Apple unveils 17-inch MacBook Pro with 8-hour battery



  • Reply 41 of 236
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    My guess is that Apple will hold a special event for the Mini, Mac Pro, and iMac upgrades sometime in the next 2 to 3 months.

    That's my thought as well. Intel isn't ready yet with Xeon Nehalems so new Mac Pros aren't ready. It just makes more sense to do a dedicated Desktop Special Event for the Mac Mini, iMac, and Mac Pro than to break them up separately. This is especially true if they plan to physically redesign the Mac Mini and Mac Pro to bring them in line with the iMac/notebook unibody design to present a unified product line. They are also probably waiting for the rest of the LED Cinema Displays for the Mac Mini and Mac Pro. They may also be waiting for the 55nm shrinks of the GT200 for the Mac Pro. There's probably going to be an event late January or early February for desktops.
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  • Reply 42 of 236
    scottibscottib Posts: 381member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    If not, then which year rolled out less?

    MW-NY 2001 -- no hardware introduced or updated (with the G3 still in the iMac and the PowerMacs at 400, 450, and 500 mhz for nearly 2 years), and the audience received a lecture on the MHZ Myth.
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  • Reply 43 of 236
    The last couple of Keynotes, the audience just sat there bored with the occasional polite applause. I don't blame apple for wanting to stop doing this, it's usually anti-climactic. Just because the Mini and others weren't featured, doesn't mean they won't come out soon. Apple is disengaging.
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  • Reply 44 of 236
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    idk. Certainly several before the second steve jobs era were worse, and in recent history, off the top of my head I'd say the keynote that featured iCards, and they keynote with the flower power / blue dalmation iMacs.

    The iCards one was in 2000, and it also was the last before the release of OSX so there was a major demo of that.

    I guess if you go far back enough you can find a worse one, but this definitely seems like the worst since Jobs took over the company.
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  • Reply 45 of 236
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    The 17incher is the sweetness. Freakin beautiful. Would love to have a Blu-ray drive in the thing for the price though. Speaking of which, I wonder what kind of battery life it would get with a Blu-ray drive?

    Regardless, I too, as some have mentioned, was looking forward to any news on Snow Leopard for this MacWorld. Ah well, hopefully soon.
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  • Reply 46 of 236
    17" - what is up with Apple not supporting a build-to-order option for an internal Bluray drive that supports large backups that other vendors offer for less than $300? Do we have to wait for Final Cut Pro Studio 3 at upcoming NAB?
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  • Reply 47 of 236
    robb01robb01 Posts: 148member
    Been waiting for this
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  • Reply 48 of 236
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    The iCards one was in 2000, and it also was the last before the release of OSX so there was a major demo of that.

    I guess if you go far back enough you can find a worse one, but this definitely seems like the worst since Jobs took over the company.

    Meh. We had major software demos at this one too. iPhoto and iMovie look fantastic. I think ScottiB has the worst one nailed.
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  • Reply 49 of 236
    jbellajbella Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Oh I don't know. Maybe its the Mac mini which hasn't been updated since... I'm not even sure. It's been maybe two years?

    What about no quad core machines unless you get a Mac Pro? And no Nehalem machines?

    I'm sure that Apple will have some 'special' event in 60-90 days. But really, the wait is getting ridiculous for next generation (quad core cpus, Nehalem, cutting edge graphics chips) hardware in Macs.

    Its legendary how SJ felt frustrated by the lack of progress in PPC chips (3.0 ghz G5 anyone?) yet even now when on the Intel platform they drag their feet in updating machines to the latest and greatest.

    Who's to blame now? IBM?

    Apple has never updated their hardware as fast the the Dell's of the world. But all they have to do is slap the new chip or motherboard into one of their old cases and they are done. You'll get your quad core macs this year. Just not right NOW.

    And besides.. the Quad Core Xeons are not even available yet. So they couldn't upgrade their Mac Pros.
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  • Reply 50 of 236
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    Horrible show...

    Just a MacBook Pro?

    What happened to all these new hardware coming out???

    I hope these new softwares can run on our aging fleet of Mac's!

    Mac mini - VERY OLD

    iMac - OLD

    Mac Pro - VERY OLD

    They didn't even bring the prices down on these old products... Apple will give sales to PCs if they don't bring out new hardware ASAP! And if they do... THE WORLD WAS WATCHING TODAY AT MACWORLD EXPO! They should have done it with a BANG! I guess Steve (God Bless him) but his health has put a damper on Apple... That means without him Apple is in deep trouble... It's no wonder Phil did the show... All about software and one hardware - YAH!

    The cinema displays are even older - they need a refresh, even if they don't go LED due to high cost.
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  • Reply 51 of 236
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by jbella View Post

    Apple has never updated their hardware as fast the the Dell's of the world. .

    I know that.

    But I've seen quad core desktop machines at Office Depot for 3 months.

    Its pretty mainstream except for Macs.
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  • Reply 52 of 236
    Whelp, that was underwhelming. But I'm sure my friend who keeps buying 17" Macbooks is happy.
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  • Reply 53 of 236
    archer75archer75 Posts: 204member
    Wow a $2800 notebook with a 9600m for poor gaming at 1920x1200 resolutions. And DDR3 ram at DDR2 speeds! Along with a non removable battery.

    Color me impressed.

    No imacs, no minis, no snow leopard demo. Lame.
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  • Reply 54 of 236
    tomqtomq Posts: 5member
    Anyone else find it interesting that Apple gives the option of 8 GB of memory? It means that the NVIDIA chipset can do 8 GB just fine -- meaning that the 15" MacBook Pro ought to be able to take 8 GB too.

    *Hoping for a firmware update for his 15" MBP*
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  • Reply 55 of 236
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by archer75 View Post

    Wow a $2800 notebook with a 9600m for poor gaming at 1920x1200 resolutions. And DDR3 ram at DDR2 speeds! Along with a non removable battery.

    Color me impressed.

    Wow...because you want to game on a MacBook Pro?
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  • Reply 56 of 236
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Their are no slot loading BR drives that fit the Mac Book Pro.

    Originally Posted by applefan46 View Post

    17" - what is up with Apple not supporting a build-to-order option for an internal Bluray drive that supports large backups that other vendors offer for less than $300? Do we have to wait for Final Cut Pro Studio 3 at upcoming NAB?

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  • Reply 57 of 236
    And that'll run you a very cool $5,250 for a maxed out 17" MBP.
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  • Reply 58 of 236
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Love the updates, Apple. Keep them coming.
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  • Reply 59 of 236
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Are there real performance gains or increase in sales directly because of quad core? Or does it only allow you to brag that your computer goes up to 11.

    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I know that.

    But I've seen quad core desktop machines at Office Depot for 3 months.

    Its pretty mainstream except for Macs.

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  • Reply 60 of 236
    jdavyjdavy Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    Lame MWSF.

    Steve passed the torch to Phil to avoid the embarrassment of announcing no big deal products.

    I guess Apple indeed did not like MWSF anymore. What a horrible way to end the keynotes experience there.

    Hopefully soon a special event will bring what we are really looking for.

    Yes I agree that a special even is what we are looking for. Since I bought the 15" MPB only in November I am glad that Blu-Ray is still a bag of hurt. Would have been pissed if it showed up this time. A special event with Steve on stage will be a treat. If all goes a predicted with his treatment, perhaps we can see something in six months or so.
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