Due next from Apple: refreshed 20- and 24-inch iMacs



  • Reply 81 of 183
    jsonjson Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by silverpraxis View Post

    I want Apple to release a 30' LED iMac quad-core with a new complementary 30' LED Cinema Display! The ports on the back... I'll let you guys take a whack at it.

    I definately second that. A 30" quad iMac would make me whip out the good old card.

    And if they make the back of it silver like the new 24" screen seems to be, and keep the keys on the keyboard white, I'll even applaud them.
  • Reply 82 of 183
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    This is the flaw in the imac. It's essentially a vertical laptop anchored to a desk. It's appeal is footprint and price. Price only because as Mac's go, it's a desktop that doesn't cost as much as a Mac Pro. Price is high for what you get. Put the guts in a more practical but still small horizontal format. Divorce if from the built in monitor (really a bad idea if you weigh the merits of a computer and a monitor connected like Siamese twins). The iMac has the shortcomings of a laptop and missing the power of a desktop crammed into a bizarre hybrid that doesn't use the best of both. WTF? Lose the built in monitor, make the guts accessible?now you have the computer everyone wants. I have no idea why apple hasn't done this. Remember the IIci? Take that format which today's technology could make considerably thinner and smaller, there you have it?gold for Apple share holders and customers alike.

    I had a CI2 and the a digital audio tower after that but never expanded either other than RAM. I have an recent iMac now and it's all I need. I love it. However I see your point and hope for you guy hoping for a mini tower that Apple will in the future will feel your pain and expand the mini into something like the CI2 was.

    But I bet the mini lovers would complain it is too big though!
  • Reply 83 of 183
    So, here's a question from a newbie. I've used PCs ever since about 1990 when I actually enjoyed messing around with DOS and dialup BBSs, but I've always been fascinated by the simplicity and coolness factor of Macs, especially since I inherited my mom's old Powerbook 180 and a Mac Classic. Our PC is outdated, and after buying a laptop with Windows Vista last year and experiencing constant Microsoft frustration (), I'm ready to switch. With three little kids and a somewhat grueling work schedule, I have no time to screw around getting things to work.

    The question is this...should I buy an iMac now, or wait for the update? I almost bought one a few days ago, but held off after perusing this site and Macrumors.com. If the new screens will be significantly better or the new processors/chipsets/etc. will be significantly faster, I suppose I should wait. On the other hand, if the new version ends up being more expensive, or if it lacks FireWire and I end up wishing I had that (I have no idea...my wife and I will really just use this as our basic home desktop computer), I might end up kicking myself that I didn't buy now.

    If I do buy one before the update, I probably won't shell out the dough for the 24" screen (I looked at both at Fry's Electronics and realized that even the 20" is huge and pretty to me, moving up from an old-school 17" non-flat-screen monitor). Macmall has some pretty decent rebates right now...plus no sales tax...and I'm tempted to bite.

    (Is it rude to ask for advice like this? First post, you know. )
  • Reply 84 of 183
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Koukalaka View Post

    So, here's a question from a newbie. I've used PCs ever since about 1990 when I actually enjoyed messing around with DOS and dialup BBSs, but I've always been fascinated by the simplicity and coolness factor of Macs, especially since I inherited my mom's old Powerbook 180 and a Mac Classic. Our PC is outdated, and after buying a laptop with Windows Vista last year and experiencing constant Microsoft frustration (), I'm ready to switch. With three little kids and a somewhat grueling work schedule, I have no time to screw around getting things to work.

    The question is this...should I buy an iMac now, or wait for the update? I almost bought one a few days ago, but held off after perusing this site and Macrumors.com. If the new screens will be significantly better or the new processors/chipsets/etc. will be significantly faster, I suppose I should wait. On the other hand, if the new version ends up being more expensive, or if it lacks FireWire and I end up wishing I had that (I have no idea...my wife and I will really just use this as our basic home desktop computer), I might end up kicking myself that I didn't buy now.

