Beach Ball Of Death



  • Reply 41 of 50
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    [quote]Originally posted by Ender:

    <strong>I clicked back on a rather large PS document and got the beachball. Remembering this thread, I moved the cursor off of the document and over my desktop, and the mouse returned to the pointer. Moving it over any part of Photoshop (menus, palettes, documents) would display the beachball, but over anything else, the regular cursor would show.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Okay, thanks - that is actually better than I had feared. At least it is consistent... cursor changes depending on what it is *over*, not what app is currently running. (Of course, if it were completely consistent, having a window in the background with an activated text field would have the cursor turn to an I-bar when over that field... anyone want to check *that*? )
  • Reply 42 of 50
    Talking about this (windows that's not in the front), in the Finder, can you scroll a window that's not in the front with the scroll wheel on your mouse (if you have one..)?

    This i possible in OmniWeb an would be even better to have this feature in the Finder.

    [ 08-10-2002: Message edited by: a Martin ]</p>
  • Reply 43 of 50
    [quote]Originally posted by Kickaha:

    <strong>(Of course, if it were completely consistent, having a window in the background with an activated text field would have the cursor turn to an I-bar when over that field... anyone want to check *that*? )</strong><hr></blockquote>No, however you *can* still manipulate and use background elements by holding the command key.

    I made three videos a few months ago to demonstrate just that. Note that the windows are never in the foreground.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    In Cocoa apps (and properly-coded Carbon apps) you can also scroll views and click buttons in background windows by holding the command key.
  • Reply 44 of 50
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    Wow, I knew that you could move windows of application not in the front, but I never knew that you could also highligh and drag, that's awesome, Thanks.
  • Reply 45 of 50
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    I may be being stupid here but WHY a beach ball of all things?

    BTW I think it sux far more than anything even in windows 3.1
  • Reply 46 of 50
    bananabanana Posts: 61member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mount_my_floppy:

    <strong>Is there a way to customize the beach ball of death?

    I like the one they had in the WWDC build of Jag but the one in 6c106 is horrid. have the done anything with it sence then? And why the hell did they get rid of the one from WWDC?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sure there is. I like the one which has a circular, rotating text line saying "I shouldhausedanOSlessthan25yearsold"
  • Reply 47 of 50
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    [quote]Originally posted by banana:


    Sure there is. I like the one which has a circular, rotating text line saying "I shouldhausedanOSlessthan25yearsold"</strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 48 of 50
    [quote]I may be being stupid here but WHY a beach ball of all things?

    BTW I think it sux far more than anything even in windows 3.1<hr></blockquote>

    It's a rotating optical disk. The first Next computers had read/write optical drives instead of floppies.

    So, what's stopping you from switching to Windows 3.1?
  • Reply 49 of 50
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    [quote]Originally posted by maxgraphic:


    It's a rotating optical disk. The first Next computers had read/write optical drives instead of floppies.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thanks max, I was about to tell him to re-read the thread from the beginning, since this was already discussed... sheesh.
  • Reply 50 of 50
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    So, what's stopping you from switching to Windows 3.1?

    I'm not sure if my G4 is up to it . . .
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