Microsoft to attack Mac pricing in new series of TV ads



  • Reply 101 of 330
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    We all knew that Apple took their foot off of the computer business gas pedal when the name was changed from "Apple Computer, Inc." to "Apple, Inc.".

    The vast majority of Apple's resources, talent and time has gone into their handheld computing platform, the iPhone/iPod Touch. Apple clearly is skating to where they think the puck will be and has placed their traditional computer business in maintenance mode.

    Who knows, Apple may be right. In 5 years time Apple may only have one desktop model (MacPro) and one traditional notebook model (MacBook Pro) to chose from with all other sales coming from a plethora of handheld computing/networking/communicating devices ranging from 3.5" to 7" screen sizes.

    What ever the reason it is clear that Apple is no longer focusing on desktops and notebooks. Yes the iMac has gone aluminum/glass and the MacBook(Pro) have gone unibody aluminum/glass but all of these are just mere evolutionary not revolutionary changes.

    edit: Oh yeah I forgot. Snow Leopard. I am firmly convinced that this is more related research being fleshed out for future versions of the iPhone platform than for traditional computing. Shortly the multi core phenomenon is coming to the iPhone. It is the future!
  • Reply 102 of 330
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    You know. I think people really forget that when Vista came out msft still supported so and win me and 98. Msft going for one os nowkeeping in mind I. T. never updated to vista but will for Win 7 combined with one os from Redmond, I think microsoft may have a hit this time around and Apple will be fine but will focus more on consumer electronics. They have IMHO, lost their vision as a computer developer, especially one if cutting edge.

    Well I've got to say some of Apple's hardware decisions don't quite agree with me but even if we speak about computing from within the context of the iPhone it's clear that Apple is breaking ground with software.

    The iPhone is actually a platform that is launching new tech like location based service and cocoa touch first and then that tech migrates to Apples portable lineup later.

    I think their software vision is fine. Apple realizes that they must be efficient and that mobile devices are the key which means OS X will be centered around more efficient computing. The is the antithesis if Microsoft's strategy which had them tossing so much into Vista it struggled under the bloat until fast hardware came and saved it.

    I have a Core Duo 1.66Ghz that still feels very acceptable regarding performance yet the fastest iMac has almost doubled my processing speeds. I think that's certainly a testament to Apple's design of OS X which will only get better.
  • Reply 103 of 330
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by kresh View Post

    The vast majority of Apple's resources, talent and time has gone into their handheld computing platform, the iPhone/iPod Touch. Apple clearly is skating to where they think the puck will be and has placed their traditional computer business in maintenance mode.

    Who knows, Apple may be right. In 5 years time Apple may only have one desktop model (MacPro) and one traditional notebook model (MacBook Pro) to chose from with all other sales coming from a plethora of handheld computing/networking/communicating devices ranging from 3.5" to 7" screen sizes.

    What ever the reason it is clear that Apple is no longer focusing on desktops and notebooks. Yes the iMac has gone aluminum/glass and the MacBook(Pro) have gone unibody aluminum/glass but all of these are just mere evolutionary not revolutionary changes.

    I don't think it's going to take even 5 years. Analysts are crowing about Netbooks and most of the idiots don't even realize that Apple saw the rise of portable computing devices far earlier than they did. Most didn't even understand the PA Semiconductor acquisition for what it was. Now many decree that Apple is late to the Netbook party which further displays their ignorance.

    Netbooks are just a stop gap. They still run inefficient motherboards and GPU with Atom chip that wasn't quite efficient enough to get into a phone. The coup de grace is the SoC design computer with days of standby availability and pervasive network connectivity.

    I'm betting Apple gets there first with a groundbreaking product and the analysts won't understand then much like they don't today.
  • Reply 104 of 330
    doc362doc362 Posts: 43member
    Lets equate this to a car commercial. Kia says they're cheaper and they give you the money to buy one for free.. disregard the fact that its a piece of junk. YOU'RE GETTING A FREE CAR!

    who the hell wouldn't be happy?

