Windows 7 vs. Snow Leopard: Microsoft's comeback plan



  • Reply 81 of 124
    Originally Posted by Phizz View Post

    Interesting article. Windows 7 does actually look quite good. Yes, it is basically "Vista fixed", but isn't that what everyone has been wanting? They are just improving what they already have and "borrowing" ideas from others. If they tried to innovate and do something brand new, I think they know from experience that they would fail miserably. For this reason, they don't get much respect from people with technical knowledge, which is why so many of us don't use Windows, but I think it is the optimal move for them to make for business reasons alone.

    It will be interesting to see how W7 vs OS X 10.6 pans out. It could actually backfire at Apple if W7 gets glowing reviews about its "new" features and good performance, while OS X 10.6 is presented as "nothing new".

    Personally, I'm not sure Apple should have publicly announced that the next version of OS X would have no new user features. They should have just called it OS X 10.6 Cougar and made "Grand Central" (and the other new elements) out to be the amazing new features that everyone needs. You know they could have.

    Jobs is notorius for saying we aren't that type of company when someone asks about the enterprise, yet this is where he and they need to go...

    Am seeing more servers than before, and will probably see more with SNOW, but a lot depends on MSFT, if MSFT intro's win 7 at one price, this could spell trouble for Apple, if they come out (MSFT) with different prices, and Apple can get the cloud working well, then we might see increase in deployment for Apple as the server side is easy to manage compared to windows xp, vista, note WIN 7 a bit easier, again, it could come down to price and whether IT will upgrade machines (APPL and OS X servers) or jusr Win 7 (software), again, Windows 7 is VERY FAST, am hoping Apple grows in enterprise.
  • Reply 82 of 124
    We agree win7 learned some mac features and it is an improved version over vista. but the auther has too much bias oppinion and the article is quite misleading. There are too many errors about windows vista and windows 7 and the author takes his own guess as reality.

    Anyway it is appleinsider here, pathetic apple fans like to hear what they would like to hear.
    • Extract LIVE service to shrink the file size of win7? Check how many MB!

    • New taskbar couldn't launch application right there? Try pin to taskbar.

    • Windows do not need to sell? Do you think windows have only the OEM version?

    • Nikon D90 is not specific configured in win7. Win7 showed its pic only because win7 supports displaying the xml file D90 delivers when connected.

    • Laughing at user account control? Then apple should be happy that in 2008 hacker conference, mac is hacked within one minute.

    • Beta is ultimate to get better review but home premium will suck later? Home premium is exactly the same in performance.

    As win7 received tons of applause recently, it's good we can hear another voice from this article, but the author should at least know exactly what he is talking about.
  • Reply 83 of 124
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Jobs is notorius for saying we aren't that type of company when someone asks about the enterprise, yet this is where he and they need to go...

    Perhaps... if there only goal is to make the most money or to sell the most computers.

    Part of what sets Apple apart is that they're out to make good products that they actually want to use. This allows them to stay in business and make a good living, but won't necessarily result in world domination. That's more of Balmer's bag.

    This concept is baffling to some Americans... Especially those who haven't dealt with other cultures much. They assume that profits are paramount and that nothing else matters at all. Keep in mind that not everyone operates that way.
  • Reply 84 of 124
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by dreamblood View Post

    We agree win7 learned some mac features and it is an improved version over vista. but the auther has too much bias oppinion and the article is quite misleading. There are too many errors about windows vista and windows 7 and the author takes his own guess as reality.

    Anyway it is appleinsider here, pathetic apple fans like to hear what they would like to hear.

    As win7 received tons of applause recently, it's good we can hear another voice from this article, but the author should at least know exactly what he is talking about.

    dude don't be a tool. If you have a beef contact Prince McLean don't go slandering all of us over his commentary.
  • Reply 85 of 124
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Jobs is notorius for saying we aren't that type of company when someone asks about the enterprise, yet this is where he and they need to go...

    Am seeing more servers than before, and will probably see more with SNOW, but a lot depends on MSFT, if MSFT intro's win 7 at one price, this could spell trouble for Apple, if they come out (MSFT) with different prices, and Apple can get the cloud working well, then we might see increase in deployment for Apple as the server side is easy to manage compared to windows xp, vista, note WIN 7 a bit easier, again, it could come down to price and whether IT will upgrade machines (APPL and OS X servers) or jusr Win 7 (software), again, Windows 7 is VERY FAST, am hoping Apple grows in enterprise.

