Apple shareholder meeting dominated by politics



  • Reply 61 of 109
    Professional Web Apps?

    Well I'm assuming she's referring to the client side and not the server-side--WOF.

    However, no one was there to ask about CAD/CAM/FEA or anything heavy lifting that Apple currently has no partner porting their flagship applications over? Pro/E, Ansys, Autodesk?

    What a bunch of crap. I couldn't stomach such wealthy morons when I worked there, but to be a shareholder and see they are even worse now that the company is highly successful truly pisses me off.
  • Reply 62 of 109
    Originally Posted by Gm7Cadd9 View Post

    more and more I find our current economic situation as it was in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

    In a downturned economy the government and looters all sought to regulate and create new laws and take from the successful who are so unjustly rich so that the playing field remain level at all costs.

    Apple Computer = Rearden Steel

    Wow, if Jobs heard you say that he’d hit you upside your head! Reardon Steel is a myth, the Mac is not!

    “Atlas Shrugged” itself was a myth, thus the name. Ayn Rand had some good observations, but they are not realistic, just like true communism and true libertarianism. Once you get more than a couple of hundred people involved, the purity of those philosophies doesn’t hold up to reality.

    “Atlas Shrugged” was such a goofy story that supposedly had such an impact on the U.S. I mean aside from creepy love story of railroad officials, and the unreality of capitalist pirate ships destroying international shipping commerce, and that only capitalists seem to be able to believe in hard work and all somehow know how to fly all kinds of experimental airplanes flawlessly, it is a good story ... Not! Get real! If a couple dozen industrial capitalists took off to live in hiding in a Colorado valley, the world would never even notice. One thousand people would take their places.

    Ayn Rand just wrote propaganda like all ideologues. She wrote a story in which one guy by himself could build a hyper efficient engine, without anyone else knowing and hide it behind a door, that itself could read you mind and intentions and if it didn’t like your intentions would self destructed the engine into powder with seemingly no external source of energy!?!?!? And that four people could mine enough copper to build a small town and that the small towns folk could arm their valley with a special “vision ray” that made the whole city invisible?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?! And then in the end the same “captains of industry” become some sort of bizarre “A Team” and break into government facilities commando style to free a friend?!?!?! And you think that resembles today’s economic situation?!?!?!?

    It was the freakin’ captains of industry that looted Enron shareholders. It was the freakin’ masters of the universe that circumvented regulations and destroyed Lehman Brothers, 44 banks so far and counting, and trillions of dollars of the nation’s wealth in under 5 months AND YOU THINK THAT GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM?!!? My family has lost more money to dishonest capitalists (as seen in their pension statements) than to any dozens of ineffective government bureaucrats and those are just the facts of dollars and sense ... And at least you can vote the government out of office. I can’t see that I can do anything to the CEO of CitiGroup or Exxon.

    If this were really a free market, why are so many CEO’s keeping their jobs right now? Why is it that if government was so overly draconian, we can elect a new president and party and begin to affect change (even if some of it isn’t the best) in a few months while the supposedly nimble free market stuck and unable to do anything because all the banks are afraid of toxic assets??

    Wow, take a reality pill, put the Ayn Rand and Objectivist propanda down, unplug the Reagan and Newt books on tape and actually listen to Ayn Rand’s own protege Alan Greenspan when he admitted in front of Congress that he was WRONG to think the free market could regulate itself.

    Ayn Rand’s philosophy started this. Atlas didn’t Shrug, he freakin’ stumbled and fell on his back end and is begging the tax payers for help. Pathetic!

    I actually liked some things about Reagan, though he gets more credit for some things than he deserves. The nation needed the mini-revolution and just as Obama said, he was more transformational than Clinton was, but the current economy is simply the logical result of Reaganomics run by a Bush. Good money for a while, but not sustainable or responsible.

  • Reply 63 of 109
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    There seems to be a fair amount of evidence we didn't?

    Just thought I'd throw that out for decision.

  • Reply 64 of 109
    gcsgcs Posts: 29member
    "NASA has been flying the equivalent of a 1970's station wagon into space for 20+ years"

    Actually the correct NASA equivalent is more like a 50's Chrysler Desoto, driven off after it was wrapped around a telephone pole, and then passed off as a new innovation in auto design.

