Apple iPhone controls over 66% of all mobile web use



  • Reply 21 of 58
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Clearly, from the charts results Apple is failing to capitalize on Java ME and Flash.
  • Reply 22 of 58
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Cheap phones are held by the youngest people. They just can't carry iPhone, it is too large for their hands. You can't expect them to love your site steadily.

    While the data fees may be too much for many young people, most are already paying for a cellphone and have PMPs, so I wonder how many will see the value of combining their cellphone and iPod into one device while also getting a good mobile web browser and oodles of other apps.

    Even if the data fees aren't a good enough value there is still the iPod Touch which easily can replace an iPod Nano for iPod users while still offering a lot more functionality for a little more cost. I would imagine that WiFI is quite common on many college and university campuses, though perhaps not in high or secondary schools.
  • Reply 23 of 58
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    While the data fees may be too much for many young people, most are already paying for a cellphone and have PMPs, so I wonder how many will see the value of combining their cellphone and iPod into one device while also getting a good mobile web browser and oodles of other apps.

    Having heard what they say about gadgets, I guarantee you, the lack of the file exchange alone is enough to shoo 'em all away from iPhone. It is not impossible though I wouldn't be able anymore to understand what they mean...
  • Reply 24 of 58
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Even if the data fees aren't a good enough value there is still the iPod Touch which easily can replace an iPod Nano for iPod users while still offering a lot more functionality for a little more cost. I would imagine that WiFI is quite common on many college and university campuses, though perhaps not in high or secondary schools.

    Still seems to be too weighty.
  • Reply 25 of 58
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    What I'd like to know is how many people would be using it if you weren't forced into taking data with an iPhone. The results are hardly a shocker when many millions are coerced into taking a data plan.

    Why would anyone want to buy an iPhone without a data plan? It would make a large portion of the phone's features useless! You can't depend on WiFi for internet as its not around every corner like some think it is. Not everyone lives in a large city where that may be true.
  • Reply 26 of 58
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Why would anyone want to buy an iPhone without a data plan? It would make a large portion of the phone's features useless! You can't depend on WiFi for internet as its not around every corner like some think it is. Not everyone lives in a large city where that may be true.

    Because you're being unimaginative and not remembering all the features that don't require internet? Or maybe you don't realize that it's possible to live life for a few minutes at a time away from the internet?
  • Reply 27 of 58
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Because you're being unimaginative and not remembering all the features that don't require internet? Or maybe you don't realize that it's possible to live life for a few minutes at a time away from the internet?

    Or because you didn't READ my post! Or if you did, you didn't comprehend what I said. I said it would make the majority of the features useless, iTunes Store, Apps Store, Mail, Maps, etc would no longer function. Not to mention the thousands of apps that require internet access, PayPal, eBay, Facebook, AOL IM, just to name a few.

    Basically you'd be buying an iPhone just to say you have an iPhone when you'd be better off getting something else that better suits your needs. The iPhone can't be everything to everyone even though some like to think it can be and then bitch when it isn't.
  • Reply 28 of 58
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Or because you didn't READ my post! Or if you did, you didn't comprehend what I said. I said it would make the majority of the features useless, iTunes Store, Apps Store, Mail, Maps, etc would no longer function. Not to mention the thousands of apps that require internet access, PayPal, eBay, Facebook, AOL IM, just to name a few.

    Many of those are apps that don't require 24/7 internet access. On that list, maps is the only thing whose usefulness really is mostly negated. It's still a very useful device and it reduces the number of devices people are required to carry around.


    Basically you'd be buying an iPhone just to say you have an iPhone when you'd be better off getting something else that better suits your needs. The iPhone can't be everything to everyone even though some like to think it can be and then bitch when it isn't.

    It's still a highly useful device without said 24/7 internet, and I think to say otherwise, says a lack of imagination or it's treating the internet like a pacemaker.

    So far the alternative solution bandied about is "just get a cheap phone and a Touch" or "a phone and an ipod", which seems to ignore that it's still two separate devices, and many phones generally can't sync contacts and calendar with the computer. But maybe if we're consistent, maybe we should say the Touch is mostly useless because it has most of the same features except that it doesn't have that cellular data teat.
  • Reply 29 of 58
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Many of those are apps that don't require 24/7 internet access. On that list, maps is the only thing whose usefulness really is mostly negated. It's still a very useful device and it reduces the number of devices people are required to carry around.

    Bullshit they don't. You can't check email without internet, you can't access either store without internet. You can't load maps without internet, etc. You must have some kind of magical iPhone. I want one of those!!!