    He knows about the Enterprise. That's all we did at NeXT. Unfortunately, he had to address the Consumer and make it solid before the Enterprise can become a true reality.
  • Reply 86 of 124
    Originally Posted by dreamblood View Post

    Anyway it is appleinsider here, pathetic apple fans like to hear what they would like to hear.
    • Laughing at user account control? Then apple should be happy that in 2008 hacker conference, mac is hacked within one minute.

    • Beta is ultimate to get better review but home premium will suck later? Home premium is exactly the same in performance.

    As win7 received tons of applause recently, it's good we can hear another voice from this article, but the author should at least know exactly what he is talking about.

    So should you:

    Windows 7 Home Basic will probably lack Media Centre, Aero and other features found in the ultimate version. Its not just about performance — features are important too.

    Whilst the a Mac was hacked a the 2008 Hacker conference , the number of real world exploits for PCs (which don't all have Vista + UAC) is extensive, whereas the Mac has yet to have anywhere like the number of serious exploits, despite a significant installed base.

    Whilst Microsoft may be toning down their ugly and inelegant UAC in 7, Apple added a series of security features to Leopard without affecting overall user experience.
  • Reply 87 of 124
    fluffyfluffy Posts: 361member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    This concept is baffling to some Americans... Especially those who haven't dealt with other cultures much. They assume that profits are paramount and that nothing else matters at all. Keep in mind that not everyone operates that way.

    Don't make the mistake of equating a company's publicly cultivated image with their corporate strategy. Apple's goal is to make money, plain and simple, and the best way for them to do so is to set themselves apart from the typical beige-box maker. They tried going the commodity route in the 90's with 1000 different Performa models ("look for us next to the washing machines, at your friendly neighborhood Sears outlet!") and it didn't work. I suspect that the only way they could have ever expected to still be in business would have been to pursue the strategy that we see today. Some may believe that it's driven by some pure notion of eschewing excess profits in order to reach computing nirvana, but a more rational conclusion is that they simply have no choice.

    Apple's history is replete with examples of excess profiteering, from the monstrous margins on early Macs and the refusal to license the MacOS (thus keeping total control for the inevitable domination to come, foiled only by Apple's failure in their decade-long look-and-feel suit) to their obvious attempt to dominate the music and mobile industries via the iPod/iTunes music store and the iPhone. Apple makes well-engineered products that people enjoy using because there's money in it. If there weren't, Apple wouldn't be doing it.

    Granted, this concept may be baffling to some non-Americans (or brainwashed college students).
  • Reply 88 of 124
    Originally Posted by Scalpel View Post

    One can install Google Desktop and use it in lieu of spotlight: it indexes your hard drive much like spotlight.

    Exactly. Tell this the lawyers from Google because this was also the case for Vista before SP1. But at the end Windows does become more "open" to other technologies because of these lawsuits.

    Originally Posted by Shunnabunich View Post

    By the logic of considering 6.1 to be the seventh Windows version:

    Windows 1 (1.0)

    Windows 2 (2.0)

    Windows 3 (3.1)

    Windows 4 (3.11, which despite being "For Workgroups", shipped on plenty of consumer systems, including my own family's first PC)

    Windows 5 (4.0/"95")

    Windows 6 (4.10/"98")

    Windows 7 (5.1/"XP")

    Windows 8 (XP SP1)

    Windows 9 (XP SP2)

    Windows 10 (XP SP3)

    Windows 11 (6.0/"Vista")

    Windows 12 (Vista SP1)

    Windows 13 (6.1/"7")

    And that's leaving out a whoooooooole bunch, including all those NTs before they got merged into the consumer line in XP.

    I don't call it the seventh version. MS does and I posted that there is a lot of confusion. You may want to here what the Windows kernel guy has to say about it:

    Wouldn't they be really stupid not to use such a positive number for their product name?

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    So left-clicking the icon brings up the thumbnail previews of that apps associated windows? Then you click on the thumbnail of the window you want?

    Thanks again.

    Yes. Or just hover over the taskbar icon and wait. When you hover over the thumnail it will bring that window to the front and fade out every other window ("Aero Peek"). Cool is that you can close a window at its thumbnail.

