Bottom of MacBook Pro revealed; more last minute specs

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Some new photos reveal even more of Apple's new MacBook Pro casing, including its underside and battery cover. Meanwhile, some last minute specs for the 13-inch MacBook and MacBook Air have hit the web, in addition to confirmation of an $899 24-inch LED Apple display.

Daring Fireball John Gruber has published a lengthy last-minute report from its sources, covering the new MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and new 24-inch Apple display.

MacBook Pro Trackpad

The new 15-inch MacBook Pro has a trackpad similar to the Air?s, in that it is bigger and supports additional multi-touch gestures. Unlike the Air?s, the "new trackpad is made of glass, and is a button itself," according to the report. "You just press and it clicks. This is not like the current software option where you can enable 'Tap to Click' in the trackpad preferences, but instead a glass trackpad that acts as a physical button, with a click you can feel."

MacBook Pro Display

Gruber adds, and AppleInsider can independently confirm, that Apple does not plan to offer a matte-finish display on the new MacBook Pro, meaning customers will be stuck with only one option: glossy.

Separately, AppleInsider has heard that Apple may offer a higher-resolution display on the 15-inch MacBook Pro as a build-to-order option.

MacBook Pro CPU and Graphics

Gruber says CPU clock speeds and prices on the MacBook Pro will remain relatively unchanged at 2.4GHz ($1999) and 2.53GHz ($2499), but confirms Monday evening's report that the systems will employ two NVIDIA graphics chips with Hybrid SLI support. Specifically, each will include a NVIDIA 9400M and a NVIDIA 9600M GT.

MacBook Pro Casing Design

Meanwhile, has posted more photos of the new MacBook Pro's casing, revealing the bottom of the unit with its elongated, latch-release battery cover first detailed by AppleInsider back in July.

17-inch MacBook Pro

The 17-inch MacBook Pro will not see an update at today's event, as was reported by AppleInsider on Monday. Instead, Apple will continue the market the existing 17-inch model until it can fix some issues with a new 17-inch model that has been spotted in its labs.

13-inch MacBook

The new 13-inch MacBooks are said to feature the same trackpad as its larger 15-inch cousins and include NVIDIA's new 9400M graphics chipset. Rumors of a $800 or $900 MacBook are false, however.

Instead, the existing 2.1 GHz white MacBook will remain in Apple's new lineup at a new price of $999. Two new aluminum models will be added:

$1299: 2.0 GHz, 2 GB memory, 160 GB disk

$1499: 2.4 GHz, 2 GB memory, 250 GB disk

Gruber notes that the new $1299 model sports a CPU that is 16 percent slower than existing model, but says Apple will argue that the new NVIDIA graphics chipset will more than make up for the difference.

MacBook Air

Updated MacBook Airs will see no aesthetic or CPU changes, which will remain at 1.6GHz and 1.83GHz. They will, however, include NVIDIA's 9400M graphics chipset and offer larger hard drives: a 120 GB disk in the low-end model and a 128 GB solid-state drive in the high-end model.

A report from Monday suggests the new Airs may not be readily available.

New $899 Apple LED display

In his report, Gruber also confirms a new $899 24-inch Apple LED display, plans of which were first revealed by AppleInsider late Monday evening.

According to our sources, the display resembles the existing aluminum iMacs without the "chin" of aluminum, and features a thinner version of the iMac's stand and black bezel (like the new MacBook Pro and iMac). The display is also said to include a DisplayPort connector and MagSafe adapter.

Live Coverage of Today's Event

AppleInsider will be providing live aggregate coverage of today's announcements. In the meantime, readers can register for the AppleInsider forums (it's quick) and join the discussion.


  • Reply 1 of 118
    Macbook = $1499: 2.4 GHz, 2 GB memory, 250 GB disk = Simply too expensive...period. Not buying. Bummer.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 118
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    i don't think i get the magsafe on the monitor. sounds interesting, but waaay overpriced for a 24" monitor these days, I don't care how pretty it is. You could probably buy two (non displayport) monitors that compete or are better for that price.

    we'll wait and see, maybe it has AI built in...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 118
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    None of this makes any sense to me, more expensive with lower speed CPU? Is this why I told my neighbour to hold out for 2 months? I'll wait one and a half hours before I believe this but if it's true... It just can't be true this seems like the worst move Apple could make right now...
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  • Reply 4 of 118
    I'm only really interested in the 17" Macbook Pro

    I wonder how long it will take them to squash the bugs in the lab...
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  • Reply 5 of 118
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post

    None of this makes any sense to me, more expensive with lower speed CPU? Is this why I told my neighbour to hold out for 2 months? I'll wait one and a half hours before I believe this but if it's true... It just can't be true this seems like the worst move Apple could make right now...

    12 hour battery life and 3g be ok in that package?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 118
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member
    From those photos you can see that the edges are indeed tapered like the Air. Maybe not as tapered, but tapered none-the-less.
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  • Reply 7 of 118
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member
    This is just not fun anymore. Apple, can't you keep people silent until Jobs is on the stage?

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  • Reply 8 of 118
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    Those photos aren't blurry enough to be real.
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  • Reply 9 of 118
    No matte? No buy I'm afraid I do too much photography and video work on the go and shiny surface for me = bad news.
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  • Reply 10 of 118
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    12 hour battery life and 3g be ok in that package?

