Repeat tests show iPhone 3G doesn't suffer from faulty hardware



  • Reply 41 of 146
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Even without 3G the quality of the calls sound crappy and drop- at least on the receiving end. An this is not only iPhone but all AT&T phones.

    I hate these generalized quotes. I have had 6 different phones since I have been with AT&T and the worst was the RAZR I have had 2 LG phones 1 RAZR 1 SLVR and both iPhones. The LG phone I had also used 3G but was pointless because it was just a standard flip phone. The call quality was good though and so is the new iPhone 3g. The call quality is fantastic. The Quality itself is good the problem is there are too few towers. So lets solve this problem. Lets make this phone amazing. I have 2 requests. 1 for apple and 1 for AT&T.

    AT&T: Build more god damn towers!!!! Stop wasting time! 3g is where everyone is going not only for the iPhone so lets get those damn towers going please.

    Apple: Fix all of the LAG!!!! My old 1st Gen iphone now lags after 2.0 and my iPhone 3g lags. It is frustrating.
  • Reply 42 of 146
    avp3avp3 Posts: 4member
    It is beginning to look like the real culprit in this fiasco is AT&T.

    Maybe time for a thread just on AT&T as network provider?
  • Reply 43 of 146
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) Are you going to use the UA to determine the browser and platform?

    Yes, this is pretty easy to do to filter out non-iPhone test

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    2) Are you going to use the IP address to determine the location and carrier?

    This would be great, but you can't get the location with the IP address. I think all the IPs for the iPhone on ATT in the US report as being in New York City. So instead we have a list of the 50 states and all the major cities for those states which the user can save to their results if they choose to do so. After there is enough data I will have to come up with a nice way of presenting it.

    As per the carrier I'm sure you can figure this out based on the IP, but at the present time we are gearing this site towards the US to get it launched.
  • Reply 44 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    I hate these generalized quotes. I have had 6 different phones since I have been with AT&T and the worst was the RAZR I have had 2 LG phones 1 RAZR 1 SLVR and both iPhones. The LG phone I had also used 3G but was pointless because it was just a standard flip phone. The call quality was good though and so is the new iPhone 3g. The call quality is fantastic. The Quality itself is good the problem is there are too few towers. So lets solve this problem. Lets make this phone amazing. I have 2 requests. 1 for apple and 1 for AT&T.

    AT&T: Build more god damn towers!!!! Stop wasting time! 3g is where everyone is going not only for the iPhone so lets get those damn towers going please.

    Apple: Fix all of the LAG!!!! My old 1st Gen iphone now lags after 2.0 and my iPhone 3g lags. It is frustrating.

    How can the quality be good if you admit there are "too few towers"? Are you losing calls due to this or are you experiencing break-up?
  • Reply 45 of 146
    ATT 3G service goes in and out on my 3G Samsung phone. I believe some phones just carry a signal better than others. Briefly I had a 3G Nokia and it was great.

    I wish the iPhone would be on Verizons network
  • Reply 46 of 146
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ianmac47 View Post

    Apple is just as much at fault of course, because they made the decision to give AT&T an exclusive deal.

    And just which other GSM carrier in the USA should they have picked?

    T-Mobile, with the smallest base of customers of the major carriers? It's the only other GSM carrier here of any importance. It also has almost no coverage anywhere, especially 3G. And the 3G it has is still not compatible with what would have been needed. Only now are they STARTING to fix that.

    So, what are your suggestions?

    And by the way, I'm getting better reception than several people with Verison in a number of places now. I can get the internet, and they cant get any service.

    So it's not that simple.
  • Reply 47 of 146
    Well now that it *seemingly* is proven not to be a hardware issue, go in there and fix the software bugs. Keyboard and scrolling laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.
  • Reply 48 of 146
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    How can the quality be good if you admit there are "too few towers"? Are you loosing calls due to this ir experiencing break-up?

    I wish you would -- even occasionally -- take the trouble of re-reading (and appropriately editing) your posts before hitting 'submit.'
  • Reply 49 of 146
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Well now that it *seemingly* is proven not to be a hardware issue, go in there and fix the software bugs. Keyboard and scrolling laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

    This, I totally agree with.
  • Reply 50 of 146
    neilmneilm Posts: 995member
    There's been a good deal of criticism of Apple's judgment in selecting AT&T as their partner. But let's consider what options Apple actually had.

    If you assume that Apple was only willing to design and build a single "world phone," meaning one that uses the GSM standard, then CDMA carriers Verizon and Sprint were both automatically ruled out as partners. That only leaves AT&T and T-Mobile among the carriers with national (more or less) scope. The customer base and cellular network coverage of T-Mobile puts them a distant fourth in the US market, making them much less attractive.

    Nonetheless, unconfirmed (anyone?) internet lore has it that Apple first offered iPhone exclusivity to Verizon, who turned it down. Even if this were true, it would probably have turned out to be a bad idea for Apple, requiring duplicate design paths to develop one technology for the US, another for the rest of the world. That may be fine for an established cell phone hardware player like Samsung or Motorola, but isn't a good idea for the scrappy new kid on the wireless block.

