. I am sure all of these will make your iPhone experience an excellent one. They would not for me.

    With all the talk by Canadian cell phone companies to justify their gouging (Any of Rogers packages, Bell and Telus charging for incoming messages, nights starting at 9PM, etc) some seem willing to accept their arguments that they need to do this because of increased costs. Yet, Canadian cell companies enjoy close to the highest profits anywhere in the world. When one raise rates the others do. When one adds new fees, the others do. When one removes services from basic packages, the others do. That is not a sign of a competitive market. That is a sign of collusion. But, still, some appear more than wiling to believe anything these companies releases as justification.
  • Reply 148 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    I read somewhere (sorry can't remember) that mobile Safari doesn't cache because of memory and space limitations.

    But even if it did, as has been pointed out, once you start using email with attachments, online games, streaming video, IM, etc., you can use up data really quick. And you *know* there's going to be bittorrent apps available right?

    The iPhone is able to access the World Wide Web via a modified version of the Safari web browser, which as the article below describes the difference in how it caches.
  • Reply 149 of 177
    lfmorrisonlfmorrison Posts: 698member
    Originally Posted by lonestar1 View Post

    Yes, and if auto dealers left cars unlocked with keys in the ignition, you wouldn't have to tie yourself to a nasty multi-year car loan.

    And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Apple would still be realizing the full revenue it had expected from having sold an iPhone.


    Funny thing, though. The people who work for car dealers want money to buy food, clothes, etc., and so do people who work for Apple, AT&T, Rogers, etc.

    Again, Apple is getting exactly the same amount of money per phone no matter how the phone is sold. Why not sell it directly to customers?

    As for Rogers... Well, at the end of the day, you're going to be giving Rogers money no matter what because in Canada because they're the only company with a compatible network.

    If Rogers has customers who are already on existing Rogers contracts (or pay as you go plans), they're getting their ongoing revenue stream anyway, no matter what phone their customers bring to the network, where the phones were purchased, or under what terms.
  • Reply 150 of 177
    cmasoncmason Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    The iPhone is able to access the World Wide Web via a modified version of the Safari web browser, which as the article below describes the difference in how it caches.

    Okay, so if I understand the article correctly, if a website is specifically optimized for mobile users, there might be some effective caching, otherwise not so much. Any big html pages or images will likely not be cached.
  • Reply 151 of 177
    cmasoncmason Posts: 41member
    Whoa, according to this, Fido is going to offer a $30 data plan with 6 gigs:

    That's not unlimited, but it might be good enough. This is a big move! I need to check the fine print, as this may indeed be enough to hook me!
  • Reply 152 of 177
    cmasoncmason Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    Whoa, according to this, Fido is going to offer a $30 data plan with 6 gigs:

    That's not unlimited, but it might be good enough. This is a big move! I need to check the fine print, as this may indeed be enough to hook me!

    Well, if this is accurate, I think I'll get the Fido $20/200 minutes plan, with the system access fee and $30 data, I'll be just under $60. That's good enough. I *really* hope that above report is accurate!
  • Reply 153 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    It guess is might be possible, likely even, that I haven't read your posts on other sites. Let me check my ESP hat to see if I can find them.

    What you have constantly failed to realize is that every single person that has mentioned any iPhone data usage is not using an iPhone 3G AND THE USAGE IS EXPECTED TO BE HIGHER WITH 3G!!! You seem incapable of seeing this.

    Obviously you haven't read my posts. I in fact have stated 3G is going to increase data usage under real conditions, but how much I don't know and as the Rogers rep readily admitted as well. All I can tell you is that AT&T didn't project the increase in usage to be anywhere near their original projections, that they expect an increase because of 3G, that Rogers and other international carriers have determined their prices based on the only historical data available, i.e., AT&T's and their own Data Usage reports, that as Rogers has done, set the initial goal of 400MB as their baseline. And equally important Rogers, AT&T, etc., own in-house research testing the iPhone 3g in their own labs.

    So, let's put this to bed.

    My business is consulting, developing and managing massive data for research purposes. I have as previously posted listed links to every article that I could find that would or would not support AT&T's claims that the average Data Usage by its iPhone users was less than 100MB.

    So far, nobody has given any evidence to the contrary. All I hear is, Rogers, AT&T, etc., are lying.

    Listen and listen carefully. Get off you ass and show me the proof. Perhaps you can do something that nobody else can.
  • Reply 154 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    Okay, so if I understand the article correctly, if a website is specifically optimized for mobile users, there might be some effective caching, otherwise not so much. Any big html pages or images will likely not be cached.

    Only in part. Any caching will be effective no matter how small.

