Jobs responds to outrage over MacBook's missing FireWire



  • Reply 301 of 1665
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    Originally Posted by View Post

    Adobe's CS4 requirements list the presence of Firewire as a requirement on the PC side while it isn't listed on the Mac side since every recent Mac up to now except the Air has had Firewire. I guess they'll have to add a Firewire requirement for the Mac side as well. It's ironic that this MacBook refresh added better IGPs to better target the requirements for applications like Adobe CS4 with hardware acceleration, but ends up being deficient in other areas.

    Is this True?

    CS4 is of interest only to professional PC users then?

    Apple answered the many criticisms of poor video performance in the MB and therefore had to find a new reason to (censored). Voila - Firewire is only for professional use? \

    Apple still employs Firewire and to my knowledge, has not said that it won't in future. Therefore, statements to the effect that 'the writing was on the wall' are really saying that 'the graffiti was on the bus shelter'.
  • Reply 302 of 1665
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    Originally Posted by Jon T View Post

    Remember the iMovie 08? What outrage there was. Again, my guess is there are lots of "video producers" here today who were on their high horses then.

    Yes. And in response to that outcry, Apple made iMovie HD available for download. And I did. And I did at my church that uses iMovie to record sermons, because iMovie 08 is crippled compared to iMovie HD.

    I'll agree that the percent of people who use FireWire may be small. But for many of them it is very important for what they use their Macs for. FW400 is a superior connection to USB 2 for many uses. Apple has always been viewed - IMHO - as the company who does things better. USB 2 is not better than FW400. Dropping it was a mistake.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 303 of 1665 you're not allowed to run a imaging software on a Macbook, right? I can tell you want kind of idiot would install Photoshop on a Macbook. It's all the idiots who don't want to lug around 2,5 Kg all day when they're out shooting, wether as a hobby or professionally.

    I could ask you something: What idiot would buy a 1299+ notebook only to surf the web or do some video chats with friends?
  • Reply 304 of 1665
    Originally Posted by Zauner View Post

    I don't like Steve Ballmer, but this time he was right - leaving out features like FW and Blue-Ray is simply a way to get a higher margins. And support mainly consists of "better buy a new machine". Thank you.

    Maybe at Apple they got scared that every John Doe would soon own a Mac so they had to raise the "Apple Tax". Seems to be only the chosen few 5% of the worlds' notebook users should be intitled to own a Mac to keep it exclusive to users and not too tempting for developers of adware and viruses...

    Think about it what computer software is actually using Blu-ray for applications other the PS3 games? What Blu-Ray being used as now PS3 games and Blu-Ray movies. basically Blu-ray is nothing more than a bigger useless version of UMD. Why would you spend $500 plus dollars to to burn a 50GB disc that takes 2 hours plus where you can buy a external hard drive for less to copy and backup. Blu-Ray is nowhere taking off like DVD did. I seriously doubt that you see HP putting restore disc on a 25GB or even a 50GB Blu-ray Disc. I doubt Adobe will start selling Adobe CS 4.0 on 25GB Blu-Ray Disc. Optical disc format actually is dying due to download content from broadband. I'm personally thinking of selling ALL 69 of my Blu-Ray movies because I got more Movies, TV Shows (some HD) on iTunes then Blu-Ray.. I really don't see a long life with Blu-Ray but I can help to think studios might start selling or loading 1080p HD with HD Audio on hard drives or start a store or maybe vending machine where its like Red Box where instead you bring your own storage medium to load movies in choice of SD HD and take it home and play it on whatever!
  • Reply 305 of 1665
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    What exactly is this crowd? Expresscard is a fixture on %80 of the PC laptops out there. It is the key to expansion that replaced Cardbus (PCMCIA)

    Give me some examples of what the average pc user (I'm not talking about a Pro user) would use an ExpressCard slot for. The only one I know of is for Wifi and the Macbooks have that built-in.
  • Reply 306 of 1665
    I use an expresscard sd-hc card Apple still denies to include a card reader. And...woohooo guess where I put my simcard for UMTS when I'm on the road?
  • Reply 307 of 1665
    eauviveeauvive Posts: 237member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Is this True?

    CS4 is of interest only to professional PC users then?

