Analyst braces clients of "underwhelming" Apple event



  • Reply 61 of 95
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    Shiny!" or "Apple introduces yet another ... into an already flooded market in a depression-nearing economy. What were they thinking?"

    - Jasen.

    Nice with the speculation and abuse of the markets! I have to ask though how do you think the economy got into it's current situation? Unfortunately it has a lot to do with people like you going after short term gains and not at all concerned about the long term!

    By the way the economy if far from depression status around here as many businesses are booming. You can't really look at specific businesses like housing and the associated banking industries as an economic indicator any more due to their unethical and opportunist business practices.

    Frankly one can look at how well Apple has done in what should have been a down turn year as an indicator that not all is bad. Apple still has the potential to keep momentum going forward well into next year. Success at Apple right now has nothing to do with the economy but is rather an issue of good solid products. Speaking of which it looks like AIR sales are off in favor of MB & MBP's which speaks to the concern about good solid products that are not frivolous. People will spend money if they believe there is value in the device.

    Going back to the iPods for many people they might be considered a better alternative to larger laptops in a bad economy. Let's face it you will need to remain connected to the net even if the economy goes tits up. An iPhone or better a cheap Touch based device allows for that in a very mobile way and at far greater economy. It would have to be one very severe depression for Apple to not have a viable way to market the Touch devices.

  • Reply 62 of 95
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    What is with all this hatred and animosity? I don't get it! The author's name is right under the title. If you don't like the style of writing, the topics or, as one person put it, the use of big words, then you don't have to read it.

    AI and RD are Apple-centric websites so you should expect the favour leaning toward Apple. RD articles that aren't associated with AI are often rebuttals to anti-Apple shills. There is a certain balance in that!

    At very least McLean writes extremely well and offers up a great deal of info about Apple's past present and future. If there are things that you disagree with then post them in the thread in a civil manner. I'm sure I've seen him reply in kind. I may not agree with all his points but I don't recall a single article he's written in which i didn't come out with at least a nugget of new knowledge.

    Bah. It's mindless fanboyism dressed up in pseudo-technical analysis. It's posing as something meaningful but it's not. It's just all so much drivel.

    Yes Macs have 64 bits. Yes they do it better than PCs. Yes it will make your life better (one day). I could say that about almost any design issue on the Mac versus PC. This sort of article only impresses people who don't really understand it. Everyone else cringes.

    I'll respond to articles as I wish. If you don't like it ignore my posts or start a campaign to get me banned (although I'll just come back out of spite). Or, god forbid, ignore my style if you don't like it and engage me on the issues. Have you ever seen me be rude to anyone who has made an intelligent or well though out point or even something close to it?
  • Reply 63 of 95
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You guys are so mean

    And I wouldn't mind but the name on this article is Sam Oliver.

    I don't mind Sam Oliver. The article seams reasonable. I wouldn't ever compare Mr Wu to him. What's your point?
  • Reply 64 of 95
    Originally Posted by Enigmafan420 View Post

    It is down over $15 from a few days ago-and this on news that they may have sold 7(!) million iPhone 3Gs already-it looks to be another record MAC quarter-and the Christmas shopping season is right around the corner.

    Whatever, APPL investors buy on rumors and sell on facts-even good ones?!?

    And Google hypes, sells advertising, indexes [not context searching] the web and they push it up to absurd prices.

    There are companies that people EXPECT a Perfect 10 and there are companies that they think may eventually have a Perfect 10.

    No one speaks of WebKit and it's advances, but look out world! Here comes Google Chrome!

    If your CEO is a legendary rock star, Steve Jobs, then the work gets panned if it isn't the next Pink Floyd's The Wall.
  • Reply 65 of 95
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    I think you nailed it there. I would also add: No mid-size Mac Pro. fabled xMac for the masses...let's bury this dead dud once and for all. The xMac IS gonna be an updated Mac Mini.

    As for the event, the poster above nailed it:

    1) Slightly updated Shuffles (4Gb), Nanos (redesign plus more storage) and Touch (redesign plus more storage and cheaper prices);

    2) HD shows, iTunes 8 announced for October;

    3) Software update to the Apple TV to support some new features.