    No doubt they'll be amazing machines (they better be at that price) but what Apple needs is an Alu MacBook with simple of the shelf components at $899 or $799. Think the current MacBook but with new case and newer chips. These new machines will make Apple even more niche and exclusive than it already is. No matter how "do-want!" these machines will be, not a lot of people are gonna spend twice as much just to get a Mac.

    I'm talking from the point of view of switching people to OSX here, but apparently, that's not a priority for Apple (if the rumours are true)
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 118
    I don't doubt the authenticity of some of these rumors but I have to question the price. I really have to question the price on the 24 inch display. If it is indeed going to cost that much, then I think there must be more to it (i.e. dock for macbook).

    If the rumor sites nailed it then Apple isn't going to be getting any of my $$$ till the next round
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  • Reply 12 of 118
    To me all this revealed information makes up for a "black tuesday".

    I was waiting for half a year for this event in hope to find a new machine to replace my 2,16 MBP.

    All I dreamed of was to get HDMI Output, better battery life, a NON-GLOSSY DISPLAY (as this was the main reason why I switched two years ago). All that wrapped in a timeless alluminium casing.

    Not too much dreaming, I though.....*uargh* we'll be getting a foldable imac?????

    I even planned to purchase a Macbook I was sure we would get a 160 GB harddrive...
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  • Reply 13 of 118
    is it just me, or are these models more expensive? on the existing macbook system, you can spec the White macbook at 2.4GHz, 250G memory and 2GB of RAM, and it comes in below $1399. I love the new look, but I am holding out a hope that these prices are wrong...
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  • Reply 14 of 118
    Horribly misleading reporting


    confirms Monday evening's report that the systems will employ two NVIDIA graphics chips with Hybrid SLI support. Specifically, each will include a NVIDIA 9400M and a NVIDIA 9600M GT.

    Let's make this clear, because many people are confused by all the bungling. Gruber can be excused, he's not a hardware guy, but you guys cannot.
    • The 9600M GT is the discrete GPU. It's a real 9600M GT chip

    • There will be no 9400M chip in the macbook pros. Nor in the macbooks by the way.

    • But both will be using the MCP79 chip from nvidia, which replaces Intel's north&south bridges, and the MCP79 sports an IGP (Integrated Graphic Processor) rumored to be roughly equivalent to a 9300M or 9400M (note that we won't know if it's for sure until the tests)

    This MCP79 would potentially enable the usage of HybridPower on the MBP (shut down the discrete GPU when e.g. on the desktop to reduce system power draw). It probably won't allow the usage of Geforce Boost (SLI between the GPU and the IGP) as the difference in power between a 9600M and something in the 9300M-9400 range is probably too high to allow it, but you never know.

    Originally Posted by Zauner View Post

    All I dreamed of was to get HDMI Output

    Video out has a nontrivial (read: high) chance of being DisplayPort.

    Think HDMI, except better and created for computer screens instead of stupid TVs (and it handles higher resolutions too, HDMI 1.2 over Type A [regular] or Type C [mini] connectors can only drive screens up to 1920*1200 [~1080p] which is lower than the resolution of Apple's 30" ACD, while DisplayPort works up to 2560x1600/30bpp@60fps)
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  • Reply 15 of 118
    Anybody know of anywhere to get live info during the conference? While all the speculation is fun (well, maybe not), I want to hear from the man himself. I know there won't be an actual live feed of the conference, although that would be cool, is there somewhere to get realtime updates of what is being said?
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  • Reply 16 of 118
    I don't see how these changes turns any spotlight to apple notebooks... or helps to set apple apart from competitors. All this talk about this event being a "product transition" or delivery of "state-of-the-art new products" that competitors "just aren't going to be able to match" seem way off the mark.
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  • Reply 17 of 118
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    Originally Posted by Macd-to-death View Post

    is it just me, or are these models more expensive? on the existing macbook system, you can spec the White macbook at 2.4GHz, 250G memory and 2GB of RAM, and it comes in below $1399. I love the new look, but I am holding out a hope that these prices are wrong...

    Yeah it looks that way. Given the economic backdrop I'm not sure if these things will sell very well as many people are likely to clamp down on spending.

    But who knows! Just put it on a credit card!
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  • Reply 18 of 118
    What a disappointment. No matté and that stupid Mighty Mouse concept of one huge trackpad button. What is Apple thinking?!?!?

    Apple design has also become more and more like PC's. Look at Leopard, almost square corners all over.

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  • Reply 19 of 118
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member
    There better be Matte. I have a rather large order planned for my company early next year, but if they aren't matte then we aren't buying them.

    Can someone explain to me why glossy is so popular these days?
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  • Reply 20 of 118
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,919member
    If these rumors are true then they are underwhelming and disappointing and Apple may just have opted out of the current tech mini-rally. And no matter how you frame it, you cannot explain away a 2.0GHz chip on a $1300 machine without sounding mealy-mouthed. If these rumors are true then it seems Jobs has forgotten the painful lesson of those insanely overpriced Macs that hobbled the platform's acceptance in the 80s.
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