It's official: no G5

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I attended an Apple seminar the other day ... pretty nice event ... very informative. At the end, everyone started to mingle ... I went to take a closer look at the products they brought. Among them was an iPod ... being demonstrated by an Apple exec. He was discussing all the features and nifty gadgets ... then all of a sudden, his tone seemed to change ...

"Some people seem to think that the port was meant for something else"

I looked up .... now actually interested in what he was saying ... "Whatever do you mean?" I asked ..... concealing my true identity as one of the top lieutenants of the infamous Appleinsider boards. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

"Well," he continued .. "Apparently, some other MP3 players use this type of headphone jack for an optional remote"

He went on explaining that this was never even considered for the iPod.

"I wouldn't think that you would actually mind that kind of talk" I quipped "I mean ... whatever keeps the conversation OFF the G5 ...."

silence :confused:

"The G5 ..." he seethed "...whatever that would be."

As his lackie took a step forward, I noticed the spread on the tables not far from us, not wanting to miss out on any of the good eats ... I figured I'd skip the congrats on squashing the cache integrity and multiprocessing bugs that where in the .5 revision of the chip for another day.

I new they got to Dorsal M ... they weren't going to get to me. I had to think of a way to disarm this stand off.

"That is like ... THE COOLEST mp3 player I've ever seen ... where can I buy one? :eek:

Soon enough, smiles where back on everyones faces.

What I don't understand is .. this guy was willing to deny that the modified headphone jack on the iPod wasn't for sub-space communications ... but wouldn't even acknowledge that a NAME for the G4's successor hadn't even been thought of? Not unlike trying to explain the infinite strengths the Mac has over the PC to Rubberducky ... I new some folks where just oblivious to reality. Besides, the truth is,this guy didn't really know anything more then I did.


  • Reply 1 of 37
    Maybe we should start a comedy gallery forum
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  • Reply 2 of 37
    enderender Posts: 353member
    ... or a drama forum. Soap-opera like... ah nevermind, we've already got a killer soap opera at AppleTurns
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  • Reply 3 of 37
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Possibly the most entertaining Mac publication anywhere. An d it's free!
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  • Reply 4 of 37
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
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  • Reply 5 of 37
    anandanand Posts: 285member
    Do you guys remember what Dorsal M just mentioned a little while back? No G5 but really fast G4's at 1.4 GHZ with an improved mother board.

    Now, what are several other sites saying - no tru G5 but a really fast G4 at speeds up to 1.4 GHZ. Taken together with the fact that Moto says the G4 tops at 1.0 GHZ, the new G4+ will be the G5!
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  • Reply 6 of 37
    Of course the guy knows what a G5 is-the G5 does exist,it's a chip that Motorola is working on.Whether or not it will appear soon in desktop computers,that is another question.Motorola has publicly announced the G5 for embedded systems.Don't get so worked up by a quip made at a party by an Apple executive.Trust me,Apple is working on G4,the only question is when will it be out.
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  • Reply 7 of 37
    ANAND i think you might have it. Dorsal M. said they woulnd't be the g5 we expect and i am starting to believe him and thinkscret. I don't know if a g5 does come out it will be the totally redesigned g5. instead a beffed up g4. Now nothing is worng with that although I would rather them leave the name g4 if it is really a g4. I have one question. If they announce the g5 how will we know whether its a beefed up g4 or a g5. Unless they say its 64 bit which only the g5 would be how will we know until it ships.
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  • Reply 8 of 37
    Ummm.. Hello? Rick1138 is right on. The only way Motorola can avoid producing a G5 is if they stop selling PowerPC processors. Does anyone see that happening?

    It may not be at MacWorld. It may not be for a long time. But does anyone expect Motorola to get out of the embedded market altogether? They'll make a PPC8500, even if Apple folds tomorrow.
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  • Reply 9 of 37
    Cool Gut, even if that conversation took place, it doesn't mean a thing.

    so the guy denied the remote control port on the iPod. This proves two things:

    1. He knows about rumors. If he knows about the remote rumor, then he knows about the G5 rumor.

    2. It's probably true that no remote was ever planned. That's why he denied it.

    But he didn't deny the G5, in fact he didn't even acknowledge that he knew what it was. BS. This guy surfs the rumor boards and he knows full well what the G5 is.

    I think this is actually good evidence for the G5 being near completion. He didn't deny it, because it's true! Apple's not going to lie about the G5, that would be illegal, so they just ignore it, like this guy did. When Apple does deny something, we know that they speak the truth. When they pretend something doesn't exist, then it probably does exist.

