New MacBook case leaks question FireWire's future



  • Reply 141 of 321
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Is that like a news flash?

    God, I hope not.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    do you think that you're the only one that knows that the MacBook never had FW800?

    I'd assume assume quite a few people other than me know that, why?

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Is there some reason that I can't want Apple to have a FW800 port on the yet to be released Macbook?

    Not that I can think of. Apple obviously disagrees with you, but there's nothing wrong with wanting things, obviously.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Here's a clue for you, most pro photogs don't use laptops to edit images because they aren't up to the task ,unless you add a quality external display. However, they are fine for field work to peek at the images, and do a fast transfer of CF cards, check email, browse the web, etc. Later the images are edited on a desktop, or at least using an decent external display.

    To quote someone not-so-famous:

    Is that like a news flash?

  • Reply 142 of 321
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    You continue to misunderstand, or perhaps you're just being pedantic for the heck of it.

    Obviously, Wobegon means that all 15" MBPs are the same; all 17" MBPs are the same, all MBs the same, etc.

    Obviously, that is not exactly what he said, in spite of what he meant. Maybe you should look at the Apple Store and see the differences available within the same models. Because things might be similar, that's not enough to claim that they're identical.
  • Reply 143 of 321
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by MsNly View Post

    The iBook came in 12" and 14" models.

    I know because one is sitting on the floor in front of me.

    Ah, that's true, thanks. My original point about models and SKUs still stands, though.
  • Reply 144 of 321
    ahhhhhh but look at this

    sorry it was the best i could find......but............any coincidence you think?

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    The beauty of these photos includes the fact no one is even questioning whether this is a prototype that was scrapped for another design.

    There are no timestamp/manufacturering stamp dates on the photos to indicate how far in the production cycle these test cases reside.

    You will not see Gigabit Ethernet [wired] being dropped. Anyone thinking of using these in enterprises for development platforms while not needing more Final Cut Pro features in the Macbook Pro aren't going to convince their clients to switch to wireless networks for their in-house development.

    DisplayPort offering both Video and Audio makes sense to have moving foward.

    Unless Nvidia or AMD are upgrading their Laptop line of cards, by Oct 14, we are seeing dedicated DVI-I port being on the system for the MacBook Pro.

    Moving the MacBook Pro to have a combo FW3200/800 and dropping FW 400, but offering a third party add-on to use FW400 makes sense.

    This image:


    gives the impression the DVI-I port is the far-left point, down below the keyboard to give space for more airflow and thus a cooler system.


  • Reply 145 of 321
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You're welcome, but if we ever meet, you owe me a cold one!

    What tha? zinfella, no offense, but I wasn't thanking you, I was thanking poster applebook. Unless you're talking about the astray part.
  • Reply 146 of 321
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    image ::

    — What you list as the FW800 looks more like a Mini-DVI port in that image. Even the associated image for the port matches the Mini-DVI port image on my MacBook.

    — What is being considered the MagSafe connector looks larger than the current MagSafe connector.

    — All other Mac EC/34 slots use an oblong port hole, but this is rectangle. Why the aestethically unpleasing change, especially when ExpressCards are rounded at the edges?

    — I don't see the reason to have a DL-DVI-I and a Mini-DI on the same machine.

    — What is that perfectly round hole next to the taped "DL-DVI-I" port? An oddly side-mounted IR receiver makes no sense. Could be an eject button for what ever does fit into the taped over port?


    gives the impression the DVI-I port is the far-left point, down below the keyboard to give space for more airflow and thus a cooler system.

    I'm lost on how this would cool the system. Any heat from running mutliple monitors would result from the CPU and GPU, not the external port.

    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Newer HP laptops and docks already do this. The laptop sits on top of the dock and connects from the side. But instead of a "big fat cable in the side", the HP dock has a retractable connector that is engaged by moving a switch on the dock.

    This oddly rectangle port on these MB mockups are large enough to carry all the necessary data to a docking station. I would give this open a solid 1% of actually occurring as docking stations among retail or corporate consumers, but it's certainly a best non-Sci-Fi I've read.