  • Reply 66 of 95
    Damn-this conversation is sinking rapidly into a political discussion-better head for the door...
  • Reply 67 of 95
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    1)...little too much good news impounded into Apple's price.

    2) What's with this guy's writing style. Sheesh. He says: "[I]...disturbance in the macroeconomic ...]"

    Well you said "impounded into" - try a bit harder and he might give you a job.
  • Reply 68 of 95
    mbcmbc Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Ok, so what could Steve and crew announce that would make everyone happy, and make the stock go up ? oh

    and then what will they announce in January?

    - iPod stuff, and maybe a Phone now

    - Desktops and displays in January


    What do I want? An Ipod Touch that is able to handle VOIP. I'd immediately buy 2 for my kids and get myself an iPhone.
  • Reply 69 of 95
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    I don't mind Sam Oliver. The article seams reasonable. I wouldn't ever compare Mr Wu to him. What's your point?

    I don't know, I'm drunk.
  • Reply 70 of 95
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't know, I'm drunk.

    I hear ya. I just took about five Oxycotin.
  • Reply 71 of 95
    Originally Posted by mbc View Post

    What do I want? An Ipod Touch that is able to handle VOIP. I'd immediately buy 2 for my kids and get myself an iPhone.

    If they did that for the iPod Touch, I'd immediately buy 2 also. I'm pretty certain Apple is going to make all but the shuffly WiFi enabled, because it vastly opens the market for their App Store and other iTunes products. This could be huge for Apple, but just "exciting" for everyone else...
  • Reply 72 of 95
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    If they did that for the iPod Touch, I'd immediately buy 2 also. I'm pretty certain Apple is going to make all but the shuffly WiFi enabled, because it vastly opens the market for their App Store and other iTunes products. This could be huge for Apple, but just "exciting" for everyone else...

    The iTunes Store, sure, and potential Remote Control usage, but the App Store seems difficult. Now you have to do what other mobile OS makers do and have different apps that work on different devices. The inputs are different between the Nano/Classic and the Touch/iPhone and the display size, resolution, and I think ratio, are different between these devices. That isn't as bad as having to choose the country and carrier but it's still a bit nightmarish. Apple could do it, but they do tend to shy away from these types of complexities.
  • Reply 73 of 95
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The iTunes Store, sure, and potential Remote Control usage, but the App Store seems difficult. Now you have to do what other mobile OS makers do and have different apps that work on different devices. The inputs are different between the Nano/Classic and the Touch/iPhone and the display size, resolution, and I think ratio, are different between these devices. That isn't as bad as having to choose the country and carrier but it's still a bit nightmarish. Apple could do it, but they do tend to shy away from these types of complexities.

    Good points, but I can't imagine many more ways they could incrementally improve the whole line-up that could be directly tied to increasing revenue. Improving margins right now is vital, especially since it looks we're going to be in for a really bumpy ride in the stock market.
  • Reply 74 of 95
    Shawn Wu is the most inept moron on the face of the Earth. He knows less about Apple, the computer industry, and financial analysis in general than my 3-year-old Rottweiler. AST should fire him immediately.
  • Reply 75 of 95
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Nice with the speculation and abuse of the markets! I have to ask though how do you think the economy got into it's current situation? Unfortunately it has a lot to do with people like you going after short term gains and not at all concerned about the long term!

    I've held AAPL since the 90s. In recent days I've decided to start playing with their volatility and see how I can do. So far, not too bad. And I'm trying to employ the "never lose money" principle - buy a bit, hopefully it goes up, then put sell orders in at some level that locks in some profit. If it keeps going up, keep raising "the bar". If it drops and sells off, put in a buy order where I think a bottom will be. Rinse, repeat.


    By the way the economy if far from depression status around here as many businesses are booming. You can't really look at specific businesses like housing and the associated banking industries as an economic indicator any more due to their unethical and opportunist business practices.

    Tell that to the talking heads on TV who seem to think we're all a blip in oil prices away from Third World status. I'm not saying what I wrote about spin is MY opinion; I think it's the two extremes that could come out of the press - and I think what the press writes will directly affect the stock price.


    Frankly one can look at how well Apple has done in what should have been a down turn year as an indicator that not all is bad. Apple still has the potential to keep momentum going forward well into next year.



