FTC investigating antitrust ties between Apple, Google



  • Reply 41 of 65
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    GSM phones that work on AT&T also work on T-Mobile...how because most GSM chip set are quad or tri band, which means they can operate on any of the 3 or 4 frequencies that GSM operates on world wide. I have an AT&T phone which I unlocked to work on T-Mobile.

    I suspect Apple is also using one of these tri or quad band chips too thus the reason is works all over the world.

    Face people CDMA only works in the US and with Verizon and Sprint, and if you wanted a Iphone which work not only in the US but world wild Apple would have to put in two chip set one for CDMA and one for GSM, which as it was pointed out it would chew up more power and put out more heat...

    If Motorola could modify the RAZR fr GSM to CDMA- Apple could surely do the same.
  • Reply 42 of 65
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Ah, the two companies should just merge already and get it over with.

    I disagree strongly. Apple will lose its identity, and more importantly, its focus.

    What could they possibly gain from being in the search business and having an ad revenue-driven business model?

    I think Schmidt should leave the board, and this becomes a non-issue. There are many good people who can serve on Apple's board.
  • Reply 43 of 65
    sowardsoward Posts: 33member
    Google offers 'online disk storage' like mobile me? really?
  • Reply 44 of 65
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    This isn't that big of a deal, although these guys will have to choose which boards they want to stay on, and that's a tough decision.

    So what do you guys think? Would you stay with Apple or Google? (I kind of already know most of you will say Apple being that this is apple forums lol)
  • Reply 45 of 65
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I think it would be brilliant!

    In what way? Can you say a bit more about why you think a merger between Apple and Google will make business sense??
  • Reply 46 of 65
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    There is not a billion potential customers for the iPhone in China, as most of the population would not be able to afford the iPhone

    I think that's why he used the word "potential."
  • Reply 47 of 65
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    "Interlocking" boards of directors are common. Of the eight current members of Apple's board, seven are either CEOs or members boards of directors at other corporations.

    Nothing to see here, move along.
  • Reply 48 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    It is rather sad that the US has managed to screw up what is supposed to be a global standard.

    The US didn't screw up anything. The US had more cells operating that anywhere else in the beginning. Cell service pretty much started here. I believe CDMA came before GSM. At least, in a real network, not in a lab.

    T-Mobile isn't really a US company either. Its European parent chose the freaky 1700 MHz frequency it uses. Why, I can't imagine.

    The fact that most of the world chose GSM doesn't mean that it's better. There are plenty of arguments that it's worse. It certainly is when voice quality is concerned.
  • Reply 49 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Lochias View Post

    If the Government objects to their talking to each other (at the Board level), how are they going to approve a merger??

    There's a big difference.

    The government might not approve MS and Yahoo having interlocked directorships, because they are both involved in search and advertising, but MS could buy Yahoo.

    However, Google couldn't buy Yahoo, OR have an interlocking directorship, because the two would constitute too much of the market together, and they are in exactly the same business. They couldn't even constitute a deal on advertising because of the monopoly aspects.

    Apple and Google compete in a very few areas. An investigation doesn't mean that there will be a request by the government to end the relationship. It's just an inquiry as to whether they should.

    But Apple is not involved in Googles main business, which is search and advertising. Because of that, they could merge. It wouldn't create a monopoly in either area, for one, because Google is already a monopoly in advertising, and almost one in search. But Apple would contribute nothing directly to either of those areas.

    As for phones, Apple is far from being a monopoly there, and Android is just getting started, with an uncertain future.

    The government also usually determines that the two should have over 2% of their businesses in sales as a minimum for consideration for competition, but thats not a fixed number.
  • Reply 50 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    Note your own words: "cheap, dodgy knock-offs". If the average Chinese has the option to pay full price for an iPhone or have one that looks very similar and might even have more features for less money, take a guess which one they will go for.

    The real one.
  • Reply 51 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    GSM phones that work on AT&T also work on T-Mobile...how because most GSM chip set are quad or tri band, which means they can operate on any of the 3 or 4 frequencies that GSM operates on world wide. I have an AT&T phone which I unlocked to work on T-Mobile.

    I suspect Apple is also using one of these tri or quad band chips too thus the reason is works all over the world.

    Face people CDMA only works in the US and with Verizon and Sprint, and if you wanted a Iphone which work not only in the US but world wild Apple would have to put in two chip set one for CDMA and one for GSM, which as it was pointed out it would chew up more power and put out more heat...

    We're talking about 3G, and they don't.

    Case closed.
  • Reply 52 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If Motorola could modify the RAZR fr GSM to CDMA- Apple could surely do the same.

    It's not whether they could, of course they can, but whether it would pay for them to do so.

    CDMA has at most, another 2 years left here, why bother?

    When 4G arrives, in 2010, and Apple's newer models support that, then both AT&T and Verizon's networks will work.

    Meanwhile, there's no guarantee that Apple would pull in enough extra sales to make the temporary effort worthwhile. And if Verizon is still wanting too much control over the phones and services, what would be the advantage for Apple, OR its customers?
  • Reply 53 of 65
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The real one.