    Well, I am editor, I do photoworks for my magazine, and sometimes desktop publishing too, I have never touched any Adobe tools. For photo I use Gimp, for D.P. I use Scribus, they are 100 % free, no requirements whatsoever, and they work wonderfully well. Now, you have XaraLX that is way way faster than Illustrator, and Inkscape for those who are less demanding. Then, for any web design, I use Bluefish.
  • Reply 308 of 1665
    Originally Posted by dreyfus2 View Post

    I have certainly not looked at all models (I have not looked at vendors I would never buy from and that includes Dell, HP and Toshiba), so this could be right. But among the ones I have looked at in the 1200-1600 USD range (which I do not really consider low cost) I did not see a single one (other than really expensive sub-notebooks below 12") missing that feature.

    And seeing that others can add a slew of useful features (and obviously some doubtful ones) to 12" devices being lighter and smaller than the MacBook (like in the mentioned Lenovo X200) or even smoke the MBP in connectivity and performance (like the W500) and still maintain the highest level of support almost all around the world and make profits, while Apple has to screw us on every single accessory and cannot even match that service outside the US... was quite an eye opener. In this regard I was quite happy about the keynote. A company that is arrogant and off-ground enough to invite the press to present nothing else than an improved manufacturing process (that did not even result in more competitive pricing), less features on every single item (except for the MBA which had none to start with) and a glossy 24" display that will not work with any existing Apple computer, is not the company that was leading the computer business with innovations for some years. All they have presented was "less for more".

    Perhaps you should take a few minutes and spec out the Lenovos you are so proudly supporting. And please attempt to do a true comparison, though impossible, at least get it close. In particular, see the cost jump when you upgrade the drive from 60Gb and Vista (for what it is worth) By the way, it doesn't have FireWire.
  • Reply 309 of 1665
    eauviveeauvive Posts: 237member
    Originally Posted by themoonisdown09 View Post

    Give me some examples of what the average pc user (I'm not talking about a Pro user) would use an ExpressCard slot for. The only one I know of is for Wifi and the Macbooks have that built-in.

    3G+ Internet connexion?
  • Reply 310 of 1665
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    Yes. And in response to that outcry, Apple made iMovie HD available for download. And I did. And I did at my church that uses iMovie to record sermons, because iMovie 08 is crippled compared to iMovie HD.

    I'll agree that the percent of people who use FireWire may be small. But for many of them it is very important for what they use their Macs for. FW400 is a superior connection to USB 2 for many uses. Apple has always been viewed - IMHO - as the company who does things better. USB 2 is not better than FW400. Dropping it was a mistake.

    - Jasen.

    OK standards are always evolving to a new standard. Firewire is 400-Mbps USB 2.0 is 480-Mbps majority in the industry been using USB 2.0 soon there will be USB 3.0 with speeds of 4.8 Gbit/s (600 MB/s). By then what? You go with USB 3.0 or firewire. I really can get over that everybody actlike that Apple just cut firewire off when its still on the MacBook Pro. my answer go with the MacBook Pro. I really and I mean really support Apple in its decision. Really why would you make EVERYBODY pay for something that they not going to use. That's really not fair. I see everybody gripping and crying like school girls when they can go to the MacBook Pro. question how many HP notebook now are using Firewire?
  • Reply 311 of 1665
    Let me see if I have this right.

    Everybody wants the features of the mbpro to be in the mb?

    And the mb is not useful if it doesn't have the features of the mbpro?

    Oh paaaleeeese.

    Cry me a river.

    Go bltch and moan somewhere else, either buy a pc laptop or a mbpro and quit it with the crocadile tears.

    It's annoying to see a bunch a sissies claiming to be fans of the mb.
  • Reply 312 of 1665
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by themoonisdown09 View Post

