Apple planning connected television, Apple TV with DVR - report

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Although Apple has publicly denied interest in such markets, investment bank Piper Jaffray said Thursday it expects the company to introduce a networked television in the next two years and update its Apple TV set-top-box with DVR capabilities by year's end.

"We expect Apple to design a connected television over the next two years (launching in 2011) with DVR functionality built in," analyst Gene Munster wrote in a lengthy research report on Thursday. "These recorded shows could then sync with Macs, iPhones and iPods over a wireless network."


Such a device would further cement the Cupertino-based company's footprint in the digital living room, Munster agues, offering interactive TV, music, movie, and gaming features in an all-in-one package. By leveraging its ubiquitous iTunes ecosystem, Apple would also be capable of developing a television set that stands out from the competition, he says, as it wouldn't require a set-top-box or device attachments.

"With the use of a CableCARD for digital HD TV signal, Apple could effectively replace the home entertainment system (including a music stereo, cable box, Blu-ray/DVD player, and gaming console) with an all-in-one Apple television," Munster wrote.

He believes this approach would allow the electronics maker to command a premium among a competitive field of budget TVs, differentiating itself with software that makes setup of complicated home entertainment devices as simple as using its existing Apple TV product.

The analyst sees the company laying the foundation for these advances into the living room by year's end, with a new version of its Apple TV set-top-box that will include a coaxial line-in and supporting DVR software for recording live television.

Although Apple maintains that Apple TV is still one of its hobbies, rather than a core growth driver, Munster estimates the company will sell 6.6 million of the devices during the current calendar year, up from an estimate 2.1 million units last year.

"While 3x growth may seem aggressive, on the December 2008 quarter conference call Apple indicated that Apple TV sales were up 'almost 3x' year-over-year in the quarter," he wrote. "If we apply this growth rate throughout calendar 2009, it would indicate Apple TV units of over 6 million in calendar 2009."


As part of the rationale fueling their belief that Apple is about to embark on a broader push into the living room, Munster and his team of analysts cited the following events and revelations:

Indications From Management: The company appears to be determined to capitalize on its opportunity to bring the iTunes ecosystem to the living room. On the Q1'09 conference call, interim CEO, Tim Cook, said, "We're going to continue to invest in [the Apple TV], because we fundamentally believe there is something there for us in the future."

DVR And TV-Related Patent Filings: Patents filed in October 2006 and published in March 2008 indicate that Apple is exploring DVR functionality, which would require updated Apple TV hardware (with a TV input) and software.

LG Partnership For LCDs: Apple recently announced a five-year, $500 million agreement with LG Electronics for supply of LCD screens. While this agreement likely covers LCDs for Macs, displays, and portable devices, it could also include LG's larger LCD TV displays.

The Addressable iTunes User Base: Apple's addressable market for Apple TVs is strong and growing. As of September 2008 Apple has over 65 million iTunes users, and as of December 2008 Apple has sold over 32 million iPhones and iPod touches, which can already be used as remote controls for the Apple TV.

Apple Could Win In A New Market: Piper believes the television market is increasingly moving towards a connected TV environment where software will be the key differentiator. Despite the ~70% price declines in the overall TV market in the past three years, Apple could enter this high volume (~10m US units a year) market at a premium price point because of its ability to deliver hardware and software that work well together. Apple has indicated that it only wants to participate in categories it feels it can make a difference (and win) in, and like the smart phone market, we believe connected TVs fit the company's criteria.

It should be noted that while Piper Jaffray appears to have issued its report based on conjecture, the firm appears to have done so with much higher conviction than it has with its other speculative reports.

An illustration from Apple's recent DVR patent filing.

Munster acknowledged would-be naysayers in agreeing that the "television hardware market is a bad business," but argues that this only rings true if "you don't change the rules of the game." To this end, he believes Apple is capable of offering the best-in-class software and hardware, to which it can extend its premium pricing model.

In gauging Apple's potential market opportunity, the analyst pointed to a recent survey from the Leichtman Research Group which noted that 40 million US homes (or 35% of households) owned an HDTV as of last November, with those figures expected to double in the next four years, equating to a US addressable market of 10 million units a year.

"The argument that Apple will not enter the television market because prices have declined by ~70% in the past three years is a similar argument used to conclude Apple would not enter the cell phone market, given phones had seen similar price declines," he wrote. "The bottom line, 10 million HDTV's sold in the US a year is a real market, and if history repeats itself, Apple will find a way to compete in a commoditized market with a premium priced product."

Munster acknowledged DVR abilities could cut into sales of TV shows on the iTunes Store, but he believes any "low-margin losses" in that segment could easily be overcome through increased sales of higher-margin hardware.

This chart compiled by Piper Jaffray illustrates the crowded market competing for customers in the digital living room.

Tying in the iPhone and Games

While less likely in the near term, Munster believes Apple could eventually wrap iPhone games into its living room strategy by bring them to big screen TVs. He believes the iPhone will inevitably succeed as a gaming platform, which may compel the company to entice its developer community to write games suited for gameplay on a larger canvas.

