Apple introduces iWork '09,



  • Reply 21 of 57
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by nace33 View Post

    I just downloaded the trial version of '09 and extremely disappointed that the ability to print an envelope with a letter is still a missing feature. Seriously, when you right a letter you have to mail it in an envelope. I have sent Apple numerous feedbacks on this issue. Apparently they don't listen. I am the only one who thinks this is essential for business use?

    Of course- it's madatory! No envelope? No good.
  • Reply 22 of 57
    g-dogg-dog Posts: 171member
    This is glaring too.

    The title of the "Apple - Pages - Welcome Scree"

    Yup no 'n' on it.
  • Reply 23 of 57
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Besides being pretty and a quality application with more functionality, Numbers is still waiting to catch up to Quattro Pro back in the early 90s, doesn't touch applications like InDesign, Quark, Framemaker and it doesn't have the consistency and power of applications like TeXShop, LyX, Kile, and other LaTeX/XeLaTeX applications.

    I'm glad they finally got more Cocoa functionality with delegates and Services to allow cross pollination between applications, but for cryin' out loud: these applications are so far behind Quantrix, Improv, and countless other NeXTstep applications that it's clear they aren't making them heavy weight caliber applications.

    Keynote is the one standout, because Steve needs it to be his application for presentations.
  • Reply 24 of 57
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by G-Dog View Post

    This is glaring too.

    The title of the "Apple - Pages - Welcome Scree"

    Yup no 'n' on it.

    Post a screen cap. Teh Steve should see this for himself.
  • Reply 25 of 57
    g-dogg-dog Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Post a screen cap. Teh Steve should see this for himself.

    Turns out it's also a problem for the Keynote welcome screen too.

    Looks as if the title text has a specified width that is allowed btu there is too much text for it.

    Screens as you requested:
  • Reply 26 of 57
    djames42djames42 Posts: 298member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Besides being pretty and a quality application with more functionality, Numbers is still waiting to catch up to Quattro Pro back in the early 90s, doesn't touch applications like InDesign, Quark, Framemaker and it doesn't have the consistency and power of applications like TeXShop, LyX, Kile, and other LaTeX/XeLaTeX applications.

    At $79 for the suite, I don't believe these apps are trying to come anywhere close to Quark/Framemaker or InDesign. As for the LaTeX apps, I doubt many users even have X11 installed on their machines, much less the interest in creating documents formatted with tags. Back in the old SVR3 days I created many of my college reports formatted in nroff and troff. That doesn't mean I want to go back to those days

    For me, these apps do pretty much everything I need, more easily, with more elegance, and for less than I can do with MS Office and thus iWork has replaced Office on my personal machine. At work I use NeoOffice when I have to do something iWork doesn't do, but I still (greatly) prefer the interface in iWork.
  • Reply 27 of 57
    Downloading now...

    Having error bars is great, thanks Apple.

    Maybe is to allow us to share with windows users. I bet iWork already runs on WinXP since the cocoa platform has been ported probably (Safari +iTunes), but apple will not release it now.

    For me, an academic professional, iWork has replaced MSOffice. Much easier to generate reports presentations printouts you name it. It won't replace MS Office for now, but I find myself rarely using Office these days, and with error bars, hopefully very very very rarely.
  • Reply 28 of 57
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Pages is an appealing application from a designer's perspective.

    Now, if they only add bleed and crop-marks.

    ?and spot color and proper PDFX/3 support and right to left text and a proper selection tool?

    But then "Apple is listening to you, and the answer is NO! We are going to put more things on the iRack!"
  • Reply 29 of 57
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Sorry, I meant does it have 64,000 columns and a gazillion rows?

    It doesn't need them because it deals with sections of spreads. What the limits of those is, is another question.
  • Reply 30 of 57
    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post

    I never said Apple shouldn't be profitable. I said they could easily offer for free and still be profitable. You really think Apple would go out of business if they'd offer MobileMe or for free? It would be a nice move towards its customers, who are forced to buy top of the line hardware, even if they don't need it. (or go second hand, but lots of people are afraid of that)

    1. "Apple is well worth the money when you add in all the free software that comes with the Mac."

    2. "Apple has to charge for the software you used to get for free, it is a business not a charity."

    3. I you add in the high costs of owning a Mac it is expensive.

    4. Back to 1… ad infinitum…
  • Reply 31 of 57
    I'm excited. It looks like the two big huge gripes I had with iWork have both been taken care of: inability to do proper scatter plots with trendlines in Numbers; and no integrated equation editor in Pages.

    /me fantasizes briefly that it was his feedback that was responsible for these awesome changes!

    Ok, nuf of that. But seriously, this is going to make my lab reports so much easier to do.

    Good birthday present! Thank you, Steve!

  • Reply 32 of 57
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Downloading the trial now just to see one thing. Is the numbers performance better?

    If it can handle fairly large tables on my PBG4 without lagging like the current version, I'm going to be all over it.

    I think it's fairly obvious that is to make it easier for people in mixed environments to switch to iWork. In my case, I have to get comments from my advisor who uses Windows and is very averse to trying new things of ANY complication, so converting documents with equations and graphics to and from word is simply not an option (he doesn't even like if I use a different version of Word, itself!). If works decently, coupled with endnote and equation features (hopefully, they allow others to build plugins, e.g. better latexit integration) I will be switching completely to Pages.
  • Reply 33 of 57
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    lol, I always get excited when stuff I submitted bug reports about gets fixed in the next version. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

    And many happy returns to you, my friend!
  • Reply 34 of 57
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by cwingrav View Post

    My Pages experience has been that it is the best word processor out there except for:

    * lack of bibliography support

    * lack of cross-reference support

    * co-authoring with non-iWork people presents problems

    well the first is covered by Endnote.

    the third by the export functions and being about to in multiple formats.

