Apple drops anti-piracy measures from iWork '09



  • Reply 41 of 59
    The license key is like the floppy drive, obsolete. As said, people will pirate either way.......
  • Reply 42 of 59
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I think having a $79 price also helps eliminate piracy, because it is affordable.

    Yes, the price is very reasonable for a software bundle of this quality.

    Originally Posted by cow View Post

    iworks for windows?

    If you had used iWorks on a Mac, your first thought would be that on a Windows machine this would be completely out of place. So, your best bet is to buy a Mac AND iWorks. Sorry.
  • Reply 43 of 59
    Does anyone know if you actually get anything "more" on the Retail DVD than the Trial download?
  • Reply 44 of 59
    But you'll pay for it eventually....right???

    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    I pirated it 1.2 hours after it was released.

  • Reply 45 of 59
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    To those talking about pirating: get a life people. Just cut your coffee for 1-2 months and you have got the money to buy iWorks. Although I was traditionally a (La)TeX user and I love that kind of user control and programmability, I cannot overlook the fact that Keynote presentations are really astonishing and Pages very handy to quickly produce quality documents. I don't know about Numbers (never used it), but Keynote and Pages alone are sufficient for me to justify the price. We need this kind of software and I am personally willing to support Apple in keeping the quality high.
  • Reply 46 of 59
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Yes, but nobody realizes that iWork 09 carries nanites that burrow into your brain making you feel guilty for pirating software.

    Soon, Apple will control the creative forces on the planet, and all design will be unified in a singularity as the 'chosen one' prophesied.

    "Gradients and image reflection buttons for all"

  • Reply 47 of 59
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Yes, but nobody realizes that iWork 09 carries nanites that burrow into your brain making you feel guilty for pirating software.

    Soon, Apple will control the creative forces on the planet, and all design will be unified in a singularity as the 'chosen one' prophesied.

    "Gradients and image reflection buttons for all"


  • Reply 48 of 59
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I'm the only one in my family who uses a Mac - everyone else uses Windows. I always buy the Family Pack because I'm going to install it on all 3 of my Macs. Of course I can only use one computer at a time so I guess I could justify buying the single user version but it doesn't cost that much more anyway.

    I too bought the family pack of Leopard - and I have it running today on 4 systems - and even though I am only one person - I routinely use multiple computers at the same time - as I have yet to get a computer that is fast enough to keep up with everything I need to do at the same time - or I might be running updates and installs or maintenance ops on one while doing other things on another one.

    Personally I think this change is to help drive adoption to increase the potential pool of subscriptions to - since using iWork 09 is a pre-requisite. Still does not mean that Apple wants you to pirate their software - but it can be very annoying when you support many computers to have to track many serial numbers - in my case instead of searching old emails I created my own FileMaker database to track serial numbers and other codes etc needed to get software running - the main trick when i install a new hard drive is to remember the serial number for FileMaker so that I can get access to all my other serial numbers.
  • Reply 49 of 59
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by bornonbord View Post

    It was easy enough to pirate in the first place... Now it takes nothing at all. Hrm... interesting approach, Apple...

    Why? It's always been like this with OS X and iLife?

    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    ? why not preinstalling iWork with Leopard?! It'll be great if they start preinstalling iWork from Snow Leopard onwards!

    The iLife concept allready shows that people are more likely to upgrade afterwards!

    It would be nice to see a return to this. Having AppleWorks bundled with Macs (up until about 2005(?)) was really nice as it allowed users to have a painting, drawing, spreadsheet, database and wordprocessor 'in the box'. It's a real shame that new Mac users have to search out NeoOffice or pay for iWork or Office, none of which offer such breadth of features. Although I will say I ceased using AppleWorks in 1999 when Office compatibility became important to me.

    It's a real shame Apple didn't develop iWork to match AppleWorks features although I do understand a ground up re-build was needed. Interestingly though AW6.2.9 still works an Alu iMac.

    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I don't know how this could be seen as a good idea at all.

    They already give you the OS for free when you buy the computer as well as iLife which is a huge value. Other than iWork or Office, many people never need to buy software for the computer again. If iWork was free, you wouldn't have to buy anything other than the computer and people would start to think they were entitled to free everything.

    Apple's software is already outrageously inexpensive compared to it's competitors. I could see the price of the OS dropping a bit to keep it in line with their other product pricing, or all of it dropping in unison over time, but free?

    It makes more sense to pay for iWork and make the online component free than it does to do the reverse.

    It would just be great to give new Mac owners access to this basic computer functions from day one, without an additional cost or hassle of download.

    Originally Posted by whatisgoingon View Post

    customize each DVD with the serial number embedded in it? Say, most of the DVD is stamped normally, but the DVD may have a small +-R portion, that gets a serial number written to, and the installer reads that instead of having the user type it in?

    Sounds massively complete to achieve and the days of DVDs are numbered anyhow.

    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    I pirated it 1.2 hours after it was released.

    Great. Thanks to people like you the rest of us pay more. Apple Software Engineers do a great job and you can't spend the pittance that it is to buy it. You should be ashamed.