    If I do buy one before the update, I probably won't shell out the dough for the 24" screen (I looked at both at Fry's Electronics and realized that even the 20" is huge and pretty to me, moving up from an old-school 17" non-flat-screen monitor). Macmall has some pretty decent rebates right now...plus no sales tax...and I'm tempted to bite.

    (Is it rude to ask for advice like this? First post, you know. )

    Apple sells refubs.

    They are excellent values. When the new ones come out they may get even cheaper. I would wait and see what the new ones have to offer. Then decide between new or refurb.
  • Reply 85 of 183
    leppoleppo Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I know you weren't talking to me but ...

    As an owner of a recent MacPro I think you are talking nonsense here. The only "empty" space in the case is for expansion cards, every other section is 100% utilised. One could argue that the average user doesn't need to put in many expansion cards since there basically aren't many cards that go in there anyway, but it's not like it has dozens of open slots either.

    It also makes no sense to ask that they remove the cooling fans or the holes that make the case run so cool and silent. Do you actually desire the thing to run hotter or be noisier? That's crazy-talk!

    You are actually arguing for that stupid X-Mac/mini-tower in this "redesign" aren't you?

    Nah, I don't want an x-mac, I want a true tower, but the original G5 dualie case needed a lot of extra space for the extra fans and whatnot, along with the cooling system. You didn't say if you said one, but I did, and trust me, it was quite a huge deal at the time. I'm not saying you could fit the Grand Canyon inside the thing now, I'm just saying that the original design was specific to a specific need that is no longer the hurdle it was. Of course I don't want a louder and hotter machine, I thought it went without saying. I'm just saying it's been a while, and I'm sure there is some dead space and optimization that could be done on the design which was created for years-old obsolete hardware.
  • Reply 86 of 183
    gcsgcs Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    Create the affordable mini tower we desperately need.

    Dear Steve J,

    Get your head out of your tuchus, stop making toys and computers for super rich yuppies or super computers for the highest of high-end pros exclusively, and come back to us pro designers and photographers in the middle who have been supporting Apple since there was Apple. You are systematically removing our workable options or pricing us into no other choice but to switch, and not the way you want. It's not the pudgy PC guy who is trying to banish the Mac kid that is costing you sales. It's YOU who are banishing me from being able to make my next computer another Mac. Your killin' me dude, and not softly.

    I'm afraid Steve's head is so far up that hole that he cannot hear us. The thousands upon thousands of DTPs, musicians et all who supported AAPL during the tough times because the boxes were the best were just stepping stones, and, face it, we've been stepped on.

    We've been replaced by millions upon millions of low-end relatively wealthy consumers who just want to listen, watch and email.

    Just ask yourself what ever happened to AAPLs font implementations - Font Book? Yeah, that's nice... But where is the better built-in version of Suitcase?

    I'd wager, if SJ were able to send out emails to all AAPL users on the question of an expandable headless pro box, the overwhelming response would be "no buy". Those few multiple thousands of users who would answer "yes buy" would be overwhelmed.

    In a few years on the current course, only the laptops will remain - 1st to go the MacMini, 2nd Mac Pro, and last the iMac.

    All this driven by bottom line considerations, and the ever-decreasing proportion of pro users to consumers.

    My 2 cents - using Macs since 1988

  • Reply 87 of 183
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Boy this sure makes any options for MacExpo interesting?

    If they in fact announce new iMac's this year ? what will they announce at MacExpo?

    - New Desktop units ? safe bet

    - New iPhone - that's just a phone and nothing else ? just maybe

    - New Product(s) ? a given

    - Updates to any and all other products not done in 2008 ? yep

    - New software / updates to current software ? yes, but of course

    - Something ground shaking ? maybe new management team, or spokesperson ? very likely

    Oh, did I mention, new displays

    Or course this is just my opinion.

  • Reply 88 of 183
    rpsxrpsx Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    I know that I don't need, nor can continue to pay for all the power, 4 hard-drive bays, 2 optical slots, or more PCI slots, etc. than I can use that come with the tower whether I want them or not.


    I know that although feature for feature, the Mac Pro is comparatively priced to a similarly priced Windows uber-workstation, that I can no longer afford an uber workstation be it Mac or PC.


