Apple warns resellers of Mac and iPod drought, says load up now



  • Reply 21 of 66
    aapleaaple Posts: 78member
    Originally Posted by astrosmash View Post

    As usual, expect the new stuff to come as soon as this summer's iPod/MacBook back-to-school promotion ends in September. They use these promotions to move out the old stock before the new models arrive.

    It looks like the last two Macbook refreshes in the 2nd half of the year have been in November. I hope this one comes sooner...this news sounds like it.

    Do we think they will have an Apple Event separate from the usual iPod event in September (as in, sooner), or will they combine them? If it's 4-6 weeks away, it sounds like the Macbook one could come before it or at the same time, assuming the iPod one is after the BTS promo).
  • Reply 22 of 66
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    I pity the fool who buys anything now.

    Except the iPhone.
  • Reply 23 of 66
    aapleaaple Posts: 78member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I pity the fool who buys anything now. Except the iPhone.

    I was this close buying a Macbook or MBP in April 2008 for starting law school in the middle of August. Then I heard about the BTS promo and decided to wait until it started. Then I heard they should be updating them with in the intro of Montevina in June (possibly at WWDC) or in July. Then Montevina got delayed until July. Then Apple decided not to update them with Montevina's arrival. Now we finally hear of slowdowns in supply pointing to September, maybe October until we see updates.

    Does anyone know if this sort of news is typically relatively concrete evidence of the timeframe of a refresh?

    I would buy one for myself now as the date keeps moving back...except that the rumors about how much is changing in the new models keep getting juicier. Apple really knows how to string along people who listen to rumors (like me!).

    I think I will make do with my 4 year old Dell Inspiron 8600 that is still chugging along until they come out with the new models. I hope they come out before September 15th so I can get a newly designed Macbook and still take advantage of the BTS subsidized iPod Touch (I'll pay $200 for a 32GB model, and I don't mind not getting the latest and greatest Touch, as it's a much smaller investment).

    If they don't, though, I think I'll still wait for them, as the redesign keeps sounding more and more significant. Hopefully they come sooner rather than later, though!
  • Reply 24 of 66
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by aaple View Post

    I was this close buying a Macbook or MBP in April 2008 for starting law school in the middle of August. Then I heard about the BTS promo and decided to wait until it started. Then I heard they should be updating them with in the intro of Montevina in June (possibly at WWDC) or in July. Then Montevina got delayed until July. Then Apple decided not to update them with Montevina's arrival. Now we finally hear of slowdowns in supply pointing to September, maybe October until we see updates.

    Does anyone know if this sort of news is typically relatively concrete evidence of the timeframe of a refresh?

    I would buy one for myself now as the date keeps moving back...except that the rumors about how much is changing in the new models keep getting juicier. Apple really knows how to string along people who listen to rumors (like me!).

    I think I will make do with my 4 year old Dell Inspiron 8600 that is still chugging along until they come out with the new models. I hope they come out before September 15th so I can get a newly designed Macbook and still take advantage of the BTS subsidized iPod Touch (I'll pay $200 for a 32GB model, and I don't mind not getting the latest and greatest Touch, as it's a much smaller investment).

    If they don't, though, I think I'll still wait for them, as the redesign keeps sounding more and more significant. Hopefully they come sooner rather than later, though!

    iPods usually always late Sept/ early Oct to gear up for Holiday sales penetration.

    Macs are long overdue so I would say again Sept/Oct.

    The problem is everyone who buys now comes on here and whines perpetually after these updates and after being forwarned.

    I would definitely wait for the new Touch and that should major upgared- 2G usually does.
  • Reply 25 of 66
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by aaple View Post

    I was this close buying a Macbook or MBP in April 2008 for starting law school in the middle of August. Then I heard about the BTS promo and decided to wait until it started. Then I heard they should be updating them with in the intro of Montevina in June (possibly at WWDC) or in July. Then Montevina got delayed until July. Then Apple decided not to update them with Montevina's arrival. Now we finally hear of slowdowns in supply pointing to September, maybe October until we see updates.

    Does anyone know if this sort of news is typically relatively concrete evidence of the timeframe of a refresh?

    I would buy one for myself now as the date keeps moving back...except that the rumors about how much is changing in the new models keep getting juicier. Apple really knows how to string along people who listen to rumors (like me!).

    I think I will make do with my 4 year old Dell Inspiron 8600 that is still chugging along until they come out with the new models. I hope they come out before September 15th so I can get a newly designed Macbook and still take advantage of the BTS subsidized iPod Touch (I'll pay $200 for a 32GB model, and I don't mind not getting the latest and greatest Touch, as it's a much smaller investment).

    If they don't, though, I think I'll still wait for them, as the redesign keeps sounding more and more significant. Hopefully they come sooner rather than later, though!

    iPods usually always late Sept/ early Oct to gear up for Holiday sales penetration.

    Macs are long overdue so I would say again Sept/Oct.

    The problem is everyone who buys now comes on here and whines perpetually after these updates and after being forewarned.

    I would definitely wait for the new Touch as that should major upgrade- 2G usually is.
  • Reply 26 of 66
    eaieai Posts: 417member
    I'd say the iPod update will be early September, not mid-September:

    2007: Wednesday September 5th

    2006: Tuesday September 12th

    2005: Wednesday September 7th

    So, I'm going for Tuesday September 9th for the update.

    I'd say Mac updates will come at the same time... We'll see though. Apple have been known to have two events pretty close together (weeks), but I think they may want to announce them both at once. Of course, the downside is that the iPods will likely overshadow the macs in the press...
  • Reply 27 of 66
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by eAi View Post

    I'd say the iPod update will be early September, not mid-September:

    2007: Wednesday September 5th

    2006: Tuesday September 12th

    2005: Wednesday September 7th

    So, I'm going for Tuesday September 9th for the update.

