Apple updates Apple TV software to version 2.3.1



  • Reply 41 of 80
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    We've been over this so many times. It was designed as an extension of iTunes on your Mac. The only real changes that have been made are to allow you to connect to other services, like the iTS server for rentals and purchases, YouTube, Flickr etc. The device is still the same as it ever was: iTunes for your TV.

    But if iTunes on the computer is better and easier to navigate- why not just hook that up to your TV and be begone with ATV? i.e. MacMini?
  • Reply 42 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Hey Sigmund Freud- when did you become an ANAL-yst?

    He has a point. You do often fall very heavy on the negative side.

    PS: He is an analyst and therapist like Tobias Funke.

    * I use often because the other day you were quite fair minded. I have to give credit where it is due.
  • Reply 43 of 80
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Actually I meant standby since you can't actually turn it off. My standby has not been working consistently since the last update. I'm wondering -Can ATV be put it in standby from an iPhone/Touch?

    You actually leave your DVD player and every other electronic device know to man in standby 24/7?? Man, how much is your electric bill monthly??

    $243.10... but realize, most devices are never really "off", when you use a remote to power them down they go into standby. You have to pull a plug for them to truly be off. Otherwise, the "power on" button on the remote wouldn't work. I have a TV with a two power buttons, one puts it into standby (20W draw), the other BIG button actually turns it off.

    For those concerned about "standby" power consumption, a "Kill-a-Watt" measuring device, or similar product, can be quite helpful.
  • Reply 44 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    But if iTunes on the computer is better and easier to navigate- why not just hook that up to your TV and be begone with ATV? i.e. MacMini?

    For you and me, sure it's very little extra work compared to the additional gain. I have done that with a Mac Mini. I even grabbed the start up video from the AppleTV and had Front Row start up automatically.

    This, however, does not work for the AppleTV's intended audience. First of all, the price is high for a media extender. more than 2x the price of the AppleTV. Then there is the setup and logging which requires a mouse and keyboard unless you automate some steps. I use my parents as a litmus test. A Mac Mini would just not work for them. I have even decided not to install Boxee on their AppleTV. Eventually, i found that installing Perian on the AppleTV was just a simpler solution for me instead of the Mac Mini as media extender.

    You should sell your now before the price drops and/or Apple starts using Ion in the device.
  • Reply 45 of 80
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    He has a point. You do often fall very heavy on the negative side.

    PS: He is an analyst and therapist like Tobias Funke.

    * I use often because the other day you were quite fair minded. I have to give credit where it is due.

    Now that was a good one. I have to check if Arrested is available on iTunes now.
  • Reply 46 of 80
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by tshort View Post

    $243.10... but realize, most devices are never really "off", when you use a remote to power them down they go into standby. You have to pull a plug for them to truly be off. Otherwise, the "power on" button on the remote wouldn't work. I have a TV with a two power buttons, one puts it into standby (20W draw), the other BIG button actually turns it off.

    For those concerned about "standby" power consumption, a "Kill-a-Watt" measuring device, or similar product, can be quite helpful.

    Why do you think Apple omitted a button to put it in standby like every other electronic device to begin with? It surely could have been put on the back of the unit? This holding down on the 'lil white remote thing only is pure nonsense.
  • Reply 47 of 80
    mobirdmobird Posts: 758member
    My Harmony 880 remote controls my entire home theater system, when I am done listening to music or watching a movie, I am either changing to some other activity or turning off the system. The Harmony 880 is programed to put the Atv into standby.

    I use my iPhone Remote App for controlling the Atv selection process.
  • Reply 48 of 80
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Why do you think Apple omitted a button to put it in standby like every other electronic device to begin with? It surely could have been put on the back of the unit? This holding down on the 'lil white remote thing only is pure nonsense.

    You don't own an Apple TV, do you teckspud?

    Either that, or you've not yet updated your Apple TV to version 2, released almost 14 months ago.

    Your comments on the device have no validity.
  • Reply 49 of 80
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Why would anyone rent anything with only a 24 hour viewing window?

    Well haven't you ever been to releases are overnight.

    I do agree though that they should last 72 hours.
  • Reply 50 of 80
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    You actually leave your DVD player and every other electronic device know to man in standby 24/7?? Man, how much is your electric bill monthly??

    It's included
  • Reply 51 of 80
    blah64blah64 Posts: 993member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Why would anyone rent anything with only a 24 hour viewing window?

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    because its a 2-3hr movie?

    as you fail at logic, 24 hrs minus 3 hrs equals 21 hrs left over.

    Wow, you are one awesome dude. You must not work, commute, sleep, eat, wash dishes, pay bills, and you definitely don't have kids. Can I be you?

    Let's see, the most basic life-functions take maybe... work: 8 hrs (much more for *real* jobs ;-) ), commute: 1.5 hrs (both ways), sleep: 8 hrs (for many), lunch: 1hr, dinner - prep and eating: 1.5 hrs. Let's see.... that's 20 hours so far. If kids need help with homework or you just want to spend a couple hours with them, or let's be honest, you're just not going to try to watch Die Hard #12 while your young kids are awake, uh, that leaves 2 hours - just barely leaves enough time to watch a movie. IF YOU DON'T GET ANY INTERRUPTIONS! If you do, by the time the next evening rolls around, pfft, expired. This is why the 30 hour window is MUCH better than 24.

    My question to the film industry is: what the hell does it cost you to make it 30 hours instead of 24?!?! Are you afraid that someone might invite friends over the 2nd night?
  • Reply 52 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I see Teckstud's point here. The window is a bit limited in that if you have to stop, for example, half way through and then try to start it up the next night at the same time you are screwed unless you paused it and didn't do anything else with the device. I think even a 30 hour window be better as it would give you two evenings or two afternoons or whatever time of day you usually play a movie.

