Ballmer changes tune and dances around Apple's success



  • Reply 81 of 92
    Originally Posted by ByronVanArsdale View Post

    M$ is not on solid ground innovation-wise. Blunt force trauma-wise, M$ IS a master at this.

    MS has great innovation. See Surface, Photosynth, Seadragon, and many other examples. They have many, many, super smart people working for them. What they don't seem able to do is turn those innovations into products people want to buy and use.

    I can only guess that that lack of good implementation is due to their massive size, huge bureaucracy, and internal power struggles.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 82 of 92
    Originally Posted by wheelhot View Post

    I wonder what they going to do in Steal phrase? Buy Apple? Nooo, it will be a post-armageddon for Apple users.

    Now, to the main topic. And that's why we all "love" you Ballmer! Your complete Windows dominance in the whole world is now giving your company major headache, from Virus to hardware compatibility issues. Accept it, you like the tight-integration concept. Zune Phone? LOL, MS is backstabbing their partners. Zune does not cannibalize iPod sales, it cannibalize its own MS Mp3 partners market. . . . (but Apple need to do something about it though, before Zune become widely known as the iPod alternative)

    Yea, M.Dell, he sure understand fully what you said. Except he is no economist.

    Yea, I dont want Apple to become bigger then Microsoft also cause by then Apple might end up becoming Microsoft No.2 I prefer Apple to stay small and not end up like Microsoft which is trying to put their hands on almost anything they can see. I say its good that Apple is expanding itself, but its also good that they remind themselves of what make they have royal followers.

    Do MS have loyal followers? Bring me any Windows lover and give him a Mac to test within a week, he will come back to you and ask "Where is the nearest Apple store?" .

    Well that is fiction but it did happen just not exactly like what I said, I have a friend, who bought a XPS and I got a MBP. He say he dont like Macs, but now after he seeing me using my mac and how long the battery life is compared to his Dell, my MBP and easily outlast XPS 13" battery, odd though considering its a 13 vs 15" screen. He start complimenting my Mac, so Im pretty sure in the future his next product will be a Mac.

    Now if we can only get engineering softwares (SolidWorks!) to be on the Mac.

    Dude, they are already in the copy phase. They are so smart that they had to come up with the ad, "I'm a PC". Duhh!!! Brilliant, being that is Apples idea for an Ad. They just had to come up with Seinfeld and, what's his name, ohh gates, which by the way, their Ads SUCKED BIG TIME!!!! LOL
  • Reply 83 of 92
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    …not that great. Microsoft finally got it right with Office 2008 on the interface/"Macness" side of things (they even finally got around to using the proper installer.pkg approach to installation, rather than using that proprietary VISE rubbish). The problem is they simultaneously made it pathetically slow. Right now, there are no all-round good office suites for the Mac.

    Office 2008 beats NeoOffice because NeoOffice has a horrible interface (looks way too much like a Windows port), and it's slow (being Java-based it'll never escape that).

    Why the hell would anyone use NeoOffice, when 3.0 is in RC2 for Cocoa?

    RC2 Release Notes:
  • Reply 84 of 92
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Office 2008 beats NeoOffice because NeoOffice has a horrible interface (looks way too much like a Windows port), and it's slow (being Java-based it'll never escape that).

    The speed seems OK to me. I use NeoOffice regularly, just not enough to justify the price difference.

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Why the hell would anyone use NeoOffice, when 3.0 is in RC2 for Cocoa?

    RC2 Release Notes:

    I don't know if any of us has even heard of it until now, that's why. It's still a beta project. Another reason is that I've tried two different ways to get it and it doesn't work.
  • Reply 85 of 92
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The speed seems OK to me. I use NeoOffice regularly, just not enough to justify the price difference.

    I don't know if any of us has even heard of it until now, that's why. It's still a beta project. Another reason is that I've tried two different ways to get it and it doesn't work.

    It's out of Beta. Release Candidate 2; hence RC2.

    You don't get how to use it, what it's for or that you couldn't download it?

    See link above to "get it."
  • Reply 86 of 92
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    It's out of Beta. Release Candidate 2; hence RC2.