    I know that the iMac is not useable for me. I know that I need a headless computer that allows me to choose the monitor I need and that isn't tricked out with more than I need or can afford.

    i 100% totally agree with all you said, and what to reiterate especially the points above. just throwing in my support, AND frustration. i dream of a macpro half-tower. give me 1 superdrive, 2 drive bays, 4 slots for ram and 2 card slots. i am considering a macpro - but, really, other then adding whatever totals 8gigs of ram, the rest of it will remain empty. huge waste of space (and my money). i will not buy a new mac pro until there is such a machine. until that time, ebay here i come.
  • Reply 89 of 183
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That's why I moved into the sales side of selling Apple...

    You should really make that your sig.

    That way, instead of people thinking that you have your head up Jobs' a** because of fanboyism, they'll know that you have your head up Jobs' a** because of profit.
  • Reply 90 of 183
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    There are uses for videographers who need portability and access to vid cams or high-speed large capacity storage (think corporate events or trade shows that are documented on the fly and need fast transfer, a bit of quick down and dirty editing, and disc of video generated on the spot for techs to shuffle off for onsite duplication or attendees to walk away with).

    The videographers I use wouldn't be caught dead with anything less than a Macbook Pro fully loaded. Otherwise, they would have to drop their charges. Or raise them because it took longer to edit their work.
  • Reply 91 of 183
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    What do you know?

    I do know that than $4 grand G5 Tower would not be a bad down payment for an entry level Mac Pro at $2299.

    I do know that it is more economical to have a local trade printer output colour prints especially if you can't charge back the bad copies directly to the client.

    I do know that it was more expensive to have a colour printer in-house, attempting to match the desktop, maintaining, calibrating, servicing, purchasing, inventorying and storing ink supplies, as well as and controlling outputs/costs than going outside.

    I do know how to set up our monitors and/room so that reflection or glare is not a problem.

    I do know that the Apple displays are at the near top of the quality pile and I do know that the best of them are a lot more monies (I bought a few).

    I do know that a Macbook Pro can do everything that any 2 year old or older Mac Pro could do better and faster.

    I do know that G5 of yours can do everything most studios can do today. Lets face it, Michelangelo wouldn't trade his hammer and chisel for a pneumatic today even if he got it for free.
  • Reply 92 of 183
    thttht Posts: 5,606member
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    The 8-core mac pro was introduced in April 2007. Keeping my fingers crossed for an update soon.

    Nehalem (Bloomfield) is coming in November. MWSF09 may be the best place for a Mac Pro update with Nehalem. 2-processors, 8-cores, and 16-virtual cores of goodness. It is going to be the biggest leap in x86 performance since the introduction of the Core 2 Duo.

    And I agree with the others. The Mac Pro industrial design is getting old, old, old. Lets hope for a new industrial design.
  • Reply 93 of 183
    Originally Posted by spikeme View Post

    i posted this idea in another thread?but PLEASE i need a new MOUSE or a new keyboard with a multitouch trackpad like the logitech one....

    So have I?but

    It is a known fact, that there are not two-like finger prints. I would say that for 'hands' or 'fingers' as well. Especially when we all use them differently at one time or another.

    I look at mice or keyboards like I look at mitts and gloves.

    I go to a golf store or pro shop for golf gloves; a sporting good store for a baseball mitt, another department for a hockey gloves, a department store for dressier leather gloves, a ski shop for skiing and well there is work and the seasons to contend with.

    So for a computer mouse and keyboards, there are the Apple Store, Best Buy, etc.

    And like the gloves, their usage and the size and shape of my fingers and hands are the determining factor in my final choice. Price? No. They just have to fit like a glove.

    When I think about it, I have spent more time picking out from $50-120 mice then I have buying a $2000 set of golf clubs.
  • Reply 94 of 183
    thttht Posts: 5,606member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Or maybe... I'm just hoping, hoping that there is at least *some* firewire on the iMac 20" !!! I mean, it's 20", for crying out loud!!