    You may want to take a look here:

    But they still have to improve the delays until the final product.
  • Reply 89 of 124
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    So should you:

    Windows 7 Home Basic will probably lack Media Centre, Aero and other features found in the ultimate version. Its not just about performance ? features are important too.

    Er so what, its not Microsoft's fault they have been ordered that they have to provide versions of their OS that don't include the software that could be considered to gain an advantage over competition. If Home Basic doesn't have all the features you want, then don't buy it get the version that does have what you want. In the same way if you don't want all the features the Ultimate version has, don't waste your money and get a cheaper version.

    It's like with iLife, like probably a lot of people I only use iPhoto. I have no desire to compose music of edit videos. The new iPhoto does look kinda cool with its face recognition and map thing, but Apple only offer all or nothing. You either pay a lot for one program and get a load of things you don't want, or you go without. At least with windows Microsoft offer an in-between.
  • Reply 90 of 124
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    This article would be far more readable if it wasn't heavily laced with fanboy bias and one sided reporting. Is this supposed to be a serious news site (where you report the facts, never, ever anything more), or some sort of apple evangelist advertising site?

    Make your mind up please, and if it's the latter, I will not be returning.
  • Reply 91 of 124
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    This article would be far more readable if it wasn't heavily laced with fanboy bias and one sided reporting. Is this supposed to be a serious news site (where you report the facts, never, ever anything more), or some sort of apple evangelist advertising site?

    Make your mind up please, and if it's the latter, I will not be returning.

    You did notice the name of this website right?

    So I guess this is goodbye. See ya.
  • Reply 92 of 124
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    You did notice the name of this website right?

    So I guess this is goodbye. See ya.

    So because this site covers Apple it should completely forgo any obligation to report facts, and just make stuff up to make Apple look good and Microsoft look bad?

    Is that really what you believe, or are you just being facetious?
  • Reply 93 of 124
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    So because this site covers Apple it should completely forgo any obligation to report facts, and just make stuff up to make Apple look good and Microsoft look bad?

    Is that really what you believe, or are you just being facetious?

    That's like asking "so when did you stop beating you wife?"

    The article is an honest assessment by an author who prefers apple. If that isn't what you're looking for, perhaps you're at the wrong website.
  • Reply 94 of 124
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    That's like asking "so when did you stop bearing you wife?"

    The article is an honest assessment by an author who prefers apple. If that isn't what you're looking for, perhaps you're at the wrong website.

    It's not an honest assessment, it's full of half truths and flat out lies. I'm no Microsoft fan but I prefer to be told the FACTS, and absolutely *NEVER* anything more, and I will make up my own mind. I don't need to be told what to think by a zealot who seems happy to lie to win an argument.
  • Reply 95 of 124
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    That is probably the best point so far. Many companies at some point change naming philosophy; Adobe products had plain numbers before they became CS, CS2... CorelDRAW was advancing numbers in name until version 12, but for version 13 they decided to go for X3, and follow up was X4 (they claimed people wouldn'tt like "unlucky" number 13 in product's name, and solution was smart - since X is Roman for 10, they changed naming while keeping it at the same time ).

    What is important here is if 7 improves on Vista more than skin deep... or not. MS still claims final version will be leaner and will run on weaker hardware than vista is comfortable with (presumably netbooks). At this point, Vista is OK stability and performance wise on reasonable hardware (which, from my point of view, really is perfectly reasonable for nowadays standards), so if 7 manages to further reduce minimum hardware requirements while keeping good points Vista does have today, it should do OK.

    I'm personally OK with Vista - my new incoming box will run Vista 64 - so I'm not too anxious to see 7... but for people who skipped Vista, I think 7 can repeat same success XP did have following Windows 2000.

    I have an MSI Wind currently in a quad-boot with the XP it came with, OSX Leopard 10.5.6 (yes I know, "I'm a damn dirty pirate," arrr, but at least I bought the retail DVD so I can re-do it later in a better, slightly less-ethically-questionable-but-no-less-EULA-breaking way for my tinkering pleasure, and no, I don't actually do anything with it other than playing around with it, I'm saving for my REAL macbook tyvm. So at least drop one of the pitchforks before lynching me please, I get a kick out of seeing just how much this tiny little laptop can do), Ubuntu, and Windows 7 beta.