    Give me some examples of what the average pc user (I'm not talking about a Pro user) would use an ExpressCard slot for. The only one I know of is for Wifi and the Macbooks have that built-in.
  • Reply 313 of 1665
    I've been a Mac consultant for 20 years. Most people with MacBook Pros don't need FireWire. Most people with iMacs don't need FireWire. What percentage of people really use the monitor port on their laptop, much less on an iMac? However, when someone needs a FireWire port or a monitor port, they REALLY need it. And that's one reason they pay a premium for a Mac. Apple's partner Apogee doesn't make a USB interface. Why is that? Because FireWire is better for that application. What is the main feature of the new and improved Drobo? FireWire. And now Apple says, "you don't get to do that cool stuff on our reasonably (?) priced laptop now, even though it's our most powerful MacBook ever!" FireWire across the Mac product line was part of the Mac's elegance. Apple has simply taken away a very useful feature that many of their users rely on. I'm still amazed that a $1599 MacBook is no longer suitable for the work I do! I don't want a bigger heavier MacBook Pro just to get a FireWire port. Oh well.
  • Reply 314 of 1665
    so far the macbook had that feature
  • Reply 315 of 1665
    eauviveeauvive Posts: 237member
    Originally Posted by LE Studios View Post

    My answer go with the MacBook Pro.

    IMHO, there is no MacBook Pro anymore. Don't be fooled by the "Pro" or you're striding into a marketing pitfall. The 15" MacBookPro is the 13" MacBook with 2" more space, in which Apple crammed a FireWire port, an ExpressCard and a supplemental nVidia GPU. Period.
  • Reply 316 of 1665
    Originally Posted by abernathy View Post

    I've been a Mac consultant for 20 years. Most people with MacBook Pros don't need FireWire. Most people with iMacs don't need FireWire. What percentage of people really use the monitor port on their laptop, much less on an iMac? However, when someone needs a FireWire port or a monitor port, they REALLY need it. And that's one reason they pay a premium for a Mac. Apple's partner Apogee doesn't make a USB interface. Why is that? Because FireWire is better for that application. What is the main feature of the new and improved Drobo? FireWire. And now Apple says, "you don't get to do that cool stuff on our reasonably (?) priced laptop now, even though it's our most powerful MacBook ever!" FireWire across the Mac product line was part of the Mac's elegance. Apple has simply taken away a very useful feature that many of their users rely on. I'm still amazed that a $1599 MacBook is no longer suitable for the work I do! I don't want a bigger heavier MacBook Pro just to get a FireWire port. Oh well.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT COMMENT. No further words needed.
  • Reply 317 of 1665
    Originally Posted by pilottage View Post

    I have just one question for STEVE :

    Let's agree with you, OK, True, Firewire is not important anymore...

    Then, STEVE, why do you keep a FireWire port on the new MacBook Pro?... why didn't you tossed out this one too?

    Why do you keep an outdated port on the MacBook Pro (like the FireWire as you said) and don't provide a faster eSata either?

    Dude things changes! Remeber Apple Display Connector? ATA/66, ATA/100, SCSI, Ultra SCSI, DVI, HDMI, USB 1.0, Firewire 400? You got new standards coming in! USB 3.0 with speeds of 4.8 Gbit/s (600 MB/s)!
  • Reply 318 of 1665
    If you need a FireWire 400 port or connection - simply buy an adapter ($9.00) and get to work

    You can go here;

    and purchase, or one of many other places - bottom line - if you need FW400, you can EASILY get it on the new MB/MB Pro's

    Mister Ejag
  • Reply 319 of 1665
    Originally Posted by Zauner View Post

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT COMMENT. No further words needed.

    You guys truly weak minded bombastic simpletons! Freedom of choice buy a MacBook or buy a MacBook Pro with firewire!
  • Reply 320 of 1665
    Originally Posted by abernathy View Post

    I've been a Mac consultant for 20 years. Most people with MacBook Pros don't need FireWire. Most people with iMacs don't need FireWire. What percentage of people really use the monitor port on their laptop, much less on an iMac? However, when someone needs a FireWire port or a monitor port, they REALLY need it. And that's one reason they pay a premium for a Mac. Apple's partner Apogee doesn't make a USB interface. Why is that? Because FireWire is better for that application. What is the main feature of the new and improved Drobo? FireWire. And now Apple says, "you don't get to do that cool stuff on our reasonably (?) priced laptop now, even though it's our most powerful MacBook ever!" FireWire across the Mac product line was part of the Mac's elegance. Apple has simply taken away a very useful feature that many of their users rely on. I'm still amazed that a $1599 MacBook is no longer suitable for the work I do! I don't want a bigger heavier MacBook Pro just to get a FireWire port. Oh well.

    Your wrong? Things change either deal with the change or move on.
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