    I think Firewire will stay in the iMac. Mac mini on the other hand, FW will be gone if it is refreshed. The current version has a FW400 port and a FW800 port. They'll probably reduce to 1 FW800 port.


    By end of November (yup, I think it is a few weeks away at least), the iMac will be updated, such that the design will be the same but the chipset/CPU is MacBook/Pro like you mention.

    For the size of the 20" and 24", motherboard modifications will be hella easy in comparison, Apple just has to put in the new circuitry instead of "precision engineer" the motherboard.

    iMac 20"

    Same form factor and ports

    2.4GHZ and 2.53GHZ

    Nvidia 9400M (256MB Shared)

    1GB DDR3 RAM (2.4GHZ) or 2GB DDR3 RAM (2.53GHZ)

    iMac 24"

    2.53GHZ and 2.8GHZ

    Same form factor and ports

    Nvidia 9400M + 9600M GT

    (256MB VRAM and 512MB VRAM)

    The current iMacs range from 2.4 GHz to 2.8 GHz on 1066 FSB, with a 3.06 GHz option for the 24". They also all have discrete graphics: Radeon 2400 XT for the base 20" and Radeon 2600 Pro for the high 20" and the 24". GeForce 8800 option for the 24".

    The iMacs are currently spec-ed higher than the MB/MBP with the exception the GeForce 9600. The industrial design isn't going change, so lets hope Apple goes quad-core with Nvidia GeForce 9600 GPU all around with a 9800 as an option.
  • Reply 95 of 183
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    You should really make that your sig.

    ...That way, instead of people thinking that you have your head up Jobs' a** because of fanboyism, they'll know that you have your head up Jobs' a** because of profit.

    LOLs to those that think I'm raking in the cash. It's a matter of survival. Ask any Apple reseller, or even anyone working at an Apple Store. They probably ain't doing it *for the big bucks*. Most of us in the Apple sales biz could probably make twice as much doing MCSE or I don't know, corporate Dell accounts or somethin'...

    When you have to explain for the 1000th time what the hell OS X is and why you can't play Crysis on the Mac Mini, you sure as hell ain't doing it for the juicy profits (if any)...

    I'm definitely got my head up Job's a**, but I'm searching for pennies here.
  • Reply 96 of 183
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Glad to have made someone laugh... it's sure hard to from my side looking at the F-ugly in AI right now. Makes me actually take back my comments about glossy screens on another thread here, and ruin my Eizo with some spray gloss. My ugly mug is better than staring at this stuff and wondering what to do!!!! GAWD I could just friggin' scream

    OKay...did that and freaked my cat... I feel better now 'cause I can do something else, like coax him outa the tree for the next hour

    PS: so what ya do now? HELP!

    An art director at an interactive design studio thingy in San Francisco told me several years back, about some agencies that are "like prostitutes". It opened my eyes... I was like, you mean you could actually *choose* what projects to take on?

    Similarly in recent times, my manager talked about purposely quoting higher for certain business, so that you'd "turn it away" without blatantly telling the client you're too good for them.

    As for your current predicament, I don't know what to say, except, sometimes, people just want to see what they want to see. It's not *your* ugly creation, it's somebody else's desires. You could always try educating them on design principles, but if you're staring at cheesball gradients then that could be a very long process.

    Here's an idea, try to convince them that everything will look 10x better if it was all purely in Silver coloured tones...

    Good luck...
  • Reply 97 of 183
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by FlashmanBurgess View Post

    I know you don't want to get into a pissing match with me, I know that much. The idea that you've forgotten more than I've ever known about design software makes me giggle. Bring it on old man.

    You appear to be quite pleased with yourself. I know you might want to consider improving your reading comprehension and retention skills because you're giggling at something I didn't write. But OK, that too, I probably have forgotten more about design software than you've ever known. Probably because a good part of what I learned way back when is irrelevant today and needed to be purged to make room for more, but it got me from there to here.