    Yes, you can do other things with the phone without internet and it does sometimes make it so you only have to carry around 1 device. The majority however use the internet on their phone. It a major selling point of the phone, I'd say probably the biggest selling points. So it just proves my point of why anyone would want to get an iPhone without internet is beyond me....
  • Reply 30 of 58
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Bullshit they don't. You can't check email without internet, you can't access either store without internet. You can't load maps without internet, etc. You must have some kind of magical iPhone. I want one of those!!!

    I'm saying that most of that business can be done by WiFi (which I've heard is internet too) when the user isn't wandering around between waypoints. The maps are the only thing on your list that you have to have data when on the go, most of the other use can be postponed for a few minutes.
  • Reply 31 of 58
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    IPhone is no longer a cell phone but a communications device concieved by the devil.

    OK enough with the jokeing. I have to ask what did people expect from the iPhone. In my case the whole reason to purchase the thing was to have access to my mail and to a slightly lesser extent the web. Frankly I use it for web access more than I thought I would and has been mentioned Safari becoming more stable just makes it easier to use on the web.

    The statistics are nice, don't get me wrong, but they are just that. I'd rather know how satisfied the users are with their web experience. Here is where iPhone and Touch really win.

  • Reply 32 of 58
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by iHype View Post

    Different strokes for different folks. Apple's web browser is great, but still hardly dented in the desktop market. If people loved Safari so much on the mobile why hasn't this transitioned into desktop figures yet? It's available both on Windows and Mac... weird huh?

    I think you've confused the two versions of Safari.

    The mobile version of Safari has begun to be a blip in desktop marketshare. Mobile Safari has .48% of desktop browser marketshare, roughly half the marketshare of Linux.

    Desktop Safari is available on Windows and Mac. That version of Safari has about 10% of desktop marketshare. Mobile Safari on the iPhone is only available on the iPhone and iTouch.


    Mobile Firefox and Google Chrome when they are released will make for some interesting competition. Apple is sitting pretty in a mobile market with no competitors in sight. Not so hard to dominate when you're competition hasn't arrived yet. (I speak only in browser category here, they still lack the efficiency an productivity of other smartphones)

    You make it sound as though you don't succeed because you've created a better product, but only because others have failed to be as good as you.
  • Reply 33 of 58
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    In other news... great stuff for jailbreakers:
  • Reply 34 of 58
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I'm saying that most of that business can be done by WiFi (which I've heard is internet too) when the user isn't wandering around between waypoints. The maps are the only thing on your list that you have to have data when on the go, most of the other use can be postponed for a few minutes.

    The phone would simply be a failure if users had to rely on WiFi.....
  • Reply 35 of 58
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Give it a rest mrochester.

    Virtually identical data plans are sold (coerced) with Blackberries, Windows Mobile devices and the G1.

    Since those devices do not show the same level of data use you must concede that some other factors must come into play.


    Let's try a different analogy so that hopefully you can get it!

    There are 2 TVs for sale. A Sony one that comes with 12 months 'free' Sky TV, and a Panasonic one that doesn't. Let's say 100 of each are sold. 6 months we look and see which model has the highest rate of Sky subscriptions. I doesn't take a genius to work out that the Sony will have the highest rate since you get the Sky TV 'free' with the purchase. If you apply the iPhone logic to this scenario, the conclusion would be that the Sony TV is a far better product for watching Sky TV. This is clearly an obsurd conclusion.

    The only thing that the number of web hits from an iPhone shows is.... the number of hits from iPhones. It cannot be compared in any way to products that don't have mandatory data plans. Let's say someone bought the iPhone because they like the style of the device. If data wasn't automatically included, they may not have chosen to buy a data package. However, their internet usage is included into the stats even though it is coincidental usage. As a result, there will be a significant number of people whose iPhone data usage would otherwise not exist if they had not been required to have data plan with their purchase. This in turn overly inflates data usage in favour of the iPhone, which people then draw conclusions from!
  • Reply 36 of 58
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    This is a pretty stretched conclusion.

    You attempt to absolve the consumer of the choice they've made. Consumers go into the purchase of the iPhone fully knowing what is involved. They choose the iPhone and its data plan. If they did not want the data plan they would not choose the iPhone.

    Many smartphones don't have WiFi included. This is a built in way to make a data plan mandatory as the only way to make full use of the phone.

    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post


    The only thing that the number of web hits from an iPhone shows is.... the number of hits from iPhones. It cannot be compared in any way to products that don't have mandatory data plans. Let's say someone bought the iPhone because they like the style of the device. If data wasn't automatically included, they may not have chosen to buy a data package. However, their internet usage is included into the stats even though it is coincidental usage. As a result, there will be a significant number of people whose iPhone data usage would otherwise not exist if they had not been required to have data plan with their purchase. This in turn overly inflates data usage in favour of the iPhone, which people then draw conclusions from!

  • Reply 37 of 58
    mrochestermrochester Posts: 700member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    This is a pretty stretched conclusion.

