Microsoft to attack Mac pricing in new series of TV ads



  • Reply 201 of 330
    ulfoafulfoaf Posts: 175member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Because they are scared, I mean I thought people said Apple was only at 3% worlwide and Microsoft had like 96%, why are they wasting their time on such a small segment, that is a blip on their radar. I guess they do feel the heat Apple lit under them.

    I believe Apple is more like 8% now in new sales and growing. It has a much higher percent of laptops over $1500.

    They are in a panic mode because they are losing monopoly status and actually have to respond to customers now! This comes from years of being fat lazy hogs who dished out whatever they wanted to give with no concern for customers whatsoever. Did any of us really want to buy a PC with no Windows CD? Did we have a choice? Like the old joke about Windows phone support, just get a parrot that says "Reinstall Windows! Reinstall Windows!"
  • Reply 202 of 330
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I love how Microsoft doesn't assign value to their operating system.

    It's just a featureless component at the heart of a collection of cheap technologies. This is exactly what they want. They want consumers to walk in with a laundry list of features and shop based on these features because they know at Best Buy they are on %95 of all computers.

    With Apple they promote what you can do with your computer and the funny thing is that everytime you see an Apple product odds are the users behind the product enjoy and leverage their product in the form of consuming content.

    iPhone users regarless of their computing platform consume a lot of software. Mac users buy a disproportionate amount of software.

    So when I see some obsessing about the "little" stuff like eSATA ports or card readers it strikes me as odd because the real crux of efficiency is the OS and Vista and it's replacement Windows 7 cannot match Apple I don't give a damn what anyone says.

    Mac users pay a premium to compute on OS X ...Windows is there by default and for years companies and users alike were downgrading Vista boxes to XP. That speaks volumes as to how they value Microsoft's OS.

    Amen Murch! As a systems administrator of over 20,000 windows sets, I wholeheartedly agree that Apple is light years ahead in terms of their OS.

    Vista is an abomination...and already our enterprise is waiting anxiously to hop onto Windows 7 in hopes that it will improve our OS situation. Unfortunately, with my short time with Windows 7, it doesn't appear to be any type of savior. It looks and feels like Vista, albeit a bit snappier. Regardless, I'm waiting to see what Snow Leopard will bring, as I'm thinking it will beat Windows 7 hands down.

    By the way, did they included the price of Virus software, Anti-spyware software, the cost of the third party applications that will allow you to view DVD movies, the cost of video chat software and hardware as well as the price of the software that it will take to make movies, DVDs, music, etc. that Mac has built-in? No, of course not. That's how all the PC makers do it. It's classic bait. Get you into the door with a stripped down POS PC that costs less, but in order for it to be as capable as a Mac, it will end up costing you even more. The comparison the ad attempts to make is off the charts, crazy.
  • Reply 203 of 330
    ulfoafulfoaf Posts: 175member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    I'm pretty sure anyone with half a brain can download Picasa for free.

    Apple isn't pricing themselves comparable to the market but rather out of the market. Their current customers will justify the price because of the experience but they need new blood all the time as does any platform. The kid buying his first laptop for college isn't going to drop $2500 versus $800 on an unknown. They don't have the money to purchase twice if they have made a mistake. Apple needs something to hook them in at a reasonable price. They used to do it with proprietary hardware that might not have even benefitted from the economics of scale. How they do have those advantages and still just run up the price.

    You are partially right. College kids are not buying MacBook Pros for $2500. They are buying Macbooks for $1000-$1400 in droves. The Macs are more popular with this age group probably than any others. My daughter came to me after using a crappy Toshiba laptop (that cost $1600 and failed in less than 2 years) and asked to get a Mac. We did. She is happy.
  • Reply 204 of 330
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    By the way, did they included the price of Virus software, Anti-spyware software, the cost of the third party applications that will allow you to view DVD movies, the cost of video chat software and hardware as well as the price of the software that it will take to make movies, DVDs, music, etc. that Mac has built-in?

    And what about the people who don't care about any of that and don't want to be forced to pay for stuff they're not going to use? I know people who don't use any of that stuff.
  • Reply 205 of 330
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    ... Doing so would DESTROY the brand loyalty the company has rightfully acquired over the past three decades. They'll do just fine continuing to sell "relatively" expensive computers which are routinely deemed to be worth the price many times over.