    Your cocky arrogance makes me giggle. One day, you'll learn that you never know as much as you think you do. That will be the day you know something important. It appears that day is a long way off for you, whipper snapper. Now take your ball and get off my lawn before I call your mother (shakes fist while standing in front yard wearing boxer shorts, brown shoes and knee high black socks).
  • Reply 98 of 183
    Might Apple "Brick"-ify the Mac Pro? Imagine a pro-level Mac but made out of Aluminium Unibody

    Then Apple should just frickin' license out the current Mac Pro design to PC manufacturers.

    As some posters pointed out in different threads, PCs, especially higher-end ones, don't come anywhere close in terms of their case designs. We're talking really ugly, cheap-looking stuff.

    I took an old PowerMac G5 case, got slicing through it here and there, and fit PC components in. Despite some not-so-aesthetic cut marks and so on (I am no Dremel king), it still looks better than most PC builds on the market.

    I think you're correct, the Mac Pro case as it stands is seriously over-engineered. Take an old case, and even at the cheese-grater holes, try to cut through it with whatever tool you fancy. You'd be surprised at how bloody tough it is.

    The PowerMac G5/Mac Pro is a benchmark in desktop computing.

    What will a Mac Pro Unibody design look like? Now *that* will be an interesting area of future speculation, perhaps.

    Originally Posted by rpsx View Post

    i 100% totally agree with all you said, and what to reiterate especially the points above. just throwing in my support, AND frustration. i dream of a macpro half-tower. give me 1 superdrive, 2 drive bays, 4 slots for ram and 2 card slots. i am considering a macpro - but, really, other then adding whatever totals 8gigs of ram, the rest of it will remain empty. huge waste of space (and my money). i will not buy a new mac pro until there is such a machine. until that time, ebay here i come.

    Originally Posted by Leppo View Post

    Nah, I don't want an x-mac, I want a true tower, but the original G5 dualie case needed a lot of extra space for the extra fans and whatnot, along with the cooling system. You didn't say if you said one, but I did, and trust me, it was quite a huge deal at the time. I'm not saying you could fit the Grand Canyon inside the thing now, I'm just saying that the original design was specific to a specific need that is no longer the hurdle it was. Of course I don't want a louder and hotter machine, I thought it went without saying. I'm just saying it's been a while, and I'm sure there is some dead space and optimization that could be done on the design which was created for years-old obsolete hardware.

  • Reply 99 of 183
    Originally Posted by Leppo View Post

    I know you weren't asking me, but I think the G5 Mac Pro case is just way too big.

    You got that right! You could add a herd of turtles and still have room for a game of touch football. I have always thought Apple's floor-standing computers were larger than they have to be. I mean... Come on! If it is technologically possible to build the tiny Mac mini, why on earth does the "pro" model have to be twenty times larger???
  • Reply 100 of 183
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    An art director at an interactive design studio thingy in San Francisco told me several years back, about some agencies that are "like prostitutes". It opened my eyes... I was like, you mean you could actually *choose* what projects to take on?

    Similarly in recent times, my manager talked about purposely quoting higher for certain business, so that you'd "turn it away" without blatantly telling the client you're too good for them.

    Maybe this is an aside, I don't understand how you got this tangent.

    But don't you have to turn away at least some work to survive? If you try to be all things to all comers just invites problems, or even try to do something that you can do but only with questionable profitably. There is an adage, you can be a jack of all trades, but will be a master of none. You end up being a charity because the money offered isn't necessarily worth the work or headache required to do it. Some customers are more problematic and time consuming than others as well, especially if they're wishy-washy, argumentative or just being unrealistic. Some people accept a deal but then later try to expand what they want you to do without paying any more, or dicker you down after the fact.

    Sorry if all that is confusing. If you haven't been on the "other" side of the equation, but it's something I've seen and heard about in different specialties and industries.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Might Apple "Brick"-ify the Mac Pro? Imagine a pro-level Mac but made out of Aluminium Unibody

    But that's even less necessary and useful than it is for the iMac. Mac Pro doesn't have any rigidity problems in the least bit. It's tougher to make the much thinner notebook cases rigid, and thus more justifiable.
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