    You attempt to absolve the consumer of the choice they've made. Consumers go into the purchase of the iPhone fully knowing what is involved. They choose the iPhone and its data plan. If they did not want the data plan they would not choose the iPhone.

    Many smartphones don't have WiFi included. This is a built in way to make a data plan mandatory as the only way to make full use of the phone.

    You're saying there that every single iPhone user chooses the iPhone because of the data plan, and that's clearly nonsense! People buy them because of the cache of owning an Apple product, because the device looks sleek, because they like the interface, and for any number of other reasons. Subsequently, the data usage of these consumers is coincidental, yet it's all bundled in there with the overal statisitics.

    For nearly every other phone on the market, data plans are optional. If you want an iPhone for any reason other than the data bundle, you are going to end up with the data bundle anyway. Subsequently, comparing that to devices where data is optional, is completely flawed.
  • Reply 38 of 58
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    Let's try a different analogy so that hopefully you can get it!

    There are 2 TVs for sale. A Sony one that comes with 12 months 'free' Sky TV, and a Panasonic one that doesn't. Let's say 100 of each are sold. 6 months we look and see which model has the highest rate of Sky subscriptions. I doesn't take a genius to work out that the Sony will have the highest rate since you get the Sky TV 'free' with the purchase. If you apply the iPhone logic to this scenario, the conclusion would be that the Sony TV is a far better product for watching Sky TV. This is clearly an obsurd conclusion.

    The only thing that the number of web hits from an iPhone shows is.... the number of hits from iPhones. It cannot be compared in any way to products that don't have mandatory data plans. Let's say someone bought the iPhone because they like the style of the device. If data wasn't automatically included, they may not have chosen to buy a data package. However, their internet usage is included into the stats even though it is coincidental usage. As a result, there will be a significant number of people whose iPhone data usage would otherwise not exist if they had not been required to have data plan with their purchase. This in turn overly inflates data usage in favour of the iPhone, which people then draw conclusions from!

    So someone who wants Sky would prefer the Sony just like someone who wants to use the web would prefer the iPhone.

    P.S. What's a waypoint, we don't have them here, all we have are people who don't secure their wireless networks.
  • Reply 39 of 58
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    You're saying there that every single iPhone user chooses the iPhone because of the data plan, and that's clearly nonsense!

    That's clearly not what I was saying. I said everyone who chooses the iPhone knows it comes with a data plan. If users did not want the required data plan, they would choose a phone that did not require a data plan.


    For nearly every other phone on the market, data plans are optional. If you want an iPhone for any reason other than the data bundle, you are going to end up with the data bundle anyway. Subsequently, comparing that to devices where data is optional, is completely flawed.

    There are other factors involved that you ignore for the convenience of your argument. As I stated before many smartphones don't have WiFi, data is the only way to access the internet. What would be the purpose of buying a smartphone if it cannot access to net at all. You also include no statistics of the number of people who opt out of data plans. Smartphone data use is growing.

    Your conclusion is too simple to account for the fact that the iPhone holds over 66% of the mobile data share but only roughly 13% of the over all smartphone market.
  • Reply 40 of 58
    mrochestermrochester Posts: 700member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    That's clearly not what I was saying. I said everyone who chooses the iPhone knows it comes with a data plan. If users did not want the required data plan, they would choose a phone that did not require a data plan.

    There are other factors involved that you ignore for the convenience of your argument. As I stated before many smartphones don't have WiFi, data is the only way to access the internet. What would be the purpose of buying a smartphone if it cannot access to net at all. You also include no statistics of the number of people who opt out of data plans. Smartphone data use is growing.

    Your conclusion is too simple to account for the fact that the iPhone holds over 66% of the mobile data share but only roughly 13% of the over all smartphone market.

    And for the people who want an iPhone, but not a data plan...? Again, you're suggesting that *everyone* who wants or has an iPhone also wants the data plan.

    And you're argument about what the point would be of buying a smartphone without a data plan is just ridiculous and you know it. There are far far more people in this world who own smartphones without data plans than own smartphones with data plans. A smartphone still operates perfectly as a phone without a data plan.


    So someone who wants Sky would prefer the Sony just like someone who wants to use the web would prefer the iPhone.

    But what if you bought the Sony TV because you preferred the style and appearane of it, or because you thought Sony to be a reknowned brand and actually had no interest in the 'free' Sky part of it? You'd count towards the statistics that showed that the Sony TV was the best for viewing Sky, but that wasn't actually your primary motive for buying the product. In that sense, your inclusion into the statistics just warps the results.

    This notion that Apple has such-and-such share of mobile data is just like them saying 'OSX steals 100% of Apple computers OS share!!!', to which my response would be, well durrr, because you get OSX 'free' with your Apple computer purchase just the same as you get your 'free' data with iPhone purchase!
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