    NASA only got to the current shuttle design after having turned down the safer USAF design with the shuttle mounted on top. And only got to that point after Project Orion was canceled for short-sighted political reasons. Orion would have given us a true space program at half the cost, and we would have had manned missions to Mars in 1965.

    Innovation is only as good as the politics of the era in which it appears.

    Apple like all other tech companies today that foster better information access are in danger of political limitations as we move closer to socialism - and yes I do know what socialism is. Ho Chi MIn 2,000,000 people murdered, Pol Pot 3,300,000 people murdered, Hitler 20,946,000 people murdered, Stalin 61,911,000 people murdered, and Mao 76,702,000 people murdered. Socialism always leads to only one end sooner or later.

    Don't worry, be happy.
  • Reply 65 of 109
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Cook presented a terse overview of the company's recent successes, noting that four years ago the company's revenues were at 8 billion, but last year multiplied four fold to reach 32 billion. Net income increased to 4.8 billion, 18 times the number from four years prior.

    I just would like the AAPL to reflect this fact. \
  • Reply 66 of 109
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Why? If socialism and communism are so good, then why has it killed so many millions of people in the last 100 years? Why do so many people risk their lives to come to this country? How come there isn't a mass exodus of United States citizens fleeing to other countries?

    Because there has never been a country that was purely socialist or communist; not by definition, anyway. Killings of millions of people are due to government corruption, not because of political structure.

    Just like the killings of innocent people in Iraq that have been going on for the past several years - all due to government corruption.

    By the way, people risk their lives to come to other countries too. The difference is other countries don't treat them like cr*p after they arrive like they do in the USA. Well, some don't anyway.

    The world isn't black and white. There are no purely democratic, socialist, or communist countries. It isn't the good and true USA vs. the big bad rest of the world.


    Back to the story, I'm glad Shelton stood up and kept the company on track TO BUILD COMPUTERS AND GADGETS.

  • Reply 67 of 109
    AppleInsider thread on Apple shareholder meeting dominated by politics
  • Reply 68 of 109
    Can anyone tell me if Americans really know how the vast majority of Europeans regard US right-wing politics, and the persistence of devout Christianity in the US?
  • Reply 69 of 109
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    Originally Posted by GCS View Post

    Apple like all other tech companies today that foster better information access are in danger of political limitations as we move closer to socialism - and yes I do know what socialism is. Ho Chi MIn 2,000,000 people murdered, Pol Pot 3,300,000 people murdered, Hitler 20,946,000 people murdered, Stalin 61,911,000 people murdered, and Mao 76,702,000 people murdered. Socialism always leads to only one end sooner or later.

    So you're suggesting that Sweden is going to elect a mass-murdering despot as leader soon? Should I start stock-piling cheap furniture now?
  • Reply 70 of 109
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If you have a valid point to make, it is lost by making hyperbolic statements like the one above without having a single relevant and real example to back up your claims.

    Is there a cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    One example of government efficiency should serve as enough because you can't stand there and tell me there is not waste, fraud and abuse by the government no matter which party is in control and you can't tell me that any division of the government's arm be it NASA or the CIA, DEA, EEOC, EPA, FAA, FBI, FCC, FDA, FDIC, FEC, FTC, ICC, INS, IRS, NIH, NLRB, SEC, USIA, USPS or any other alphabetic agency does not also have the tendency to display waste, fraud and abuse?

    Heck we just had this government open a Visitors Center so our esteemed politician, Harry Reid, democrat from Nevada, doesn't have to smell we the people, and this projetct was two years delayed and several hundred million dollars over budget. But hey, that's okay, politicians know where to get more money!

    I'm not saying government and it's associated agencies is the root of all evil. Just most of it!

    The best way to control government is two fold. First, if term limits are good enough for the president, they should be good enough for Congress and the Senate and there should a rule that you can't hop from Congress to Senate or Vise-Versa to extend the stay of your worthless hide. The longer one stays, it is far too easy for corruption, so we need to get these idiots out of Washington - period! The second way, budget constraint! Notice how the government works out a budget and then demands the money?! Imagine if you are a parent and the kid dictates what their allowance is and when they need an increase in pay! No, again, We the People, should have the authority to tell our representatives that this is the amount you are going to obtain for your budget this year and not a penny more until next year (outside of extreme emergencies, war, natural disasters, etc.). That way, the money will be better spent, government will look for the best bang for their buck and better auditing of the money trail. Yes, put government on a peoples defined budget and not a government defined budget that the people are then raked over the coals to pay for, that will reign in those big wasteful spenders in Washington!
  • Reply 71 of 109
    Originally Posted by cbw87 View Post

    Can anyone tell me if Americans really know how the vast majority of Europeans regard US right-wing politics, and the persistence of devout Christianity in the US?