"In fact, the iPhone or iPod touch could itself operate as a touchscreen gaming control for a game-centric Apple TV," the analyst told clients, seemingly in reference to a recent technology demonstration to this effect. "And with Apple's App Store technology, the company could sell games directly through the Apple TV or a future Apple television."

As for Apple's reluctance to enter the gaming console market thus far, Munster points to low sales volumes of those device. However, he thinks the company would be more open to exploring the market if its gaming technology was "simply a supplementary feature to a home entertainment hub."


  • Reply 1 of 86
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    More bullshit analysis.

    My own BS analysis:

    Apple won't be making any sort of television this year or for the next 1,000,000 years.

    DVR capabilities on the Apple TV; yes, in the fall.
  • Reply 2 of 86
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I still have my doubts that Apple will make a full fledged TV.

    I'd love to see what they could do but conventional wisdom seems to suggest that

    they'd simply be happy making the ancillary devices for the TV.

    Unless they're looking to merge computers and HDTV in ways that few have attempted.

    DVR capability isn't a bad idea. Buffer to the HDD and utilize an online guide and you're golden.

    CableCard - I doubt it. It's very hard to get a license for computing needs. ATI is the only one that I know of.
  • Reply 3 of 86
    Gene Munster needs to put down the crack pipe.... I'm waiting for iTunes radio and these guys are hung up on DVR and cable boxes... Why would apple allow you to record content for free that they currently sell?
  • Reply 4 of 86
    Apple TV + DVR = Dream come true

    If Apple made a serious effort to provide HDTV tuner/DVR functionality as nicely as they do for music and movie consumption, it would finally close the home theater loop for a big swath of the population and I would be among the first buyers.
  • Reply 5 of 86
    I call BS as well. Although I'd LOVE for Apple to update AppleTV with DVR functionalities, I just cannot see this happening:

    1. iTunes Store

    2. CableCard is MESSY - unlike the wireless industry (and others) Cable is not really nationwide. I'm in ATL, and I cannot get Time Warner Cable (not that I want to)

    3. What about satellite? There's no equivalent to CableCard for satellite users.

    HOWEVER, I could see a possibility in the nascent iTV technology. This is something that Microsoft has been trying to implement for their XBox 360, but due to bandwidth issues in the U.S. has yet to come to market. I could see Apple negotiating with some ISPs (maybe AT&T?) for this. iTV would be relatively clean way to bring DVR functionality to AppleTV in a very Apple-like manner. There would be no need for coax since everything is done via ethernet/wireless.
  • Reply 6 of 86
    It's sooo clear to anyone who has watched Apple these many years that there is no way they are going to miss out on trying to be the smart, connected living room hub. They have the iTunes, iPod and iPhone platform, media and service pieces nailed, and a faithful base of users, account holders + a thriving developer ecosystem.

    The WHAT I am not so sure on but two different posts I have written attempt to frame this one:

    What it Means to be a "Social" Media Center: Boxee, Apple TV and Square Connect

    Apple, TV and the Smart Connected Living Room

    Check em out if interested.

  • Reply 7 of 86
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I'm curious: Did Munster talk to any of the people who produce TV shows? Or perhaps to anyone from the networks?

    Sure, from a technological standpoint Apple could make a big iMac capable of receiving a digital TV signal. They could easily add syncing and timeshifting. But I could just see them approaching the networks with an offer to work with the vendor of one of the premier video editing (and more crucially, consumer video editing) platforms available to timeshift their material and copy it to various digital devices. He'd get about halfway through the pitch before he was tossed out on his ear.

    Digital TVs are dumb[1] because broadcasters like them that way.

    [1] They're actually fairly powerful computers because of the work involved in authenticating, decoding and decompressing the signal, but you're not supposed to know that.
  • Reply 8 of 86
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Amorph View Post

    I'm curious: Did Munster talk to any of the people who produce TV shows? Or perhaps to anyone from the networks?

    Sure, from a technological standpoint Apple could make a big iMac capable of receiving a digital TV signal. They could easily add syncing and timeshifting. But I could just see them approaching the networks with an offer to work with the vendor of one of the premier video editing (and more crucially, consumer video editing) platforms available to timeshift their material and copy it to various digital devices. He'd get about halfway through the pitch before he was tossed out on his ear.

    Digital TVs are dumb[1] because broadcasters like them that way.

    [1] They're actually fairly powerful computers because of the work involved in authenticating, decoding and decompressing the signal, but you're not supposed to know that.

    I agree. Much as we all can see the 'perfect' Apple PVR/Set Top Box/AppleTV?DVD/BlueRay/iTunes Box I think this is just wishful thinking. The industry resistance is likely to be too great. Throw in the TV and Apple will be taking on too many very powerful competitors in one fell swoop. If they can do it, and make it work well, however, Apple will have scored a MAJOR touch down.
  • Reply 9 of 86
    Here's a mockup I did a few years ago...