    However, one must wonder what percentage of people that would be iTS movie rental customers are not going to rent because it's 24 hours (and not 30 or more hours)? I don't think it's enough to make the studios want to change their model anytime soon. I predict that once digital rentals really take off, then we should see some competition with rentals lasting longer as a marketing ploy to generate more business. Others will have to follow suit in kind.

    I'm not saying it wouldn't be better with say, 3 days, to watch a movie. my point is that if you are so flighty or your life style so haphazard that you don't know if you have 2-3 hours free.. how do you manage at a movie house?

    in the event of a major (or even minor) family crisis then sod the film!

    but surely one is in charge of enough of ones life to sit down and watch for 2-3 hours.

    I turn the phones off and lock the door, and assume no-one will call to the house after 9pm, or at least that it is unlikely.

    3 days to watch, however would be an added bonus and something I would welcome, even if I personally didn't make use of it.

    what I can't understand is someone saying they would click on the RENT button today, and then would leave watching this "instant gratification" movie for 3-4 weeks.. that just sounds to me as something VERY disordered and finding any possible way to pick holes in some simple and (according to the will of the studios) apparently necessary "rules".

    Life IS full of rules, weather we agree with them or not, and I don't necessarily

    mean the man made ones either!
  • Reply 53 of 80
    Originally Posted by Blah64 View Post

    Wow, you are one awesome dude. You must not work, commute, sleep, eat, wash dishes, pay bills, and you definitely don't have kids. Can I be you?

    mm.. are you some sort of forensic psychologist?

    I think the point you are trying to make is that you DO have kids? but then, If you "want to be me" should I assume that you don't like the choice YOU made to have kids?

    OR, take a step back and look at what I ACTUALLY wrote, rather than dig so far into your perception of what I said, that you arrive at a completely erroneous veiwpoint.

    Originally Posted by Blah64 View Post

    Let's see, the most basic life-functions take maybe... work: 8 hrs (much more for *real* jobs ;-) ), commute: 1.5 hrs (both ways), sleep: 8 hrs (for many), lunch: 1hr, dinner - prep and eating: 1.5 hrs. Let's see.... that's 20 hours so far. If kids need help with homework or you just want to spend a couple hours with them, or let's be honest, you're just not going to try to watch Die Hard #12 while your young kids are awake, uh, that leaves 2 hours - just barely leaves enough time to watch a movie. IF YOU DON'T GET ANY INTERRUPTIONS! If you do, by the time the next evening rolls around, pfft, expired. This is why the 30 hour window is MUCH better than 24.

    if your time is so mismanaged, or your work life balance so off, then why rent a movie in this specific manner, with the attached rules THAT YOU ARE ALREADY AWARE OF, unless you LIKE banging your head against the wall??

    I ask again: How does anyone complaining about there ONLY being a 24hr window, EVER manage to sit for the 2-3 hrs in a movie house?

    Originally Posted by Blah64 View Post

    My question to the film industry is: what the hell does it cost you to make it 30 hours instead of 24?!?! Are you afraid that someone might invite friends over the 2nd night?

    this I agree with it SHOULD be longer (why not opt for three days, ie a whole weekend) but if we all know it ISN'T why can't we manage our time and work within what DOES currently exist

    I may not have it right, but don't you americans pride yourselves on your "free economy" ? so vote with your dollars and use a different service that allows for MORE than 24 hrs.. oh.. BTW what service IS THAT again???
  • Reply 54 of 80
    I just hope this update allows me to use my Apple TV. 90% of the time I go to use it, the thing is stuck on a black screen, or the menu with no content inside the boxes.

    Of course, my DLP lamp died while trying to update it, so I'll have to wait a few days
  • Reply 55 of 80
    Originally Posted by geeksrus View Post

    I just hope this update allows me to use my Apple TV. 90% of the time I go to use it, the thing is stuck on a black screen, or the menu with no content inside the boxes.

    Just use the service mode to restore your Apple TV.

    (Simultaneously press and hold the Menu and Down buttons until the menu appears.)
  • Reply 56 of 80
    Originally Posted by s.ballmer View Post

    Just use the service mode to restore your Apple TV.

    (Simultaneously press and hold the Menu and Down buttons until the menu appears.)

    Yeah I've done that in the past, both actually, no help.

    My harmony remote doesn't send what the Apple TV is expecting when you press Menu and Down, so I suspect that is a unique code sent when both keys are down. I should try recording it and sticking it on a special button.
  • Reply 57 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by geeksrus View Post

    Yeah I've done that in the past, both actually, no help.

    My harmony remote doesn't send what the Apple TV is expecting when you press Menu and Down, so I suspect that is a unique code sent when both keys are down. I should try recording it and sticking it on a special button.

    Doesn't Harmony have code packs that you can install that would probably have the correct signaling or do you have to setup all devices manually?

    Do you have the original AppleTV remote to restore with?
  • Reply 58 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Doesn't Harmony have code packs that you can install that would probably have the correct signaling or do you have to setup all devices manually?

    Do you have the original AppleTV remote to restore with?

    The Harmony codes for Apple TV are all a mess.

    I have an original remote, yes, and I use it to reset the damned thing every time it locks up
  • Reply 59 of 80
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by geeksrus View Post

    The Harmony codes for Apple TV are all a mess.

    I have an original remote, yes, and I use it to reset the damned thing every time it locks up

    Sounds like you need to take it back - Apple kit's reliable but not infallible.

  • Reply 60 of 80
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Where are the browse options that used to be under movies? I know I complained that effectively browsing for rentals was impossible with the current design but to remove it totally? All I have are Trailers, My Movies & Search! (or am I missing something?)

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