    It's actually about money. Apple simply spends more of it in design, development, and manufacturing. If they lower prices they will cut funding of all three. It can't come out of their margins because the stock would tank.

    It would just be a really dumb move.

    Also, can you believe these arguments about "poor college kids"? Give me a break. The cost of a Mac is trivial next to that of a college education.
  • Reply 206 of 330
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post


    For someone bored with this subject, you sure do have a lot to say about it.


    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    This is the add, utterly useless:

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Last time I checked Macs have always cost more than a PC so what is your point?

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    We've been hearing from people that Apple is irrelevant to Microsoft and Microsoft has 95% of the market, guess they must be feeling heat from Apple.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I agree, it shows that she really wants a mac but since she can't afford one, she has to settle for something cheaper. I guess that's what Microsoft wants to associate themselves with, cheap. This may actually help Apple, if people want the real thing you you go with Macs, if you want fakes, you go with PC's.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    The days of selling computers on speed/ram/hard drive are over. Heck even the Mac Mini is good for most people. For example I recently took my mom to the Apple store and the first question they asked us wasn't how much ram, hard drive, or processor we need but what ow were we looking to do with the computer, what software we need, this is how computers are being sold and not specs. When you go to the Apple store, they put more emphasis on software instead of specs. The days of buying on specs is coming to an end. Most computers available are fast enough for the majority of people.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves for putting out that disaster Vista, did you see the satisfaction rates posted for Vista, what a disgrace.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Im watching the sweet 16 and they just showed this.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Looking at those satisfaction rates for Vista, I would say you are in the minority for Vista users.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I don't trust any of them, I want to see Apple's data before saying anything, the same people have been saying Mac sales have been falling for well over year but Apple keeps announcing record profits and sales.

    If Microsoft is selling so many notebooks, why did they just lay of 5000 people, I guess they are also being affected by this so called depressions. Seems they aren't kicking Apple while they are down. What about Microsoft OEM's like Dell and HP who are seeing their profits drop, I thought they were all doing fine.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    So a 200 dollar netbook is equivalent to a Macbook?

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Well said.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    We will see what Windows 7 turns out to be, hope it's not like the last one.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Because they are scared, I mean I thought people said Apple was only at 3% worlwide and Microsoft had like 96%, why are they wasting their time on such a small segment, that is a blip on their radar. I guess they do feel the heat Apple lit under them.

    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I remember buying a Dell Inspiron with warranty in 2005 for over 2000 dollars, 1 year later it was half dead, with the battery not charging and the hinge almost falling off. After this I vowed never to buy another PC, even if I don't have the money for a Mac, I would rather save than go use another PC.

  • Reply 207 of 330
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    And what about the people who don't care about any of that and don't want to be forced to pay for stuff they're not going to use? I know people who don't use any of that stuff.

    If they don't use any of that stuff and they own a Mac, what are they using it for? I find that hard to believe. As a graphic designer who uses every high level software application out there including Final Cut Studio, Adobe CS4, Cinema, you name it, I still use every single included Apple software package as well.
  • Reply 208 of 330
    Wow not like I wouldn't expect appleinsider to be biased but I have to wonder if any of you have even used a PC before based off your responses. I have a two laptops, a mac and a PC. I'm using my pc right now as I do for everything other than graphic design and recharging my ipod. I can use just about any software or games I want on my PC, while Mac gives me shit if I even set a piece of incompatible software withing three feet of it's keyboard. The PC cost me about 600 bucks. I've never had to pay a cent more and I've had it for over a year, the Mac cost me over $1500 and I when I use it, it's for the most boring mundane stuff. I use the PC when I want to be entertained.

    Not really sure why mac users get their panties in a bunch every time microsoft calls em out, it's like listening to my gf explain why she absolutely had to buy a 1200 purse.
  • Reply 209 of 330
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    And what about the people who don't care about any of that and don't want to be forced to pay for stuff they're not going to use? I know people who don't use any of that stuff.

    Not going to use? AntiVirus and Anti-spyware? Really? On a Windows machine? Good luck with the people you know if their not using AntiVirus to protect themselves. Tell them come April 1st, they'll have a nice nightmare on their hands with the Conficker virus. And none of the people you know try to play a DVD movie on their laptop before? Friends don't watch movies I take it? I know plenty of people I know who are downright pissed when they find out that they have to go get PowerDVD, WinDVD, or Nero Showtime. That's extra cash Microsoft doesn't feel the need to tell you about in these types of ads.

