i am getting depressed too but i always do there are always rumors and then rumors that down play the awesome rumors. Sadly the awesome rumors rarely come true. i still have some hope but so much points the other way. Moto said g5 would be for embedded chips. Now they very wellcould of not said and one for desktops because they want to let apple say that but o me its highly doubtful. I gues thereis always hope though <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
<strong>i am getting depressed too but i always do there are always rumors and then rumors that down play the awesome rumors. Sadly the awesome rumors rarely come true. i still have some hope but so much points the other way. Moto said g5 would be for embedded chips. Now they very wellcould of not said and one for desktops because they want to let apple say that but o me its highly doubtful. I gues thereis always hope though <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Well everytime I get excited and dream about the G5 I think back to July. We saw the leaked photos and no one believed them because they were ugly. Everyone hope for faster machines, DDR and bus, etc but none came.
I just don't want to feel that same pain in Jan if I get too excited about anyone more than a plain old G4 at 1.0ghz.
<strong>i am getting depressed too but i always do there are always rumors and then rumors that down play the awesome rumors. Sadly the awesome rumors rarely come true. i still have some hope but so much points the other way. Moto said g5 would be for embedded chips. Now they very wellcould of not said and one for desktops because they want to let apple say that but o me its highly doubtful. I gues thereis always hope though <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah, that post made ALOT of sense.
There is this thing called punctuation now, BTW.
I meant that no one knows if the G5 is coming out or not....and we need to accept that.
yea let downs suck. I know i should expect a g4 but man i really would like a g5 if nothing more than for bragging rights but I would also like to have one. Oh well if I do have to wait its ok but i just think apple needs the g5
this is going to sound stupid and you likely won't believe a word I say but a very reliable "source" has told me that the G5 is definitely coming out at MWSF and that the new iMac will have a G4.
<strong>this is going to sound stupid and you likely won't believe a word I say but a very reliable "source" has told me that the G5 is definitely coming out at MWSF and that the new iMac will have a G4.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Please for the love of God be telling the truth!!!
What exactly happnes in fabrication? Applenut if you are telling the truth I so can't wait. I can't remember you ever starting rumors but i could be wrong. Although JD obviously remembers similarly. In MOSR and REGISTER they said production runs would be dec. 14. If they started mass production why would they wait till then to do one production run. I don't know much about this stuff so if I am way off base correct me and tell me what happens.
<strong>this is going to sound stupid and you likely won't believe a word I say but a very reliable "source" has told me that the G5 is definitely coming out at MWSF and that the new iMac will have a G4.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Alright guys, you may disagree, and applenut and I have had it out on these boards numerous times over various things....but I HAVEN"T known him to post anything like that and not mean it. Details, please, mr. applenut. Are you serious?
I'm beginning to think there's a reasonable chance of some really fast macs showing up.
The number 1.4Ghz is appearing in several places, and I personally don't care if they call it a G4, a G5, or a horse's a$$. Any way you slice it, that's fast.
If it really is a G5 that's going to ship in the towers, a G4 iMac would not be unreasonable, especially since we know Apollo will be shipping soon. If true, I'd expect to see some Sahara G3s appearing an iBook near you before summer.
All wishful thinking, however, the lack of concrete denial on the G5 front (all the so-called denials are sounding very weak), gives me some hope.
I'm gonna address that Moto guy's G4 statement where he said something along the lines of "The G4 still has a lot of life left in it."
Ok, when the original iMac came out, Apple really stressed how it didn't use yesterday's technology since it utilized the (then) fairly new and all powerful G3 processor. They even did bakeoffs with it against Pentium and AMD machines. (When was the last time you saw THAT with an iMac? ... yeah. Its been a while.
I have a feeling Apple wants to continue the orinigal idea of the iMac they had (having advanced technology in the hands of consumers) by finally putting a G4 in the iMac line. Do you think Apple would want Motorola to come out and say, "Oh the G5 is awesome, but the G4 is dead and its yesterday's technology." right before Apple introduces a new iMac with a G4?!?! That really wouldn't sound too good with Moto declaring the G4 as outdated. People would think, "Well this iMac is cool, but I heard somewhere it has an older processor that isn't very powerful any more."
