Sources: Best Buy to sell Apple's iPhone 3G nationwide



  • Reply 81 of 83
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The 5GB is a soft cap. They do not charge you extra for going over 5GB. AT&T wants to discourage people from consistently going over 5GB. Someone would have to be making extreme use of their phone to consistently use 5GB a month.

    You think multiple billions is relatively small investment in infrastructure. Do you understand how much a billion dollars is?

    Do you think you're smart for including that snide comment? I understand very well how much a billion dollars is and any comment to the contrary was entirely unnecessary. On a national scale, a billion dollars is "we're pretending to do something" money. They make relatively small investments, in proportion to their profits, and expect to reap great rewards - greater than anyone should reasonably expect.

    Soft cap or not, 5GB means that any claim of unlimited is absolute crap and you were repeating that crap as if it meant something. I mean my God, if it's just the phone, you're right - how on Earth is anyone going to go to 5GB let alone past it? So why have the cap?

    Tethering is the name of the game; which you're expressly forbidden to do. For other smartphones they want to charge you extra to tether, which is fine, except they keep the same cap - which is inappropriate, some extra should come with the fee. I mean, as you should be able to use that much anyway - how easy is it to hit 5GB on a laptop today?

    The iPhone is certainly capable of tethering, the folks at Nullriver showed that much, but we won't be afforded the opportunity for some time if ever under AT&T. As for 3G being "old news", let me put it this way, you didn't need to have a Blu-ray drive in 2002 to know the DVD was old news. Blu-ray came out in '03.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Anyone is free to open their own telecommunication service and compete with cheaper prices. If 3G is old news what is the viable and usable new news?

    And revolution is always viable, but not that practical, now is it?
  • Reply 82 of 83
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I have been here the entire thread as you couldn't tell as you weren't here the entire thread.

    And, no, your post isn't related, and tells us nothing as to what you mean. It isn't related to his post at all, even though you may think it is.

    I haven't posted every five to ten minutes, but I've read the whole thread. And yes, it is related.

    Let's review:

    1. TenoBell - "Do you currently own a smartphone with unlimited data?"

    2. TenoBell - "On AT&T the data is unlimited."

    3. Earthen - "The data is limited to 5GB under their "unlimited plan"."

    4. Earthen - "If you're an iPhone owner, you don't."

    5. You - "That has nothing to do with his question. Your post is a non sequitur."

    Face it, you're wrong - yours was the non sequitur.

    Thanks for playing. As the Chinese would say, "zaijian!"
  • Reply 83 of 83
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by earthen View Post

    Do you think you're smart for including that snide comment? I understand very well how much a billion dollars is and any comment to the contrary was entirely unnecessary. On a national scale, a billion dollars is "we're pretending to do something" money. They make relatively small investments, in proportion to their profits, and expect to reap great rewards - greater than anyone should reasonably expect.

    Last quarter AT&T made 3.77 billion in profit. In March AT&T won regional 700 MHz spectrum. To buy that spectrum from the FCC will cost 6.6 billion. ATT will have to spend billions more to retrofit cell towers and software. You don't have a full grasp of the situation if you really think this is a small investment on revenue and profit.


    Soft cap or not, 5GB means that any claim of unlimited is absolute crap and you were repeating that crap as if it meant something. I mean my God, if it's just the phone, you're right - how on Earth is anyone going to go to 5GB let alone past it? So why have the cap?

    I don't use 5GB a month so it really has no impact on me. But there are always people who abuse the system.


    Tethering is the name of the game; which you're expressly forbidden to do. For other smartphones they want to charge you extra to tether, which is fine, except they keep the same cap - which is inappropriate, some extra should come with the fee. I mean, as you should be able to use that much anyway - how easy is it to hit 5GB on a laptop today?

    I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about.


    The iPhone is certainly capable of tethering, the folks at Nullriver showed that much, but we won't be afforded the opportunity for some time if ever under AT&T. As for 3G being "old news", let me put it this way, you didn't need to have a Blu-ray drive in 2002 to know the DVD was old news. Blu-ray came out in '03.

    Blu-ray was announced but not available in 2003. WithBlu-ray now available DVD still far outsells it.


    And revolution is always viable, but not that practical, now is it?

    Sprint and MCI started long distance service in the 80's when AT&T had a complete and total monopoly on US telecommunications
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