    Remember, just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.
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  • Reply 10 of 37
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    Gotta find a way, to get away - I'd better waaaiiiittt.

    uh, nevermind.
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  • Reply 11 of 37
    I'll say this again,Motorola has already announced the G5.The main difference between the G4 and the G5 is that the G5 is 64 bit.The roadmap for OSX is that 10.5 will be 64 bit.Releasing a 64 bit OS would be a waste of time without a 64 bit chip.It's just a question of when...
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  • Reply 12 of 37
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>denied the remote control port on the iPod. This proves two things:

    1. He knows about rumors. If he knows about the remote rumor, then he knows about the G5 rumor.

    2. It's probably true that no remote was ever planned. That's why he denied it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hold on.... There's code in the iPod for the remote. The remote was either planned and scrubbed or is still Planned for a new software release.

    I think that's it's pretty obvious that Apple's plans for the iPod do/did not end where it is right now.

    Two more reasons: iPod, can almost burn cd's as a stand alone device as it is now, there's a misteriously empty socket inside the device.

    I don't think that they would use the headphone jack for the remote though, they use firewire for signal and power, they don't need to stop there.
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  • Reply 13 of 37
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    According to Motorola's updated roadmap the G5 will have both 32 & 64 bit parts.

    The differences on the roadmap are the G5 will have some 64 bit parts, Rapid I/O, new pipeline, 0.13µ process and altivec is curiously missing from the G5 roadmap.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    If the new chip isn't 64 bit it could still be a G5, if it doesn't have Rapid I/O, etc. it isn't a G5.

    very confusing
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  • Reply 14 of 37
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    This doesn't mean anything for one very good reason...

    Apple doesn't even share hardware info with it's own employees! I know someone who does work for Apple (software side) and from his reports the hardware stuff is kept pretty cloak-n-dagger even on the inside... Every once in a while I'll ask him to comment on some of the rumors and his honestly doesn't know... He has trusted me with less than public info before and he knows I don't go running off to spill the beans.

    I'd say a good 90%+ of the folks working at Apple have little to no idea what the hardware folks are up to. Well that is until the 'reveal' is very close to a done deal. While he has never come out and said it I get the feeling new hardware info is distributed strictly on a need to know basis.

    Just my .02 cents


    [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
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  • Reply 15 of 37
    God I hope they don't dump altivec,that's really the best thing about Motorola's chips
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  • Reply 16 of 37
    [quote]Originally posted by Rick1138:

    <strong>God I hope they don't dump altivec,that's really the best thing about Motorola's chips</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think you're misreading that chart if you think Altivec is being dumped. I think each subsequent generation includes the feature of the previous generations. They don't mention Altivec with the G5 since the G5 has all of the features of the G4, in addition to new G5 features.

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Bozo the Clown ]</p>
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  • Reply 17 of 37
    Well another site says no g5. Macworld UK posted an article G% on backburner. A lot of the sites that said g5 would come out are retracting and saying it won't. I am now almost sure the g5 won't be out. That sucks though i think apple could have used it.
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  • Reply 18 of 37
    [quote]Originally posted by Rmh1572:

    <strong>Well another site says no g5. Macworld UK posted an article G% on backburner. A lot of the sites that said g5 would come out are retracting and saying it won't. I am now almost sure the g5 won't be out. That sucks though i think apple could have used it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Guys guys guys ... slow down a little!

    At this point, if the source for The Register and OSRumours is even half-way legit, then not even Steve Jobs himself knows what computers will be premiering in San Francisco...

    [quote]"The chances of the Power Mac G5 debuting this January now depend entirely on how many G5 chips Motorola is able to Fab. Currently, yield average 4.5 chips per wafer. A production run of Power Mac G5's is tentatively scheduled on Dec 14 for the low-end, and Dec 20 for the Mid-range, and Jan 3 for the High-end machines. <hr></blockquote>

    With that in mind, the latest leaks make perfect sense: The Dec 14 G5 run hasn't happened yet, and nobody knows for sure, so Moto and Apple are hedging their bets ... and lowering expectations with careful leaks and carefully chosen words about the G4 to put a nice frame around the whole thing just in case ... thus, if the G5 doesn't offer up sufficient yields for a January release - hey, the G4 Apollo ain't so bad ... and if the G5 works out, it's big happy surprise for everybody.

    If there really is going to be a G5 production run on about the middle of this month, we'll probably get much clearer leaks then - one way or the other.

    For now, we might as well do what Steve is probably doing: keep our fingers crossed.

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  • Reply 19 of 37
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,043member
    [quote]Originally posted by Rmh1572:

    <strong>Well another site says no g5. Macworld UK posted an article G% on backburner. A lot of the sites that said g5 would come out are retracting and saying it won't. I am now almost sure the g5 won't be out. That sucks though i think apple could have used it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What sites...ThinkSecret? Alot of one knows, accept that.
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  • Reply 20 of 37
    SDW I don't understand your post what does it mean
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