    It does appear that the Safari Web Browser is optimized for the iPhone. As the article referenced, as well as those on the ADC site, more can be done. That and the fact that Wi-Fi, Edge and 3G are accessed in that order to surf. Obviously, since Wi-Fi has not cost to the user, Apples iPhone strategy to 'default' internet connections in that order keep data use charges down is a beauty to behold. I am not aware that anybody else came up with that one.
  • Reply 155 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    And do you find this acceptable?

    I guess you haven't read my posts. In particular I was pissed off with my son who text messages his buddies. Most live around the corner.

    I for one, don't use text messaging. And never, plan to. I have friends in the US who would text message to friends every day. Not realizing that many of their friends were being charge ¢20 each message because they didn't have it in plan.

    And as David Pogue says, "One coming program, called iCall, will give you free phone calls when you’re in a Wi-Fi hot spot." I can't either.

    I am hoping to do the same with Skype, which let me call the UK last night to find that their stores weren't selling the iPhone either.
  • Reply 156 of 177
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    Well, if this is accurate, I think I'll get the Fido $20/200 minutes plan, with the system access fee and $30 data, I'll be just under $60. That's good enough. I *really* hope that above report is accurate!

    Nice idea but the Fido site begs to differ. Maybe this is a face saving plan to be introduced. Maybe Rogers, realizing the extent to which it has screwed up are now moving the iPhone emphasis to Fido.

    Currently however, the Fido Plan sucks big time

    for 60$ per month + Made Up Access fee 6.95 + 911 fee $0.5, you get

    150 daytime minutes (unlimited after 7pm)

    75 texts

    400mb data

    For an additional $15 per month you get caller display and 2500 txts

    For an additional $20 per month you get 10 000 texts

    For an additional $30- you get another 300mb data and for an additional $100 you get 6gb!

    So a minimum package with caller id and increased data you'll pay $112.- + tax

  • Reply 157 of 177
    macwakmacwak Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    I hope that many of these countries are able to get a better allotment of data usage on their plans in the future. I'm sure all the telecom companies just aren't used to hardly any data being used on their networks so they've kept prices high. Hopefully that will change with the iPhone and they'll realize how popular data usage will be and lower the rates as the volume of users using data increases.

    Actually, they do. Especially in countries where you have more then one GSM carriers. Let's take a look at French Orange Telecom iPhone offer, since Rogers seems to think that there offer is better (, if you can read french). The French have 3 GSM operators : Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom, What sets Orange offer apart from Rogers is the amount of choices. They have 5 iPhone plan offer ranging from 49 Euro to 149 Euro a month, all have unlimited Internet, emails and Visual voice mail. And a choice between 1 or 2 years contract, Orange also have a Business iPhone plans (I can't say if it's good or not since I don't know to what to compare it). The phone rates doesn't seems very good since they offer unlimited weekend and evening calls.

    Rogers says they have better plans then Orange, I think it's debatable. And take the time to convert Euro to Canadian dollar. I think Roger didn't do that.
  • Reply 158 of 177
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Listen and listen carefully. Get off you ass and show me the proof. Perhaps you can do something that nobody else can.

    Proof, as much as it can be presented for speculative data usage for an unavailable device, has been provided to you through stats that show the average web page is far larger than what Rogers stats. It has been presented to you through individuals doing informal analysis of their own data usage. You reject these and accept only what comes from the carriers. Your source is suspect.
  • Reply 159 of 177
    cmasoncmason Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Nice idea but the Fido site begs to differ. Maybe this is a face saving plan to be introduced. Maybe Rogers, realizing the extent to which it has screwed up are now moving the iPhone emphasis to Fido.

    Currently however, the Fido Plan sucks big time

    for 60$ per month + Made Up Access fee 6.95 + 911 fee $0.5, you get

    150 daytime minutes (unlimited after 7pm)

    75 texts

    400mb data

    For an additional $15 per month you get caller display and 2500 txts

    For an additional $20 per month you get 10 000 texts

    For an additional $30- you get another 300mb data and for an additional $100 you get 6gb!

    So a minimum package with caller id and increased data you'll pay $112.- + tax


    Nope, looks like the new data plan is official, both from Fido and Rogers:

    Doesn't include visual voice-mail, but I don't need it. I don't need SMS either, since I'll have IM!
  • Reply 160 of 177
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Proof, as much as it can be presented for speculative data usage for an unavailable device, has been provided to you through stats that show the average web page is far larger than what Rogers stats. It has been presented to you through individuals doing informal analysis of their own data usage. You reject these and accept only what comes from the carriers. Your source is suspect.

    Now that explains everything. By the way, I gave a list of links that came from independent users, not from carriers or their employees. Of course they could have lied as some may be doing here.

    Sorry for trying to wake you from dreamland. Please don't respond.
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