Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 41 of 1351
    Originally Posted by mrrrrrrrrr View Post

    I am switching to Windows now! I dont intend to pay Jobs my hard-earned money! .Net I love you!

    Good riddance! Companies need to take moral stands!

  • Reply 42 of 1351
    Very poor decision Apple. This indicates a political side 100%. Also as a customer I feel disappointed. I agree with Mrrrrrrr, my hard earned money going towards something I don't not support!
  • Reply 43 of 1351
    What is the natural order of things? Seriously, I'd like to know. The problem with the "natural order" is it assumes what is natural and what is not. It is natural for organisms to reproduce, yet there are couples who choose not to have children. It is natural for mothers to breast feed yet when they do it in public, it is frowned upon. We are born naked and all other creatures on this planet stay that way through their lives yet humans don't tolerate it. It is natural for a gay man to be attracted to another man yet it is considered unnatural.

    I'm assuming you're straight. Has it always been natural for you to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex or did you have to learn it?

    And what was with Britney and Madonna's kiss? Straight men seem to be all over that!

    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    At least Britney could figure out the natural order of things....that a male and a female go together...

  • Reply 44 of 1351
    Originally Posted by canucklehead View Post

    And with that argument, if you're broke, you should just throw your beliefs aside and go rob a bank.

    I think more US companies should stand up for the human rights that is proudly claimed to be so superior by Americans.

    As a company, your 1st and most important goal is to make the shareholders happy. Whether or not I believe in Gay Marriage, which is no one's buisness, polarizing the shareholders is not a good idea for a company.

    Have your beliefs, yes, and champion them strongly and loudly. Just don't mess with my money in this time of economic uncertainty.

    FYI- I do support Gay Marriage because it means equality but Marriage is not the road that Homosexuals should take. Civil unions and writing a DAMN will like everyone else should be paths striven for.
  • Reply 45 of 1351
    Originally Posted by airspeed View Post

    A wonderful human being. He has every right to be accepted for what he chooses.

    Your argument would make perfect sense if I accepted your premise that homosexuality is a choice. Only flat-worlders other willfully ignorant religious enthusiasts think that. The science on this is as obvious as say . . . evolution? But I guess that won't persuade you now will it?
  • Reply 46 of 1351
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Always interesting to see otherwise intelligent people on this site show their intensely bigoted side ...

    However, as it's been pointed out (a bunch of times) on many blogs this morning...

    This is NOT a case of a company "supporting a political agenda."

    Apple is defending their workers and defending their civil/human rights, that's all.

    Bottom line is if it was a racial group being denied their rights instead of gays there would be no argument. You are either a bigot or you are for equal rights. There is no grey on this issue.
  • Reply 47 of 1351
    Originally Posted by hagar View Post

    Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, ... all countries where gay mariage is legal. As it should be. Why discriminate? Good for Apple to speak out!

    And why should children not be taught about gay marriage in school? If they have a friend in their class with two mothers or fathers, why should that be ignored? Education is the only way to become more tolerant and open minded!

    after reading all these comments on here I just may move to one of those countries. Which one has the best weather? I need to live somewhere sunny
  • Reply 48 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Fotek2001 View Post

    It does affect the company. It's widely accepted that about 10% of the world's population is homosexual and that includes both Apple's employees and customers. Respecting civil rights is an important consideration for any company seeking to attract good people and this therefore makes sense.

    Furthermore, gay marriage means the legal right to the financial, tax and social entitlement benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy by commiting to one other person and sticking with them. It's not just an gimmick, it's a hugely important issue to gay people and their families. Apple (and Google) are to be congratulated for looking out for the rights of their employees.

    Good points... However my money going towards something I don't support discusses me.
  • Reply 49 of 1351
    Originally Posted by 3rd Reich View Post

    Because when the kids at school find out the adopted kid has 2 gays for parents he will get his butt kicked all thru school.

    Plus what a role model to follow, if Jr. wasn't gay he or she will be by the time there done. If it's a infant it will think it's okay for 2 males to kiss each other. After that it's a short ride to being a hair stylist.

    Funny thing is Jesus was gay.
  • Reply 50 of 1351
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    FYI- I do support Gay Marriage because it means equality but Marriage is not the road that Homosexuals should take. Civil unions and writing a DAMN will like everyone else should be paths striven for.

    Didn't we do this separate but equal thing years ago? How did that turn out?
  • Reply 51 of 1351
    Originally Posted by hagar View Post

    Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, ... all countries where gay mariage is legal. As it should be. Why discriminate?

    Why do we discriminate against adults having consensual sex with children?

    Why do we discriminate against polygamy?

    Why do we discriminate against marrying a dog our a goat? (don't laugh, it's done in Hindu cultures)

    Realize that discrimination is good in certain instances. What's being debated is whether something should be discriminated against or not.

    Ask God if he discriminates. He does discriminate, because he knows what is good for us and what is not good for us. He created bounds and limits for us, and discriminates between what's in bounds and what's out of bounds in terms of behavior. He discriminates, and does it in love. Sometimes he says 'no', with love.
  • Reply 52 of 1351
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Point taken.