    You don't get how to use it, what it's for or that you couldn't download it?

    See link above to "get it."

    I get the feeling you're trying to talk down to me. I wasn't blind to your link. The site was turd slow and and wouldn't even let me try to download it before.
  • Reply 87 of 92
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by filburt View Post

    Why is he still the CEO of Microsoft? He doesn't know much about technology, the company's stock has dropped its value by 50% since he took over in January 2000, he's not even a good salesman (which is his only strength), and he's a raving lunatic.

    Which is what makes him the perfect CEO for MicroSoft!

  • Reply 88 of 92
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by corinhorn View Post

    I don't see why so many Windows lovers think having a device in which the hardware is designed by company A and the software designed by company F is a good thing.

    You've answered your own question. While distracted by choices of 'A's & 'F's they don't query or even see the lack of choice of B,C,D or E - the variants of Windows.

  • Reply 89 of 92
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Microsoft expects Mac to do as poorly as iPhone

    How slow are we? Ballmer's objective is clearly to run MS into the ground so of course grabbing 7% marketshare in a little over a year is doing 'poorly'. Good old 'Balmy' Ballmer

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Just a month ago, Benjamin Gray of Forrester Research pointed out that the Mac had taken 4.5% of the enterprise market in June, despite Apple's apparent lack of any targeted efforts to push its systems. Microsoft's Windows Vista, a year and a half after launch, had still only reached 8.8% deployment in the enterprise. That was far short of Microsoft's original goal of 20% Vista adoption by the end of 2007

    I suspect none of the Mac's growth was instigated by IT departments, it doesn't fall into their model, this would have come from user (consumer) pressure. Until businesses put IT under the performance microscope to justify how exactly it enhances business productivity, trivialities such as shaving a few bucks off workstations by competitive tendering, hiding MS licensing costs in the grey area between CAPEX & OPEX budgets and generally faking ROI will always figure more highly on the agenda.

    Apple should go after the renegade IS market. Applied technology is what they do best and a business user-enhancable MIS suite would allow them to grow that market with little of the poor supportability argument proffered by enterprise IT.

  • Reply 90 of 92
    The only way Microsoft will ever increase its share in the mobile smartphone market is to put Windows Mobile 7 in the APP store. Ballmer lacks any innovative thought and understanding of this mobile revolution. Viva Le MAC!
  • Reply 91 of 92
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by macguyft View Post

    The only way Microsoft will ever increase its share in the mobile smartphone market is to put Windows Mobile 7 in the APP store. Ballmer lacks any innovative thought and understanding of this mobile revolution. Viva Le MAC!

    Windows Mobile 7 Beta has been pushed back to 2010.
  • Reply 92 of 92
    Originally Posted by edmonal View Post

    I agree. I took a course in Mac OS X and because we were trying to run the OS on antiquated equipment, and that I had nothing but contempt for the instructor I filed my experience away as "Not bad, but not for me" When I bought a MP3 player I went with Sansa and not Apple, but I bought an iPhone and it is a very nice piece of technology. So I bought a MacBook and after two days packed it up and I am going to give it to my parents for Christmas, I bought a iBook G4 off Ebay and I'll use that till I can buy a Mac Pro. I have used Windows since MSDOS and currently do server support in a Windows environment, I have lived and breathed Windows for a very long time. I have used AIX, Linux of a variety of flavours, however I'm now an Apple convert and over the next year will have only Linux and OS X boxes in my household. It's when developers and back end support staff start looking seriously at OS X as a desktop option, it's the start of the wedge. VMWare is also contributing to it as you can reduce Windows to where it belongs, at the application layer.

    Yep, I'm another one, but instead I bought my wife a Blueberry Mac and then an iBook, then we bought the top of the line, (like all upgrades) 24" iMac....I bought a touch then 2 days ago we went down and both bought 16gb iPhones......all in about 6 For Christmas my wife said I am getting a Mac Book Pro......I will also pick up an apple TV sometime soon and the transformation will be complete. I have been a M$ homer since MSDOS....see ya later M$
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