    Should we Americans care how the vast majority of Europeans regard US right-wing politics?

    So tell me, if you have another little Kosovo scrap or if Russian tanks roll into your country as they did Georgia, you'll have no need to ask anything from America, especially if at such time, America had a "right-wing" (usually hawkish) administration in power? Right! Spend your billions of dollars on your own damned defense! I say America should pull out of all European bases and let the Europeans do some heavy lifting for a change. Imagine all those budgets for their Social Programs if they were halved because of the need to pay for the increases in cost to their own countries defense!

    "...devout Christianity in the US" Obviously you didn't research enough of our left wing politics or didn't watch the Academy Awards to know the fallacy of that part of your statement.
  • Reply 72 of 109
    Originally Posted by cbw87 View Post

    Can anyone tell me if Americans really know how the vast majority of Europeans regard US right-wing politics, and the persistence of devout Christianity in the US?

    Unfortunately this country is very divided by politics. Many Americans, especially in the midwest "Bible Belt", strongly believe in Religion. Many of those strongly believe in creationism/Intelligent Design. Having lived in NYC, London, Barcelona, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Denver and Boston, from my personal experiences the coastal cities tend to have a more diverse international culture and as such tend to be more moderate/left leaning. America is a very diverse country, unfortunately it's a divided diversity as homogeneous suburbia tends to isolate people based on many variables. Los Angeles has been an example used by many modern urban theorists in describing post modern America, while the 19th Century New York City has been the ideal to which compare modern day America. The LA riots and its aftermath have been a much discussed issue with American socio-politics.

    The main issue is that America is a very young nation comparatively, with many different cultures being influenced by religion, politics, drastic changes in technology and communication. The Republican party used to be a very respected force, unfortunately sometime in the mid-20th century, the religious right (and many corporations) became highly influential with the republican party, resulting in what it has become today. As a moderate (I vote based on the candidate, not the party) I find it troubling that the present Republican party seems determined in making social policy law. The founding fathers established America to flee religious persecution and to establish a nation in which all men are created equal, yet the Republican party seems more concerned with taking the rights away from Americans and intent on placing the church in the white house. I wish more Americans would travel and experience the world, they may not take everything they are told for face value and would learn that the "evils" that certain politicians and parties preach about aren't exactly evil. The notion that their own government can't be guilty of the same "evils" it claims to fight is ignorant and dangerous. I'm not stating that the government is an evil, corrupt entity, I am stating that it would be foolish to blithely accept everything given to us without questioning its authenticity. Further, the two party system seems to have created more strife than solutions for a better government, as people seem more apt in fighting with blanket terms such as "liberal" or "conservative" instead of calmly discussing the issue and coming to some sort of understanding. In the end, we all lose.
  • Reply 73 of 109
    Some people need to hide in their unibomber shack in the sticks with their guns.
  • Reply 74 of 109
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Should we Americans care how the vast majority of Europeans regard US right-wing politics?

    So tell me, if you have another little Kosovo scrap or if Russian tanks roll into your country as they did Georgia, you'll have no need to ask anything from America, especially if at such time, America had a "right-wing" (usually hawkish) administration in power? Right! Spend your billions of dollars on your own damned defense! I say America should pull out of all European bases and let the Europeans do some heavy lifting for a change. Imagine all those budgets for their Social Programs if they were halved because of the need to pay for the increases in cost to their own countries defense!

    "...devout Christianity in the US" Obviously you didn't research enough of our left wing politics or didn't watch the Academy Awards to know the fallacy of that part of your statement.