    This is an over farmed demographic anyway. Advertising to people who are already going to buy your product because it's not in their budget to buy anything else is.. stupid.

    The old adage "you get what you pay for" comes to mind.
  • Reply 105 of 330
    doc362doc362 Posts: 43member
    oh also.

    I still can't get over the fact that Microsoft is doing all the leg work to advertise for 3rd party manufacturers.. shouldn't they like.. advertise for themselves?

    Silly M$
  • Reply 106 of 330
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I don't think it's going to take even 5 years. Analysts are crowing about Netbooks and most of the idiots don't even realize that Apple saw the rise of portable computing devices far earlier than they did. Most didn't even understand the PA Semiconductor acquisition for what it was. Now many decree that Apple is late to the Netbook party which further displays their ignorance.

    Netbooks are just a stop gap. They still run inefficient motherboards and GPU with Atom chip that wasn't quite efficient enough to get into a phone. The coup de grace is the SoC design computer with days of standby availability and pervasive network connectivity.

    I'm betting Apple gets there first with a groundbreaking product and the analysts won't understand then much like they don't today.

    Even developers are already adopting. I think more developers like Pangea will soon be dropping the Mac and moving solely to the iPhone platform. Apple is really dialing in on this transition and the smart developers will too.

    I'm not trying to derail the thread. I think it is the reason Apple is perceived as having a more expensive cost of ownership than even last year. Apple is going to coast on in with the current desktop/notebooks until their game changer is ready.
  • Reply 107 of 330
    halanrhalanr Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    without starting a flame war can we be real here???

    Terrible screen? You do know the white and black MacBooks have terrible screens right? A far cry trim the mbpro line. Look at any white/black MacBook from an angle. Terrible. And these are still $1000.00. Surprised no one picked up on this. Hmm.

    The white model was never great, but the new unibody screen is much worse. Don't take my word, check out many reputable reviews. It's way too glossy, and has a much narrower viewing angle. It is, in fact, an inferior panel compared to the other models. I have to put up with complaints with many of my users everyday, and we've stopped purchasing them because of that. We have now gone back to purchasing the white model for users who don't qualify for a MBP.

    I agree that some users have gotten use to them, and they pose no problem... and personally, I love the unibody design, but really, Apple is using a sub-standard display in these models. We have bright lighting in our offices, and I just can't tolerate sitting in front of one. I have to adjust it in just the perfect position, and keep my head and neck at just the right angle, or else I have to start over again. My old white model has a much wider viewing angle and isn't as reflective.

    Just my opinion...
  • Reply 108 of 330
    halanrhalanr Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by doc362 View Post

    Lets equate this to a car commercial. Kia says they're cheaper and they give you the money to buy one for free.. disregard the fact that its a piece of junk. YOU'RE GETTING A FREE CAR!

    who the hell wouldn't be happy?

    This is an over farmed demographic anyway. Advertising to people who are already going to buy your product because it's not in their budget to buy anything else is.. stupid.

    The old adage "you get what you pay for" comes to mind.

    Exactly... that's why this is a good ad. It communicates directly to people that would purchase something like this anyway. There will always be people that will view price as the determining factor, even though, as many people here have already mentioned, the cost of ownership, and the time it takes to keep a PC "maintained", will make their purchase into one that far exceeds the initial cost of the product.

    My time is valuable to me ... one of my co-workers uses a PC. Sometimes we both start up our computers within a short time of each other. Most times, after the initial boot process, I'm off to working on something, while he is waiting for updates, having his spyware and AV software running, either looking for updates, or doing scans. Then, of course when his MS updates are done, he usually has to do a reboot. By the time all this has happened, 20 minutes have passed and he's just getting started. I just don't see how you can call this efficient.

    But, the economy needs stimulating, and maybe they'll sell a ton of PCs. I just feel sorry for those that don't know what they're getting into.
  • Reply 109 of 330
    halanrhalanr Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I don't think the new MS add is very good but its *a whole lot better* than this one.