    I'd say Mac updates will come at the same time... We'll see though. Apple have been known to have two events pretty close together (weeks), but I think they may want to announce them both at once. Of course, the downside is that the iPods will likely overshadow the macs in the press...

    5th generation was released October 12, 2005
  • Reply 28 of 66
    October is pretty late, would they really release it after everyone has already left for college? Wouldn't mid-Sept be more or less the only sensible time to introduce new laptops?
  • Reply 29 of 66
    felix01felix01 Posts: 294member
    I'll be ordering a new MacBook Pro on Day One of release. Hope it's worth the wait (four months since the "new laptop" bug bit me).
  • Reply 30 of 66
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Felix01 View Post

    I'll be ordering a new MacBook Pro on Day One of release. Hope it's worth the wait (four months since the "new laptop" bug bit me).

    Patience is a virtue while whining is not. It will def be worth the wait- always is.
  • Reply 31 of 66
    WTF? Only Apple could con retailers into loading up on soon-to-be-obsolete tech...

    The RDF is true!

    (The cake, however, is a lie...)

  • Reply 32 of 66
    So the promotion for a free iPod Touch with computer purchase ends September 15th and surprise surprise there is an event scheduled September 25-26th (Apple Expo Paris). Conveniently it is 10 days after the end of the promotion, so when they inevitably announce a new line of iPods no one can come back to the store and demand one in exchange for the one they got for free. Amazing how these things work. Not that I am not excited for the announcement.
  • Reply 33 of 66
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by thejohnsonfactor View Post

    So the promotion for a free iPod Touch with computer purchase ends September 15th and surprise surprise there is an event scheduled September 25-26th (Apple Expo Paris). Conveniently it is 10 days after the end of the promotion, so when they inevitably announce a new line of iPods no one can come back to the store and demand one in exchange for the one they got for free. Amazing how these things work. Not that I am not excited for the announcement.

    You forgot that they will also whine on here incessantly as well on how they've been burned meanwhile they've received a freebie.
  • Reply 34 of 66
    aheneenaheneen Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by thejohnsonfactor View Post

    So the promotion for a free iPod Touch with computer purchase ends September 15th and surprise surprise there is an event scheduled September 25-26th (Apple Expo Paris). Conveniently it is 10 days after the end of the promotion, so when they inevitably announce a new line of iPods no one can come back to the store and demand one in exchange for the one they got for free. Amazing how these things work. Not that I am not excited for the announcement.

    Last year, the iPod Touch was announced September 9th...six days before the end of the BTS promotion. Also, the BTS promotion lists the certain iPod product codes for which the promotion is valid. Even if Apple released the new iPods the day after the BTS promotion ends, you could not take it back and exchange it for another one beacuse: 1)the product code of the new iPod would not be eligible for the promotion and 2)the iPod and Mac must be purchased on the same receipt dated on/before September 15.
  • Reply 35 of 66
    oops, looks like I mixed up last years dates with this years (Spetember 17th-20th) and it looks as though Apple will not even be at the event.
  • Reply 36 of 66
    Advisement bulletin? Is that Apple's term? Not one that corresponds with any definition of advisement I'm aware of. Perhaps they mean "advisory."
  • Reply 37 of 66
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Just a warning to anyone in the education market looking to score a new iPod Touch. You might as well go ahead and order now. Even if the new Touch is released a week or two before the end of the free iPod offer, it will almost definitely not qualify.

    This happened to me two years ago when I bought a new iMac (core2Duo model) after apple released new iMacs and iPods at the beginning of September. The new iMac did not qualify even though the online store was not selling the older models anymore. I was told that to get the rebate, I would have to buy one of the older models from stock at a physical location.

    This year, I'm thinking of buying early and selling the iPod Touch before the new model is released and the price drops. I'll probably wait a little while though, just to be sure.
  • Reply 38 of 66
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Yes. Apple is on a tight schedule year after year. More products = more announcements.

    For the first time the iPod Classic will not be refresh (or maybe it will), because why go higher than 80GB of 160GB. Can't imagine classic with 160GB and 250GB drives. INSANE!

    I don't think iPod Touch will go 64GB yet. Flash mem is still not as cheap as Apple want it to be, so probably cheaper 16GB, 32Gb and no 8GB.

    New iPod nano with amazing new features. =)

    I can't imagine having Notebooks and iPod releases in one day though. At least a week after another, but then one event has to be online.

    But Macbooks are definitely will have a major change. Can't wait. I hope bigger hard drives. Macbook with 250Gb and 320Gb and Macbook Pro's with 320Gb and 500Gb and some crazy new features.
  • Reply 39 of 66
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    September? God Apple's fucking slow...
  • Reply 40 of 66
    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    Yes. Apple is on a tight schedule year after year. More products = more announcements.

    For the first time the iPod Classic will not be refresh (or maybe it will), because why go higher than 80GB of 160GB. Can't imagine classic with 160GB and 250GB drives. INSANE!

    I don't think iPod Touch will go 64GB yet. Flash mem is still not as cheap as Apple want it to be, so probably cheaper 16GB, 32Gb and no 8GB.

    I am going to guess that the new top-end WILL be 64GB... so what if it's "expensive", as

    long as there is demand? My guess is that the 64GB sells for what the 32GB sells for now.

    Any ideas what the new features will be? My iPod Touch is already pretty freaking cool. Can't

    imagine what they might add to it, except for copy and paste!
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