Apple doesn't even share hardware info with it's own employees! ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
DaveGee is right, I have a friend who was the product manager for the iMac and iBook in Canada and he's always as surprised as the rest of us when his new products are finally unveiled.
DaveGee is right, I have a friend who was the product manager for the iMac and iBook in Canada and he's always as surprised as the rest of us when his new products are finally unveiled.</strong><hr></blockquote>
What sites...ThinkSecret? Alot of sites...no one knows, accept that.</strong><hr></blockquote>
YourDailyMac, the Register kinda steps back from their G5 prediction. Like I said, I'm starting to get depressed
<strong>i am getting depressed too but i always do there are always rumors and then rumors that down play the awesome rumors. Sadly the awesome rumors rarely come true. i still have some hope but so much points the other way. Moto said g5 would be for embedded chips. Now they very wellcould of not said and one for desktops because they want to let apple say that but o me its highly doubtful. I gues thereis always hope though <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Well everytime I get excited and dream about the G5 I think back to July. We saw the leaked photos and no one believed them because they were ugly. Everyone hope for faster machines, DDR and bus, etc but none came.
I just don't want to feel that same pain in Jan if I get too excited about anyone more than a plain old G4 at 1.0ghz.
<strong>i am getting depressed too but i always do there are always rumors and then rumors that down play the awesome rumors. Sadly the awesome rumors rarely come true. i still have some hope but so much points the other way. Moto said g5 would be for embedded chips. Now they very wellcould of not said and one for desktops because they want to let apple say that but o me its highly doubtful. I gues thereis always hope though <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah, that post made ALOT of sense.
There is this thing called punctuation now, BTW.
I meant that no one knows if the G5 is coming out or not....and we need to accept that.
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
<strong>this is going to sound stupid and you likely won't believe a word I say but a very reliable "source" has told me that the G5 is definitely coming out at MWSF and that the new iMac will have a G4.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Please for the love of God be telling the truth!!!
That's the same thing I predicted, and I'm still hoping, but Moto's announcement suggested to me that they ran into some fabrication problems.
Mass production of 7460s -> to ship in LCD iMacs, shipping at MWSF.
Test run of PowerMac G5s on Dec. 14 -> to ship officially at MWT (but announced at MWSF)....
That's an idea.
[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Tarbash ]</p>
<strong>this is going to sound stupid and you likely won't believe a word I say but a very reliable "source" has told me that the G5 is definitely coming out at MWSF and that the new iMac will have a G4.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Alright guys, you may disagree, and applenut and I have had it out on these boards numerous times over various things....but I HAVEN"T known him to post anything like that and not mean it. Details, please, mr. applenut. Are you serious?
The number 1.4Ghz is appearing in several places, and I personally don't care if they call it a G4, a G5, or a horse's a$$. Any way you slice it, that's fast.
If it really is a G5 that's going to ship in the towers, a G4 iMac would not be unreasonable, especially since we know Apollo will be shipping soon. If true, I'd expect to see some Sahara G3s appearing an iBook near you before summer.
All wishful thinking, however, the lack of concrete denial on the G5 front (all the so-called denials are sounding very weak), gives me some hope.
Ok, when the original iMac came out, Apple really stressed how it didn't use yesterday's technology since it utilized the (then) fairly new and all powerful G3 processor. They even did bakeoffs with it against Pentium and AMD machines. (When was the last time you saw THAT with an iMac? ... yeah. Its been a while.
I have a feeling Apple wants to continue the orinigal idea of the iMac they had (having advanced technology in the hands of consumers) by finally putting a G4 in the iMac line. Do you think Apple would want Motorola to come out and say, "Oh the G5 is awesome, but the G4 is dead and its yesterday's technology." right before Apple introduces a new iMac with a G4?!?! That really wouldn't sound too good with Moto declaring the G4 as outdated. People would think, "Well this iMac is cool, but I heard somewhere it has an older processor that isn't very powerful any more."
Think about it.
Apple doesn't even share hardware info with it's own employees! ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
DaveGee is right, I have a friend who was the product manager for the iMac and iBook in Canada and he's always as surprised as the rest of us when his new products are finally unveiled.
DaveGee is right, I have a friend who was the product manager for the iMac and iBook in Canada and he's always as surprised as the rest of us when his new products are finally unveiled.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Really? He had no clue at all?