Microsoft to attack Mac pricing in new series of TV ads



  • Reply 261 of 330
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That was a good one. Made my friday. If you need support on windows and linux then Picasa or some other too is your friend but if we're talking about strictly a Mac environment iPhoto stomps on Picasa in most areas save for speed and those who are finicky about managing their file hierarchy. I would not recommend Mac users utilize Picasa over iPhoto 09 unless they had specific needs (like storing/retrieving photos from a NAS or cross platform issues)

    iPhoto is far easier to manage with Events, Google Earth is ironically much better supported, Geo tagging is a piece of cake and tagging is easier than ever. Picasa used to look good 4 years ago...times moved on. Google needs to do something.

    Have you actually used iPhoto 08 on an older C2D Mini though? Serious question, I don't give a tuss about iPhoto on an iMac or iPhoto 09, as I don't have either of those.

    iPhoto 08 doesn't support geotagging, but if I spend another $80 for a program I don't like, I get that, although the Windows version of Picasa does geotagging to Google Earth for free.

    Events? So? I just create a folder when importing photos into Picasa, geotag them, add some captions, tweak them, and then upload them to Picasa online. Boom, done.
  • Reply 262 of 330
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Exactly. People are starting to have their whole life in their computers. Family pictures, movies, music, financial data.. etc. Personally, I wouldn't trust a $600 computer with my files. I already lost enough data from my older Windows PCs due to HDD failures caused by Windows hibernation and other cheap HW issues. At least with Mac and TC I don't have to worry about backup anymore.

    As someone who experienced a house fire last year I strongly suggest you add something such as Backblaze (online backup) to your data protection plan. For $50 a year I think it's pretty cheap. Personally I use a Drobo at home, but also keep a portable hard drive offsite to ensure the most important stuff is backed up. A little overboard? Maybe, but if I loose the first pictures of my son after being born, I would never forgive myself.

  • Reply 263 of 330


    MDI is not a file type. It stands for Multi-document Interface.

    Sorry, I thought you were refering to the Microsoft Document Imaging format. (.mdi)


    Normal. Nobody asks her to use UI at the speed of typist or coder. She got plenty of time to think of how to make what she loves.

    True, but she is a writer, and hence, a typist.


    She's not alone in love with Mac. I do love Mac. But I love it rationally. Unlike you.

    Hey I'm all about rational. I don't use Windows, remember?


    Oops! Interesting enough, why do Mac addicts talk so much about BootCamp, MS Office for Mac OS, Linux applications under Mac OS? Please get over it. No MS Office on my Macs, no linux crap, never used BootCamp in my life. I know what to love Mac for. Pure love.

    Because Boot Camp gives the user the "choices" the Windows people say we don't have.

  • Reply 264 of 330
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    This us where most fans are wring and I love apple but long gone are the days of "target premium". Today Apple is a target consumer company that cares more about apple iPhones, iPods and itunes. Computers are the furthest thing from their mind and one to one is no longer fir motion, shake or fcp butcinsuners wanting to learn email.

    Againtgere is no premium market and apple us missing the boat fir those that kept them afloat. No mid range either.

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Now run OS X on that $699 laptop.

    With a Mac you also get

    No antivirus/anti-malware/anti software required

    No maintenance required

    No slowdowns over time

    More stability

    Best-in-class software, most of it right out of the box

    Best-in-class design, both of the hardware and the OS

    Far better resale value

    Apple is, as usual, targeting the PREMIUM END OF THE MARKET.

    They've already admitted that they do not and will not, cater to the $400 Dell segment. If your main goal is to save a buck and get whatever is on sale that day, YOU NEED NOT APPLY. MS has you pegged very nicely. In fact, MS has called you a loser.

    It is beyond fallacious to compare raw specs between generic PC boxes and Macs without considering the software (and the OS) they run and how that leverages hardware. With Macs, it's a completely different user experience. Like night and day. A recession doesn't change that. A Mac doesn't become a lesser machine simply because you can no longer afford one.

    People who weren't pissed at Apple's prices pre-recession are suddenly up in arms over them. Apparently there's some unwritten rule out there that if you don't lower your prices during a recession, it's somehow an insult to everyone. The reality is, is that the consumers that might have been part of one market have shifted down to another. Tough shit.

  • Reply 265 of 330
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by zanshin View Post


    Edit: just watched the ad with "Lauren" shopping for the sub-$1000 17" laptop. I love the part where she says, "I'm just not cool enough to be a Mac person."


    I have worked in Marketing and Promotions, all the way to the director level, then became a music supervisor and composer.

    Most websites are saying that Microsoft has a hit with the new campaign. I always thought all of their marketing was terrible given the deep pockets that they have, then again, they own the world, so who needs to market?