    Furthermore I doubt that the corporate chemistry between Apple and Verizon would have been good. Both are control freaks. Apple wants to control the user experience, mostly in a benign dictator sort of way. Verizon likes to strictly control the commercial access in a not necessarily so benign way. I don't think that Apple and Verizon could have worked well together, and if they had tried, the user might well have been severely squeezed between them.

    Ruling out Sprint for the same CDMA technical reasons, not to mention their financial weakness, that leaves only AT&T as a viable choice among the big 4 carriers in the US. Something of a Hobson's choice to be sure, but on the plus side AT&T has the requisite scale, and in decommissioning the old TDMA network, reassigning that spectrum to GSM and building out their 3G coverage, they're at least headed in the right direction.

    It might take until the end of my iPhone 3G contract, but I suspect that the coverage issues, vexing as they must be for some people, will eventually become a non-issue.
  • Reply 51 of 146
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Along with ATT immature 3G system another thing to keep in mind. Verizon nor Sprint have an equivalent phone that is a popular as the iPhone or uses as much data. So their is no phone that demands their 3G network in the same way. So we cannot make an equal comparison of how well their networks could handle the same situation

    what's amusing it that, according to all the articles, Apple offered this gig to all the companies and only ATT was willing to step up to Apple's conditions.

    apparently the gig was that the carrier would chip in a major piece of the devo costs in exchange for the exclusive contract which would allow for payback of the money. akin to the whole 'we'll give you your new phone for free and you will use us for 2 years' gig that subscribers get.

    but the other boys balked because Apple wanted total design control. they weren't willing to give the carrier a say in how the phone was designed, what hardware or software etc. which is not the norm with such deals. ATT said okay and got the gig.

    and now the others are probably kicking themselves
  • Reply 52 of 146
    I live in San Antonio, Texas, and I have had no issues with my 3G at all. A few dropped calls here and there, though.
  • Reply 53 of 146
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    We didn't buy into AT&T, we got stuck with it. It was AT&T's way or the highway. I

    you didn't have to buy the iphone. you wanted it, you knew from day one that it was with ATT and ATT only.

    so yeah, you did buy into ATT in a way.

    although back in year one there was the option to just buy the phone, have it hacked, use it with whomever and pray nothing bad ever happened cause you have no warranty.
  • Reply 54 of 146
    Now we can bury the 3G chipset and iPhone suck debate and maybe move on to dealing with application issues...


    1) updates done on my iPhone crashing the phone - till i restore it.

    2) apps wiping out their data

    3) and proper push.

    Don't get me wrong... I love my iPhone - I just want the obvious fixed.
  • Reply 55 of 146
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The lab findings refute the speculation of financial analyst Richard Windsor of Nomura Securities, who issued a report two weeks ago that accused the iPhone 3G's Infineon chipset of being faulty and possibly requiring a massive recall to resolve.

    Why does a financial analyst think he is qualified to determine something completely out of his field of expertise? If I have a pain in my chest, I don't go to an auto mechanic for a diagnosis.

    When they write their opinions down for the public to read, they should replace the word "speculate" with the more proper phrase "guessing since I have no clue how this stuff works".

    Stick with financial markets Richard. Considering how well that is running, perhaps you should consider changing careers. Perhaps a palm-reader, or fortune-teller is more your game.
  • Reply 56 of 146
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    "But whhaaaa your results don't match my anecdotal evidence and I really want to blame Apple for this one! Do it again!! Wait, same results? Whatever, you're obviously being paid off by Apple"

    The scary thing is situations like this happen every single day and the discounting of results seems to be the standard.

    At least those willing to accept scientific evidence know the truth right???

    The problem with this test is the wording or focus on antenna. The antenna is such a small part of the equation that if that is all that there was to the test it would be meaningless. Thankfully this article indicates more involved testing. There could have been translation issues in previous reports.

    As to the problems some people have had well it is a networked device and like all networks performance depends on load. For example I get really speedy downloads at home in the middle of the night. Day time is a diffferent story and more variable.

    Given that I have experienced connection reliability issue that did not exist on previous phones. Whom to blame? Honestly I don't know but I do know that 3G is buggy as hell so I blame Apple.

  • Reply 57 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I wish you would -- even occasionally -- take the trouble of re-reading (and appropriately editing) your posts before hitting 'submit.'

    Ok I've corrected my spelling mistake(s). But you should not get so angry over spelling errors and think before you write especially when you think you cannot edit after hitting submit. Is this a spelling bee forum?
  • Reply 58 of 146
    djdjdjdj Posts: 74member
    Why doesn't Apple just admit they made a mistake going with AT&T and move on? Seriously, could they have picked a worse carrier in the US?
  • Reply 59 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    This, I totally agree with.

    I wish you would keep your simple agreement statements to yourself. You offer no follow up.

    Who are you- High Priest of the Apple Council?
  • Reply 60 of 146
    Originally Posted by qwen3579 View Post

    I live in San Antonio, Texas, and I have had no issues with my 3G at all. A few dropped calls here and there, though.

    Seeing as how, for now at least, San Antonio is the corporate HQs for AT&T I'd certainly hope so! I wonder if when they move up to Dallas within the next year or two Dallas' iPhone problems will be instantly fixed
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