    Do you really believe that or is that just your iBoy protectionism surfacing? Considering I have spent many, many years in SWA, I can assure you from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE in living there, that the knockoff will win hands down. Get a knockoff and with what's left over I can feed my family.

    In short. You are wrong on this one. We can simply draw the line and go the agree to disagree route which is fine with me, but if you have experience living in SWA, hell even other parts of the world where the local population can be considered 3rd World, by all means put forth your argument.
  • Reply 54 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I disagree strongly. Apple will lose its identity, and more importantly, its focus.

    What could they possibly gain from being in the search business and having an ad revenue-driven business model?

    I think Schmidt should leave the board, and this becomes a non-issue. There are many good people who can serve on Apple's board.

    I see numerous advantages. Right now, Google is mounting what may be the most effective campaign to minimize MS on the desktop that's ever been attempted. Netscape tried that, and was crushed. MS never saw Google as a threat, because it was so confident of its own efforts and power. Google has become much too big, and rich for MS to have that work. In fact, MS is losing what business they already had in search and advertising. This is a major area that MS must get into, and it's not working because of Google.

    Yet, despite what we read in various places about Android not competing with the iPhone/iTouch platform, but Win Mobile, that's nonsense. While we don't yet know how much of a success it will be, if it is, it will impact severely Apple's platform, and future plans. Plans that Apple is strongly riding on to move them into the future with "the next big thing".

    Yet, Apple and Google cooperate in many areas. There has been so much synergism between the two that Schmitt has felt it necessary to say several times that they and Apple were not thinking of merging.

    I think that this merger would be the only real way a strong competitor to MS could develop. Google's software would greatly expand Apple's presence everywhere, and Apple's hardware would give Google's software a definitive platform to work off of.

    I believe the two would have that synergistic relationship that would immeasurably strengthen both brands into one unstoppable force.

    I'm not concerned about either losing focus.

    I don't really see it happening because both companies are doing so well so far, but that's something else.
  • Reply 55 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    Do you really believe that or is that just your iBoy protectionism surfacing? Considering I have spent many, many years in SWA, I can assure you from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE in living there, that the knockoff will win hands down. Get a knockoff and with what's left over I can feed my family.

    In short. You are wrong on this one. We can simply draw the line and go the agree to disagree route which is fine with me, but if you have experience living in SWA, hell even other parts of the world where the local population can be considered 3rd World, by all means put forth your argument.

    I don't, as you know, have an iBoy interest. Maybe you are showing a little anti-Apple sentiment here?

    It's been known a year ago, that over 400,000 iPhones had made their way into China. Many articles have reported that. By now, that could be another 200,000.

    That's not even phones that are supported by Apple, and without the ability to take advantage of many of its features. These phones have been selling there for hundreds of dollars.

    It's widely accepted that the reasons the clones have been successful is because of the lack of an actual iPhone. That's not to say that some people may not still buy a fake. Actually, it's thought that many people buying these fakes think they are the actual thing, not knowing any better.

    The Chinese middle class, which numbers almost 450,000,000, considers high end phones to be prestige luxury items, not having the means to buy even more expensive items instead. Again, reports out of China show that many people buy new phones every year.

    It's thought that, unlike India, China will be a very good market for Apple's phones. Its becoming a very good market for their iPods.
  • Reply 56 of 65
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If Motorola could modify the RAZR fr GSM to CDMA- Apple could surely do the same.

    They sure did at the cost of battery power, and it took two extra years to meet the Verizon specific requirements which dumb down the phone.

    Also the RAZR is only GSM or CDMA, it is not both. The GSM version is more of a World Phone too, it works everywhere.
  • Reply 57 of 65
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    We're talking about 3G, and they don't.

    Case closed.

    hmm interesting, I have a MotoQ (work required) which is a 3G phone it was and is an AT&T specific phone which I unlocked and inserted my T-mobile SIM card into and it work. Grant it for t-mobile it operates on EDGE not 3G however when I am out side the US it work on 3G without a problem and even in Japan which has their own GSM network that most all GSM non Japaneses phone do not work there.
  • Reply 58 of 65
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    hmm interesting, I have a MotoQ (work required) which is a 3G phone it was and is an AT&T specific phone which I unlocked and inserted my T-mobile SIM card into and it work. Grant it for t-mobile it operates on EDGE not 3G however when I am out side the US it work on 3G without a problem and even in Japan which has their own GSM network that most all GSM non Japaneses phone do not work there.

    He's not saying that if your phone is 3G capable that that you can't use it on T-Mobile, he said that you can't use 3G on T-Mobile. You said the same thing he did.
  • Reply 59 of 65
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    hmm interesting, I have a MotoQ (work required) which is a 3G phone it was and is an AT&T specific phone which I unlocked and inserted my T-mobile SIM card into and it work. Grant it for t-mobile it operates on EDGE not 3G however when I am out side the US it work on 3G without a problem and even in Japan which has their own GSM network that most all GSM non Japaneses phone do not work there.

    Well, that's what we're talking about. It doesn't work on their weird 3G, T-Mobile that is.
  • Reply 60 of 65
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I think that's why he used the word "potential."

    They are not even potential if they cannot afford one. After all that is what I am constantly told on this site.
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