    OMG! I had heard this new Dell was out, but hadn't taken the time to really check it out. I don't even know where to begin. The VLOG was a joke, but then again, Dell's site was even worse. They criticize Apple for being "cool", but their ad opens with these models "striking a pose" holding their Adamo?! WTF!? The guy in the VLOG talks about how everyone will be "noticing" you, but hey, that's cool, you KNOW you're cool with this thing... give me a break. They're not selling the notebook at all, just the cool factor. Then, they go on and on about how the etched design pattern changes when you view it from different angles. First, who cares? Second, IMHO, the design looks kinda "girly" and I wouldn't be caught dead carrying around something like that. I do like the overall design, but etching little patterns in it is too much.

    Lastly, when I saw the price I expected to be blown away by the specs, but instead they're terrible. Who would pay this much for such lackluster specs?

    They should re-shoot this commercial with the girl going in to purchase a Adamo.... she's definitely not "cool" enough for that thing. And neither am I.
  • Reply 110 of 330
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    (Not that actresses can't shop, but...)

    she just cant act like a real shopper.
  • Reply 111 of 330
    tawilsontawilson Posts: 484member
    Originally Posted by Mister Ko View Post

    This might make sense if Dell or HP did it, though their high end offerings are expensive too.

    Microsoft offers various stripped and crippled versions of their OS; Home Basic Edition ($199.95), Home Premium Edition ($259.95), Business ($299.95) and Ultimate ($319.95).

    Apple just sells one full version ($129.00).

    MS may be setting themselves up again....

    Technically Apple version is an upgrade as the hardware is effectively the full licence.
  • Reply 112 of 330
    If I need a 17" notebook for under $1000, I would rather buy a used G4 Powerbook that runs Leopard than a brand new HP with Vista!
  • Reply 113 of 330
    Apple should just come out and say it....all the power and security of Linux with a really cool desktop that you are going to love on reliable(for the most part) hardware. That is os x and Apple in a nutshell. Sure you can't recompile your kernel into whatever form you want it to be......but who does that appeal to? .02% of the population? Most people don't care though. I can run Vista or xp on my mac......but honestly I don't much any more. I had a nice HP laptop before my MBP, and I'd never, ever in a million years go back. They would have to give me the computer and pay me on a monthly basis. It was like the middle ages. LOL all the people who have Windows computers used to call me up and ask me to fix their computers--now I just tell them to buy a Mac (unless its my mom or GF). I don't deal with Windows anymore. Refuse actually. I tell people to call MS support or Dell or HP. Or pony up and buy a mac. It will last for many, many years to come. Ha, ha.....even old G4s can still run OS X......not going to be true with Snow Leopard....but try running Vista on a 6+ year old PC...good luck.
  • Reply 114 of 330
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Exactly. People are starting to have their whole life in their computers. Family pictures, movies, music, financial data.. etc. Personally, I wouldn't trust a $600 computer with my files. I already lost enough data from my older Windows PCs due to HDD failures caused by Windows hibernation and other cheap HW issues. At least with Mac and TC I don't have to worry about backup anymore.

    You are right... My colleagues were saying.. "I would get a Mac, but I don't really do the creative media stuff..."

    I said to them that our lives are made of up of our media these days, holiday photos... videos.. etc And they thought to themselves and said "Oh yeah". The iLife suite is so far ahead when it comes to managing the content that an average user would accumulate, not to mention the ease at which people can start to get creative with that. On a PC my Mum would never really do anything with her photos, but using iPhoto she has created slideshows and sends pictures to people etc.

    Reading a spec sheet in a cheap PC shop does not help there at all. People who don't 'get it' won't get it.

    I also agree with the other poster about how heartbreaking it is to see one of my friends tell me they just bought a new computer, being some low cost laptop, and then how pretty soon they start ringing me with the slowdown problems they are having, or that the internet works 'some of the time'. Sigh.
  • Reply 115 of 330
    Originally Posted by doc362 View Post


    If that "free car" was a Kia........I'd still shell out for a BMW. Would not even think twice. You could even in fact give me a top of the line Windows HP laptop (hell, top of the line Windows server) for free....I'd still buy a Mac. Preaching to the already "saved" but Kias and PCs suck.
  • Reply 116 of 330
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    In today's economy every is trying to watch their dollars a bit closer.