    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post fee based?

    lets wait and see what the fee is going to be. it is possible they may decide to blend it into the same service as mobile me so no extra cost. or it could be handled as a choice of separate membership for X price or adding to your existing mobile me for a reduced add on price. perhaps with even adding a small amount of additional space to your MM account.
  • Reply 35 of 57
    Okay. Does anyone know if the animation in Keynote '09 will work through on Microsoft Powerpoint?? It is so much easier to make a presentation in keynote, but the animations do not translate to Powerpoint. Which sucks sooooo much and makes me sad. Microsoft has yet to make a Mac compatible Powerpoint that has point to point animation. So, in order to have them I have to use my fiance's PC and I HATE that PC.

    Also, I realize Apple is a company and their purpose is to make money, but would it kill them to have an Upgrade version for a little cheaper? Why are we forced to buy a full version again? If you want to use the new bibliography function in Pages (which would be fabulous) you have to upgrade to EndNote X2 (another 80 bucks or so). So, it's a total of $160. Why should I do that when I can just continue to use Word 2004 with EndNote X? However, if Keynote is now much more compatible with Powerpoint....I just might have to take the plunge and buy iWork '09.
  • Reply 36 of 57
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    Apple really needs to include iWork for free with the purchase of any new Mac like they do with iLife. I can't think of a better way to hook their users.
  • Reply 37 of 57
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    Originally Posted by Kyranay View Post

    Okay. Does anyone know if the animation in Keynote '09 will work through on Microsoft Powerpoint?? It is so much easier to make a presentation in keynote, but the animations do not translate to Powerpoint. Which sucks sooooo much and makes me sad. Microsoft has yet to make a Mac compatible Powerpoint that has point to point animation. So, in order to have them I have to use my fiance's PC and I HATE that PC.

    Also, I realize Apple is a company and their purpose is to make money, but would it kill them to have an Upgrade version for a little cheaper? Why are we forced to buy a full version again? If you want to use the new bibliography function in Pages (which would be fabulous) you have to upgrade to EndNote X2 (another 80 bucks or so). So, it's a total of $160. Why should I do that when I can just continue to use Word 2004 with EndNote X? However, if Keynote is now much more compatible with Powerpoint....I just might have to take the plunge and buy iWork '09.

    The answer to your first question is "no". It is the limitations of PowerPoint that prevent this. Micro$ucks needs to add the support - not Apple.

    And, iWork (or iLife) for $79 is a hella deal vs. $500 for a full version of Office.
  • Reply 38 of 57
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    Apple really needs to include iWork for free with the purchase of any new Mac like they do with iLife. I can't think of a better way to hook their users.

    I think they've done a good job by making it $40 with a new Mac purchase. iWork is really fantastic and this new version really shores up some of the issues that many had requested.

    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    The answer to your first question is "no". It is the limitations of PowerPoint that prevent this. Micro$ucks needs to add the support - not Apple.

    And, iWork (or iLife) for $79 is a hella deal vs. $500 for a full version of Office.

    I have no need for Office and that makes me VERY happy.
  • Reply 39 of 57
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    I am trying out the iWork demo and these are just a few things that I really like so far.

    Instead of saying Export, now they use Save As. (Edit: still has Export....Save As to a Word Document is new)

    Added Open Recent button to the bottom of the Template Chooser

    Keynote now has a menu item that lets you reduce the file size. It estimates the potential reduction before you give it a try. It works great.

    sharing the files via email now greatly reduces the size of your original. I had a Keynote file in version 08 that was 21MB as a pdf. In version 09 this came out to 9,2MB. (I had some large graphics that I could have taken time to reduce but now iWork does this for me). And with this email feature it has eliminated the need to Export (Save As) a file and then send. So no extra files cluttering up your hard drive.

    Scrolling over the templates to see all the pages or masters like in iPhoto is fantastic.

    Seems speedier than 08, even on my 6 year old 12 inch PB.

    Buying a license now.
  • Reply 40 of 57
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by djames42 View Post

    At $79 for the suite, I don't believe these apps are trying to come anywhere close to Quark/Framemaker or InDesign. As for the LaTeX apps, I doubt many users even have X11 installed on their machines, much less the interest in creating documents formatted with tags. Back in the old SVR3 days I created many of my college reports formatted in nroff and troff. That doesn't mean I want to go back to those days

    For me, these apps do pretty much everything I need, more easily, with more elegance, and for less than I can do with MS Office and thus iWork has replaced Office on my personal machine. At work I use NeoOffice when I have to do something iWork doesn't do, but I still (greatly) prefer the interface in iWork.

    You don't need X11 for LaTeX. It's hard to imagine producing any mathematical document with anything but TeX unless you are thinking of just basic equations. While I quite understand your aversion to troff ( nightmares....) you might want to have a look at LyX. It's a very good front-end to LaTeX and it's free and doesn't require X11.

    The addition of MathType 6 support to pages is good news. Hopefully they will get the baseline stuff right and support drag and drop. Nisus is wonderful for that and makes a perfect companion to MathType.

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