    I think more of your point was going toward the suite of iLife applications. In my mind, it is nice to have an OS handle all of these tasks natively out of the box.

    And don't get me started on all the different flavors of the Microsoft OS there is...what a cluster f---. Are they purposely trying to confuse consumers? And, I might add, most of the time on these PCs, not all of the drivers are 100% functional. To the HP internet site you go searching for working drivers...that is, if you're lucky enough to have a working network driver.
  • Reply 210 of 330
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Amen Murch! As a systems administrator of over 20,000 windows sets, I wholeheartedly agree that Apple is light years ahead in terms of their OS.

    Vista is an abomination...and already our enterprise is waiting anxiously to hop onto Windows 7 in hopes that it will improve our OS situation. Unfortunately, with my short time with Windows 7, it doesn't appear to be any type of savior. It looks and feels like Vista, albeit a bit snappier. Regardless, I'm waiting to see what Snow Leopard will bring, as I'm thinking it will beat Windows 7 hands down.

    Yup and I actually think Snow Leopard Server is going to be pretty good too not because it's going to support ZFS but because we're getting second generation iCal, Spotlight and other core tools. I can't wait.
  • Reply 211 of 330
    They're right. Since Windows is hardware agnostic and there are more companies making systems that run it, there is more price competition. Apple can't justify more system options running OSX because its not in their business interest. Its just a fact and its not a new one. MS has finally successfully exploited that fact in their advertising. That fact is what made it so hard for me to choose a Mac as my last computer purchase and, even when I did, I still had trouble with iPhoto corrupting and deleting all my vacation photos. Only the fact that I'd backed them up to DVD on my work PC before deleting them from the memory card saved me (time machine wasn't out, yet). Even after having the system replaced since Apple couldn't fix it, I continue to have unrelated technical issues with iPhoto. All software has bugs and all assembly lines have less than 100% quality. All the nifty design in the world didn't prevent that near loss for me. So why pay more?

    Regardless of what I could afford, it feels ostentatious to blow two grand or more on a computer right now as I watch businesses close left and right and talk to family members who have lost their jobs. As ugly as they are, this is the economy for beige boxes.
  • Reply 212 of 330
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    No, they will not. Lack of MDI, maximize/minimize buttons on another side, much narrower variety of software to steal, etc, etc... It's a real PITA after years of PC experience. It takes the entire brain and years and years again to understand where and why Mac is better...

    I'm not saying Macs are for everyone. My point is that the extra money you pay is worth not having all the headaches that go with Windows. Most general computing doesn't need access to MDI files, and the argument about the close button being on the other side is silly.

    My 60 year old mother bought an iMac after years of PC use (in the professional setting) and loves it. It took her all of a week to get used the UI.

    Besides, if you need full Windows compatibility, install Windows on it.
  • Reply 213 of 330
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by closerlook View Post

    Wow not like I wouldn't expect appleinsider to be biased but I have to wonder if any of you have even used a PC before based off your responses.


    Many of us have switched from Windows. Most Mac users are intimately familiar with the Windows "experience", which is why we left it in the first place. Chances are, we're forced to use them at work and fix Windows issues for friends and family.

    In fact, Mac users are by far the more informed group. Anyone can drop into a Best Buy and grab the cheapest PC that runs Windows. Most people do. It takes an informed user to go against the grain, however, and actively choose a Mac.
  • Reply 214 of 330
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    PC User talks about what cool doohickey's came with their PC.

    Mac user talks about what cool stuff they were able to do with their Mac

    The former only cares about the doohickey and the most at the lowest price wins.

    The latter cares about efficiency and workflow and production.
  • Reply 215 of 330
    Apparently a lot of people failed to see the sarcasm in the "I guess I'm not cool enough to be a Mac person" line.

    In any event, I don't have the time to run through 6 pages right now, but I do think that the Lauren ad does make one good point... That it's pretty ridiculous not to have a 17" laptop under $2800.

    Or not to have a 15" laptop under $2000 for that matter.
  • Reply 216 of 330
    Originally Posted by Feynman View Post

    Yup. Who do you think this ad benefited:

    One hint, not Apple!