    PS: But that was before notebooks were the primary sale target for PCs. If Apple does make a dock connector then I think we can assume that they will vying for the corporate environment with their PCs, but I still stay that they will need an entirely new line of non-Mac PCs to make it work.
  • Reply 147 of 321
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    If by port you mean the space around the actual female connector, then yes, the top of the mini-DVI port is at the same height as the top of the USB 2.0 port next to it.

    If, however, you are talking about the actual female connector, then no, the top of that is lower than the top of the USB 2.0 port.

    Yes, and that space that helps secure the male connector to the female connector will be part of the enclosure that this whole frame fits into. The space around the female connector and the female connector itself are two separate things, not one whole piece (as far as I can tell).

    If Apple had wanted to really reduce space, they would have gone with the Air's micro-DVI port. But they didn't. They're unlikely to introduce an entirely new video out port that looks nearly identical to their own mini-DVI port, which would not only result in people having to invest in new cables, but also create confusion for users.

    It certainly ain't a dual link DVI port, which pretty much leaves only one option: mini-DVI.


    Looks like I'm right about the DVI female connector and the space around it being two separate things. Take a look at this picture from an Apple support document:

    Ive just measured my ports on my macbook (yes i am that sad!) and the actual cut out for the mini-DVI is 80mm and for the USB 60mm, so there is still a problem there. the outer jacket on the adaptor could be removed i suppose to decrease its size, but would still be a new adaptor really.

    Originally Posted by Dale A View Post

    could the unidentified port (mini dvi) be a 3.2 gig firewire???

    Due to the fact that on the pictures there is the display output icon i very much doubt this is anything other than the output.
  • Reply 148 of 321
    Originally Posted by Rolo View Post

    Any pro doing video or photography would use a MBP, not a MB. If you're doing casual photo and video work and need FireWire 400, it's no problem on the new MB via an adapter. The existing MB only has one FW400 port anyway so if you need FW800, you can only get that on a MBP to start with.

    So, yes, I don't know what the freaking fuss is about.

    You know, there are some of us that would like to see a FW 800 port on the MacBook, because we don't need all of the features of the more expensive MacBook Pro. It was only wishful thinking on my part that Apple would include a FW 800 port on the new Macbook. Sheesh!

    I have desktops, as do most pro photographers. nobody edits on a laptop, not even a MacBook Pro, because the displays suck for critical photo editing. For that you need a GOOD external display, ACD, NEC, Eizo, etc. We already know what FW speeds are available on current models, this thread is about the yet to be released model, capish?
  • Reply 149 of 321
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    What tha? zinfella, no offense, but I wasn't thanking you, I was thanking poster applebook. Unless you're talking about the astray part.

    FINE! I'll buy my own beer!!!!

  • Reply 150 of 321
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    and I still find the size issue because the MBP is, in overall cubic volume, not substantially larger than the MB.

    Seriously, if you are a pro musician and can carry around hundreds of pounds of equipment, an extra 1.5x1 inches and .7lbs will REALLY break the deal? \

    The Macbook, in my opinion, feels considerably smaller in my hands than my 15" MacBook Pro. Let me guess, you're probably one of the people that said that Apple would never release anything like the MacBook Air because 2lbs doesn't "break the deal".
  • Reply 151 of 321
    Steve Jobs mentioned during Macworld 08 that Apple presented Macbook Air in the 2nd week and there are 50 more weeks ahead. Now that 2008 is ending and we have :

    1) Macbook Air

    2) iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0, MobileMe

    3) New Nano and iPod Touch 2.0

    4) New Macbooks

    I can't think of any more new products Apple can announce for Macworld.

    Will it be a boring Macworld or will Apple make history again in January? I prefer the latter
  • Reply 152 of 321
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Q1) How many time have you used the Mini-DVI on their MacBooks?
    1) Never.

    2) One or twice in the time I've had my MB.

    3) Every week or so.

    4) Almost constantly when at home/school/elsewhere.
    Q2) How many time have you used the DVD/CD on you MacBooks?
    1) Never.