    Anyway, can someone please explain how the "I'm not cool enough" works? Are they insane? What am I missing? How does this make MSFT seem good? I am just NOT getting it. The PR/MARKETING FIRM needs to be fired. Take that away and maybe it works. Perhaps with other spots it will be okay, but to say, NOT COOL is, well, not cool if you are a PC user.

    Thoughts on how, why this is good according to most TECH and NEWS websites??????????????????

  • Reply 266 of 330
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    The same type of people who bought the Macbook Air the day it came out....those with too much money to care.

    Actually the air never sold as well as they hoped. I wonder why? Why can't we have a dedicated GPU and 10 hours and weigh one pound. I know I know. Maybe in a few years but where is the powermac ala macbook pro 13??

    Still, the air is over




    Refurb price a little, not a lot, closer.
  • Reply 267 of 330
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    So when I see some obsessing about the "little" stuff like eSATA ports or card readers it strikes me as odd because the real crux of efficiency is the OS and Vista and it's replacement Windows 7 cannot match Apple I don't give a damn what anyone says.

    Mac users pay a premium to compute on OS X ...Windows is there by default and for years companies and users alike were downgrading Vista boxes to XP. That speaks volumes as to how they value Microsoft's OS.[/QUOTE]

    Actually you are dead wrong about windows 7. As a 99.9% mac user now except in audio production where it's split. Vista failed big time and was never accepted by corporate IT however windows 7 blazes on old hardware has hardly any issues for software that's beta, IT are dying to upgrade from XP, and win7 has a ways to go. If you look at win 7 and some of the cool things it does plus think about and look at new windows movie screenshots combined with Apples bread and butter, the iPhone about to get taken on by palm and android which is why we're getting the features we want, further compounded by millions if 2 year contracts expiring AND that Apple still has NO mid range, that the MacBook has no FireWire but beget gpu (slap to pro and musicians and mom/dad cam corded), PLUS being over priced and no i7 machines, if windows 7 even remotly looks like mobile 7, aApple could be in a lot of trouble.

    Let's hope that phone sales flatten so Apple can get back to making great computers and stopm releasing underwhelmingmupdats.

    Typed on iPhone. My bad. :-)
  • Reply 268 of 330
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by teslacoil6603 View Post


  • Reply 269 of 330
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Last time I checked Macs have always cost more than a PC so what is your point?

    Actually they cost don't cost more and they don't cost less. A good computer from the PC side would be the same price is not even more.
  • Reply 270 of 330
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    We are about $600 computers that suppose to offer high end specs and performance. I know what I wrote might seem unclear but you need to follow the discussion to get the picture

    It was not unclear to me in any way. I followed the discussion and comprehend the discussion. That doesn't change anything in regards to the fact you made a statement that a $600.00 computer was not to be trusted. If you make a blanket statement such as that you need to be prepared to defend it and not pawn off responsibility to others. It wouldn't have taken you much more time to state you wouldn't trust a $600.00 17" laptop in comparison to a 17" macbook pro.
  • Reply 271 of 330
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by akirashimablue View Post

    Apple has a year round student discount. It is pretty good for students.

    Too bad Apple dropped the amount of the discount on the new unibody macbooks. FWIW, they did increase it on the Mac Mini.
  • Reply 272 of 330
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Actually the air never sold as well as they hoped. I wonder why? Why can't we have a dedicated GPU and 10 hours and weigh one pound. I know I know. Maybe in a few years but where is the powermac ala macbook pro 13??

    Still, the air is over




    Refurb price a little, not a lot, closer.

    I see the same thing happening with the Adamo. It will sell, but not as well as Dell expects. Too expensive. The only difference is number of sales between the Adamo and the Air need to be interpreted considering there are more Windows users.

    Well, the Air could have 10 hours of battery life if it had a replaceable, extended life battery such as the thinkpad X301. Too many corners cut on the Air to make it "pretty" (which it is). I bought a refurb Air and sent it back due to the battery issue. If only Apple had added a removable battery like on the Macbook unibody. The Air would still have clean lines and the battery could be replaced eaisly. I don't really care about a powerful GPU as this type of laptop isn't about gaming and such, but a lower-level dedicated gpu would still be helpful. The RAM should have been upgradeable too. I loved the Air design, but the limitations were a bit too much for me.
  • Reply 273 of 330
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    I see the same thing happening with the Adamo. It will sell, but not as well as Dell expects. Too expensive. The only difference is number of sales between the Adamo and the Air need to be interpreted considering there are more Windows users.

    Well, the Air could have 10 hours of battery life if it had a replaceable, extended life battery such as the thinkpad X301. Too many corners cut on the Air to make it "pretty" (which it is). I bought a refurb Air and sent it back due to the battery issue. If only Apple had added a removable battery like on the Macbook unibody. The Air would still have clean lines and the battery could be replaced eaisly. I don't really care about a powerful GPU as this type of laptop isn't about gaming and such, but a lower-level dedicated gpu would still be helpful. The RAM should have been upgradeable too. I loved the Air design, but the limitations were a bit too much for me.