    Ballmer kicked of the "Apple's too expensive" campaign last week and now

    it looks like Microsoft is going to ride this for their 8 seconds.

    The scary part is that for once they may be right. Apple's latest lineup is

    simply not price/performance competitive.

    it is however positioned such that "price cuts" will get lotsa press, more so if Steve returns looking plump to announce those same cuts.

    get well soon Steve!
  • Reply 117 of 330
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Another retarded ad. It's like a bad car commercial.

    Here's the real (more obvious) message:

    She can't afford the better product, so she settles on the inferior alternative. Not only does she openly acknowledge that Macs are cooler, but she went there *first*. This ad really shows MS as the CHEAPO alternative. The "econo" brand. Which is true. In every sense of the word. Does MS want to be the Wal Mart budget brand?? Oh, that's right, they already are. MS trashes its image in this commercial something serious. Good job dragging poor HP into the mix.

    Apple of course, targets the premium end of the market. And there are still plenty of people out there with disposable income and well-paying jobs. Apple is a premium brand like any other.

    She basically admitted she's not good enough to get an Apple. Way to pump your competition's image, MS. Can't make a decent, interesting ad, so might as well make one modeled after a car commercial this time around.

    And it really helps if MS actually AIRS these ads. I've seen maybe two since the summer. Meanwhile I see at least three Apple ads every hour.

    "I'm just not cool enough to be a Mac person."

    That's right, "Lauren", you're not.
  • Reply 118 of 330
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    In today's economy every is trying to watch their dollars a bit closer.

    Ballmer kicked of the "Apple's too expensive" campaign last week and now

    it looks like Microsoft is going to ride this for their 8 seconds.

    The scary part is that for once they may be right. Apple's latest lineup is

    simply not price/performance competitive.

    I would agree that Apple's offerings are not PRICE competitive, in the sense that they don't even try to compete on the lower tier of price. But you stated "price/performance" competitive, and in my opinion they certainly are that. Sure, if you only stop at one feature, like the screen size, perhaps your assertion is valid (like the cases mentioned in the article). But there are a lot of aspects to a computer, and feature for feature, Macs are competitive.

  • Reply 119 of 330
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    I would agree that Apple's offerings are not PRICE competitive, in the sense that they don't even try to compete on the lower tier of price. But you stated "price/performance" competitive, and in my opinion they certainly are that. Sure, if you only stop at one feature, like the screen size, perhaps your assertion is valid (like the cases mentioned in the article). But there are a lot of aspects to a computer, and feature for feature, Macs are competitive.


    The whole "performance" question is a moot point: OS X. Completely different environment, completely different experience, completely different way in which hardware is leveraged.

    That's the kicker. People who argue that they can get a more powerful system for the same or less money seem to forget that those systems don't run OS X. They don't get the same user experience as part of the whole Apple ecosystem. Macs that run OS X not only have a longer shelf life, but they have a a far greater resale value.

    That is the LIE that Microsoft is trying to peddle here. The problem is, however, that when people see a Mac in action . . . it's not running Windows. Then they realize it's a totally different ballgame. MS is trying to perpetuate the idea that there is no difference between generic PCs and Macs. When in fact, the differences are like night and day, and the public already knows this.

    And again, it's really quite amazing, a company the size of Microsoft can have such a poor marketing strategy as to call the competition "cool". Especially in a world with obsession on personal appearance, this practically endorses the competition.

    And the only point of difference they can think of to argue on is . . . price. Soon we will have buy one, get one free. Way to admit you're the budget-brand, MS!
  • Reply 120 of 330
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by guinness View Post

    I can do the photo editing on my $600 Mini, but it's a bit slow, and the 80 GB HD is a serious drawback, and iPhoto simply sucks.

    What photo editing software that is included with the Dell for the price of purchase doesn't suck more than iPhoto?
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