    2) One or twice in the time I've had my MB.

    3) Every week or so.

    4) Almost constantly when at home/school/elsewhere.
    Q3) How many time have you used the DVD/CD on you MacBooks to play movies music?
    1) Never.

    2) One or twice in the time I've had my MB.

    3) Every week or so.

    4) Almost constantly when at home/school/elsewhere.

    5) I copy the data to iTS or the HDD as an ISO or use HandBrake/VirtualHub to save on power consumption and hassle
    Q4) How do you feel about the CD/DVD drive becoming an external option?
    1) That would be a great idea, until we can get rid of it altogether. Plus we would get faster read/write speeds from using thicker optical drives that aren't subject to the super-thin drives Apple uses.

    2) I like to lug around obsolescing tech that takes up more room than everything in my notebook, save for the battery, because it makes me feel retro.

    3) I like knowing that I can slowly burn a disc as opposed to enailing or copying to another computer or Flash drive, because it gives me more time to flirt with the girls I'm tutoring.

    4) Almost constantly when at home/school/elsewhere because it won't be affected by an EM pulse.

    5) All those faulty CD/DVD burns make for a great party trick when you put them in a microwave, as well as cup coasters for bachelor pads
  • Reply 153 of 321
    hudson1hudson1 Posts: 800member
    A few random thoughts:

    1) So many of the FW arguments presented here are predicated on the MB and MBP lineups that exist today. We don't know if that will remain the same. It's entirely possible that the MB becomes a sub-$1000 machine and for those I can see why eliminating FW might be necessary from a cost standpoint.

    2) I've always been a fan of FW but the reality is that the proportion of peripherals that rely solely on FW is getting smaller. How many things out there today only use FW for connectivity? It used to be that video cams only used FW but those days are gone. Also, there was a time when the only plug-and-play external drives that were of any use were all based on FW. Those days are long gone, too.

    3) It's wishful thinking to believe Apple is going to design a computer for primarily musicians who want to use high end professional peripherals with the lowest end laptop Apple makes.

    4) As others have commented, it's flawed thinking to assume that the only way to achieve the functionality of Target Disk Mode is via a FW connection. Apple has often innovated new ways of achieving desired functionality and they could again. Who thought the MBA could achieve the connectivity that it does (though perhaps not real well yet) given the I/O limitations built into its design? It's not like Apple to abandon good ideas but they often evolve the means for implementing those ideas.
  • Reply 154 of 321
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by jak1502 View Post

    Ive just measured my ports on my macbook (yes i am that sad!) and the actual cut out for the mini-DVI is 80mm and for the USB 60mm, so there is still a problem there. the outer jacket on the adaptor could be removed i suppose to decrease its size, but would still be a new adaptor really.

    Due to the fact that on the pictures there is the display output icon i very much doubt this is anything other than the output.

    Apple's new (and proprietary) "Mini ADC" connector!
  • Reply 155 of 321
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    FINE! I'll buy my own beer!!!!

    Hahahah! Gosh, I felt like a complete jerk 'til I scrolled down and saw the smilys. Hey, regardless, I owe you a beer. I owe myself a few.
  • Reply 156 of 321
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Q4) How do you feel about the CD/DVD drive becoming an external option?
    1) That would be a great idea, until we can get rid of it altogether. Plus we would get faster read/write speeds from using thicker optical drives that aren't subject to the super-thin drives Apple uses.

    2) I like to lug around obsolescing tech that takes up more room than everything in my notebook, save for the battery, because it makes me feel retro.

    3) I like knowing that I can slowly burn a disc as opposed to enailing or copying to another computer or Flash drive, because it gives me more time to flirt with the girls I'm tutoring.

    4) Almost constantly when at home/school/elsewhere because it won't be affected by an EM pulse.

    5) All those faulty CD/DVD burns make for a great party trick when you put them in a microwave, as well as cup coasters for bachelor pads

    6) I would like the CD/DVD drive to be removable so I can fit my laptop with dual batteries and go twice as long without recharging.