    You know, I asked what were the marketing agencie thinking with the I'm not cool enough and it's sad when most users move on to a newer thread, sad. Sign of the times I suppose.
  • Reply 274 of 330
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    You know, I asked what were the marketing agencie thinking with the I'm not cool enough and it's sad when most users move on to a newer thread, sad. Sign of the times I suppose.

    You talk about the Air. Lamewing replies about the Air. Nothing sad about that.
  • Reply 275 of 330
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Actually the air never sold as well as they hoped. I wonder why?

    How would you know this? Apple never announced sales projections for the Air. Apple has never broken out individual sales numbers for the Air.


    Why can't we have a dedicated GPU and 10 hours and weigh one pound. I know I know. Maybe in a few years but where is the powermac ala macbook pro 13??

    No notebooks exists with these types of specs, there won't be one anytime soon. Because the demands of both hardware and software continue to grow.


    Still, the air is over Priced Big Time

    Based on what? What machine offers the function of the Air at a lower price?
  • Reply 276 of 330
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    I see the same thing happening with the Adamo. It will sell, but not as well as Dell expects. Too expensive. The only difference is number of sales between the Adamo and the Air need to be interpreted considering there are more Windows users.

    Most Windows users own sub $1000 machines, on average Apple sells more $1000+ machines than all other computer makers.


    Well, the Air could have 10 hours of battery life if it had a replaceable, extended life battery such as the thinkpad X301.

    Apple will be able to extend the Air's battery life once it uses the same battery management technology used in the 17" MacBook Pro.

    Its obvious Apple will move its entire notebook line to sealed batteries.
  • Reply 277 of 330
    7 pages of comment? Wow this ad really struck a nerve and put mac users on the defensive! This ad must have succeeded in its goal. MS strikes back! Even though I agree with most that it's a poor ad and a poor hp notebook. MS struck where it hurts the most to mac users. Pricing. All the explanations for macs being more expensive CANNOT counter MS attack. Maybe deep down we all wish we could buy a $699 mac.

    After years on the defensive from those I'm a PC/mac ads. MS dishes it back to us. Surprised? Oddly this ad doesn't really benefit MS, but HP.

    One punch and we've collectively have our mac underwear in a knot.
  • Reply 278 of 330
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by Kung Fu Guy View Post

    7 pages of comment? Wow this ad really struck a nerve and put mac users on the defensive! This ad must have succeeded in its goal. MS strikes back! Even though I agree with most that it's a poor ad and a poor hp notebook. MS struck where it hurts the most to mac users. Pricing. All the explanations for macs being more expensive CANNOT counter MS attack. Maybe deep down we all wish we could buy a $699 mac.

    After years on the defensive from those I'm a PC/mac ads. MS dishes it back to us. Surprised? Oddly this ad doesn't really benefit MS, but HP.

    One punch and we've collectively have our mac underwear in a knot.

    Not really.

    An Audi owner is generally more sophisticated than a Kia owner.

    Some people wear wrangles and others wear Citizen jeans

    etc etc etc.

    I don't want Macs to be for the commoner yet I want them to offer a good deal within the context that Macs do come at a premium rightly so.
  • Reply 279 of 330
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    It helps HP in a back handed way. They'd rather sell more machines that cost over $1000 than less.


    After years on the defensive from those I'm a PC/mac ads. MS dishes it back to us. Surprised? Oddly this ad doesn't really benefit MS, but HP.

  • Reply 280 of 330
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Kung Fu Guy View Post

    7 pages of comment? Wow this ad really struck a nerve and put mac users on the defensive! This ad must have succeeded in its goal. MS strikes back! Even though I agree with most that it's a poor ad and a poor hp notebook. MS struck where it hurts the most to mac users. Pricing. All the explanations for macs being more expensive CANNOT counter MS attack. Maybe deep down we all wish we could buy a $699 mac.

    After years on the defensive from those I'm a PC/mac ads. MS dishes it back to us. Surprised? Oddly this ad doesn't really benefit MS, but HP.

    One punch and we've collectively have our mac underwear in a knot.

    I don't understand the reasoning behind thinking that getting people talking on a Mac enthusiast site equals marketing success.

    MS could run an ad claiming Macs give you venereal diseases, and it would certainly get a lot of posts here, but that wouldn't mean that it was an effective ad campaign, would it?

    I also don't understand how telling people Macs cost more than PCs is any kind of big win for MS. It's pretty generally understood to be the case, is it not? Is there really a significant demographic that's going to view this ad and say to themselves "Say, I was thinking about switching from a PC to a Mac, but, I'll be damned, apparently they cost more! Forget it!"

    I honestly think that the "Get a Mac" campaign plus Apple's recent market successes have gotten under MS's skin, and that this campaign is more of a "fuck you too" then a thought out strategy.
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