October macbook event....what is the mysterious...BRICK?



  • Reply 121 of 124
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Yeah... I think the "Brick" will only show itself next year. I don't think on Oct 14 Apple will announce it has its own factory.

    Apple is "hedging" in this way, I predict: Elements of the full brick technique has now been licensed/ contracted to China. There should be improvements in processes and techniques for the MacBook and MacBook Pro to build on the MacBook Air. Definitely the MacBook Pro form factor has many disadvantages and it's going to be markedly improved.

    The "full Brick" in Apple-owned and Apple-run manufacturing facilities will *not* be announced until either MacWorld Jan 2009 (along with "Mac tablet", perhaps)... or sometime first half of 2009.
  • Reply 122 of 124
    People keep talking about Brick in terms of the Laptops, but ignore the Mac Pro, iMac, XServe and Cinema Displays, let alone the mac mini and AppleTVs to future handhelds or other devices.
  • Reply 123 of 124
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    People keep talking about Brick in terms of the Laptops, but ignore the Mac Pro, iMac, XServe and Cinema Displays, let alone the mac mini and AppleTVs to future handhelds or other devices.

    Excellent. A bricolage, if you will.
  • Reply 124 of 124
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    People keep talking about Brick in terms of the Laptops, but ignore the Mac Pro, iMac, XServe and Cinema Displays, let alone the mac mini and AppleTVs to future handhelds or other devices.

    Well I think that is because the brick rumor was associated with some insider source speaking about the macbook event. "its all about the brick" I think was the quote. If 9to5 is right and the "brick" is a manufacturing process, then one would assume the "brick" manufacturing technique will spread to all other Apple products.

    Frankly, I wish this macbook event would hurry up and get over with. From a totally intellectual standpoint I'm fascinated about the macbook event.....and the fact that its on my birthday.

    But really, I am WAYYYYYY more interested in what is going to be happening at MacWorld 2009. And I can't wait for the rumor mill to start hunting for clues for that event.
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