    7) I would like the CD/DVD drive to be removable so I can fit my laptop with dual hard drives for double the storage.
  • Reply 157 of 321
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by jak1502 View Post

    Ive just measured my ports on my macbook (yes i am that sad!) and the actual cut out for the mini-DVI is 80mm and for the USB 60mm, so there is still a problem there. the outer jacket on the adaptor could be removed i suppose to decrease its size, but would still be a new adaptor really.

    Ha, I don't consider that sad, considering we're already debating about pretty nerdy things.

    But I'm not saying the "outer jacket" would be removed. I'm saying that that part comes in on the outer enclosure part, which this whole frame will fit into. The mini-DVI female port will go through that first hole and then through a second hole in the outer enclosure (you know, the tapered outer enclosure pictured in these spy shots?).

    The second hole that is part of the outer enclosure will have the "outer jacket" built into it or there's a plastic cutout that goes into that hole. Otherwise, there'd be no way to hold the current mini-DVI male connector in place.

    Then again, I could very well be wrong. Just seems so illogical to introduce something new, yet so similar looking, for no apparent reason.
  • Reply 158 of 321
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    You're ignoring my point. Most people don't know FW 400 has an advantage over USB 2.0.

    There's at least one disk that runs slower on FW400 than USB2. Saw the review and decided not to buy it despite it being on sale. The maker (Seagate owns them...WD?) claimed it was because Apple improved the performance of USB2 in Leopard.

    Most drives these days are USB2 and folks are reasonably happy without FW. The only real need is for cameras that only output on FW.

    IMHO the only shame is that the MB doesn't have an expresscard slot. That would allow folks to get the kind of port they wanted as opposed to the kind someone else wanted. eSATA, FW800, whatever.

    As for the MBP...any "pro" whining about the loss of a FW400 port should just get an eSATA bay and card assuming the MBP won't already come with eSATA.
  • Reply 159 of 321
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by jaypres View Post

    I can't think of any more new products Apple can announce for Macworld.

    Will it be a boring Macworld or will Apple make history again in January? I prefer the latter

    -Snow Leopard

    -New Cinema Displays

    -Apple TV 3 or maybe even an actual LCD or Plasma TV from Apple

    -New Mac Mini

    -Apple Netbook or Tablet

  • Reply 160 of 321
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jaypres View Post

    Will it be a boring Macworld or will Apple make history again in January? I prefer the latter

    If we go by last year, we will see an update to the iPhone and iPod Touch capacity. It's my feeling that doubling capacity isn't feasible, so Apple will take advantage of the dual flash chips in each device to offer a 50% increase. Meaning, the 8 and 16GB iPhones will have a 24GB model (8GB+16GB=24GB) for the two flash chips inside. The 8, 16 and 32GB iPod Touch would then have a 48GB model (16GB+32GB=48GB) for the two flash chips inside.

    We have been programmed to think that you can only double capacity because of BASE-2 rules, but we are talking about two separate chips connecting to one controller that is aggregating the two flash sticks capacities into one. Many phones already do this by taking the limited 128MB Flash for the OS and adding it to the SD card of xGB when inserted. I don' have a lot of followers (if any) on this forum backing me up on this concept, but when you project the future of Flash there is no other option available until you want to make the iPod/iPhone model stagnant for 18-24 months at a time.

    If the likely situation of new Mac notebook case revisions come out next week, then I think Apple may forego or skim over many other new products that are up for a revision. For instance, the iMac was updated in April with Montevina-like aspects to the chipset so we may not see a new one until MacWorld, or perhaps just a quite update to full Montevina. The only real changes will be some minor performance changes and power savings, both of which aren't going to matter to most iMac buyers. The Mac Mini is an odd situation that is so long overdue for a revision that Apple could just not update it again, cancel it or turn it into a whole semi-xMac machine that many posters here have been clamoring for.

    I think the best thing we can except from MacWorld is a new product announcement, an in-depth demo of Snow Leopard and a whole bunch of stats of how Apple did in their first fiscal quarter and for the 2008 calender year.
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