    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Yes, but nobody realizes that iWork 09 carries nanites that burrow into your brain making you feel guilty for pirating software.

    Soon, Apple will control the creative forces on the planet, and all design will be unified in a singularity as the 'chosen one' prophesied.

    "Gradients and image reflection buttons for all"


    Actually when a pirate hacks something they probably feel that their efforts to thrawt the system justifies having the product at the end. Stealing something that isn't secured is just plain cheap.
  • Reply 50 of 59
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by s.metcalf View Post

    But you'll pay for it eventually....right???

    Correct. I will find Apple lots of customers for iWorks.
  • Reply 51 of 59
    Originally Posted by TheFatWookie View Post

    So you download a trial version which will need a key to unlock later on. You decide you like it but want the CD/DVD and booklet so you by a retail version at the apple store. Do you need to re-install it? There is no way at that point to activate the trial version because there is no key in the retail package? So it is either buy a key online and not get the CD/Booklet, or buy retail and reinstall?

    Don't get me wrong, this is a great move. Lets hope it starts a loooong chain of events from all the other software makers.

    Delete the trial version, then install the retail version. Duh. Not that hard to figure out.
  • Reply 52 of 59
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    I pirated it 1.2 hours after it was released.

    So what else do you steal in life?
  • Reply 53 of 59
    cu10cu10 Posts: 294member
    Key codes will probably return once the product gets more users.

    Pirating is a no-no IMHO.
  • Reply 54 of 59
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    Correct. I will find Apple lots of customers for iWorks.

    That's your justification for being a cheapskate?
  • Reply 55 of 59
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That's your justification for being a cheapskate?

    If you'll reference a dictionary, you'll find that the correct word to use wasn't "cheapskate", but rather, "thief".
  • Reply 56 of 59
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    In other news, Intego issued a warning about the pirated iWork '09.
  • Reply 57 of 59
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    In other news, Intego issued a warning about the pirated iWork '09.

    Hope the self-confessed pirate and others of his 'classy' ilk get burned.
  • Reply 58 of 59
    (Disclaimer, the following is not necessarily my views or the views of any sane, normal person, but hey, it sure was fun to type it out....)

    Dear Microsoft,

    It was fun for a while. You would always want to try the newest game or play some music, even in our lowest of spec years. But that you've got that new Vista look, all the fun's gone out. You don't seem quite as energetic as you once were. Your icons, those which were once so colorful and perky, now seem dull, and sagging in all the wrong places. When I bring home this hot new game to try, all you want to do is run your updates then roll over into sleep mode. And don't even get me started about are when woken you just go all blue in the face when things don't go your way....

    I have a confession to make...I've been tinkering with another operating system. I guess it all started several months ago, after yet another one of your blue-face tantrums. I had to get out of the house for a while, you know, cool off. It was while walking through my favorite geek-topia, checking out the scene, that I collided with that vision, that awe-inspiring muse. I was stunned...I almost couldn't take my eyes off but finally did for fear of making a fool of myself. I raced back home trying to figure out how and what to do so I could meet that stunning vision I ran into. I was so excited when I got home I barely noticed when you rolled over and did your updates again, I was on a quest!

    I did my research thoroughly, I knew what it would take to officially meet this muse, but I didn't currently have that kind of worthiness. I discovered that I didn't necessarily have to have a mountain of resources to be considered worthy. It would take cleverness, a small amount of resources, and yes...I'm afraid it would also take a little bit of deception. At the time, I didn't care though.....I just HAD to meet this divine inspiration!

    If you had been wondering what had been going on in the guest partition in the back...yes...that was it. All I needed was a small outlay to obtain my muse's attention and a few small clever tricks to make the place comfortable. Once that was done, it was no problem at all getting nice and settled. Oh wow this was so much different from before! The menu bars, so supple and toned...the silky smoothness of the roundness and shapeliness of the corners...and that Dock! I've never seen anything like it! The icons just bounced along in that ultra-perky fashion to get your attention, which, I have to say, worked QUITE well....<ahem> But there was one thing that we couldn't do quite as well as you can. Let's just say you're....more flexible....MUCH more flexible. I still remember all those evenings spent seeing JUST how flexible you could be and pushing you to your limits and back....that was MOST enjoyable....

    However, it was apparent from the beginning though, that this setup would never really truly work out. Oh, for the most part it was great, everything ran smoothly, but there's always just one or two minor things...those little "gotchas" that come from living like this. It was obvious a new place was in order.

    So that brings me to this. My muse and I are moving to a new place. I'm told the new place is better designed than this one, with clean lines and big, open windows. Even though the interiors are a bit outdated, and there's almost no way to change them, I'm told that they will all "just work" together and that even then it's all probably still too good for the likes of me. I don't care, it will be glorious.

    Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! My muse is so generous, there's enough room for you here too! It's guaranteed to be comfortable for you and maybe you both could operate in tandem sometimes too! Wouldn't that be awesome? What do you say?


    Your User
  • Reply 59 of 59
    But seriously, back on topic.

    I find it interesting how, with just another step or two, Apple could be out-microsofting Microsoft......
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