    Men and women were also designed to go together because we are different in personality and spirit, and compliment each other. Little boys like adventure and shooting games and swashbuckling. Little girls like dressing pretty and twirling in tutus and playing house. When we grow older and find a partner, strength melds with beauty, and the two compliment each other and become one. Our differences complete us. Children need both as parents; they miss out on one or the other when there are only 2 dads or 2 moms.

    It's been said that when a society begins to lose gender distinction, it's in its final throes. You can see it in progress in the great old U. S. of A.

    I appreciate the spirit of your reply. I am a happily married hetero so am well aware of the benefits of being with a woman. But I know gay couples who fit the description you gave to a "T".

    There's no loss of gender distinction in what's being discussed. Everyone knows who's who and who's got what (take note grammar police). Besides, who said that, anyway? What, Rome and Greece fell because of gays? Puleeze!
  • Reply 53 of 1351
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by BuzDots View Post

    Damn!!!... and on a first post too - gentlemen, start your engines!

    No no - just ignore the fool. Anyone who uses that many smilies and that many page returns to say that little is just clamoring for attention.
  • Reply 54 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    The science on this is as obvious as say . . . evolution?

    Funny you should bring up that argument. Darwinian evolution would tell us that homosexuality should have passed out of the gene pool as soon as it developed, because only creatures that were better at breeding (and staying alive long enough to do so) would pass on their genes to subsequent generations. Homosexuality shouldn't exist if Darwinian evolution is true.

    Or maybe homosexuality isn't genetic....?
  • Reply 55 of 1351
    I feel this is a tremendously bad move on Apple's part.

    First, as a public company they shouldn't contribute to something that (obviously) doesn't represent all of their investors. I liken it to a union contriubting to a political campaign or party. No matter who they support it's very likely that a large segment of the membership will fundamentally disagree with the decision.

    Second, why take a side? As a company who should be in the business of selling its products to the general population why risk alienating a large segment of that population. This is especially true given the polarizing nature of this particular issue.

    Just really a very bad decision that I hope is not duplicated in the future.


  • Reply 56 of 1351
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Funny you should bring up that argument. Darwinian evolution would tell us that homosexuality should have passed out of the gene pool as soon as it developed, because only creatures that were better at breeding (and staying alive long enough to do so) would pass on their genes to subsequent generations. Homosexuality shouldn't exist if Darwinian evolution is true.

    Or maybe homosexuality isn't genetic....?

    All I know is I am Voting for Ralph Nader and that Barack Obama is a liar, Biden is a plagiarist, McCain is batshit crazy, and Palin is brainless.


    Oh and Fuck Morality
  • Reply 57 of 1351
    macosxpmacosxp Posts: 152member
    Wow, Apple, for a while I actually thought you guys were smart. When a computer company spends their money in a controversial move, you're gonna get half of your users to be happier with you, and you're gonna get the other half of your users who were gonna buy that new Mac to think twice before supporting a company that does something they're morally opposed to.

    As for me, I think I just became a little bit less of an Apple fanboy.
  • Reply 58 of 1351
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    Funny thing is Jesus was gay.

    Not funny, nor true.
  • Reply 59 of 1351
    Originally Posted by 3rd Reich View Post

    Well I ain't shy.

    I still love my state but damn not going lie down and let 2% tell the rest of us what to do. Looks like the Nancy's can move to other more tolerant states.

    A neighbor had a his sign stolen from his house in support of the ban on the Nancy's and someone stole it, apparently freedom a speech is only for the Nancy's. I told them I would aim one of my security cameras in their direction to catch the rump ranger who stole it and we will deal with him instead of 911.

    I used to think California was a pretty tolerant state. Guess I was wrong.

    While we're getting rid of all the Nancy's and their right to marry we should get rid of the coons and their right to marry as well. After all, they are not like me... and that's just wrong.
  • Reply 60 of 1351
    Because children are highly influential and often cannot make choices based on what's best for them. This opens up the opportunity to exploit children.

    Because in many polygamous groups, the women are exploited and treated as subservients. If this were not the case, would polygamy be bad? Also, because it is against the primary religious beliefs of the USA.

    Because marrying an animal is just wrong. (Yes, this opens up the argument for debate, but at least with gay marriage, you're marrying a HUMAN BEING!)

    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Why do we discriminate against adults having consensual sex with children?

    Why do we discriminate against polygamy?

    Why do we discriminate against marrying a dog our a goat? (don't laugh, it's done in Hindu cultures)

    Realize that discrimination is good in certain instances. What's being debated is whether something should be discriminated against or not.

    Ask God if he discriminates. He does discriminate, because he knows what is good for us and what is not good for us. He created bounds and limits for us, and discriminates between what's in bounds and what's out of bounds in terms of behavior. He discriminates, and does it in love. Sometimes he says 'no', with love.

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