    The difference is that Pentium was the established player in the market at the time, so there logo was all over the place anyways. Apple introducing it does nothing for Intel.

    Apple is barely a bit player in the laptop market. Microsoft just legitimized them as competition, although they are way behind...Thats a HUGE mistake, IMO.
  • Reply 217 of 330
    Originally Posted by closerlook View Post

    Wow not like I wouldn't expect appleinsider to be biased but I have to wonder if any of you have even used a PC before based off your responses. I have a two laptops, a mac and a PC. I'm using my pc right now as I do for everything other than graphic design and recharging my ipod. I can use just about any software or games I want on my PC, while Mac gives me shit if I even set a piece of incompatible software withing three feet of it's keyboard. The PC cost me about 600 bucks. I've never had to pay a cent more and I've had it for over a year, the Mac cost me over $1500 and I when I use it, it's for the most boring mundane stuff. I use the PC when I want to be entertained.

    Not really sure why mac users get their panties in a bunch every time microsoft calls em out, it's like listening to my gf explain why she absolutely had to buy a 1200 purse.

    Troll Alert...Troll Alert...WWWOOOOTTTT WWWWOOOOTTTT!!!!
  • Reply 218 of 330
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    Many of us have switched from Windows. Most Mac users are intimately familiar with the Windows "experience", which is why we left it in the first place. Chances are, we're forced to use them at work and fix Windows issues for friends and family.

    In fact, Mac users are by far the more informed group. Anyone can drop into a Best Buy and grab the cheapest PC that runs Windows. Most people do. It takes an informed user to go against the grain, however, and actively choose a Mac.

    I couldn't agree more. Those who claim PCs are for some reason superior most likely have never used a Mac for more than 5 minutes, let alone owned one. I myself have owned and used both Macs and PCs for over 20 years. As a web developer I am forced to have a PC for testing purposes and as someone (in my opinion being very well informed of both platforms) who uses both a on daily basis, I can say without hesitation that the Macintosh is by far and away the better machine, not just in terms of quality of hardware, but software as well. Everything just works, and works without having to install 15 drivers and reboot 43 times. Cheap does not mean better folks. I hate that everyone always uses the price of a Mac as it's weakness when in fact the Mac, part for part is the same if not cheaper than an equally equipped PC. Compare apples to apple (no pun intended) when making a comparison, not apples to raisins.

    Mark my words PC peeps, Microsoft Windows is going the way of the Betamax cassette.
  • Reply 219 of 330
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Apparently the woman isn't EVEN a real shopper necessarily but actually an actress.

    (Not that actresses can't shop, but...)

    For those too lazy to click on the link:
    But here’s my favorite part from Andrea James’s report on the ad campaign for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

    Lauren is, apparently, a “real” person and not an actress. She works as an office manager but is also a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

    I’m sure all sorts of people who aren’t actors are members of the Screen Actors Guild. Some people join unions just for fun. Update: AP reporter Jessica Mintz says Lauren is an actress.
    Originally Posted by surur View Post

    Remember people, Apple notebook sales are dropping while Windows notebook sales are increasing.

    Maybe now is the wrong time to be a premium brand.

    We shall see.

    If you read all the data, Jan. is weak and Feb. is a bad point for Apple, but still kicking butt in the latter months of '08. So open for grabs whether we're seeing a trend or an "exogenous glitch" influenced by other factors.

    Sales of notebooks after Snow Leopard and Win 7 are released will be more important data points. And an Apple entry in the between-iPhone-and-MacBook (the "not a netbook" machine) will further reshuffle the deck.
  • Reply 220 of 330
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    They jack them up by at least 20% here in the UK. And that isn't all stering either.

    Yes but the fact is that IT IS all down to exchange rates and you constantly moaning about Apple's UK prices will not change the fact that we are in a global recession and the UK pound is in the crapper.

    EG. Apple's recent desktop update. Yes the UK prices went up... but .... at today's ex rate.... and less vat (sales tax) ... the average cost is actually cheaper than the US dollar value.

    You couldn't have said that a year ago. You think other US companys are different? Go buy a Dell Adamo at the UK site. It will cost you 70 dollars more plus the vat!

    exchange rate:

    March 2009 £1.00 = $ 1.43

    March 2008 £1.00 = $ 2.01

    Do you see the difference Lemon?
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