    Even with the "eco mode" turned on which drops the processor speed to 800MHz, the beta runs snappy and responsive, with all the pretty eye-candy turned on (Flip3d, peek, aero, etc.) Even when using the dashboard/konfabulator type widgets on the screen, performance doesn't suffer. Now, granted, I did add the extra 1GB RAM to make 2GB, but the rest of the netbook is stock. Even the XP-based System Control Manager from the driver disk works great. So for now, Windows 7 and XP are getting the bulk of my "use" while the other two are getting the lion's share of my "tinkering."
  • Reply 96 of 124
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by mactoid View Post

    But this way, they can charge users yet another upgrade fee for making the software work like it should have worked the first time. Evil, despicable, and BRILLIANT!

    I may be out of line here, but isnt apple doing the same thing with Snow Leopard, fixing and optimizing leopard, and maybe tossing in a new gui?
  • Reply 97 of 124
    k242k242 Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by DGNR8 View Post

    I would say we have had more problems with poor hardware (Hardware claiming to be solid for business's then come to find out there is a design flaw or manufacturing flaw from engineers after you have deployed 10 - 20 pieces in a live environment.) than Windows over the last 18 months.

    When Vista came out we had already been beta testing (Albeit Vista Ultimate Beta) and we had a ton of problems, as have been noted around the web, but it was usable to some extent for admin personal (ONLY).

    But when we order a bulk lot of some desktops and laptops preloaded with Vista Business we were almost fired because of it.

    I feel bad for those one man IT guys in a small companies.

    You might want to pick out a new bed for your office.

    Sorry but a professional IT guy would never ever buy Vista for professional use, like you guys did. Every IT guy knows that he has to search and find the Laptops and Desktops that come with a XP restore CD, which is usually the case with Vista Business PC´s from Lenovo, HP etc.
  • Reply 98 of 124
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Personally I can't wait for Windows 7. 64-bit goodness (I want 4GB RAM to be recognised as 4GB not 3GB!!!), although I hope they work out the drivers so graphics and stuff are smooth, gaming is optimised, ATI drivers do not show artifacts, the Nvidia chipset I have works well, and I hope Linksys makes the bloody Windows 7 64-bit driver for my brand new Linksys 802.11G PCI card (They don't have a Vista 64-bit driver, only 32-bit... That's one of the reasons why I'm still on Vista 32-bit).

    Originally Posted by null0byte View Post

    I have an MSI Wind currently in a quad-boot with the XP it came with, OSX Leopard 10.5.6 (yes I know, "I'm a damn dirty pirate," arrr, but at least I bought the retail DVD so I can re-do it later in a better, slightly less-ethically-questionable-but-no-less-EULA-breaking way for my tinkering pleasure, and no, I don't actually do anything with it other than playing around with it, I'm saving for my REAL macbook tyvm. So at least drop one of the pitchforks before lynching me please, I get a kick out of seeing just how much this tiny little laptop can do), Ubuntu, and Windows 7 beta.

    Even with the "eco mode" turned on which drops the processor speed to 800MHz, the beta runs snappy and responsive, with all the pretty eye-candy turned on (Flip3d, peek, aero, etc.) Even when using the dashboard/konfabulator type widgets on the screen, performance doesn't suffer. Now, granted, I did add the extra 1GB RAM to make 2GB, but the rest of the netbook is stock. Even the XP-based System Control Manager from the driver disk works great. So for now, Windows 7 and XP are getting the bulk of my "use" while the other two are getting the lion's share of my "tinkering."

  • Reply 99 of 124
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by K242 View Post

    Sorry but a professional IT guy would never ever buy Vista for professional use, like you guys did. Every IT guy knows that he has to search and find the Laptops and Desktops that come with a XP restore CD, which is usually the case with Vista Business PC´s from Lenovo, HP etc.

    I think before SP1, Vista was really tough to deal with. So far, my experience (Gaming, Folding[Stanford], casual Web Browsing) ... on Vista SP1 shows decent performance... Though I had to get 4GB of RAM and I had to, perhaps most importantly, turn off the hard-disk-raping "Superfetch" feature.
  • Reply 100 of 124
    macfindermacfinder Posts: 32member
    Microsoft want Snow Leopard to be released first,

    and then steal a lot of features for their new Windows 7 (13) !

    Also they will have a lot of time to steal from 10.5. \
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