    Success at Apple right now has nothing to do with the economy but is rather an issue of good solid products.

    I wouldn't say it quite that strongly, but Apple certainly is more tied to solid products and keeping their "cool" image than to the economy. Marketing is very important to maintaining sales, too.


    Speaking of which it looks like AIR sales are off in favor of MB & MBP's which speaks to the concern about good solid products that are not frivolous. People will spend money if they believe there is value in the device.

    I don't think the AIR has bombed, but certainly not a lot of people are willing to pay the premium. But I don't think Apple expected people to abandon the other machines for the AIR - the AIR is a boutique item testing out new technologies.


    Going back to the iPods for many people they might be considered a better alternative to larger laptops in a bad economy. Let's face it you will need to remain connected to the net even if the economy goes tits up. An iPhone or better a cheap Touch based device allows for that in a very mobile way and at far greater economy. It would have to be one very severe depression for Apple to not have a viable way to market the Touch devices.

    I think the Touch and iPhone have opened people's eyes to the fact that they can have a REAL connection to the Internet/Web in a handheld device. Just as having a cell phone quickly became a necessity rather than a luxury, I think the Facebook/MySpace generation will find having a GOOD connection to the web very important. So far the iPhone is winning that product niche.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 76 of 95
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Does anyone listen to Shaw Wu? He is about as bad as Prince McClean.

    What is your problem with Prince McClean, if you can do better, go right ahead.

    The guy spends an enormous amount of time trying to give insight into Apple tech and and what might be coming.

    I read on these forums so many attacks on him, but none of the naysayers on here, who apparently know absolutely everything are ever prepared to have a proper go themselves.

    Some people seem to think that their opinion is the governing one and no one else's opinions are valid.

    Geez, if you don't like what he rights, don't read it.
  • Reply 77 of 95
    Hmmm. "Underwhelming" announcement. Sounds suspicious. I now expect something fraking phenomenal.
  • Reply 78 of 95
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    I don't think the AIR has bombed, but certainly not a lot of people are willing to pay the premium. But I don't think Apple expected people to abandon the other machines for the AIR - the AIR is a boutique item testing out new technologies.

    There is no evidence that the MBA is a failure and plenty that it's holding its own quite nicely. Amazon lists the bestsellers and the MBA has consistently beat out most of their notebooks and even a few of the Macs they sell, like the Mac Pro. Right now the Mac is lower on that list than usual because of the release of the new Intel chipsets. Also, there are now 3 other OEMS making "MBA-clones" which tells me that if this market is attracting healthy competition, then it's a worthy market, even if ones particular needs don't coincide with the MBA's demographic.

    Note: Amazon stats can't be used to establish a baseline outside of Amazon as there are more popular ways to buy a Mac, but this does show at least one place where the MBA is popular.
  • Reply 79 of 95
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Sorry, I should take back that slight against Prince McClean.

    Who I meant was Prince McLean, the moron who writes those 64 bit articles and other trash, a contributor to this fine website.

    I suspect the only type of wrestling he does it with his trouser-snake.

    Hey merd, if you can do beeter, then go ahead and do better.

    So many people who think they know all, but not prepared to put up.
  • Reply 80 of 95
    Originally Posted by bikerdude View Post

    What is your problem with Prince McClean, if you can do better, go right ahead, if not STFU.

    The guy spends an enormous amount of time trying to give insight into Apple tech and and what might be coming.

    I read on these forums so many attacks on him, but none of the smart asses on here, who apparently know absolutely everything are ever prepared to have a proper go themselves.

    Some people seem to think that their opinion is the governing one and no one else's opinions are valid.

    Geez, pack of wingers, if you don't like what he rights, don't fucking read it.

    If you're going to write things in a public forum, you're going to get criticised. That's called an open exchange of ideas. Maybe in Soviet Russia things were different. You just want to silence the criticism. If you read the comments you'd see that lots of people have a much better idea and almost anyone could do a better job.

    Instead of telling people to STFU, why don't you introduce some point to support his work other than "he spent an enormous amount of time" on it? You can't? Then you're just supporting our point about his incompetence.

    And of course the point of your post is that your opinion is more important than our opinion. Your self defeating logic and name calling is pretty impressive. I'm surprised you can read and write.
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