  • Reply 10 of 86
    I would tend to expect Apple to look in an unconventional way, such as using a TV schedule to download broadcasts over the Internet instead of cable TV.
  • Reply 11 of 86
    dr_lhadr_lha Posts: 236member
    I highly doubt Apple would jump on the CableCard bandwagon, just as its going out of fashion. Its a pain in the ass for consumers for one thing, and a huge support nightmare trying to get your jackass local cable company to set it up (I spent about 2 weeks trying to get my HD Tivo set up with Comcast, who just couldn't figure it out).

    With Tru2way coming, I might expect Apple to go for that, but most likely Steve Jobs and co see the whole concept of broadcast TV as "old", and will continue to push AppleTV as an IPTV device.

    I.e. I call bullshit on this also.
  • Reply 12 of 86
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    There is absolutely no need for DVR capabilities in the Apple TV. What we need is a better content delivery system. Why do folks subscribe to cable or satellite? Is it the hardware, or is it the content? Apple needs to get the studios to allow TV shows on a subscription basis, and live streaming of sports content (MLB.TV, etc.). We currently do not have the Ã* la carte programming we desire with cable or satellite, and Apple already has the delivery system in place. Apple could put the cable and satellite companies out of business.
  • Reply 13 of 86
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    I just hope that, since Steve doesn't have to go in to work every day, he is able to

    spend more time with his hobbies.
  • Reply 14 of 86
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    More like a Mac with integrated cable/tv support. Something like this would be perfect for bedrooms, dorm rooms, dens, etc. where space might be an issue.

    I already have a 20" iMac with EyeTV setup in my bedroom and it's an almost perfect all-in-one device. Although, I do have a VNC client on my iPhone, it lets me control the Mac from my iPhone's little screen, I would like to see EyeTV & iTunes Store integration in FrontRow though, so i could control everything with the remote from my bed.

    As far as having an all-in-one in the living room, I don't think there's to many people who'd be willing to get rid of their stereos. But to be able to combine everything else seems like it would be great.
  • Reply 15 of 86
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    "we expect"? I think this article title should replace "report" with "speculation."
  • Reply 16 of 86
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    "we expect"? I think this article title should replace "report" with "speculation."

    Well it's speculation yes, but saying Apple will make a touch screen Mac is also speculation, and I'd bet on that also happening. Yes it's speculation, but it's intelligent speculation. Only a fool would argue against Apple making a TV. I just setup a new LG TV for my sister yesterday, it only cemented my feelings further on this matter. Yes, I know there's auto-tune, but most people like their TV setup a particular way, and all these companies make the most confusing and ugly TV software imaginable.

    Apple will make a TV, it's only a matter of time. CES 2010? Very possible.
  • Reply 17 of 86
    This story needs to be retitled, "Gene Munster: Look What I Can Pull Out of My Butt".
  • Reply 18 of 86
    Two things to keep in mind:

    1.Apple makes money when you rent a movie or buy something on iTunes. It makes nothing when you record your cable broadcasts. It also makes nothing when you buy or rent DVDs.

    2. AppleTV is the only product that Apple sells for less than it costs to make. It relies on revenue from iTunes rentals to make up for this loss.

    Given those two facts, why would Apple want to augment this device to draw people AWAY from iTunes content? And why would it want to be forced into negotiations with Cable companies, considering how much flak it already gets from its dealings with AT&T?

    Just because you want it to happen doesn't make it a good business move for Apple.

    If you really want a DVR, use Elgato's EyeTV. It exports everything I record directly to the AppleTV. Works perfectly.
  • Reply 19 of 86
    "Munster acknowledged would-be naysayers in agreeing that the "television hardware market is a bad business," but argues that this only rings true if "you don't change the rules of the game.""

    Translation: We know we're in the weeds, but if we say something like this, we at least look like we're covering our asses. Pretty flowers! Pretty flowers!

    If Apple ever got into the business of making a HUB-like device that collected DIGITAL content from cablecards and satellite TV and such, and, say, called such a thing a DIGITAL HUB, do you really think they'd package all that functionality into a TV???

    "Say, mom? Dad? I think I'd like to schedule a few dozen programs. Do you mind if I interrupt your movie for 15 or 20 minutes? No? Gee thanks. Well, sure, I could use that perfectly fine digital hub Macintosh back there in the study, or better, this MacBook you bought me. Yes, it has a mouse and a keyboard and the input would be much easier for such tasks and yes I wouldn't be interrupting your movie, but no. Apple put all that in the *TV*, so we're all stuck here."

  • Reply 20 of 86
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    DVR would be great but I doubt Hollywood would allow it.

    Fix the interface- for easier search, repeat of videos, etc, etc, etc,.

    Add Mouse capabilties and Safari.

    Streamline quicktime (simplify the formats) for all of these devices - there are too many different formats that are incompatible with each other.
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