    Why are you so angry? Certainly you can not ignore the 8 years of what the Republicans have done (6 of those with a Republican congress) and find fault with the current administration that has not even been in office long enough to make a difference. Compared to the corruption of two past terms, I believe we're doing the best we can given the extreme circumstances.
  • Reply 75 of 109
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    So tell me, if you have another little Kosovo scrap or if Russian tanks roll into your country as they did Georgia, you'll have no need to ask anything from America, especially if at such time, America had a "right-wing" (usually hawkish) administration in power?

    Georgia attacked first, at the request of the US, and with our weapons.
  • Reply 76 of 109
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Again, you are first on the thread, your comment is exclusively negative, and ties together completely disparate weirdness for no apparent purpose and with no apparent meaning.

    Personally, it sounded kind of fun to me and Cook sounded exactly like he always does which is pretty close to exactly how Steve Jobs sounds. I had heard it was a dull meeting but this article makes it sound better than that.

    Nice to hear that Steve Jobs is not at deaths door as Enderle reported just the other day and that people regularly comment about on this forum. Take that, all you losers that regularly drop hints that you "know" that Steve Jobs isn't coming back to Apple.

    Do me a favor and don't read my comments- problem solved.

    I'm not the only person that has said the meeting was dull without SJ. Schiller was the only one that read somewhat exciting IMHO.

    You really have a major problem- name calling from you is consistent on here. And if all you care to do is pick at all my posts- go ahead but you are wasting space here and your own energy.

    Get over it -analyze yourself.
  • Reply 77 of 109
    Originally Posted by CJD2112 View Post

    Obama has made a mission statement out of reaching to both sides, and the far right have slapped his hand back to him

    You are right that Obama has said many times that he wants to reach out to both sides, however his actions don't always live up to his words.

    "But let no one be mistaken that this bill is the result of bipartisan negotiations. While Republicans were courteously consulted at the member and staff level, we were never at the negotiating table,"

    Sounds like he invited them just to appear to be bipartisan.

    If he treated me this way I probably would have just slapped his hand back to.
  • Reply 78 of 109
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    You are right that Obama has said many times that he wants to reach out to both sides, however his actions don't always live up to his words.

    "But let no one be mistaken that this bill is the result of bipartisan negotiations. While Republicans were courteously consulted at the member and staff level, we were never at the negotiating table,"

    Sounds like he invited them just to appear to be bipartisan.

    If he treated me this way I probably would have just slapped his hand back to.

    What about Dredd, the Republican who Obama tapped to be on his administration and then declined last minute? Or the numerous other Republican on his staff?

    Unfortunately Obama had little to do with the last bailout as it was written mostly by the Democratic congress, headed by Pelosi and Reid (and I can not stand Pelosi). Compared to the last few Presidents, Obama has made a point in extending an olive branch to the other side. Unfortunately the other side slapped it back.
  • Reply 79 of 109
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    You are right that Obama has said many times that he wants to reach out to both sides, however his actions don't always live up to his words.

    "But let no one be mistaken that this bill is the result of bipartisan negotiations. While Republicans were courteously consulted at the member and staff level, we were never at the negotiating table,"

    Sounds like he invited them just to appear to be bipartisan.

    If he treated me this way I probably would have just slapped his hand back to.

    I feel he do the right thing. They needed to work fast. Time was too important to lose. To bring a full bipartisan negotiation would have led to locked horns, stagnant and stressful debates, this not helping the public at large (Though we still don't know if these stimulus bills will help). The Obama party was respectful by including their desires and wishes, the way a parme may ask her child what he thinks, but in the end they make the final decision. Fair? No! Necessary? IMO, yes.
  • Reply 80 of 109
    Originally Posted by CJD2112 View Post

    Why are you so angry? Certainly you can not ignore the 8 years of what the Republicans have done (6 of those with a Republican congress) and find fault with the current administration that has not even been in office long enough to make a difference. Compared to the corruption of two past terms, I believe we're doing the best we can given the extreme circumstances.

    Are you sure about that? And do you really mean corruption or rather 'speculated corruption'? You need to do your homework on BOTH sides, here's something that will scratch the surface:

    Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

    I don't think that the bush admin was that great, but seriously, when things go sour during 1 or 2 terms, do you really think the problems root ONLY occur within those terms, or did you want to learn a term called foreshadowing, reference the clinton era and investigate what he did with the sub prime loans for housing. There are some obvious faults to the bush admin, but to even blame the ticking timebombs, prior to his terms, that went off... you're going to blame him?
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